ESTABLISHED .1 890 Yg uiIt MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 180 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS iy r MICHIGNA TO PLAY BADGERS IN FINAL TODAY'S CONTEST WILL NOT AFFECT CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIP DIVIDE MOUND WORK, Game Called Prevent Final For Late Hour Conflict With Examinations To, Michigan will meet Wisconsin in the final Conference baseball game' of the season for the Wolverines at 405 o'clock today at Ferry field. The Wolverines will be the Conference champions regardless of the outcome of the game, but a victory will place the Wolverines at the top of the Big Ten standings by a three game mar- gin, a difference which is seldom at- tained in Conference competition. Badger Team Well Balanced The Badger team does not excell in any one department of the game but possesses a well balancedteam which has lost only three games this season, losing twice to. Purdue by a 6 to 1 in both contests, and once to the Maize, and Blue, 6 to 4. Tangen, the Badger third baseman and lead off man boasts the highest batting average on that team with a mark of .441 whichj also places him among the first ten hitters in the Conference.- Barnum, a catcher, with a percent- age of .363 and Stoll a pitcher, with a percentage 'of .346 possess the next highest batting averages. In the re- cent Michigan-Wisconsin game, Bur- biidge, a right fielder, and Barnum led the Badgers in hitting, the former col- lecting three hits in five attempts, in- cluding a double, and the latter get-s ting a double. Either Stoll or Jacob-~ son will pitch today, and Barnum will catch. Coach Fisher plans on using his three regular pitchers because it will give the fans a chance to see two of ] them in a Michigan uniform for the last time. Friedman will probably plIy third base while Jablonowski pitches the first three innings. Be- ginning with the fourth inning Fried-~ man will retire from the game, Jab- lonowski will be shifted to third base and Walter will pitch for the follow-1 ing three innings. Beginning with thec seventh inning Miller will be called in from right field and will occupy the 1 box for the remainder of the game. Edgar WIl Catch Edgar, whose injured hand is much improved over a week ago, will catch the first part of the game and Davis who performed so valiantly in the, Ohio game will work during the latter, part of the game. The Wisconsin team will lineup as follows: Tangen, 3b; Decken, ss; Bur- bridge, rf; Ellerman, 2b; Donogan, If; Barnum, c; Murphy, 1b; Larson, ef; and Stoll or Jacobson, p. The game was called for the later hour in order not to interfere with ex- aminations scheduled for this after- noon. Hobbs Writes New Book; Dedkated To Admiral Peary "'The Glacial Anticyclones" is the title of a new scientific book written by Prof. William H. Hobbs, of the geology department, which has just been published. The book deals with the wind-poles of the earth and is the latest treatise on the subject, being based on all the important polar ex- plorations. Dr. Hugh Robert Mill, former pres- ident of the Royal Meteorological so- ciety and the British Rainfall bureau, has written an introduction for Pro- fessor Hobbs' latest work. The book is dedicated to the memory of Ad- miral Robert Peary, discoverer of the North Pole. The book is on sale in the order de- partment of the Library, located across from the lower study hall. I -FOOTBALL TICKETS WILL BEj PLACED ON SALE AUGUST 20 ball season will open on August 0DuM L1 I daysDATE MiAAnKED r Graduating students must reg- ister at the Alumni catalog of- fice before they leave and give ;__ their address in order that ap- CENTERS ON VERSION OF f plications for tickets may be CETR OND ESIN O # sent to them from the athletic WiATERt FROM LAKE department. BY CHICAGO __ _ __ _ __ _I CANADIANS WORRIED Dominion Power Interests Said To Be in BR a0 H Responsible For Agitafion Over L e g Leva(By Associated Press)t WASHINGTON, May 28.-General T New York Officials Say They Are Out discussion of the $36,000,000 omnibus1 To Defeat Senator Wadsworth rivers and harbors bill neared itse Despite Possible Split conclusion in the House today amid charges of sectional theft, and a grievance to exchange votes and a CANDIDAT'ES UNNAMED jesting threat by Representative Hud- dleston, Democrat, Alabama, to "get S(By Associated Press) out from under the pork barrel," un- NEW YORK, May 28.-New York less he is given "a larger strip of state "dry" leaders declared today bacon." they are out to defeat United States Debate continued to be centered Senator Wadsworth, Republican, even about the question of water diversion if that splits the Republican party from Lake Michigan, although Repre- and elects a Democratic candidate, sentative Newton, Republican, Mis- who, they said, would be less dan- souri, after this matter had been be- gerous because "he would be in the fore the House for seven hours, con- minority at Washington." tended that the bill under the discus- The announcement folowed a con- sion did not touch upon that ques- ference today of representatives of tion. Canadian power interests are the Anti-Saloon league, the W. C. T. responsible for agitation over this Engineers Give $500 To Fund For Campanile As their class memorial, the senior engineers have decided to contribute $500 to the Burton Campanile Memor- ial fund, the present plans calling