PAOn FOUR I THE MICHIGAN DAILY T, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1926 n 4 q, Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Boat in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of an news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise Credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein.j 'Entered at the posteffics at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post naster General. Subscription by carrier, 13.5e; by mail, $4.00. Offices: Ana Arbor Press Building, May- 0ard Street. Phoaes: Editorial. 49a ; busins.s, stst4. 5DIT021AL BTAFX 'elephgte JRN MANAGING EDITOR GEORGE W. DAVIS Cbalrnan, Editorial Board....Norman R. That News Editor............Manning Houseworth Women's Editor............Helen S. Ramsay, Sport's Editor................Joseph Kruger Telegraph Editor.........William Walthour Music and Drama......Robert B Henderson Night Editors Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall Thomas V. Koykk W. Calvin Patterson 4 Assistaat City Editors Irwin OlianCFrederick H. Shillito Assistants a 4- C. Gertrude Bailer Harriett Levy Charles Behymef Ellis Merry George Berneike Dorothy MorehouSe William Breyer Margaret Parker Philip C. Brooks Archie Robinson Stratton Buck Simon Rosenbaumf Carl B erWilton Simpson Cdar Barger Janet Sinclair Josep Chamberlain Courtland Smith Carleton Champe Stanley Steinko Douglas Doubleday Louis Tendler Eugene H. Gutekunst Henry Thurna James T. Herald David C. Vokes Husen Hitt Marion Wells. Miles Kimball Cassam A. Wilson Marion Kubik Thomas C. Winter BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21n4 BUSINESS MANAGER BYRON W. PARK E Advertising..................Joseph J. Finn Advertising...........Rudolph Bolatelman Advertising.............. "Wnm. L. Mullin dver .t.s;n . ... homas D. Olmsted, Jr. Circulation............. ...James R. DePuy Publication............Frank R. Dentz, Jr. Accounts.....................-Paul W. Arnoldf Assistants George H. Amiable. Jr. Frank Mosher W. Carl Bauer F. A. Norquist John H. Bobrink Loleta G. Parker Stanley S. Coddington David Perrot W. J. Cox Robert Prentiss Marion A. Daniel Win. C. Pusch Mary Flinterman Nance Solomon Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland T. Kenneth Haves Win. J. Weinman Harold Holmes Margaret Smith Oscar A. Jose Sidney Wilson friends, parents, and other outsiders to lend their support in the project? Michigan spirit will have a chance to manifest itself as it never has before next fall. It is reasonable to believe that, should this latest event fail, some such arrangement as sitting all stu- dents together will be effected with the opening of the new stadium in 1927. Although there is a permanent cheering section at Illinois, the re- mainder of the student body is seated in one block and students have no better chance than outsiders or alumni to procure extra tickets. The underlying motive is obviously to eliminate every impediment to con- centrated cheering. If Michigan stu- dents were deprived of the opportunity to secure one, two, or more extra tick- ets to home games, they would .un- doubtedly, and righteously, feel that a serious injustice had been done. them. Such a possibility would be obviated, for some time, at any rate, with the success of the new venture. The Student council did not evolve the new plan as an only alternative. It came after a committee had spent months in studying the problem, not only at Michigan, but the difficulties found In other universities. The ef- fects of the undertaking, if successful, will be far reaching. At worst, it should be better than any situation during recent football seasons. The Council will finish its task during registration week next fall-the fate of the plan will rest with the student body. FRAUD Seances and spiritualists, long the refuge of the feeble-minded and the weak-willed, will be abolished for- ever if the bill introduced by Repre- sentative Bloom, Democrat, New York City, passes Congress; and of all the things that Congress has done this session, few are more worthwhile. Fakes and fortune tellers are not common in this community, and one would not expect them to be, for su- perstition recedes, as learning ad- vances, and in an educational center it is extremely unnatural for such un- reasonable practices to thrive. In large cities, however, with their hordes of uneducated day laborers and credulous foreigners, the practice of defrauding the public in this manner is serious indeed, and has become a real menace. In these metropolitan districts, such legislation can ac- complish a great deal, and will repay many times over the trouble that it involves for the government., Intelligent people have long realized that crystal gazing and fortune telling are no more than flagrant