T11U,-SDAY, MTAY27, 1926- PHI K[PA SIGMA1 IIN9FINL1AM IJefc ;ts S: 14 Phi Epsilon 8-2 To( a ,Takei maternity Baseball I-1T ZIJ PITCHES WELL PI Kappean Sigma won the interfra- tornity baseball chamnpionship froml Signa Phi Epsilon yesterday after. . n'con at South Ferry field by a score of 8 to 2. A slight rain did, not daunt tho spirit of either of the teams or thie large number of the supportersf for each nine. H-utzel on the mound for the win- rllna team gage a splendid exhibitio, of pitching, striking out eight bat- ters and only allowing two hits. Stor-,. enit hurling for the Sigma Phi Esiion. teamU only gave up eight hits but was not given good sunpo rt by his team- ntes, allowing their opponents to rcoro eight runs, Sitgma.Phi Epsilon began the scor- ing in the first inning, by crossing thec plate once, but the winning team came back in their half of the inning; to score two runs. Splendid fieldin; by Phi. Kappa Sigma prevented their, o),~tonents from scoring again until the third inning, and after, that with-j ouzt a run.f 1This game ended the intramural ev-' ents for the year with the exception of afewv tennis games which will beI layed this afternoon. Announcement of, the winner of the all around intra- mural participation cup with the run- nrips up will be published in tomor- row's Daily. APPOIN A4Iii TERSx( 1101 S'TIV 311AGIER AN) ASSISTAN'S Aawrence Roth, '27, was named in- te cholastic manager for the coming, 3aaccording to an announcement' aWle yesterday. l*Te will be assisted by Wilbur Pres- 'gt, '28, Archibald Black, '28, and (Rrge Douglas, '28, who have been ine(I as assistant managers, andl y~vin Levy, '28, who was appointed1 m~k~rate assistant manager. Let The Daily sell it for you thru F Classified, columns.-Adv.. TI IT. MTCI ITQJAN DAILYV ... f~v1 Iowya Vaulter rIr RllAMPI BFrI lTN P W AM I TT A AAQ I firi igbian Baitt' FOR SALE 1 OTICE UUIIUI~fWJI ~J1~ ULI11W I I1d~i~1LI~Lit. I LI 111111W '~ai~ftri A~urttftn~ comletewithloudspeaer;tar-IloodrspJeykeirl e(Lt ly9! ~l~i- gainN Gat $E0. Call BondV# 7070. I'uST 1blished by Jennings Cof. of New i L N 1 ~ 4 ti fyou are a telephone subscriber calliue g Yoa }rk made of the Genius Eloquence IOWA C1'1 Y, i., Mase 26 (Special).- Eficienlcy tests held dluringm the lasethela iig antDadsy rnderve the right to FOR SALE-A complete set of Lud- hoae aewn b .clasify allwant ad underappropriate head-!U.SJstcMahw sy:""- Defense of chamrplonships won last semeyster in the fresihman gymnasium 'ni and to revise or withhold objectionable wig drummer's outfit. $101) set will U .JsieMtessy:"x copy. sell at half price or less if boughtceenmahilyntriigad teeng wllcrveentotses disclose a marked improve- I This column closes at 3 P. IM. date preced- emnn au" sl}i'iflg\be1immediatelyto.uCall, 586 7-78-e9maneot sayu:."Ihv redyu forts three Vestern Conference ath- meat in the average athletic abiity oftrI $rublae tin. Notice of any error must b Dimmowliyste"y.hCallea5865. lfetes and one relay team in the Big'the flmrs year student at th end of the I______ASH_____RATES_____ books with profit for 40 years." tf. Tntakmeet at Iowa City tomorrow; semester over their skill at the begin- Ttn c~rt' per refiing tine tcon the basis o !'i ~i S. IF]A 1924 "Dl Mdl" Teltrack Y ive averagc words to the line) for one or tw A . eueroeFONAI E ;nd Saturday. At the same time, soy- fwing oftaei year, according to stalls-!:wri. Henderson motorcycle and sie car, OREC~IiPE fPAItIING fen runners-up of 1925 will return to tics released lay Dr. George May, direr Nine cents per readig line for thrte or more in excellent condition; only 6,000 j \1then your pen fails to work prop makle another grtaspast thes titleI. toy f hystoa1 l ucation. Caincha~ifileds reeie-td at the Daily oiice miles. Dial 2147G andl ask for Dart+ erly, remember tha ie' e hp Captain Guthrie of Oiio State is the In 11w siwstpint the lga eral avera ge =n'l lP rt 9BMIIi'g (xi'.a ~ynardSteet. after ,7 P. AT. 7-774 because of its Complete equipment defending title-holder in the 120-yard of 2I f.">.4t :imnccts at the en i1 of th'e tt .ai l ~t ,d~iraes gr i'n onfic-bkebyraPnMkrssrvei 'Hg hrle ndi teanbt u irttetwa _novd1A2 Fe- NOTICE the logical place to have it corrected, r ,nier-uP o atya n h. -I i ic~ ihh< ~rpeiiia=tesc Every pen we repair, regardless of ofl..eri e20yr nhsw ~ h opeino