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May 28, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-28

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 179







Cavanaugh, Davis, And Diener Com-
pose Committee; Prof. Anderson
Is Chairman
Approving the report of the specialf
investigation committee of the Union,
which, in substance, denied all charg-
es of gross inefficiency in the main-
tenance of the building, the board of
governors yesterday authorized the ap-
pointment of a joint committee to de-
vise some plan for reorganization of
the administrative bodies of the Union,
which will be submitted for considera-
tion next October. The board of gov-
ernors further directed that the entire
report be printed as soon as possibles
in pamphlet form and distributed tok
every member of the Union.
In submitting its report to the boardI
of governors yesterday an( to the Prof. H C. Anderson
board of directors on Tuesday, the f *
special committee culminated an ex- Chairman of the committee whichr
tensive investigation of five months conducted the investigation resultingt
into the operation of the Union which from the changes of gross inefflency
emanated.last December as the result in the management of the Union. E
of charges of gross inefficiency and
intimations of the misuse of funds and others had the utmost confidencef
within the building brought by Albert in the integrity and the businesst
B. Adams, ex-'26, at that time presi- ability of these men, and respondedI
dent of the Union. The committee to their appeal for assistance.r
was appointed by Adams on recom- "It is only after a very careful andy
mendation of the board of directors, detailed study of every phase of the
and began functioning at once. present oragnization, with its varioust
The committee, in its report yester- phases of responsibility, do we ven-C
day, emphasized that the actual main- ture to make the recommendations asd
tehance of the building was prefect, authorized in this report."I
and that there was no indication The total report contains more thanc
whatsoever of the misuse of funds in 16,000 words excluding some twelvet
any manner or any imperfect handling typewritten pages of financial state-r
of finances. As to the complaints of ments. The committee officially con-e
poor service and poor food, the com- vened on 18 different occasions forI
mittee found that these have been an average period of two and one-halfn
justifiable at times but noted that im- hours each. During these meetingsv
provements in service throughout the a total of 450 faculty members, al-t
building and the quality of food serv- umni, and students were interviewed,
-d have been apparent from time to and the building was inspected froma
time. top to bottom, particularly the kitch-
The report stressed that point that ens, for information as to upkeep,L
practically none of the complaints maintenance and cleanliness. Pro-t
made by Adams or the problems con- fessor Anderson personally inspected
efdered by the committee were new, the kitchens at all hours of the dayi
and that most of them have been dis- and evening, and reported that her
cussed many tinies in one form or found them to be in excellent condi-1
another. tioi.
A complete financial statement Besides Professor Anderson, others
covering the operation of the Union who served on the investigation com-t
from 1920 to 1925 was one of the items mittee were Prof. J. R. Hayden of theI
included in the 'report. The financial political science department; Thomass
statement for 1926 will not be com- Cavanaugh, '27L; ,George Davis, '26;l
pleted until next August. The state- and William L. Diener, '26, following
ment showed that the maintenance of his succession of Adams as presidentt
the building for six years has resulted of the Union after the later was de- I
inl a net profit of $5,453.77, but that Glared ineligible lasst January.
the income from the food department With the authorization of the boara1
has gradually decreased since 1921. of governors yesterday for the ap-I
The system of food control in the pointment of a joint committee to
Union was found by the committee to I formulate a plan of reorganization
be excellent, and the condition of the Prof. H. C. Sadler of the marine en-t
soda bar in th tap-room "exception- gineering department, as chairmanc
ally good." It was recommended that of that board, will at once name two
the method of handling dance tickets members to serve on the committee,
be improved in that it was found to and Diener, as chairman of the board
be unsatisfactory. A more organized of directors, will appoint three others.
education of freshmen in the Univer- This committee of five will submit its
sity was urged in order thaat they plan to a joint meeting of the two
may be better acquainted with the beards in October for their considera-
aims and objectives of the Union. The I tion.
publication of a monthly house bulle- Any proposal of a new organization
tin, or similar organ, was also recom- within the Union, if acceptable to the
mended. boards, will in all probability be sub-
In presenting its report to the board mnitted to the student members before
of governors, and the recommendation it is placed in effect it was explained
of the appointment of a joint commit- by Professor Anderson, inasmuch asi
tee to formulate a plan of reorfianiza- this would call for a revision of the1
Within the Union, the committee sug- I Union constitution which is not pos-,
gested that the board of governors sible without the sanction of two-
nnd board of directors be combined thirds at a meeting of a least 606
intaone directorate with student rep- members.
resentation therein. It was explained
by Prof. H. C. Anderson of the me--
chanical engineering dpartment, chair-
man of the investigation' committee,I TELS ROW
that, in the opinion of the committee,
there is, at present, too much "slack"
between the two boards and that there FUIW1 t