frauds, and Houdini, the famous magician, has of- fered $10,000 to the medium who can perform a single trick that be icannot prove to be a fake. Houdini's money is safe, for none of these ethereal beings who nonchalantly talk with the spirits of departed greats will risk the lucrative patronage of a substantial clientele to be exposed by him. In Detroit, there are two thousand people making their livings under these pretenses, and several of the more successful have made consider- able fortunes from the credulity and ignorance of the residents of that city. Many of them advertise the fact that they are real mediums and can com- municate with the dead, locate lost articles, and perform a number of other supernatural wonders. If they are sincere, they would take advan- tage of this most tempting offer that Houdini has made to them; if they are i not sincere they are obtaining money under false pretenses, and should be dealt with with all the severity that the Bloom bill implies. LESS DELAY Of the various requirements faced by the entering male student, the physical examinations as given during preceding years has undoubtedly been the most arduous in the first week's experience. After the equally lengthy preliminaries in this process, the em- bryo University student was slowly4 advanced through station after sta- tion of dental students and medical interns in a -manner quite similar to the modern methods of industrial pro- duction. With the announcement by Dr. Warren E. Forsythe that pre- liminary examinations may be given. by home town physicians, and with the elimination of one-half of the physical measurements by Dr. George A. May, this lengthy procedure has been materially shortened. Next fall, entering students will be free from the tedious delays experi- TOATED ROLLV AND DRAMA ENSEMBLE ROBINSONIAN A Review by ROLLS It was the type of concert that crit- ics seek, perhaps in vain, to embalm forever in the pale amber of their pagan prose. A moody and stormy study with rhythm and melody that is stupenduous-such was the Ensem- ble Robinsonian which came to Ann Arbor last night on its annual tour of the nation. It was of the theater, was this con- cert........ Although distinctly not the Greatest Show on Earth, still there was some good in it. For in- stance, the flighty number where numerous of the participants were performing in aerial glee-the number in which the concert reached the highest point on the program-there we discovered a certain amount of rhythm of a presto variety. But it was not technically perfect and once or twice on certain movements they slipped and fell. El maestro led a group through a swift, circuitous number, in which could be distinctly heard the swift patterings of horses' hoofs, as of the' famous march of Paul Revere through Georgia. Here there was something deeper, something at once weird and gripping, something that stirred one's heart, and made one think of the glories that were once of Rome and Greece. But our quick eye was dis- turbed, for throughout this number the chorus seemed to step on one an- other's feet, so to speak. It was all so mixed-up, if one may say so. But as a relief from the deeper and finer parts of the program there came the comedians. These gentlemen put a certain spice into the program that otherwise would not have been there, starnge to say. However, one or two of them were not of the theater.... they had not the finesse, the grace re- quired of a true opera star. In fact we can hold no future for them on the musical stage-beg pardon, plat- form. Some of them, thoughseemed to have been poured into their parts. Perhaps the leading star, the big- gest hit of the night, was Professor Jumbolio, who put on a program, with his fellow stars, that was permeated with a spirit of dramatic intensity and awe. Never in all our long years in con- nection with the musical forum have we heard a piece so touching, so full of fish horns and harmony, as the overture as it was played last night by Robinson's symphony orchestra. There were tones that swam through the audience, the harmony of the Me- dusa, the voice of a Fury, and the blare of a rusty trombone. Although the organist tried hard, he couldn't do much on account of the tempera- ment of his old and antiquated instru- ment. But as we look at the performance from a distance, and what a long walk it is from there-we see that it lacked a certain unity that every real con- cert must have to pass censor. The management should see to it that more cohesion is put into the program, or else we fear that their show will not be a success when it goes out on the road. * * * NOTE: The remainder of this co umn is nlot Music and Drama, but ROLLS. TODAY'S PHOTO . CLICK-'29E over in Alumni Memorial hall art exposition, Wondering what it's all