/ TXHUYLSDAY, MAAY 27, 1926 THE. MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ThR~ _ _ _ ® ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sociation for Cancer Research at their19 ..nezS et tnDa i sN Y.n ihldrc tyatAb , CheeingSecionDetilsComplete 1 I.t STU D)EN3 C('OVNXIL1 ATN' 4+JNCS geographical condition. Again, small as usual, although he will not receive: because there was no sy stematized SEATING ACCO MMI)ATIONS !colleges in the East, although attend-; a ticket for his own coupon. By pre- arrangement of who shouldl compos: FOR ,200 S'TUI)-_'fS1 ed by students from all sections of sentation of his season ticket and $1 t 1he section. No women )r anyone, the country, find school spirit more at Moe's Sport shop, the student will other than men studlents, will be per-! TO WEAR UNIFORMS; natural because of their limited size.j receive a cape, hat and megaphone of' mitted to sit in the permanent sc Mviichigan, on. the other hand, with either maize or blue. Ilion next year. i~hrp~ O Arimginnt ~ T ~ more than 10,000 studlents from every fifteen minutes before each honie[ Regarding the advantages of enroll- e~e~e rgaize Stden Sprit part of the world, having varied and, game, students enrolled in the section jlig in the section, Warrick said that An Spor *'ie;, dissimilar interests, must, in som_.e! will go directly to Yost Field house every' such student will b~e assured of _______manner, instill a unified spirit intoj where they will don their uniforms, a good seat at each home game; that imore t han only minority groups. Thoe which may be carried in the pocket, I he will be fulfilling a obligation to the Detailed arrangements for Michi- Student council b~elieves the new an 7eereodadnwylst eUnvriy n hth ilhl a gans ermnet ceeingsetio, e-chieering arrangement will be a meansI used in that game. The 1200 students tcrially to improve Michigan's cheer- ce ntly devised by the Student council ,; t this end, and that the laxity ji will then parade c.nt() the field in ;ing arrangement. which Will be inaugurated with thei Ipnn ftefobl esnnx spirit will cease increasing with the snakedrefsioadate icig h e opening of te football easofashionowandofafternicirslinhenTheonew.plan was evolved after ani fall hae ben cmplted itwas tat grwth t te Uivesityhenefoth. the gridiron, will disperse and fill the intensive study ftepolmb mi ~ed yesterday by William Warrick, '27, Ireland-Stanford university has reserved section in the South stand. mittees of the Student council. Varsty ceerlader whohas ~enEc maintained a permanent cheer ing sec- The section will consist of rows 14 to Thz eredigsqaornx ed plans for the project.toi(f,00silitfrserayer44opsttecnerfth ed. year has ben working out regularly The purpose of th e ne ' cheering at its football games, and Illinois hasl No seats t herein will be reserved, all' this spring under Warrick:'s direction, sectonwhic wil becomrise ofdone the same with a. bloc of 500 stu-' students in the cheering section, beinganispniganubrostnst 1200 men students at each home game dents for the past few years. Both, permitted to sit where they choose. each football game in addition to soy-1 hieat fall, is to increase the organized institutions have founed remarkablej ThI3 sect ion will consist of a hug:2 iemal new yells. The; will practice spirit on the part of the student b~ody success; withd the arrangement. block M', 500 students forming the every afternoon throughout the foot- thatis gneraly ackig atathltic All students who wish to s;it in the letter of miaize and~ 700 ecomposing the l ball season next fall, beginning short- contests, Warrick explained, and to } new suction next fall will qualify for blue background. Students enrolled ly after the opening of school, in an br'ing this spirit into closer relation nmembership when securing at:hleticj in the section will he required to wear ieffort to p~lace Michligan's cheering on iwtih the caliber of M~ichigan teams. ! books