Is an appaarent need for the centrali-
zation of control and authority. In Rosy dreams of unlimited power
this connection it was suggested that, possibilities for radio have failed toj
in the event that one board be given impress Prof. Benjamin Bailey, act-
the sole power of administration, all ing head of" the department of electri-
finances of the organization be han- cal engineering.
died by a financial committee of that Transmission of power by radio,t
board. predicted by many scientists, is only
In conclusion the report pointed out future hope, in the opinion of Prof.
that the 'recent charges were prac- Bailey. "Nothing we know at present
tically a repetition of those made dur- indicates the possibility of transmit-
Ing the last few years : ting power by radio on a paying
"The committee wishes it under- basis," he said. "Of course, we do
stood that the problems discussed in transmit some power whenever we
this report are not new; all of them broadcast a concert, but no one runsI
have, in one form or another, been his washing machine by radio yet.
discussed many times by the two "If an hydraulic engineer wishes to1
boards in both separate and joint transmit water-power, he confines the1
meetings. Changes have been made water in a pipe. Similarly, the electri-
but only when experience demon- cal engineer confines his current to a!
strated such changes were necessary wire. Hydraulic power could be trans-
for the best interests of the Union. mnitted by throwing stones into a pond


With tomorrow morning's is-
sue, The Daily will suspend pub-
lication until the opening of the
U~niversity next fall. The Sum-
mner Michigan Daily will be pub-
lished from June 11 to the end of
'the Summer session, the first
three issues, during Commence- 1
mont, being devoted primarily to
alumni notes, news of Class day,
Baccalaureate Sunday and Com-
mencement day.








Growin'g Disaffeetion
Causes Surrender

Of Tribesmen
To French

By .Abd-El Ririnm

(By Associated Press)
FEZ, Morocco, May 27.-This was
an historic day in France's colonial
history, for the rebellious Moroccan
chieftain Abd-el-Krim, walked meek-
Iy into the French lines on his way to
Paza, where it is expected he will ar-
rive tomorrow for the formal cere-
mony of submission to Jules Steeg,
the French resident general.
Yesterday the Rffian chief announ-
ed his surrended to the French and to-
day, under escort of two French of-
ficers and six men, he was brought
to Izemarquene, north of Targist.
Here he was presented to the com-
manding officers of the Moroccan di-
Jumping over an extinguished
bivouac fire, Krim advanced toward
General Ibos and Colonel Corap,
designated to receive his surrender.
Reserving the characteristic calmness
of a Moslem fatalist with his eyes
taking in every detail of the sur-
roundings, but without flinching, Krim
engaged in conversation with the
French officers about the conditions
under which his suite and the con-
voys should proceed. It was decided
they would proceed along the mili-
tary road toward Paza where he would
arrive tomorrow.
Abd-el-Krim's coming to surrender
is summed up briefly in French quar-
ters as follows:
After learning that he was trapped
in his lair and sensing the growing
resentment of the tribesmen about
him, Krim sent a letter by Dr. Terent,
of the French military mission, to M.
Steeg on May 25 saying he would give
up to the French and let them decide
his fate, but asking pardon for him-
self and his family and protection of
his worldly goods. M. Steeg's reply
was that the prisoners of all nationali-
ties held by Krim must first be lib-
Sensing that that would be the,
French resident gneral's xeply,
Krim in the meantime sent a letter to
M. Steeg announcing that he had ord-
ered all the tribes remaining faithful
to him to deliver their French pris-
oners with a view to his turning them
over to the French.
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, May 27.-Varsity tennis
men from Illinois, Chicago, Northwest-
ern, Michigan, Ohio State, Wisconsin,
Minnesota and Purdue today battled
through the opening singles round of
the Western Conference champion-
ship at the University of Chicago.
Iowa failed 'to survive the second
bracket play. Indiana is not repre-
The opening round was brief, most
of the players drawing byes to the sec-
ond. There were only a few strenu-
ous matches, most of them going by
one-sided scores.
With the opening of the third-
round singles play began in the
(doubles, but was concluded for the
day with one second-round match
yet to be decided. This match and two
third-round singles contests will open
tomorrow's competition. The finals in
both divisions will be held Saturday.
Second round singles: X Olian
Michigan, beat Devoe, Purdue, 6-0
6-3; Shay, Minnesota, defeated Crane
Michigan, 3-6; 10-, 9-7; Krickbaum
Michigan, defeated Tracy, Ohio, 7-9
6-3, 6-3.

