THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY )l"AQk , rrvx TEtTflSDAY, MAY 27, 1926 ~AG~ FIVE I " 4 VA =A-:wAWS MU q. M COM fMITTEE NAMES' Junior Woiran Is Chosen For First 'JThme To Siperv se Annual Class Product ion SUCCEEDS AMY LOOMIS Phyllis Loughton, '28, has been se- lected by the central committee of the Junior Girls' play to succeed Amy. Loomis, '23, who has directed the pro- duction for the past two years. Miss Loomis has accepted a position at Rockford college, Rockford, Ill. This is the first time in the history of the play that a junior woman has been entrusted with the responsibility of directing the productionof her class. The play has been under the direction of Prof. J. L. Brumm for the ten years previous to 1925 when Miss Loomis directed it for the first time. Miss Loughton has been connected with dramatics from an early age and has shown her ability on the Mich-I Will Manage Play y WIN p loll :ry >' e ! i v Yale Offers Experience And NOTICES 9 Training In Public Nursing } Senio breakfast tic1ets will be on sale for the last time on Friday from Training in a new type of nursing, and physical deviations from normal 11 to 12 o'clock at the candy booth in that connected with social service and health, such as home environment, oc- University Hall. public health work, is being given at cupation, and recreation. Those worn- established at Yale university as a en who wish to specialize in any field Women interested i wxting thc gt of the Rockefeller Foundation. The sul schl yiee eta y unior Girls' play for next year please! gfh such as child hygiene, mental hy- ut name and summer address in the school requires two years of previous giene, pediatrics and the like, or qual- ;lbox in the Women's league rooms in veoed for, advaned tues nd ify for advanced positions in institu- University Hall or in Barbour gymna- veloped for advanced students and tional or 1ulchat ilsmyfl sium. All plays must be in before providing intensive and varied experi- tilo public health fields may £01-ium l ly utb nbfr ence practice through thestudy of low courses in the graduate school August 15 to Betty Nutt, '28. cases, with preventative medicine em- .leading to the degree of Master of Sci- r }eaes, wthpren itai me n e nce of Nursing, with the possibility Finals in the tennis tournament ior vs. senior matchies will be played Sigma Kappa announces the pledg- by Thursday, while the winners' set is i ng of Maurine Jones, '28, Lucille to be finished Friday afternoon. I Cutler, '29, and Margaret Zohm, '2. Sigma Delta Phi will meet at 4 Phi Sigma Sigma announces the in- o'clock today at the home of Marh i, itiation of Constance Sidder, '28, of Burt, '29, 1841 Cambridge. I Detroit. Sigma Kappaannounces the pledg- ing of Maurine Jones, '28, LucillRe t Cutler, '29, and Margaret Zohm, '29. the Want Ads I a : / pliasized thrOUgnOUL The course is especially designed for the college woman who is interest- ed in the scientific agencies of social service rather than the practice of medicine, and the expert in it must be trained in the technique of social ser- vice. Women who are trained in this Phyllis hr. Loughton T course have access to positions in hos- Who has been selected to succeed pitals as administrators or teacher in Miss Amy Loomis, '23, as director of nursing schools, and in the field of the annual Junior Girls' play. Ali' ulchalhnrig All of the privileges belonging to Loughton has been prominent in cam- Yale University are open to the stu- pus dramatics during the past two dents in the school, and the facilities of practical experience through whole or part time positions in the hospital. amust be played off by Saturday. The freshman vs. sophomores and the jun- 'I . L . , "' . . ^C..; , , . ULARLY PRICED M igan campus both as an actress and as a director. She was assistant di- rector of the Comedy club production of Bernard Shaw's "The Admirable Bashville" last year, and this year di- rected the original production of Shaw's "Great Catherine" and Jesse Lynch William's "Why Marry." Miss Loughton also played "Dolly" in Wil- , lam's "You Never Can Tell," and 'Varinka" in the second production and tour of "Great Catherine." Be- sides amateur productions, Miss 'Loughton has played in Walter Hamp- den's prQduction of Percy Mackaye's "Washington." For the past three tyears she has been stage manager at the Bonstehle playhouse in Detroit, a position which she will fill again this summer. The sophomore women held a meet- ing recently at which Donald Hamil- ,on Haines, novelist and short story writer, spoke on the writing of the book for the .Tunior play. At that :,time, it was decided that all manu- scripts must be turned in by Aug. 15. Freshmen Elect Spread CommitteeI HATS THAT REG- years.j LONDON.