FACT "OUt THE MICHMAN nATT Y a'- 1[avA A A IA-1N S..4 .J.A.4L S$ATURD1AY, MAY 29, J1929t Published every morning except Mouay luring the University year by theSoat na Control of. Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the posteffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.9e; by mail, $4.00. Offices: Ant Arbor Press Building. May- lard Street. Phones: RdltorIaL 4112; busliessW 101114. D1TOMIAL RTAFI lephone 4S35 MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS Chairman. Editorial Board.... Normsan R. Tha Women' Editor. .............. S. Ramsay News Editor........... Manning Housewortb Sport's Editor.............--Joseph Kruger Telegraph Editor...........William Walthour Music and Drama........Robert B. Henderson Night Editorsk Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hlail Thomas V. KoykW W. Calvin Patterson Assistant City Editors Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito Assistants er stadium, and for a monumental ex- pansion of the program of "athletics for all." There are other things innumerable things, for which the past University year will long be remembered by those who took part in it. It has been a great year,-perhaps not the great- est, but there have been none greater. THE NARCOTIC CONFERENCE With millions of orientals and hun- dreds of thousands of Americans caught in the narcotic traffic, it has been no phenomenon, to critical ob- servers that attempts to regulate, pro- hibit, or limit it have been discourag- ing failures. Past attempts have been nullified by the organized efforts of those who have capitalized on human degeneracy. China heroically deter- mined to thwart this blight a few years ago, suffered, then reverted to its old vicious habit. Most of the ef- forts made in the past have been similar to locking the stable after the horse is gone. Endeavor has been concentrated on the attempted cure E of hopeless addicts rather than in preventing the spread of the traffic among the young. It has now been seen that the only way the evil can be wiped out will be by a process of universal education; indeed, this is the only way that deepseated social evils can be eradicated. As a result, there will take place in Philadelphia within a few weeks a world-wide conference, representing the nations concerned, for Itlie pur- pose of concentrating activity and co- operation in the extension of pre- ventative narcotic education. It is expected that while this conference will make no immediate and direct effort to influence international legis- lation, the benefits coordinating world endeavor will be invaluable, and a distinct step taken toward the eventual solution of the monstrous evil. With thousands of heroin ad- dicts in every one of our large cities and millions of orientals caught in the clutches of the opium habit, the task of abolishing the drug evil is a gigantic one. But it is to the credit of those setting out to curb it that they are fully aware of their tre- mendous job. Perhaps the Philadel- phia conference will be the beginning of the distant end. _ r r 1 i i . 1 1 nirrirnnrr. "ninrir rin mn,...nnf..n,.......,.n. r . I OASTED ROLL LUCK 7 lk F We have come to the jumping-off place-the place from which we make our plunge into the great unknown, the finals. And so to you we give our best wishes for good guessing on the finals, and may the instructor happen to hit on the part of the course you studied last night. * *8* Since it is necessary that we study for our various finals, we have de- cided that we cannot have a column for the rest of the semester. And therefore the Daily has had to suspend publication.e * * *j IMUSIC AD R A M . DRAMA "THE GRAND DUCHESS AND THE WAITER" A review, by Leston Whitehead. "The Grand Duchess and the Waiter", from the French of AlfredI Savoir, is a gay whimsical bit of nonsense, as Gallic as "La Vie Paris- ienne" and embodying the same subtlety and finesse of expression as that widely-read periodical. The plot is too well-known to bear repeti- tion; the lines are Continental-dan- gerously so in places; and the cast is excellent. Engraved Cards for Seniors Order Now G R A , lH M oOK STORES AT BOTH ENDS OF THE DIACONAL Fi The Huron Hills Golf Club-between Washtenaw Ave. and Geddes Ave.- temporarily offers playing facilities. Greens fee, $1.00. Pay greenskeeper, first tee. 