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January 13, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 98





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Prof. A. J. R arnovw Of Columbia Will
Discuss Holland's Contribution
To World's Civilization
Educators and statesmen will co-
operate in a ceremony to commend
the study of Dutch history and lit-
erature in this country at the Dutch
Presentation convocation to be held
at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in the
Natural Science auditorium. Presen-
tation of the autographed portrait of
Queen Wilhelmina will be made by
the Dutch minister to the United
States, Jonkheer A. D. C. De Graeff,
and President Clarence Cook Little
will accept the gift for the Univer-
sity. This will be followed by the
principal address of the session, to be
made by Prof. A. J. Barnouw, of Co-
lumbia university, representing the
Netherlands - American foundation
Former Congressman Gerrit J. Deik-
ema, of Holland, Mich., will preside.
Studies Colonjal System
Professor Barnouw has recently re-
turned from the Dutch East Indies,
where he has been studying the Dutch
colonization system. He will speak
today on the general subject of Hol-
land's contributions to civilization and
on its fall as a commercial power.
His position at Columbia is provided
partly by the University and partly by
the Netherlands-American foundation.
Ile was educated at the Universities
of Berlin and Leyden, and has been a
professor in the Municipal gymnasium
of The Hague, lecturer at the Uni-
versity of Leyden, and was for six
years correspondent at The Hague of
the New York Nation.
Dr. De Graeff has returned from
Holland within the last few weeks,
and brings a message from the Queen
Tae was in the colonial service of the
Netherlands from 1895 to 1918, was
minister to Tokyo from 1920 to 1922.
and has since been the Dutch repre-
sentatiye hn Washington. lie is lo
speak in Grand Rapids and Zeeland,
Michigan, after his appearance here.
Mr. Diekema, ias been speaker oft
the state house of representatives,
chairman of the Republican state cen-
tral committee, and a member of the
Spanish treaty claims coinmittee from
1901 to 1907, besides being a member
of the 60:1 and Gist Congresses.
(oQlet Soitre 1Material
It is in recognition, of the Univer-
sity's aid in collecting a library of
Dutch historical source material
which has been placed in the Uni-
versity library, that the presentation
of the portrait is to be made. The
study of the Netherlands has been
encouraged in this country by the
Dutch people of western Michigan,
and by the Netherlands-American
Paintings by Michigan artists, se-
lected from the Scarab club's recent
exhibition at the Detroit Institute of
Arts, will be shown for a fortnight in
Alumni Memorial hall beginning Sun-
Sixty paintings from a group of
over 300 where selected by a commit-
tee from the Ann Arbor Art associa-

tion headed by Jean Paul Slusser, as
being representative of the various
mediums and types of paintings
shown. Five Ann Arbor artists are
represented by seven pictures in this
Military Ball To
Be Held April23
The date for the annual llilitary
Ball has 'een set for April 23, George
C. Weitzel, '26, general chairman of
the ball comniittee announced yester-
Negotiations are under way to ob-
.tain three orchestras for the dance.
Botih Waterman and Barbour gym-
nasiums will be used for the affair.

Spain And Brazil Demand Voice
In LeagueOf Nations Councils
(By Associated Press) Brazilian representative in the coun-
GENEVA, Switzerland, Feb. 12. - cil, told the Associated Press tonight
There elme to Geneva today two new that his country would be proud to
political developments considered of fill America's place and that Brazil

great importance to the future of the!
League of Nations, the reconstruction
f of which now appears to be inevitable.
Fit, was the demand of Spain to
have the voice of the nations who re-
mained neutral in the great war per-
manently heard in the deliberations
of the league council.
Second, was the insistence of Brazil1
that until the time when the United
States may decide to claim the per-
manent seat that is waiting for her inl
the council, some country of the Am-
erican continents should definitely oc-
cupy it. Afraino Mello Franco, the,
Miss Esther Van Deman, '91, Depicts ;
Ruin Of Ancient Buildings By
Construction Companies