for the presentation of the sum at thet next meeting of the Regents. At a recent meeting, the class also agreed to the subscription of each member to the Michigan Alumnus By a special agreement with the alum- ini association, a portion of the sub- scription rate will be used totemploy an alumni class secretary. J. A. Graves, '25E, was chosen to fill the position. The graduating engineer class re- cently presented a senior cane to Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, of the College of Enginering and Architecture, an event which is unique in the history of the engineering college. REGENTS ANNOUNCEI FACULTY ADDITIONSI Name California Man As Professor In Newly Created Library Training School; SUMMER SESSIO QUOTA APPROACHES 1925 NUMBER HERE1 I(RAUS RELATES ADVANTAGES OF ATTENDANCE AT EXTRA SCHOOL OFFER DIVERSIONS 500 Courses Offered From Colleges; /Enrollment In Camp Davis And Geography Outing Is Full Inquiries and replies received at the summer session office indicate an enrollment for this summer compar- ing favorably with the registration of 3207 students from every state in the, union and 20 foreign countries in the1 summer school last year, stated Dean Edward II. Kraus yesterday. In an interview, Dean Kraus out- lined several advantages offered by the summer course. An excellent op- portunity, he stated, is given to stu- dents to complete the regular four years in three by attending three sum- mer sessions and taking a few extra subjects during the regular term. More than 40 prominent educators from various parts of the United States will conduct courses here, giv- ing the student an opportunity to be in contact with teachers outside his own school. SEVEN i i i i PUBLICATION OF DAILY STO BE SUSPENDED TODAY With this issue, The Daily will suspend publication until the 4 opening of the University next fall. The Summer Michigan Daily will be published from June 11 to the end of the Sum- mer session. I ARE APPOINTEDI LIlNI - MICHI6AN U., the prohibition national commit-I tee, and the Methodist laymen of the New York conference. The question of naming independ- ent dry candidates for governor and i other officers was left in abeyance I for the time being, but the state pro- hibition leaders said they would not be diverted from the contemplated' split with the G. O. P. with persuas- ions to concentrate on the forthcom. ing rum referendum. Declaring the drys 'had the Repub- lican "on the run", Orville S. Peo-' land, council for the state Anti-Sa- loon league, said the G. 0. P. had been scared into unprecedented action of4 holding a convention in New York city, where it hop4_dry4ar encewi11 be the weakest", thus showing their concern "over the rising tide of dryj sentimept". D. Leigh Colvin, chairman of the prohibition national committee, favor- ed revival of the old prohibition party and candidate for all state offices. The Anti-Saloon league, he said, will i- vite the federal council of churches and W. C. T. U. to participate in the movement. "While our particular purpose," he said, "is to unseat Senator Wads- worth, we also want a governor who won't be like Nicholas Murray Butler or any other wet candidate.", Technic Deals . , With Detroit's Traffic Tangle1 Presenting an analysis of a possible solution to Detroit's traffic problems i in an article on "Superhighways" by 'J. L. Hendri, '06E, the Michigan Tech- nic, official publication of the CollegesI of Engineering and Architecture, made; its last appearance of the year yester- day in the May issue. In response to a "sower of unfound- ! ed criticism upo the honor system," Prof. A. D. Moore, of the electrical engineering department, presents the fruits of an extensive study on theI system of conducting examinations which is used in th-e engineering col- lege. Under the title of "The Need for Research Mother of Progress", Prof. A. E. White, director of the engineer- ing research department, gives the results of series of remarkable re- searches in the University and shows the dependence of future progress1 upon the continuance of such work. 3 Announce Time Of Invitation Issues matter, he said, through their fear of Appointment to positions in the Begins June 21 suffering from the lowering of lake newly created library school division The eight week term, which will be- levels. of the College of Literature, Science, gin June 21 and extend through to Representative Burton, Republican, and the Arts were made by the re- August 13 in all colleges, except the Ohio, former chairman of the rivers .1.lLthe Art, wereimadeasysthelrb- gens a thir eetng hurdaynight. Law Schdool, in which classes will be and harbors committee, in charge of gents at their meeting Thursday . Iheld from June 15 to August 26, will the bill, and Representative' Madden, Sidney B. Mitchell, associate librarian include 500 courses in practically all an Illinois Republican, exchanged of the chemical department library atj of the schools of the University. In- charges and counter-charges for more the University of California was ap- struction will be given in all depart- than two hours on the diversion ques- Insineents of the literary and enginering tion, Mr. Burton accusing Chicago of ointed to a professorship and Miss mets, the lite s and egrn Eunice Wead, assistant custodian of 01 l ewiesujcswl etuh a "steal" in using water for sewage the illia Clements Library was also in the