'SM LS Gertrude Bailey Charles Behymer George Berneike William Breyer Philip C. Brooks Stratton Buck Carl Burger Edgar Carter Joseph Chamberlain Carleton Cham pe Douglas Doubleday Eugene H. Gutekunst James T. Herald Russell Hitt Miles Kimball Marion Kubik Hlarriett Levy Ellis Merry Dorothy Morehou" Margaret Parker Archie Robinson Simon Rosenbaum Wilton Simpson Janet Sinclair Courtland Smith Stanley Steinko Louis Tendler Henry Thurnau David C. yokes Marion Wells Cassam A. Wilson Thomas C. Winter BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 31314 BUSINESS MANAGER1 BYRON W. PARKER1 'Advertising............--..Joseph J. Finn Advertising.............Rudolph Bostelma n Advertising.............Win. L. Mullin Advertising..........Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr. Circulation...... .......James R. DePuy Puiblication... .........Frank R. Dentz, Jr. Accounts.....:..............Paul W. Arnold Assistants George H. Annable, Jr. Frank Mosher W. Carl Bauer F. A. Norquist John I. Bobrink Loleta G. Parker Stanley 8S.Coddington David Perrot W. 7. Cox Robert Prentis Marion A. Daniel Wmn. C. Pusch Mary Flinterman Nace Solomon Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland T. Kenneth Havei Wm. J. Weinman ] larold Holmes Margaret Smith Oscar A. Jose Sidney WilsonI SAIURI)AY, MAY 29, 1926 Night Editor-'ARLTON G. CHAMPE Ann Harding as Xeria, Grand Duchess of all the Russias Funland, TODAY'S PHOTOrp Poland and the proprietress of a night BLANK-(The photographer club at Deauville, displays her Nor- is studying). die type of beauty to excellent ad- vantage. Why do gentlemen, prefer * * " blondes? Her gowns are exquisite, CHIMPANZEES' FINAL MEETING worthy of an appearance in an Avery Apes, we are here to put the final Hopwood boudoir farce. Her voice, touches on the spring initiation. One at one irritating and enchanting is her or two of our initiates are still in the most unique possession, but the neces- hospital-very still. And so they will sarily rapid tempo of the lines de- be allowed all summer to recover. stroys any of its more pleasing quali- But there is one hardy soul that ties which have been previously dem-! has survived the ordeal and comes onstrated in other roles. forward today with his initiation Rollo Peters, that versatile young manuscript. Let's hear it, Ape Nick, man! is less effective as Albert the waiter, than in his last Detroit ap- WHY EVERY ONE SHOULD JOIN ,pearance in "Stolen Fruit". Broad THE TOLSTOY LEAGUE comedy is scarcely his field, and then It is with numbleness and profound too, Menjou of the Movies was such sincerity that I submit to my initia- a charming Albert-but comparisons tion into that great society of apes. are odious. In the gentle art of, Firstly each and every one of you "waiting", Albert should be instruct- ought to join for the mere reason of 1 ed by our own perfect William inl finding out why they call it the Tol- "You Never Can Tell"-but then, who stoy league. So far as I have noticed wouldn't be clumsy with the prospect they have lectures on all subjects but of Miss Harding submerged in the Tolstoy. bath, and apparently unconscious of My second reason why it is worth- the fact? while joining the league is that you The Countess PrascoviaAvaloff, with will learnRussian, and then you can her tales of adventure (told with a read those great masterpieces of fic- slightly erotic touch), her six Bolshe- ion. viks--and the two others-is more Thirdly, that they are so novel. Why thkn-aristocratic; hesis poe the evn ue bueprits or ostrsthan aristocratic, she is positively they-even use blue prints for posters. immoral. That worthy dowager dis- And the romantic shapes that these plays a vigor and persistence worthy posters take. On one occasion theypayavgran risecwrty postrs tke. n on occsionthe of the Great Catherine but is evident- will have heart shaped ones, and then there will be those that look like po- ly less successful in her escapades tatoes. I tell you folks they're good, than that royal lady. Another reason is that when you MERCENARY MELLER take Russian Lit next year you will T erE arybeLLEro be ale to pronounce Yasnaya Poly- There is a story based on rock bea, anlethpronouncesanyanguePofacts, and true ones too, that seats ters. and other Russian tongue twis for the New York debut of Raquel And lastly one gets in with the elite Meller, the famous Sparvish singer of the campus. who is appearing this week at the! * Nick. jNew Detroit, were sold at such a * * * price that La senorita ireceived a{ That's all for this meeting, Apes.r quite cool ten thousand dollars for the And remember spend your summer single night. And this