h e oNFI ENK t{ra e, receives the sae sillful at- .ow. The mrile run chamnpionshtip la>t fond test.thFe besst individutal perform - FOUNTINSPE spring went to Jimmy C'usack, Chicago laonce in the event was a mnark of 41 Iu orfuti e n tRle eso n l oki urned captain and that athlete wants to beea feet, nmade in the second test. LSTLdystnv ig a h Byyofanoutainhpnrink at. tandon andall.worpistguaanteed repeate. Highjumpereward.rvC. thir'Sariei-k fe sh ink. Ink that fixes itself In thef tory or what Is worse, chance of in- Up at Michigan Phil Northr~up i:age fromt 3 feet 9 inches to 4 feet 1 , ig.777 ppr and won't adoretrldis- Jry from iexerienced workman- hburling the javelin ag9an1 with the e:.- inch, with the best jumpl slightly over I 710---Ann._Dal 5_27 appear after it has set when moisture ship. pett~o lwnnn i scn ite5fet4ichs hnIaecimbn OT-rs' nl itr book is applied. Ink substitutes are daug- ~ di~PnSo an t bettering hlis Own }confierence iic contest rerealed several agile per-li h ihgnUi~.Fne rtsad pi orpn. Te. hrSn t ford of '201 feet, 9 1-2 iches, set in 1925. Ilormer, the general average in lhi, in hee ch gan tre ~iner.. iarous antdEsplyoPEN s. __________________________ ! Northrup was a fist place winner inil event also being improved in the see- pe al enr l 5848. lcandink S Peh i 5s1115?g tt FRI V_7778-79 Ien , nkSd i1 l-.Stt ORRN his Sophiom one year-a l'et not many oand test. Members of the classes tee- _____________________T. Th, Sun.-tf. Big Ten athletes accomplish. At 1I4ich -:gotiatcd the 20 oot climb in :14 .4!LSi--Gl ac n han lios-- --- ATTENTION SENIOR DENTS Iigan tco, is the chamnpionship one mile !seconds and :11.1 seconds in the two maeIiir Ao O ITO EOD- y CGondola , An exceptional opportunity in a new f relay team of last season, intact and trials;. The best mark was the exceed- les}rt o 0,Mcia by Wrings; Just a Cottage Smiall,i building with both living and profes- capbl o a eenbeterrae.Mul-ugy as tie f K2seons.p aily. Reward. 76-777 at Schaeberle and Son Music I-ouse.i sional quarters combined, reasonable leGFhisr ers ein-- Iii In the standing broad jump the gen- _____________________tf'renta1. T. W. Hillier, 16400 H-ailton sigrcompose the quartet. ;eral average xwas only G feet 9 inches LOS'-Grey shell rim glasses. hitlofAthe seasoanon VictrMiche-P0o1e Asfrthe runners-up, Captin Kenl- in the first test, but this was imzprov- j Gilert, 3582. Reward., _8-i____T__hitftheeasononVicor____-___016.__ nediy of Wisconsin, indIoor champion of ed to 7 feet 2 inches in the second - ore( d , l byd Warings Penuzsyl-' 1926 has his eye on the quarter mile Itest, with the best performance 0~ feet *)C ~l vanians- by FOR RENT-At 311 Thompson, pleas- race and Captain Martin of 'North- 16inches. O-n the horizontal biar the FOI AL In My (Gondola" anit, reasonably priced rooms; hot western would like to close his career freshmen bettered their average of FOR SALE-Wardrobe trunk; first " Just; a Cottage Small" water all the time. 77-78-79-80 wihaohrConference gold medal. more than seven pul-uips to a little ; class condition; three-quarter sie at Schaeberie and Sonr Music House. - -------- Hei h nor80yard champion. under ten. The record in this event Will sell cheap. Call 8936 between Itf._____ _______ _______airyroom S Medal aspirations are also held by was 24. 1 7 and 9 P. M. 78 bath convenient; garage if desired. Captain Werner, Illinois high hurdler. The times in the 50 yard dlash were -________________ A. NASII C, Golden Rule TaloersI Dial 4633. 77-78-79' McGinnis of Wisconsin, high jumper exceptionally good in the second test. FOR SAL-Student desk. Call Rob- I Suring Salts and Topcoats 11I be 1and Wallace of Illinois in the broad The general average of :06.4 seconds bins, 21992. 78-79syle FarEc$TiloingGuaanted'hO l. PTrceresfonrle. mrg luto- p are 1925second-place winners was 2-10of a second faster than the SyeFbic, al76orn9736ara ted scfole. 