medical, law, pharmacy,i isposal and the Illinois member p tdinetructor in the new business administration, and educa- I chalengng urtn to"hak il-)hi~applointed ntulo in helw challenging Burton to "hack up his Ichtion schools. The curriculum in the statements with facts." Madden said scother appointments include Floyd chool of Education will be augument- he would "join his side ani light Chd antAent aineul ssctd by numerous courses appealing es- against such evils" if charges of il-- -ayoon and Axel eharier to assistant 1 legal acts by the Chicago sanitary dis- professorships in mechanical engi- trict court be proved. neering, William Trow, now at the Features peculiar to the summer The two members also engaged io.University of Cincinnatti, to profes- session will again be offered, includ- a hate deateove Chcag's ew-sorship in educational psychology,' irg several courses in hygiene, public ageatd desasstem, Representative and Ceorge Kyte, at present at Col- health and physical education, and age disposal system, Reprsenttiv Burton describing it as "an economic Eumbia, to associate professorship in athletic coaching and administration. and sanitary crime." elementary education. Classes in library methods will be ansan ____ry__rme. David Owen of New York city was ! held as formerly. Registration for I appointed an instructor in the depart- the summer biological camp in north- Lighting Facilities iert of public speaking with special ern Michigan has already been closed,j reference to dramatics. Ile is a Le- since more applications have been re- n Bill Au itoriu I1 land Stanford graduate. ceived than can be accommodated. Will Be I mproived - Camp Davis, the engineering camp, will also be in operation this year. 1tree ..iaculyThe geology and geography camp in Motivated by difficulties encountered !-Kentucky has already received an en- during the past May Festival, when M em bers Given rollment which insures a greater at- trouble with the electric lighting sys-- tendancethan that of last summer. teb t Hill auditorium made it impos- In the history department, as an ex- sible to secure the most effective change with Prof. Arthur S. Aiton, lighting of the stage during the per- who will be at the University of Cali- formances of the several artists, the Leaves have been granted for the fornia, Prof. Charles E. Chapman of Buildings and Grounds department coming year to three additional pro- I the latter institution, will teach1 will install a system of dimmers. fessors by the Regents of the Uni- I courses in Spanish and Armerican his- With the present arrangement there versity. Prof. Horace W. King of tory. Prof. A. C. Krey of the Univer- is no way of controlling the degree of the engineering college was voted a sity of Minnesota is to offer work in intensity of the lights; either the audi- sabbatical leave during the next se- medieval history, as well as in the torium is in darkness or it is bril- mester, Prof. Charles E. Langworthy teaching of history and social studies. liantly illuminated. This condition is of the English department of the en-1 Professor Krey was appointed chair- particularly inconvenient during con- gineering college will enjoy a con-I man of the committee to study the certs, when it is difficult for attention tinned leave in order that he may keep teaching of history and other social to be centered on the stage with so up his work in the English depart- studies in the schools, at the meeting much light being shed on the audi- mnent of Washington State college, and of the American Historical associa- ence. Prof. Carter Goodrich of the ecoj tion here last December. The dimmers are to be installed in nomics department will be absent dur- conjunction with the general redec- ing the second semester of the coming Dipho hiatc Course Offered oration of Hijl auditorium which will year. A course in the history of Europe take place this summer. Work will Professor Goodrich, winner of the nd a seminar in Anglo-French re- begin on the scaffolding soon. Such annual Henry Russel award, will lations will be conducted by Prof. construction is necessary for work on make a study of the Australian field Frank M. Anderson of Dartmouth the dome, since swinging stages can- movement. Icollege, who has done special re- not be employed due to the contour -- _ __search in diplomatic affairs. Studies of the ceiling. The cost of the in American political parties and in scaffolding alone will exceed $1,500. 'Guard Of Honor ;American social history will be given s - j~t ~ by Prof. Arthur C. Cole of Ohio State List Completed University. SUshers O f Choral Entertainment will be furnished oRepresentativesof the Medical students in the summer session by 60 Union lW ill Dance school in the class of '20 who have lecturers, concerts and trips under I been appointed to the Guard of Honor University auspices. Seven excur-~ More than 50 couples will attend section of the Commencement proces- sions will be conducted by Carlton1 the dance to be given from 9 to 12 sion include Waldemar B. Mitchell, F. Wells of the rhetoric department to o'clock in Barbour gymnasium for all j David H. Condit, Carl H. Fortune, points of interest in Detroit, Jackson, IDRS MAEREAD TO FORGE POLICY' Senate Leaders, Aroused By Onslaught Of Wets, Prepare For Vote On Administration Bill BLEASE DEFENDS ORDER (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, May 28.-