price was paid months in hard toil, so that you may to a thin tired little woman of twenty} be prepared to take up the initiation eight, who sang thin, tired little ceremonies next fall and do justice songs in a thin tired little way, and to the new candidates. There is just with a voice that is not the best in one thing we wish to request: please the world. don't make paths on the campus this Her success everywhere has been as' summer, startling as in New York. Paris * * * claims the discovery, but the person i i i Q 1w, s 4 t t i Nunusual opportunity dents to sell $10.00 Acci. dent and Health Policies for one of the largest and sound. est companies in this coun- try. Many agents make $150.00 a week and over. Quite a number have built up per- manent businesses of their own, and live now on the renewals which come to them automatical. ly. Write Dept. A.1, Suite 215, 76 Montgomery St., Jersey City, NJ. =West Wind Lending "library MAYNARD STREET The latest Books for Rent: - I Oberlin's Three Stages- - -- -.. .Jacob Wasserman } .alialaas ausauaaaiiJ'fanaauaauaaaa uflesuItaam 3 i i t a, s ' _,_ 't" The Man Washington The Ideal The Man Parker. ADIEU with the Stick-George "Rover Boys" Davis. Bossette-Helen Ramsay. with the Checks-"By" 4 The News Hound-"Bob" Mansfield. The Pacifico--"Jeff'' Houseworth. The Sportologist-"Joe" Kruger. The Copy Chaser-"Joe" Finn. The Big Show-"Bobby" Hender-! son.- The Boy-"Bill" Walthour. The Writing Fool-"Len" Hall. I The Doubtful Humorist-Valentine "Sir Toby" Davies. The Office Dog-"Bill" Breyer. With this issue, the entering staff bids them adieu. They have done their work well and faith- fully, and as far as circumstances permitted, their administration has been successful. THE PASSING SHOW 1925-26 The school year of 1925-26 is rapidly drawing to a close. Within a fort- night, the "grave and revered" seniors will be in the midst of Commencement week, and then, with the best wishes of the University, they will depart to find their respective tllaces on ,the ladder of success. The graduating1 class cannot be called the best thatj has ever left these halls, yet it is in- ferior to none. And as they -leave, these seniors can look in -retrospect at this last, their final year. The year has witnessed the inaug- uration of a new administrative head, a man with vision and executive abil- ity who shows promise of reaching the Utopian educational heights to which the late President Burton aspired. And the year has witnessed, also, a lessening of faculty resentment; against these new, these progressive, ideals. And as Michigan has advanced in fields educational, so has she progress- ed in other fields. Student govern- ment, formerly but a phrase, has comef to take a definite, tangible shape, witht tremendous possibilities for the fu-t ture. The Union, which during thei past several years has been regardlyt more than a structure of brick and stone, shows promise of regaining its, old position of prominence. Practi- I cally every student activity has shown1 commendable progress of a construc-N CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- cants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. THERE ARE TWO SIDES To the Editor: Your editorials of May 23 and 28th appear to me to be groundless and unwarranted attacks against the French, inspired by a sort of prejudice which might well be termed "Franco- phobia." This insidious disease which seems to have so many middle- western editors in its grip,-causes its victims to go out of their way to compose stories of French wicked- ness. To call France the "Arch-offender against the peace of Europe" is not quite fair. France has joined the League of Nations which we have scorned. She played an important part at Locarno. What she was forc- ed to do in Morocco, America and England have done elsewhere. The French regime in Africa, especially under General Lyauty, has been most praiseworthy. Our papers frequently call France! militaristic . Although favorably lo- cated, we insist on a large navy, as do the English. Yet we blame the French for insisting on something better than "paper security" when they have seen! their country devastated twice in fifty years. Germany has a popula- tion of 65 millions; France 40. De- spite our unfriendly slurs, I cannot believe that France brutally assault- ed Germany in 1914. It is not a ques- tion of blaming Germany or any oth- er nation, but a question of. envisag- ing the very clear facts of the matter. The French problem should