about. TzauLj * * * LIKE THE REGENTS, CHIMPA- NZEES HAS HAD TO POSTPONE ITS MEETING SCHEDULED FOR TODAY. NOT ENOUGH CANDI- DATES HAVE BEEN RELEASED FROM THE HOSPITAL AS YET. WE WILL MEET TOMORROW. * * , It is getting to look like Michigan will have to win all her games for the sake of public safety, after the North. western and M. S. C. affairs. * * * , , THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1926 Night Editor - ELLIS B. MERRY "Accept no compromise. It is better to have no legislation than fake measures passed when as a matter of fact nothing has been done and nothing was intended. It is better to allow two more years for the organization of farmers followed by a concerted demand on Congress. I hope the Senate and House will now defeat all so-called farm relief legislation including Secretary Jardine's co- operative marketing bill." A. W. Ricker, secretary of the corn belt committee which sponsored the Haugen farm relief measure, de- feated in the House Friday, in a telegram to Congressman Elbert Haugen. THAT CHEERING SECTION With the announcement of the de- tailed plans for Michigan's permanent cheering section, which will be in- augurated at Ferry Field at the first home football game next fall, the pro- iect appears to be somewhat more feasible than it didat the time it was first made public. Provided that the Student council can create enough enthusiasm toward the undertaking during registration week in Septem- ber to enroll 1,200 students in the section, the success of the innovation will be virtually assured, and the or- ganized cheering of the student body will accordingly be elevated to a higher plane than it has ever known. Theoretically, the new plan is ans excellent one, ' and the haphazard! cheering of Michigan students at foot- ball games in the past is sufficient evidence -for the need of an improved system. What with a human maize "M" of 500 students, and 700 morel forming a mass of blue for the back- ground, it will be a rare spectacle, the like of which has never been known at more than a single game in' ether years. Leland Stanford main- tains a huge cheering section on this order; and Illinois, with only 500 in the bloc, has discovered that it af- fords a most impressive sight. Michi- gan can have the same-if the stu- dent body will cooperate. The single material advantage of MUSIC Ae DRAMA TONIGHT: The Students' recital at 8 o'clock In the recital hall of the School of Music. * ** * ANOTHER FABLE FOR MOST CRITICS All gall had been divided into three parts, and each part thereof entrusted respectively to the public, the artist, and the critic. This last endowment bothered the favorite disciple of Plato who had been authorized a critic by the oracle. "Since I am to be a critic," began the younger man, "I suppose that I should buy a musical dictionary or-" "Slow, Boy," replied the elder. "That would be not only a waste of money, but an anachronism to boot. A real critic needs no knowledge out- side of himself. He is gifted, inher- ently, with insight and a sense of pro- priety; he has acquired a basic train- ing in that art of which he is sup- posed to know something." "That sounds very good," responded the younger. "I'm afraid that you have not followed the latest develop- ments in the art of criticism, how- ever. We moderns are abandoning the old theory that critics must spend the better years of their lives in the mastering of useless essentials. In- stead, we must write cleverly, infus- ing our personality into our words so that they ring with our individuality- our spirit. Our criticisms will be fine essays on the art of being a critic." "I see," said Plato, clenching his hands behind his back. "You are the creators of a new art, pioneers in a strange and horrible investigation... But how are you to make criticisms in the strict sense from these psy- choanalytic introspections?" "To be exact, they will not be criti- cisms. Our new art has transcended all that, and achieved the expression of sensation in words." "Beautiful," moaned Plato. "And people will read our writings and be pleased. Impression is every- thing with us." "In your new art I suppose that you will eventually do away with the artist. You will surely have no need of him." "Well, that was our original idea which we have not demanded of our public as yet. We cannot accomplish everything at once. But allow us time, and we will prove the finality ofj our art." "Alas," cried Plato. "When I was young, things were not so. Criticisms were intelligent analyses; apprecia- tions of the artist's performance. Crit- ics were great and potent in the realm of the arts." "Reactionary!" sniffed the disciple. "And they swayed and moulded opinion by the soundness of their knowledge." "Indeed?" "They were keepers of a seraglio