--Regimental brooches, so popular during the great war, are be- ing brought into favor again. Society women are wearing them mostly at sporting functions on dresses and pinned into small felt hats which are very popular at race meetings. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. SPECIAL Each Tuesday and Wed- nesday SHAMPOO, MARCEL AND BOB CURLD $1.25 HILDA AIRNST Bertine Beauty Shoppe 1111 South University Ave. Prone 3839 of instruction which are offered by the university, School of Medicine, and the New Haven hospitals, and so- cial service centers are used in the instruction. A special course dealing with the physical and mental develop- ment of children from two to six years of age centers in the Nursery School of the Children's Community center. Throughout the course of study an opportunity is offered to introduce stu- dents to factors contributing to mental FrI dy-Sturday Specials 50c Chocolates and Bonbons...................70c Milk Chocolates ....... .. . . .....70c Wrapped Caramels .. . ..................70c Crispettes.............................7c Nuts and Fruits .......................$1.00 Raspberry and Chocolate Kisses ...........50c Parcel Post Mailing Service. 11 FROM $10 TO $12 WILL SELL FOR $5.00 Anna E. Wesch Hat Shop 206 EAST LIBERTY 11 I L DRESSES FOR MEMORIAL DAY 715 N. On University Place the Campus CLEVELAND DETROIT 11 I Beautiful new white sports frocks, and many in colors to select from- Sizes from 14 to 44, at $17.95 Summer frocks of voiles, broadcloths, pongees and novelty silk-Beautiful rnxof clnr nd all sizes_ r . . t ' :: a to I You can believe both sides of this story. Get rich quick means get rich-never. U Ellen Grinnell, '29, was chosen chairman of the Freshman spread ' committee at a recent meeting of the freshmen women, at Newberry audi- torium. The committee members were chosen as follows: Louise Cooley, Betty Smithers, Shirley King, Cynthia * Hawkins, Lucille Beresford, Helen Brown; °' Wry Alice Moore, and Jean Hathaway. The positions to which they will be appointed will be an- nounced-later. *The traditional freshman spread is given each year by sophomore women to welcome entering women. Let The Daily sell it for you thru the. Classified colmuns.-Adv. S PECIAL! For tie Montli of May IPERM4ANETPX , 1 I11 ~~ I M ^i . Iy .: I rjl~d l-/liNL EiN 1 WAVING performed by the VAPOR MARCEL MACHINE at a reduced rate Call for Information MISS FANDREI MIRROR BEAUTY PARLOR Cutting Apartments State at Monroe DIAL 7355 I ON SWISS STRAWS AND GENUINE PANAMAS The backward season compels vs to offer our ENTIRE STOCK of high grade Straw and Panama Hats at REDUCED PRICES. Sale now on. Notice: We Clean and Reblock Straw and Panama hats in the same] way they are done in the factory where they are made. We do only high Class Work. (No Acids Used) FACTORY HAT STORE REAL ESTATE invest- ments spell certain progress towards independence. Start now! Buy a lot in HURON RIVER HILLS 58 Now Sold Let us show you the SCENIC HOME SITES OF ANN ARBOR ANN ARBOR HOME BUILDERS Incorporated range or coours au n se. Priced at $3.50 to $14.95 Dresses of the better kind-Materials of georgettes, printed georgettes, and crepes-All the latest colors and styles. Priced at $19.95 to $34.50 Coat Sale Hat Sale Every Coat Reduced Dress and Banded Hats Sports and Dress Large and Small Shapes $10 to $35 $3.95 -$5 $10 1 Say'Goo dl~ye' .-with flow ers 9heir glad message will cheer her to the journey's end! 33 M 323 SOUTH MAIN ST. Flowerday & Nickels Arcade Son 'I Saunder s CAINOEI SLIV ERY 433, On Huron River at the foot of Cedar Street Ona Open 8a. m. .1.~~ *I ' Phone 7014 r .#iLu I erqs 617 Packard Street (Where D. U. R. Stops4 Phone 7415 at State) r 1f 408 National Phone -Mmmw You Who Are About to Graduate will wish to keep your sheep- skin diplomas in a presentable, legible condition. For thirty years, I have been using the "drumhead". mount, famous at Michigan and other universities. It is not always possible to get this "drum-head" mount in other towns. By ,placing your diplomas in my care immediate- ly after commencement, you will be sure of an expert framing job. Diplomas insured until they reach you C. O. D. My prices within reason. I7 0