Insists That Fiancial Settlement Nost Important Research To Coie As
Be Ratified If Approved By oesul Of Consumption Of Raw
French Parliament M ~terias, Is Assertion
(By Associated Press) Elucidating his stand on various
WASHINGTON, May 27.--After dis- University and social problems
cussing the legislative program with through comparison with the policies
President Coolidge, Senate leaders to- of manufacturers, President Clarence
day were apparently as far at sea as Cook Little gave an address of wel-
ever on the probable date of the ad- come to more than 250 state industrial
journment of Congress. leaders at a luncheon program held I
S Estimates ranged all the way from yesterday in the main dining room of
June 10 to July 15 with farm relief the Union.
legislation and the French debt settle- After establishing the similarity of
ment admittedly the principal barriers his position to that of the industrial
to an early adjournment. employer, President Little told the
Those who took their problem to the manufacturers that they "had the
President were Senators Curtis, of right to be interested in the lives,+
Kansas, the majority floor leader; hopes, and aspirations" of their em-
Wadsworth, of New York, chairman of ployees, and that an understanding
the Republican steering committee, of the raw material of both manufac-
and Butler, of Massachusetts, chair turing and eductaion is necessary to
man of the Republican national coin- the control of the finished product.
mittee. Shows Relation To Industry
Mr. Coolidge was represented as be- In discussing the relation of the
ing insistent that the French debt I state industries to the University, the
settlement be ratified at this session President declared the institution
if there is favorable action by the should be regarded as a phase of the
I French parliament. The remainder of state's life rather than as a separate
the legislative program was left to unit. Despite its large expansion in
the leaders. recent years, it should be appreciated
In addition to the farm relief and as a stimulant to thought on all pub-
I the French debt, bills, which will be lic matters, he continued.
pressed by their proponents, include In consideration of subjects relat-.
I the army and navy air service expan- ing more definitely to industrial re-
sion measures; the $82,000,000-federal search, Dean Mortimer E. Cooley of
aid road bill; the Dill measure for ( the College of Engineering and Archi-
radio control and the Copeland coal tecture, Charles F. Kettering, director
bill. of the research section of the General
I Motors corportaion, and H. C. Gris-
well of the Packard Motor Car com-
pany appeared on the program.
D IIn discussing "Research in Indus-~
try", Dean Cooley predicted that the t
most important research problems
I will come in the near future as a re-i
AT VLA W sult of the enormous consumption of
raw materials. Constant depreciation
Group Of 6t0 House M eiers To Mak in the supply of oil, iron, and wood
Efforts To ReJtoe Beverages will cause increasing concern in view
Not Intoxicatinu of the growth in population now prev-t
alent in both the United States and the
COMMITTEE IS NAMED Iiscusses Research epartiment j
Regarding industrial research at thet
(By Associated Press) University, Dean Cooley discussed the
WASHINGTON, May 27.-A propo- development and activity of the engi-t
sal similar to that on which New York neering research department, with the
is to vote in November will form the explanation that supplementary ser-4
backbone of the campaign to be con- vice rather than competition is offered,
ducted during the remainder of this the private research laboratories
session of the unofficial house conm- throughout the state.
mittee for modification of the Vol- After outlining the types of investi-
stead act. gation which may best be undertaken
Taking concerted action in the by the University, Mr. Kettering as- .
midst of the revived prohibition. con- cribed' the benefits of research not
troversy, the 60 representatives mak- only to the manufacturers, but to the
ing up the group have agreed to de- University as well. Through acquain-
vote their efforts to amendment of tance with the practical requirements
the dry law to permit "manufacture, of industry in their investigations, the
sale, transportation, importation or engineering college faculty will be
exportation of beverages which are better fitted to instruct the students
not in fact intoxicating as determined in a more efficient manner, continued
in accordance with the laws of the re- the speaker. '
spective states." Gives Committee Report
A committee of four comprising l In the absence of Col. J. G. Vincent
members of the house judiciary coin- who was scheduled to give the report
mittee which last year pigeonholed of the manufacturers' committee on
all of the 2.75 per cent beer bills automotive research at the University,
sponsored by the modiicationists, Mr. Griswell delivered the paper pre-
was named to draft a bill carrying pared by Col. Vincent. In outlining
the liberalization proposal, and the the various forms of research prob-
entire group is to join in the driveI lems, the committee declared the cor-
I for action on it. The possibility of relation of various agencies for in-
enactment is considered remote, but vestigation to be the most difficult
it is likely to form a vehicle for a task which faced tose interested in the
great deal of argument. subject.
' New York is the only state which The luncheon was given as part of
thus far has determined upon a refer- the program prepared for Michigan
I endum on such a proposal, but it is 1 manufacturers as the guests of the
being agitated in a number of political Regents and the president. The pur-
circles elsewhere, particularly in pose of the gathering was the estab..-
Illinois, where it is sponsored by lishment of closer relations between
George E. Brennan, who recently won the industries of the state and the
the Democratic senatorial nomination facilities for scientific research in all
on a wet platform. fields of industry offered by the en-
While the house modificationists are gineering college.
sharpening their new legislative spear,
the senate judiciary committee will
get to work under the King resolutionT O " AI 5I
to determine whether it agrees with It lLiLL
Attorney General Sargent and a num-
ber of dry members of congress that
President Coolidge's order, authoriz-