I should be considered the logical can-
didate to hold such a position.
It is the entrance of Ge-many into
the League of Nations which has
brought on these and is bound to bring
other developments in forming the
league's structure. They became
known in the lobbies before and after
the brief special session of the coun-
cil, which was summoned to arrangel
the preliminaries for Germany's ad-
mission to the league and which fixed
March 8 as the date for the convening
of an extraordinary assembly for the
formal admission of Germany.
I- -I
Organization Considers Problems
Concerning Professional

Optimism For Final Passa ge Is Based1
On Comnpromnise Between Bounds
Set By Administration
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12.-The Sen-
ate late tonight passed the tax re-
duction bill, providing a saving of
$456,000,000 in taxes this year to fed-
eral tax payers, and sent it to con-
ference for adjustment of differences
with the House.
Passage of the bill, which came sud-
denly and somewhat as a surprise
even to Senate leaders, is expected to
assure benefits of the proposed tax cut
in the payment of first income tax
installments March 15.
White House Confident
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12.-As the
Senate finally applied the brakes to-

Aids In Mine Peace

(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Feb. 12.-Repre-
sentative coal dealers of this city
expect to have a stock of domes-
tic anthracite coal on hand with-
in three to four weeks after work
is resumed at the mines. Price
reductions on soft coal and sub-
stitutes are also expected within
this period. While the present
price of foreign anthracite is
$28.50 per ton, the first American )
anthracite to be received willI
sell at about $15, dealers believe.
Louis I. Harris, health com-
missioner, when advised of the
strike settlement, said a reason-
able time would be allowed for
those stocked up with soft coal
to burn it, and the city would
then return to strict enforcement
of regulations governing the
creation of smoke.

. . t



Destruction of Roman remains in
favor of modern construction and dif-
ficulties of archaeological study in the
face of objections of the Roman build-
ing companies were depicted by Miss
Esther Van Deman, '91, fellow of the
Carnegie Institute of Washington, D.
C., and lecturer for the Archaeological
Institute of Aimerira, in an illustrated
lecture yesterday afternoon in the
Natural Science auditorium.
Miss Van Deman outlined the var-
ious steps in Roman architecture,
showing scientific restorations of the
prominent buildings in the "Eternal
City" under different rulers of the an-
cient Roman republic and empire.
She then told how the great artistic
masterpieces suffered at the hands of
barbarians between the fifth and tenth
centuries, and later under the popes.
Awakening Comes
The 15th century showed the first
architectural awakening, but few im-
:portant landmarks are left before those
ofi n11- tnfr chl znd


Steps towards a permanent organi- day on tax reduction, confidence was
zation of fraternity alumni to co- expressed at the White House that
operate with the University were the revenue bill, as finally drafted ny
opae ith tesieritywreCongress, would be within the limit~
taken Thursday at a luncheon of permitting the President to sign it.
alumni representatives of several fra- Successfully pleading with the Sen-
ternities with Joseph A. Bursley, Dean j ate to halt its "generous tax slashing",
of Students, and Dr. Frank E. Rob- I Chairman Smoot of the finance com-
bins, assistant to the President, held mittee, tonight declared the resolu-
at the Detroit Athletic club. tions already voted amounted to $456,-
The meeting was called in accord- 261,000 for this year.
ance with a decision reached at a This is $104,000,000 more than rec-
recent meeting here of fraternity ommended by the finance committee
alumni representatives with President and the outside limit set by Secre-
Clarence Cook Little, the group hav- tary Mellon as possible without creat-
ing decided to organize committees to ing a deficit. The House voted tax
cooperate with the University in reductions totalling $330,000,000.
handling various matters of interest The optimism at the White House
both to the fraternities and the ad- was based on the belief that the con-
ministration. ference committee which must work
The gathering elected M. Hubert I out differences between the Senate
O'Brien, '98L, president of the organi- and House, would draft a compromise,
zation, Thurlow E. Coon, '06E, secre- within the bounds set by the adminis-
tary, and appointed chairmen of see- tration.
eral committees to consider the var- f President Coolidge does not think it
ious matters which were discussed at is safe, however, to order tax reduc-
the alumni meeting here. Problems tion which would curtail the revenue
relating to professionals fraternities below the amount declared necessary