425iSe Divionl. Grg wowill be back again and the Iowa time in the first trial, with a record (FOR SALE-Touring car; mechanic- Da 76o 76t, frrn.45S iiin BethCatiRa DabrwinrothJ of :05.8 as the best individual feat. ally in Al condition; stop light, gear I___________ 77-78-79-80 indoor shot put championship is likely On the whole, the improvement in shift lock, spot light and other x netmoeuinto first outdoors after all of the events shows that the fresh- tras. D~ePuy, 621 S. State. of M. men and women living in thekFO NETya-Brdroman nc-trailing Schwarze of Wisconsin last ,inen have benifited considerably by 78-790 mle ihgncmuiis h hm rvlgsa 1 .Wlim :y ofi year.i their well-organized routine of physi- position we can offer you is not only St. 1 1-2 block from campus. Jun- cal education. Also the freedom fromi FORD TOURING with starter. Runs profitable but intensely interesting, iors, seniors or poesional stu- win- Definite announcement was made interference by Varsity athletes who+ like a top. Two new tires. Will sell irrespective of what college course dents preferred. Phone 3694. lters { recently by the United States Lawn I have been holding their practice ses-I for $50 cash. Caill 21809 between you are taking. This work will give ( 77-78-79 Tennis association that for the first ! sions at the field house instead of in~ 1 and 2. 78-79} 1 you experience that will aid you i yorcolgewr next u year.hn FOR RENT- One large furnished who tiemmatchtioa uramenswll e held ihastaided te r the h ev~ingsyIn FOR SALE-Good Ford touring. M- Please yu n olanswer iyurowrhn room and kitchenette; running wa- Lbet this year. The event has been award-4 their classes. tor, rear axel, and tires in good ; writing, telling where you li~e and ter in room; sutable for couple. tches ed to the Chicago Town and Tennis condition. Please leave name andj what University course you are tak- Two blocks from campus. 555 So. therI club and will be played on Aug. 16. Paollno Uzcudun, Spanish "Tiger of i address at 8603. 77-78-791 Ing. If satisfactory we will arrange Division. Dial 8072. 77-78 Lre- - - - -thPyees"sthnehevwih - Ifraproaineve.JJ.Wl- Patronize Daily Advertsers.-Adv. boing chamion of Europe. Patronize 1Daily Advertiser.-Adv.lassCan 3d foulvrdteDetnsontldgc.FsumErNT-Lare cool r2each. To tf blocks from campus. 555 So. ])- :ivision. Dial 8072. 77-78. t Star Iowa pole vaulter, who wil seen in competition at Iowa City morrow and Saturday. Boyles, tog er with T'rout of Michigan was for first at Iowa-Michigan dual r. both men clearing 12 feet 10 1-4 i es to establish a new Universit3 Iowa record. Boyles will be up among the ners when the Conference' vanl meet at the Hfawkeye stronghold. NEW YORK.- Walter Hlagen, is expected to be America's best in the British open champion mat( next month, sailed with three o American golfers on the Aquitanki cently. A SSCENTR-,to be Established In~ 5 . E ;.- 4 s.- in NOTICE / JOE PARKER'S CAFE Dancing every night during supper from 6:30 to 8:00 Private parties our specialty. Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf." WATCH REPAIRING SERVICE Not hove cheap but How Goodh at a Reasonable Price. The Watch Shop! Edward A. Clark, 1121.S. University . tf. CALL US WE pay best prices for men and womn- en's used clothes-..I. WENSON, 224 D~etroit St. Dial 2I405. tfN. IF? YOU WVANT REAL cleaning and pressing service at reasonable prices Dial 78:14' CHIEE1R UP IWAiLS. 328 So. 3Main' tU. S 't.hwe st D et roi't ~- t p1, , ., "- -P 1 I - I _= -I ;' ..- ., -- , "' - -- - . m r, - I 1 -" I110 I ~t/ _-y -- WARDROBE TAILORS Suits to order, $23.50 and up Suits cleaned and preyed, $1.00 pressed 35c Delivery service Phone 3242 200 D. Huron St. tt.I % - _._...! i . .. An artist's conception of a business C- ,,l bftj section in Mortenview at Morlenview Drive In a hub of a district that will eventually house 50,000 to 75,000 people, will be established one of Mortenview's business districts. Its well defined plan comprises every economic element to serve this community. It will be an influencing factor of an area of eight square miles. The value of any property is gauged by the number of people who live within its trading radius. Mortenview Drive's business frontage will serve thousands of families. Its property values are certain, to rise. To those who can visualize what Mortenview Drive means to the great Southwest Detroit district and act now, assured profits can be made. Mortenview Drive is now paved to Wick Road, scores of workers with modern machines are continuing the laying of cement walks on Mortenview Drive and other streets. Other improvements will be completed as rapidly as possible. Mortenview Drive is the main thoroughfare, four miles in length connecting Ecorse Road