in' Waterman gymnasium dun- uniformis at every hiome game in. keep- la higher plane than has ever beeni The university is confronted with a ltg the ,irst week:. of registration. ingr. with the plan, any of which will be Ipreviously attained. ' peculiar problem in regard' to the{ Froshmen will be given the privilege! replacedl at Moe's if lost or destroyed. {( spirit of its student body, Warrickli oly in case 1200 upperclassmen andj Any studlent in the section wishing _to 1M dc lSociea pointed out, in that its personnel is; sophomores doy not enroll. The ath- ; it with his parents or friends at on- 6 J t particularly heterogeneous. The lUnl- I letic coupon for each home game will! or two gamnes, will be privileged to doHo rs ' versity of California dIraws 90 percent be stamped, anid an all-season cheer-j ,o provided Ire procures another stu.- on r llat n ofits students from that state, he re- mug section ticket given to eah t ;det:to t.ke isplace i te etion. D.A .XX~tinpoeso fpt miarked, and an, institution of that dent who enrolls. 116 will be entitled' It was pointed out that the chieering r .S '~rhn rfesro ah 'type is more apt to have exceptionally' to extra tickets, according to the am- ections attempted in the past few olog10Y in the Medical school, was elect- unified spirit b~ecause of this peculiar rangernent of the Athletic association. years have been unsuccessful, largely edvice-president of the American As- -WASHINGTON.-Opponents of Lake l!Michigani water diversion and friends of the St. Lawrence waterways scor- ,;ed two big triumphs on the first day of consideration of the pork barrel bill. IDETROT THEATRESI I ~ THIS WEEK Nights - 23c to Il.t5 THE 'C MatS.W :id.5C-75c I TECARRICK COMPANY! !N The Girand Duchess and the Wait el'I wifth Anns Harding-Rollo Peters The BONSTELLE COO Presents WM. FAVERSHIAM In SLOIL.D CA 6i a Miss Donstelie as Lady Alqy Bo nlaPlayhouse Nighs c,$. Woodward atighttsTel G tond$e 979 CLARA CLEM ENS 1 IAnud Distinguished Associates in "Joan of Arc"9 SHUBERT LAFAYETTE I Tnesday, June 1, at 8:30 Tickets at Box Office-$2. $1.50, $l, 75c, 50c Plus tax. Benefit Women's League Bldg. F~und Read the Wmeant Ads music by H. E. Boxer and His Ore chstra Now Booking Graduation Parties' Phone 8871 ________ Ii y . ,___- How Did -Look Thi, i I. i S fad. '...' CEORGOEF.i0iJCOMPAYAMKER E0A7 I(E AGRIPPA-~WE 3mksgresact Fin..a entirely new wly ar ly in LBostcns , this well be had. Ieven wvhc .woancrnvery=.5:- it will no': slip. It c nnot curl and y0-et i1i remarkably soft anid light. .Here in fctisa pract cal, cofertabic, ventilated -'Webr? In many plea:4sig colars, 50c the p'air. , ; A& av %14& 1%.% %w w.a f./ T I %ILJLA4 L 3A L.@V - . "4 !"IMWP" Wvuqm The SOCK KING 4987-Semi-wing tip. Light ~ Saddle Tan with Black Harness . 1113S.Uiest Ave. Sti hig. Bra ided Lace. 6 u~2 4973 - Genuine Imported (a) Tan Holland Grain Leather. 4978-Th teinthsEgIh Step in e alStyle last is the lattes thpsodngtiof STEP OUT in a new pair of Regal Shoes with the x ~comforting confidence that a National Institution ' guarantees the Style, Quality, Fit, and Finish. "RESCO" Scientific Fitting Machine Service From Maker to Wearer-- From Coast to Coast .1c Reg~al Factories, Whitman, ?Lass. - Stares in All Principal Cities '. I: DA GER I You'7! explode with laughs at °. t 1 ..r 7 t F ' , i j f~ 1 j !. ' I. ,: P .a j ,,, l,, i , 'i FR . , e . i( 1 ' 49 f _ f.i-. i - '.' y /> ,, / : .,. ......" ." OF COURSE I HE'S HERE ALL WEEK! q i; ,a h " :1 ?. Four Performances Daily COMEDIAN U I t I ..{ aw.. : .:. ,- COMEDIANS Y i'T f j 9HEAT RjLD. -Policy- Matinee 2:0) and 3:35 10c " 35c -50 Evening 7:041 andI8:40 LLO Under the Personial Direct~i oofSamu Taylor 131ICHIGt~AN LOALATiS About Townl andIUp L)State II RI CE SPORITLIGHdT II FELIX CARTOON PIC'TORIIAL tiEIVS AR{CAD)EREVIEW i t "19oy"6 11 11 r 6 F0NI "WS ' l$' ^"" "A"N v a till arr yur ~; a ..,. .. ._ a'2s .Yr . ,;' . " r....r o"L;. i '. .$ 'x %1 "SIM,