JToh IL. Leivis
John L. Lewis, president of the Unit-
'ed Mine Workers, figured in the set-
tlement of the anthracite strike. The !
miners consider the negotiations to be
a victory in their check-off demand.
Brown Will Discuss Prohibition OnI
Radio Program Tjo Be Broadcast
Tuesday Aight
"Michigan Night", eighth of the reg-
ular. radio programs of the University,
will be broadcast from stations WJR
and WCX at 9 o'clock next Tuesdayf
night. Waldo Abbot, manager of Uni-
versity broadcasting, has arranged f,
program of popular interest.
Secretary Shirley W. Smith, upon
whose shoulders much of the execu-
tive work of the University falls, will
speak onthie problems antd oppo-
tunities which confront the student
who intends to earn his own way j
through college. This is a topic of
special import to those intending to
enter the University with a small in-
vestment, and especially to their par-
Miss Jean Hamilton, dean of wo-
men, will tell her ideas of the benefits
of college education generally, and of
education received in a co-educational
college. Prof. Benjamin F. Bailey,
acting head of the electrical engi-
neering department will read a paper
on radio development. 'ro. Bailey
says that five horsepower is neces-
sary to broadcast a radio talk while
a set "listening in" actually picks up
only one-thousandth of a millionth of
a horsepower. Prof. Everett Brown
Sof th' political science department
will discuss the prohibition question.
The musical program will be made
up of college sengs, both past andi
present. Four University girls will
sing popular numbers of former Mich-
igan operas, also well known sorority
songs. Fred C. Wolcott, '27, will give
a few selections on the accordian.
- --- -- -
All-A Record
Received y
35 Students