with Eureka Road. It is comparable in length with Woodward Avenue from the River to Owen and Clairmount Avenues or 16 blocks beyond the Boulevard. It will be as important a' business street to this section as Twelfth Street and Linwood are to the northwest. Today frontage is selling as low as $75.00 per foot front, tomorrow it may be at $750.00. (To profit through this investment, drive out todaN, better still, call 7919 for appointment or return the coupon for complete information ii Developments to be Established in Mortenview (1) A civic center on Mortenview Drive. (2) Paving-Moitenview Drive paved from Ecorse Road to Eureka Road, a stretch of four miles. All prin- cipal residential winding drives. All other streets cinderiied or surfaced with crushed stone. (3) Cement side-walkas in front of each lot. (4) Adequate properly locatedl school sites will be sub- mittedl to the Board of Education for their ap~proval andI purchase. (5) Parks and playgrounds. (6) Lateral water-mains, lateral sewers. (7) A riding club. (8), Landscaping by T. Glenn Phillips, consultant for the 'Detroit City Plan Commission. An extra pair of pants doubles the life of your suit, we miatch any cloth.' ! M. G. WILL:), 109 E. Washington ! Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf. TRY OUR Beauty Parlor. Rain Water Sh.~mpoo, face and scalp treatment. Special prices on all appointments. Trojanowski Beauty Parlor, 140~ S. Univereity, side entrance. Phone 5535. tu, th, sat.-tf. TYPING WANTED y--rbeses, themes papers, notes, etc., neatly, accurate- ly andl promptly typed.* Call Mrs. Engelhardt. Dial 7275. Tues, Thurst Sat., tt. "A NIGHT OF LOVE", by Goodrich Silvertown Orchestra, "Reaching for the Moon," on Victor Record at Schaeberle and Son Music House. tf ATTENTION~ Look over my line of samples for SPRING SUITS 2 pant suits made to measure, $37.50 T .B. Lyons, 515 E. Williams tf CASH PAID for Law, Medical, Dental and Pharmacy books, at- 1liddel's Bookstore. tf A SPECIAL j TAILOItEl) SUIT, $315.40 M.M iIL WARD I332 S. State, over Pratt & Dunn ' Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf. INEW VICTOR RECORD "Poor Papa"-Jack Smith "Don't Be a Fool, You Fool" at Schaeberle and Son Music House' tf. PARTY FAVORS, noise makers, con- fetti, and balloons. Special ar- rangements for fraternities, sorori- tiesand clubs, FOR RENT-Most desirable furnished four room house. Excellent loca- tion. Until October., 818 Forest. Dial (7449 mornings. 75-76-77-78 FOR RENT-Furnished roomns for housekeeping for summer or next year. Convenient to campus and bus lines. Phone 6649. 78-79 ATTRACTIVE seven room house; nicely furnished, 'near campus, for summer; reasonable rent. Phone 21886. 76-77478 FOR RENT-A desirable six room. furnished house with sleeping porch for summer months. Phone 6692. I 78 WANTED WANTED-Three students t o serve table from June 3rd through June 13th for boaird and pay. Call Stew- ard between 5 andl 6 P. M. Dial 5618 . 76-77-78 WANTED-Theme copying ar any oth- er typewriting. Rates very reason= able. Will call for large Jobs. Mar- ion P. Phillipps, Hlowell, Mich. 76-77-78-79-80 OPPORTUNITY for high paying work !in direct selling. Employment all summer guaranteed. Must have car. Call Mr. Friedman at the Michigait Union, afternoon 1 to 4; any time evenings. -76-77-78~ WANTED--College girl for kitchen }work at Foster's Tea Room. 77-78-79 WANT two rooms with private bath. Quiet, cool, one block from campus. 821 E. Washington. 78-79 WANTED-Girl for general office work in an established Real Estate and Insurance Office. The position offers excellent opportunities for advancement and income. Appi- cant must be good typist and should have some business experience though the latter is not absolutely essential. Replies will be consider- ed confidential. Address box 90, Michigan Daily. tf. WANTED-Two or three young men summer students to work a few hours a week as part payment on room and one room free in exchange for services. Phone 4053. 77-78 WANTED-By University instructor, small apartment for next school, year, preferably, not necessarily, furnished. box 101. 77-78-79 WANTED--A furnished house or apartment for the period of sum- mer school. Communicate, with S. E. Crowe, East Lansing, Mich. 77-78-79 D~ftot I... TT- -.- T r ,r TT.- V - I\T.'nm- *nD mXTT " TN 14.flmPnxOtN T .r 1!