be con- sidered from a different angle. Some of us adopt that sickening "better than thou" attitude toward un- fortunate Europe. Perhaps if we had been invaded, had suffered immense losses in blood and treasure (all that is forgotten now) and had been re- duced to a second-rate power finan- cially, we should demand security. As to the debt, it is a characteristicj remark, that of "agonizing cries of financial strangulation" issuing from1 the French. I believe it was natural to iesitate to sign a paper pledging unborn generations to pay vast sumsi to a country possessing most of theI gold in the world. As it is, the greater part of the German reparations willI be turned over to this country. Per-3 haps some Frenchmen assumed that! while we were preparing and their ON SWISS STRAWS AND GENUINE PANAMAS The backward season compels us to offer our ENTIRE STOCK of high grade Straw and Panama Hats at REDUCED PRICES. Sale now on. Notice: We Clean and Reblock Straw and Panama hats in the same way they are done in the factory where they are made. We do only high Class Work. (No Acids Used) FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard Street Phone 7415 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) Read the Want Ads Ner ly Every One ikes tHere is the Old Fashioned Bar Double Strength Peppermint If you prefer Sua ied Gum r then get the Peppermint W e Clear Thrul -W- ~ 1 fr~ Just what are those cute little fences around the campus shrubbery for, anyway? They don't seem strong enough to keep a squirrel out, but perhaps they are there to stop those rough animals from stealing the .buslies, * * * Or maybe the idea is to keep those foreign shrubbs separated from good American varieties. * * * Well, they can't hold any more parades over in Lansing now. Al- though the students can probablyget one past the police sometime by call- ing it a circus parade. first to realize the value of Raquel Meller as a box office attraction and whose capitalization of that thin little! voice has made him an independantly wealthy gentleman was the now un-i known person who picked up a little blind singer in an Argentine cafe, and gave the world-New York is not just sure what. But the whole secret-in a financial way and otherwise-is simply the fact that La Meller is a personality, and more, a spectacle; that and the fact that she has the charm of a Nero, and the same appeal that made Sarah Bernhardt's last Camille an ovation, al- though she was a grandmother with' IF _ e+".wer.rx DRUGS * * * j a wooden leg. And still with enough HEBE, we must ask you, have you American dollars to buy the native read the great, thrilling German epic land that made her a success, the of the Renaissance, "Einsamemen- j same little music hall favorite who scheusgluck?" So have we. danced the Tarantelle is longing to a* * return; to return to sing to the people A. new field of amusement that whom she says have the true hearts ought to be investigated by the pleas- that can keep time to her rythms! urt-wad younger generation is the . a .a economics faculty baseball games. THE SHUBERT REVUE The most elaborate of the revues Half-minute Interviews."B that have been done by the above all Salesman: "Buy one of the all-wet prolific Messrs. Slrubert is "The Great issue of the Gargoyle." Temptation" which is now at the New York Winter Garden. The cast itself It appears now that the new physi. calexainaionsysem mouts nlyia sensational with a list of Haimes, cal examination system amounts only; that calls enough Shubert dollars into, to paying your doctor for an examin play to buy and sell the average musi- flnd fault whith the hea ii service can cal comedy. However the Shubert re- ndati vues have a way of going over- Techeering section will seat 1200 every one knows why--and "The Great Thects. Temptation" is no exception. For it students. * * a is said between the curtains that Jan Which means that 1200 alumni will Oyra who is now dancing in "A Night not enjoy the games as much next in Paris" has been commissioned to year. devise a new ballet based on the fam- a a a ous "Cama Sutra" and which will be Only 365 days until next year's a history of all the vices in the world. In this last issue of the Daily we want to wish you a very pleasant summer vacation and goodby until fall We appreciate your patronage during the past year and we have enjoyed servin you very much. After a hot afternoon in a final, drop in and cool off at our soda fountain. DALCINS-FLETNER DRUG COMPANY 11 11