of01 7e1 entury, sn NUM.
. e.wever, were also discussed and it was deci1- by the Treasury to meet the expense
Trhe republic, of 1870, however, ed to appoint a separate committee to of government.
brought newlietoItaly, amndt deal with this matter. Entering another night session with
rpdincrease in lbuildling of the new
s The following men were appointed only a hope of obtaining passage of
era meant the doom of many valued ! as chairmen of committees: II. H. Set,- he bill by tomorrow night, the Ser-
treasures. Sonic care was shown for vis, '08L, problems of professional fra- ate finally checked the drive for in-
the ancient art, however, amid Miss ternities; Herbert Trix, '12E, housing; creased reductions.
Van Deman told of the conflict be- Delos G. Smith, '20L, scholarship; While two moves for further tax
tween the cities of Rome and Milan Thurlay E. Coon, 'OGE, deferred pledg- I cuts involving a total sum of $40,000,-j
over the possession of one statue. ing; and M. Hubert O'Brien, '98L, 000 were turned down, the Senate also
This piece had been found in andex- problems dealing with the enforce- rejected two attempts to restore some
cavation by a large banking firm, and ment of the prohibition amendment. from of an inheritance tax to the bill.
was taken fromt Rome to Milan, the A list is now being prepared of Senator Reed, Dem., Missouri, pro-
mansutokrissuefithatherm.aTkeand-alumni who will be asked to serve as puscd to add $28,000,000 more reduc-
mans took issue with the bank and other members of tl e committees. tion to the bill by increasing from
finally with the city of Milan, so that !$20,000 to $50,000 the amount of in-
fighting between the two cities was * - $0m0 o$wh,0h0the2amount o ut
threatened. The matter was settled Doctor Will Give "cono"en which the 25 per cent cut
byfor "earned income" might be appliel.
bgiigtmsttetthkigoi Talk O M *-cine jit was defeated 57 to 6.!
of Italy, after which it was placed in TJk l M ediCine
a Roman museum. Calls Amendment Fair -
As evidence of the ruthlessness of In Social Service Describing the amndment as a fair
the mpsodern buitders, she cited the proposal, Senator Reed, Rep., Penn-
sylvania, told the Senate "you have
example of one famous buildig which' Speaking on the topic "Medicinefmade it impossible to be just because
1 was threatened by destruction in order and Social Work," Katherine Mc- you have been too generous." Sena- I
that the street railway system might Mahon, $professor of medical social tor Borah, Rep., Idaho, suggested thati
piss over the site. The people of service at the Boston School of Social the amendment be approved and that
Role rose in this case, however, and!Work, will give a lecture under the tIre Senate rescind its action in re-
other plans were made for the street:thcenersidisatonnr-I
cahr ln Thestragheningf theste auspices of the sociology department pealing all the taxes on automobiles,
rivr ier the suligngwar on- t at 4:15 o'clock Monday afternoon in admissions and dues.
river Tiber, the buildig of water con- Natural Science auditorium. The lec- Senator Harrison, Dem., Mississippi,
duits for the city, and the buildingture will be open to the public. then attempted to have repealed the
of numerous villas also had their ef- Miss McMahon is considered an stanp tax applying on issues of capi-
Ifeonthe relics of "the splendor that saptxapyn niseo ai
fet ont s h p doutstanding figure in the medical so- tal stock, but this also was lost, 32
was Rome." Miss Van Deman showed cial field, having been associated with to 31. Senator Smoot delarced such
slides demonstrating the damage done the Boston dispensary, the New Eng- repeal would involve a loss of $10,-
to the old aqueducts and to the foun- f land division of the American Red 000,000.
dations of former buildings, which I Cross, and with the committee that, After a four-hour fight, Senator Nor-!
would have been a valuable source for ! under D'r. Richard Cabot, has form- ris Rep., Nebraska, was defeated in
archaeological research. ulated many of the policies of the so- an attempt to have gifts, inheritances,
Examines Ruins cial service work in hospitals. At the Iand bequests of more than $25,000 sub-
Being a women and a foreigner,, present she is devoting a part of her ject to the regular income tax rates.
Miss Van Deman had opportunity, services to National Association of _ _ _
with the aid of influential Romans, Hospital Social workers and is mak-
to visit some of the ruins before the ing a study of the facilities for train- Roosevelt Party,
stones were carted off to clear the I ing hospital workers in the "United Returns To Paris
4 ground. In one instance, she was ad- States and Canada.
mitted to the Italian building com -
! mission and went to one famous site (By Associated Press)
in the guise of an engineer. The con B U[ EPOUCTION'S IPARIS, Feb. 12.-Tanned and hard-j
struction agents discovered the ruse, PIened by their Asiatic hunting trip,
however, and she was forced to see I rof 'ni nnIgr Col. Theodore Roosevelt, and his
the old walls torn down without a I brother, Capt. Kermit Roosevelt,
chance to study them thoroughly. oUreachedParis tonight fromyMarseilles.
MWiss Van Deman show/ed pictures of They were accompanied by their
the aqueducts to illustrate how, evei Replicas of Greek and Roman E wives, both of whom displayed their
in the course of a generation, these bronzes made by the Osterkamp Mead pride at having shot tigers in India.
valuable remains are being destroyed. corporation of New York, are now oi
She stated that in 50 years there will exhibition in the cases on the seconds nl*i
be no remains of the aqueducts left. floor of the Engineering building. The Design Huge Bli p

- , i0y 'ACT DECIlDD
6..5IV K 1.R ,y--, T Cn "L A' T
Work To Begin Day After Ratifiea.
tion; Compact Calls For Optional
(By Associated Press)
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 12.-Settle-
ment of the anthracite strike has been
Ratification of the action taken to-
day, which ends one of the greatest
industrial struggles in the world's
3 istr-ry of labor, will come through a
convention of miners in the middle of
next week and the following day wIW
again see coal rolling to market.
Two million persons in the anthra-
cite fields and nearbyterritory, in-
cluding the 158,000 mm n'fsorkers, who
stood solidly behind their leaders to
win the strike, celebrated tonight the
emiding of the suispension which had
paralyzed businss nd brought, bank-
ruptcy and want to many. '
Sign -Year Pact

