ZSATJJRD)AY, MAYs 29), X26 TI-IE MICHIGCAN DAILY ?A~ Aflf' . , _. DAILY OFFICIAL B ULLET IN Aigler Attracts IMany To Stanford, Liken Will Make European Journey CASH - - --._...__ .__. ..._.. 3 PAID Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by tbxe A~sis;.ant to the President until 3:30 p. M. (11:30'a. mn. Saturdays). Volntno V1 SATURDAY, MAY 1%, 196unber 180 TO. All St dei s: Followving the anniounvcn^~.t re-1 George ikcert, '27, recently elected 'enltly ifla(ICto #he fei at1ru president of the Student Christian as- iRalph XV.Aigler of E ho law d Ixrt-, sociati on, will he 1Michigan's repro-1 rmont of the Uniiversity. will teach olur- .scilA::dve 01o the annual Europe an Pilv- ing the suniner at IStaford iiniive rs.ity, grinige to take Iilice this sumimer.+ Palo Alto, Cal., icreased interest has: The pig r.imge will include visits! been evident amnong liciigau studient ; #;) important nMaces in En11 l«nd, ll- 'toward attending summer school land, Begi lcrimany, Switzerland, there. Jug-o Siaia Italy, and Franice. A dispatch relative t. the summnner '____-- _ -- coreat Stanford was receivedl yesi- !'jug to Sumanord tiniversity for the terday byrfThe Daily in which. it says, sunier."'' "Professor Aigier is typic7l of the type of faculty members who are coii- Pairoilze lmly Ad-vertisers.-Adv. FOR YOUR hooks By the end of the examination period all books, wcraps, and lockh should be removed from the Public Locker Room of the University Library. All lockers will be cleared out 'immediately after June 8, and any, padlocks remaining will be destroyed. Wi'in. IV. Blishop, Librarian. I I~ lR9s NVR Y1 I IBOOK STORE I Military Science 4, i, S8: Students in the above courses will please return the books that have been loaned them, before Tuesday, June 1, 1926. U. W. Dunni, Jr. Literary and Business adminisration Senlrs: A representative of the Bell Tele- phone of Lansing will be in Room t204 Tappan Hall :tomorrow at 10:00 A. M. Several men are needed in they division office. C. S. Yoakumn. University of 'Michigan 11and:41: Formation today at Morris Ihall at 2:10 P. M. to play for the Wisconsin- Michigan baseball game. This is the final formation of the year and a good attendance is requested. Uniform with cape. Gordon Pccr. I T. S. Naval Reserve Force: All1 'members of the University Unit desiring to take a cruise this, summer will please communicate with ,me. L. C. Leever. Attention Senior Enigineers: Graduation invitation and an- nouncements will be given cut from j the, desk in the "lobby of .the Union Friday, June 4, from 1 P. M. to, 6! P. M. It may be possible to start tThursday. if they arrive in time. E WV. 11. Arniold, CIlalrmli . 4\ FEW", Rai STARLTING SUNDAY / " ! 4 ti". .". 1 .1 . ": ry !' ,, : ." \ dif i ?;:: .y... er tmo"slt! the screen can give no more than this ' ti ,i c Graduates- Bus iness, Opening: Mr. Tyson, of the Judson lBradwayv Company, of Detroit, would like to in- Sterview men who desire a permanent connection with a long established. Sreal estate firm of Detroit. He will Sbe in Room 302 Michigan 'Union onl T'uesday, June 1, from 2:00 to 8:00 .P. M. J. A. Bursley.; ChJoral Union 1slers: . -~Ail members who have assisted 'at a ny time at the Hill Auditorium dur- Sing the present school year as ushers for the Choral Union Concerts, Extra Concerts or May festival are cordi- ally invited to attend the dancing party at Barbour Gymnasium this evening from 9:00 to 12:00 P. M. I The only credential necessary will be this year's usher card or dentifi- cation by the door mani. (Continued on Page Plight)' SEVEN DEGREES GRANTED "1lY UNIERSITY REGENTS V-v .ELK r . "' " , e : '' ,.. t ~ fi Coming y) ft J \ 1 -..; ; :} Q , >' ;. !,. f . . ." .. . - :, . rt" YV -> - b 1 X +f 4 y t 3'a ' eQ Degrees wvere conferred to the fol- lowing at the meeting of the Regents Thursday. M. S. Salamion, B.S. i architecture; F. S. Holmes.S.. in chemical engineering; 1I. P.Sharpe, B.S. in mechanical engineering; E. R. Armstead, "26, A.B., 1). M. Phelps, '26, A.B. Other degrees to be conferredj in June are George 11. Fenkell, "95, B.S. In civil engineering, and Frank1 A. Ketcham, '97, B.S. in mechanical engineering. 'Scott And Wife TO Visit Euro pe~ Prof. F. N. Scott, of the rhetoricI department, accompanied by leis I wife, will sail for Europe, :tune 16, and will spend the summer there. Professor Scott expects to attend the meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, whi;h is rto be held at Oxfo~rd, Aug. 8 w 11. Floc will also be present at the ses- sion of the International Press con - gress at Geneva. Sept. 14 to 18. At the latter me1eting lie will be the offic- ial delegate from the University, and will read a paper on "The Teaching of Journalism." DIAMONDS ai ,5f WEDDING RINGS HALL E11 State Street Jewelers TAILORING I I MAJESTIC Features NORMA SHEARER "The Devil's Circus" lu ghic Clark and Tony Monaco's Orchestra BEBE DANIELS -1In- "The Palm Beach Girl" LEATRICE JOY "Eve's Leaves" AILEEN PRINGLE -Iln- "The W'ilderness W4oman" RICHARD RARI-IFI MESS 4~~~.; - - 1--. C CLA 0 ,. t~ t k ti ~ d ct '\ x ,e r X,1\L/O. t r . - I ', f r r / 1 ! ' E, ! , L' M1 1 ' \ ' } IT11 RONALD COLEMAN I One of the greatest liays the moister Belaasvo cvt brought t ) Elie on the a:~ of e-w York. And now a mcl~oI on iu! Not for New Yora, ;not for Amlerica, ;l for the whole world. to ]sear' glad witnoss to the greiatiiess o-? N orma '3 llua Sze as FL vrc hin of the guitter, lioydci en, iiswcIpt up to langlike a ;ciAaround tthtroa4 of Paris, mistress of' Picasllfre. Cail IMk, flie girl, jwimmit yoa ivill. 'But 1Xil--'Norlam linIaalal . ( , }m will 1s ETe they are iix' eparaablle) a anmitlakaaldy slm-.vs the to ach of th at ,r A llvhich dist !inui ,"' genius fromi mer-ly great acir'ess. 11cr sm~iles! 11cr wi~,t-o'. h y are iLere, bthidWith ilera i $' itT c~r~Taimalge ti-,an you ever sa-w befvre! 114'. '1 / 'ri AII)BILL Keith Vaudeville FeaturelB "HEARTS AND SHOWERS" £71. Fl'i 3; i I H IRAFt AfhM13~