Deposed Bishop
Is Not Granted
Court Hearing
(By Assoiated Press)'
NEW YORK, M\ay 27.-Efforts of
William Montgomery Brown, deposed
bishop of the Protestant Episcopaal
church in Arkansas to have New York1
court review the action of the church
in deposing him, failed today.
The deposed bishop began proceed-
ings several months ago seeking to
enjoin, the church from carrying out
its sentence of deposition. He said
Mr. Skiddy was the genearal treasur-
er of the church which it was admit-
ted, is an incorporated membership
religious body. The defense contend-
ed that the church, as such owned no
property, had no treasury and that the
court, which had acted in the Brown
case was an ecclesiastical body com-
posed of the bench of bishops, in
whose hands lay the final dispositionI
of matters of discipline. The defenset
said church nronerty and rectories are
owned by the individual parishes; that
schools, hospitals, and so forth aret
owned and controlled by separate cor-
porations created for this purposes
and that the Protestant Episcopal
church in the United States does not
own a cent of assets as such. He said
its functions were wholly and ex-
clusively religious.
Talks In House Center On Questiont
Of Diverting Water From 1
Great LakesE
(By Associated ,Press)
WASHINGTON, May 27.-House de-
bate on the $36,000,000 rivers and har-
bors authorization bill finally gotd
under way today with discussion cen-
tering mainly on the question of di-
verting water from the Great Lakes.
Except for the introductory remarks
of chairman Dempsey, of the rivers1
and harbors committee summarizing
the bill, all the debate was devoted to7
some aspect of the diversion contro-
versy, linked with the $1,350,000 pro-
ject of navigation improvements onl
the Illinois river between Utica and
Granton, Illinois.
An agreement was reached to end
general discussion on the measureoby1
Saturday before the House adjourns
for the week end and Memorial day.
A final vote on it is expected next
week after it has ben read for amend-
After urging passage of 'the bill as
the most useful and beneficial before
Congress, Mr. Dempsey, by reference
to the Illinois project, precipitated
anew the controversy over diversion.
Representative Chalmers, Republi-
can, Ohio, assailing the Chicago sani-
tary district as the "monster organi-
zation" which directs the activities of
tthe proponents of water diversion
said: "Don't let them chloroform you.
Let the Great Lakes alone and we will
amortize all rivers and harbors im-
provements in a few years. Take
away our water by diversion and you
will lower the level so as to cripple
our Great Lakes commerce and render
useless by ileaving them high and
our docks and river improvements
Mr. Chalmers charged the Chicago
Tribune with "openly advocating" that
proponents of the Illinois plan "come
to an agreement" with New York and
other state delegations to obtain
i enough votes to "put across" the pro-