Texas Representative Begins Attack
As Army Appropriation Bill
Conies Beore Body
(By Associated Press) t
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12.--The war
department came in for criticism
from both sides of the House today1
during consideration of the army ap-
propriation bill.
Representative Blanton, Dem., Tex-'
as, declared it was the war and navy
department, not Congress, that is run-:<
ning the government. When Repre-I
seitative S7u-aks, Rep., Ohio, a mem-
ber of the military committee, said
if the House would ha-,e patence, the?
cJImii1L te soon would report a bill
rimgned to crrect the situation. Mr.
Blanton replied that lie stood ready]
o support any measure that would
lelp bust this trust in the war de-i
1 1ies Uussion was started by the
met n:m;t of 1tepresentative Anthony,
I cxp.,uinsay, in charge of the bill,
drat the national guard would lke
to report through the chief of the
military bureau direct to the secre-
aDry of war, but the gencral s'aff
vn ond not "stand for this."
rsi'ed to say why the appcpr a-
i Th-Q1"i "'tLo-, of1 winch he is
iairnan, did not "tell the depart-
ment where to head in," Mr. Anthony
Srs, onded that "the department prob-
ably would have told Congress where
to head in."
'lhe Douse approved a section of
the bill appropriating $850,000,000 for
aviation. This includes $7,604,000 fo
305 new planes and $200,000 is allotted
for lighter-than-air craft to be used
for experimenting with small balloons
or airships.
Representative Wingo., Dem., Ark-I
ansas, introduced the amendment, de-
claring invalid soldiers at Hawaii
were kept in "shacks unfit for a prize
hog." Representative Garrett, Dem.,
Texas, said bed-ridden veterans were
sleeping under leaky roofs.
Doctors Hope For
I Wagner's Recovery1
Doctors at St. Joseph's hospital
(hold out hope for the recovery of
Leonard R. Wagner, instructor in the
College of Pharmacy, who is ill with
pneumonia. Toxemic poisoning has
replaced pneumonia, and it is feared
that the infection will reach the heart,
but if that can be prevented, he should
recover, according to a statement is-
sued late last night.
j Old-Time Fiddlers
Will Play Tuesday
Fiddlers from Ypsilanti, Chelsea,
Plymouth and Amin Arbor will compete
in the inter-club old time fiddlers con-
test Tuesday night in the Masonic
temple which is being sponsored by
the Ann Arbor Kiwanis club. The
contest will follow a dinner of the
combined clubs at 6 o'clock. -
A ijir P