who knew how it should be done but "But our critics will be sultans, to follow your figure; they will create." "You must study heredity sometime in order to appreciate what you are planning," replied Plato. "And in future years we will be known as great men who established a, new art," exulted the disciple, who had paid no attention to the sly in- sinuations of the other. "We will be worshipped." "By your audience?" "Yes, until we find that we can abolish it as we did the artists. Then we can express the fulness of our art without limitation." Plato found that he had no ready argument to combat the optimism of the younger man. Instead, he said' softly, "Those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad." -TADZIO. THE STUDENTS' RECITAL A review, by Elaine Gruber. After listening to recitals, if such they may be called, of artists, one finds it practically impossible to com-E ment favorably to any extent upon the endeavors of amateurs to exhibit their talent. In some instances, however, the feeling existed during the recital given by the pupils of Nora Crane Hunt, that under interested and in- tensive training, talent which might some day equal the great talent of the recent May Festival artists could be developed. In other cases, one held one's ears and endeavored to realize why some people think they should take musi4 he' ifg 03|O| of which showed that there had ueen nothing to start with, were however, demonstrative of good training and even though there was much .lack of I PLEASE MAKE PA THS ON THE AWsst Wind 1endirg- 1itrary = MAYNARD STF EE -i The latest ooks for Reft: An American Tragedy - Dreiser. PONTIAC - MT. CLEMENS BUSSES - Leave Ann Arbor: . Mich. Union-7:55 A. M., 10:55 E A.\ M., 2:5 P. M., 5:25 P. M. i Downtown -s Station-8 A. M., 11 A. M., 2:30 P. M., 5:30 P. M. Special to Pontiac every Sunday night at 11:30. . Connect with Lansing busses at 2New Hudson; Flint busses at - Pontiac; Port Huron busses at w Mt. Clemens. i=1111I {I ttililillillllli4litli l ili:" SKILLED REPAIRING Have your pen looked over-See that it is in Perfect Order for Finals-No charge for this service or better yet Exchange it for a Rider" The pen that holds a whole barrel full of ink and wont run dry or balk in the middle of an exam. ider's Pen Shop The one place in Michigan where Real Penmak- ers service is to be had 24 HOUR SERVICE t, HA'& Engraved Cards for Seniors Order Now G RAHA M'S BOOK STORES AT BOTH ENDS OF THE DIACONAL DE LUXE ICE CREAM for After-School Refreshment ' °"""" E Luxe Ice Cream "just fills the bill" ... ' for the kiddies' after-school lunch. It's so nourishing, made exclusively of sweet cream, cane sugar, whole milk, natural flavorings, a tiny pinch (Y2%) of gelatine-and guaranteed absolutely pure because it is packed in cartons at our fac- tory. The little folk love this "triumph in ice cream quality". When school is over today, have them bring home De Luxe Vanilla, De Luxe Chocolate, or De Luxe Fresh Strawberry. Ask Your - Arctic Dairy Products Company MICHIGAN a L> .1 S'v1 . '; ,t < ? f M. . : . - "Watch Ann Arbor Grow!" Fraternities Sororities { Residences Rooming Housed Newly decorated, six-room, house, wth sleeping porch, in the Southeast Section; oak floors, flre- place; laundry tubs, two-car garage, nice lot: ' Price only $8,500; $1,000 down and $65 per month: A bargain. s SOUTHEAST SECTION-A small brick six-roo, house in a very fine residential section; oak floors; walnut finish; laundry tubs, garag, Price only $7,500 with $500 down. NEAR NEW HOSPITAL-Twelve room house; newly decorated inside and out; will bring bi4 income. All oak floors, enamel trim. Price unde a $12,000, with $1,000 down. i i a : '. ;. Eleven rooms, dormitory; four finest lot and best location now Fraternity or Sorority. Price Terms. fireplaces; the available for a around $30,000. "Will You Wave Deck?"-asks an Why do either, when America First?" * * * from Dock or advertisement. you can "See 1000 EAST ANN ST.-Fifteen rooms, lot 60x122; steam heat, tiled bath and showers. Room for 28. Price $21,000. Terms. NOTE-We have a ve Washtenaw Section th class organization. As have a few rentals av enlisting in the permanent section is enced by their predecessors. The in- the assurance of a seat at every home troductory conversation always pre- game near midfield. After that, it be- valent at this time between the new comes a question of moral obligation. and older students will turn from the Have students of the University displeasures of the old system to the A more liberal education is posed for pre-medical students. especially make it more liberal good marks. *0* * pro- And with ery high grade lot in the at would appeal to a high k for particulars. We also ailable. Hold your breath! Only one moreI 1 ,"'I i f--Ii t NAC'A lm ...D