ierlowski Appointed Chief Resident
Physician Of University
Next year's annual registration fee
or male students of the University
will contain a Michigan Union ele-.
nent of $10, instead of $6 as in the
ast year, it was decided by the Board
>f Regents at a' meeting last night.
4pproval was also made at this time
f the recommendation passed by the
student Committee on Student Affairs
nd the Senate council providing for
hanges in the organization of the
Senate Committee on Student Affairs.
Provision was also made by the Re-
;ents that one-half of the Union ele-
nent in the annual fee was to go for
:apital investment, and that the other
alf was to be spent for maintenance.
he stipulation was also made that
my male student remaining i the
iniversity for four years should auto-
natically receive a life membership in
he Union.
Alter Senate Committee
The recommendation on the Senate
ommittee on Student Affairs provides
hat beginning next fall the student
>ody will be represented on the or-
anization by five members instead of
our, that these student representa-
ives shall be granted full voting pow-
rs, and that the number of faculty
nembers on the committee shall be
ncreased from three to four.
The Regents approved the establish-
nent of a five year course in civil en-
;ineering embracing highiway trans-
iort and highway traffic. Professor
Jenry E. Riggs will retain the head-
;hip of this department.
Dr. A. C. Kerhilowske, formerly as-
,istant ehief resident physician at the
Jniversity Hospital, was appointed
hief resident physician at that
instiltutipn bde4inning July 1. The
esignation of Prof. Arthur G. Can-
iek of the romance languages depart-
fent was accepted, and Prof. Richard
D. T. Hollister was appointed acting
hairman of the public speaking de-
partment. Professor Canfield's resig-
nation does not mean a severance of
is connection with the' University,
Accept Research Gift
Acceptance was made of a $2,000
gift by the American Medical Research
cciety for a study of the incidence
Af the tape worm in Michigan in re-
lationship to pernicious aenemia.
Authorization was made on an invita-
tion extended to the Classical Associa-
tion of the North-West and South to
hold their annual meeting here in
April 1927.
A University Museum expedition to
Mexico next summer was approved,
the funds for which will be provided
by Dr. Bryant Walker of Detroit.
Carlton W. Angell of the architectural
college was made a member of the
Museum staff to prepare certain ex-
hibits for the new museum.
Prof. Francis W. Kelsey was grant-
ed continued leave of absence in order
that he might continue his work in
the Near-East research, of which he
is director. Miss Esther B. VanDe-
man was appointed Carnegie Research
professor of Roman archeology. Miss
VanDeman will work in Rome under
Professor Kelsey, the funds for her
compensation being paid by the Car-
negie Institute of Washington. Twen-
ty-four reels of film from the Pathe
exchange were accepted, recording
the work of exploration under Pro-
fessor Kelsey in north Africa last
Announcement Errs
In Credit Of Book
In error, Prof. Roy W. Sellers was
credited in Tuesday's issue of The
Daily with having assisted his wife
in the translation from the French
of Bougle's "The Evolution of Val-
ues" for publication. Mrs. Sellers
did this work alone, her husband

merely writing an introductory essay
for the book.
Invitations For
Engineers Ready
Graduation announcements and in-
vitations for the senior engineering
class will be distributed this afternoon
from the desk in the lobby of the
Union from 1 to 6 o'clock, according

Melvin 011, '27, and Julian Goldman,
'27, were appointed intramural mana-
gers for the coming year at a ban-



Third round: Sherrill, Northwest-I
ern, beat Olian, Michigan, 4-6, 6-1, 6-4;
Krickbaum, Michigan, beat X Giessel, I
Wisconsin, 6-8, 6-3, 6-1.
First round doubles: Seymour and
Boulen, Ohio, defeated Vose and
Stephens, Michigan, 2-6, 6-1, 7-5.
Second round: Krickbaum and

ing appointment of state, county and --
city peace officers as federal enforce- . (By Associated Press) jquet held in the Union last night for
ment agents, is valid under the con- TOKIO, May 27.-An official report all intramural managers and coaches.
stitution. received by the Home office today fromI In addition, 011 will serve on the ath-
-- - ;-the Hokkaido government says that letic board.
CANTON.-The war between Can- the bodies of 60 victims of Monday's
ton and her northern foes, threatened disastrous eruption of Mount Tokachi 1The two managers also named five
for weeks, has begun. have actually been recovered and that I sophomores as their assistants for
-- ------- - ---------- 86 persons are missing and believed to next year who are as follows: William
- be dead. Mazer, Robert Falconer, Herbert
The report estimates the damage Segal, Marshall Hungerford, and
from the disaster at 80,000,000 yen Dales Knapp.
-_(about $37,000;000). About 1,000 per- Philip Synder, '26, last year's mana-
-_-__sons were made homeless. Further ger served as toastmaster while E.
eruptions of the volcano which re- I). Mitchell and Dr. Sundwall gave the
_______ sumed activity after a long period of principal speeches of the banquet


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