A five-year contract W"s agreed
upon, the longesrterm ever negotiated
in the hard coi Industry.
The old wage scale; which expired
last August, was re-adopted''but after
Jan. 1, 1927, either miners or opera-
tors will have the right at least once
a year to propoe wage changes.
Arbitration, .the principle which
three times wrecked the peace nego-
tiations, is provided for in the agree-
ment if a disti'te arises over wage
adjustment, but it is only optional
and is claimed by the union leaders
to be a great victory for them. The
word "shall" that has apaaed in all
the peace plans heretofore submitted
by the operator4 lar the ir arbitration
offers, today was chanked to "may."
The miners also claim a victory
on the check-off demand, for which
they have been fighting for 25- years
first under the leadership of John
Mitehb ill and then under successive
mn .ridenis of the United 4ine Workers.
te woird b""- k -off' does not ap-
u sae h agre~xenent, but it is cover-
(d , thr agreement in thephrase
;Ial >i^e l out a reciprocal program
of o-overaI ion .and efficiency."
I ;, ti-us 1dcs said that this means
04 o,;e taes are obliged to, and un-
Qa t-stman that thy must agree to some
of ed:iniwig manion des from
il- rs' wages. To fail to do this,
ul<a leaders satd, would be an act of
4 al with" unde the agreement.
Le:'pers among the operators and
;;1' :onight wre emphatic in their
&w - M in tha ithe settleient was
S in ! tb mindustry" and with-
out an, outside- nfluence.
it w*s ? by the highest author-
j;. in each camp that neither the
'-- ai uof the United States, nor
-foernor of Pennsyhvania, and no
} ;doral or state dartment had a
hand in the settlement.
The figure that stands Out tonight
as the one man who did most to bring
about an end to the long: and disas-
Irous struggle is R. F. GrIt, of Cleve-
:and. He is vice-president of the M.
A. Hanna Co., soft coal operators, and
president of the Susquehanna Col-
leries Co. an anthracite subsidiary of
the Hanna concern.
Lewis Lands Grant
Both miners and operators bestow-
ed the highest praise on his ability
as a mediator. John L. Lewis, presi-
dent of the United Mine Workers, said
that Mr. Grant was the "mediator and -
instrumentality" in bringing an end
to the strike and performed a won-
derful service. This statement was
schoed by the operators.
Mr. Grant was quiet modest in ex-
plaining his activities. After caustic
reference to "many champions of the
people, with political hopes," who
capitalize situations for their own
benefit, Mr. Grant gave unstinted
praise to President Coolidge for his
Arrange Program
E For All - Campus
Vaudeville Show
Comprising acts contributed by
leading dramatic and musical organi-
zations of the University and sponsor-
ed by the Varsity band, a program is
being arranged for an all-campus
vaudeville show, it was announced
yesterday by Robert A. Campbell, fac-
ulty manager of the band. Although
no definite date has been set, it will

All "A" grades were received by 32
students of the literary college, onej
in the College of Pharmacy, and two
in the School of Education, according
to announcement yesterday. In the
literary college ten seniors and ten
juniors, nine freshmen and three
sophomores made perfect grades.
The seniors were: Hugh B. Carnes,
Mary Elizabeth Cooley, Margaret K.
I Effinger, Richard H. Freyburg, Ledru
Octave Guthrie, Helen B. Hall, George
D. Lindberg, James Edward Newton,
and Samuel J. Nichamin. Those of
the class of 1927 were Madeline
Bowers, George F. Chase, Philip Dow,
Cecilia Lee Fine, Margaret E. Hos-
trup, Sherwood R. Russell, Willis E.
Topper, Abraham M. Torgowm, Alex-
ander W. Winkler, and Gerald G.
Ruth E. Banfield, Ellen Frances
Groff, and Tom Huggins Mack were
the sophomores on the list, and the
freshmen included Hastings A. Bru-
baker, Robert E. Finch, Walter B. Ful-
ghum, Eleanor A. Gaiser, Walter L.
McGowan, Roger Ambrose Pack,
Charles E. Palmer, William B. Pal-
mer, and Virginia D. Platt.
In the College of Pharmacy, Rich-
ard C. Byce, '2S, received all A's, and
i the School of Education: Edna P.
Col-fell, '26, and Edith C. Wollett, '26.

'I Ou rW~EatherMan

Principals Study I
Entrance Plansl
Further consideration will be given
proposed new methods for the admis-
sion of freshmen to the University at
a joint meting of the University comu- I

exhibition is being shown by the i
architectural school by the courtesy LERLIN, Feb. 12.-A three-unit di-
of the mamufaceturers. rigibie, said to be storm-proof and
The reproductions were made from (resembling a giant mother-bird flying
the originals in the Glyptotixek and Iwith two "babies tucked, one under
Antiquarium museums in Munich, and each wing," has been designed by
were released only after these mu- Paron Boris von Loutzkov, veteran
seums had authorized themt as exactI aircraft and motor builder.
replicas. They have Yeenx shown in-
all parts of the count ry, coming here Try New7 R onadcast




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