ESTABLISHED 1890 aiIl MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS a1u rr . . VOL. XXXVI. No. 178 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TI-IURSDAY, MAY 27, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS M 10 1l1 lIIIM IY Iq 1 . ' vomm .-owom COUNCIL MEMBERS INSTALL OFFICERSi APPOINT CHIRMENI JIORNBERGER, GRINNELL, GLOVER NAMED TO POSITIONS tA N ) AMERICAN CITIZEN REP()WTED HELD BY MEXICAN BANDITS (By Associated Press) MEXICO CIT'Y, May 2.--.Rc- ports that a third American, within the past few days, has been kidnapped by Mexican bandits were received here to- day in a telegram stating that J. J. Shanklin, an Amercian er- ployee of the Elpotriro -sugar plantation, has been spirited away. The United States embassy has made representations to the Mexican foreign office. C. C. Braden, an American mining man, and a mining en- gineer named Gallagher wereI kidnapped several days ago by bandits in the state of Durango. The fate of these men was still unknown today. i , , f , j I I 1 I i I i' I 4~I f r GIBSON AND9 CECIL PRAISE PROGRESS of GENEVAPARLEYi E~XPECT SEPARATE SETTLEMENT OF LAND, AIR, NAVAL sPR)OBLEMS NAVAL M EET LIKELY Work Assigned To Sub-Committees As Disarmament Parley Adjourns SUntil Next Autumn (By Associated Press) GENEVA, May 26.-Both Hugh S. Gibson, American delegate and vis- count Cecil, British delegate to the preparatory commission on disarma- ment, today expressed the opinion that the commission has made a splendid start on its work and that all the LIST YEAR'S WORK Innovation Of Student Convocations, Plans For Cheering Section Among Achievements Senior and junior representatives of the Student council recently elected and other members of that body, who will serve next year, officially took oflce, under the direction of Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L, the president-elect, at a meeting in the Union yesterday afternoon, The only business trans acted was the election of council of- ficers forsnext year, and the appoint- ment of chairmen of the new cheer- ing section and the student convoca- tions. Next year's officers are as fol- lows': Fred Glover, '27, vice-president; Theodore Hornberger, '27, treasurer; Henry Grinnell, '28, secretary. George Stanley, '27E, was named athletic representative on the council, and was appointed chairman of the permanent cheering section, whie Hornberger eas named chairman of the student convocations. Start Convocations The institution of student convoca- tions'at Hill auditorium each Sunday this month was in all probability the greatest single achievement of the Council which stepped out of office yesterday. With an average atten- dance of 3,000 at each of these non- sectarian congregations, the council feels that the innovation has been per- manently established and that the con- vocations will be in effect throughout next year. It has been suggested that a nationally prominent speaker be brought here one Sunday each month until May next year and that a convo-. cation be held e'ery week at that tim. in concluding the year's series. This or a similar plan will be adopted by the new council. It was the Student council which formulated the plans for a permanent cheering section of 1200 students next fall following an intensive study of the cheering problem at Michigan. In this connection the council brought about a change in the method of se- lecting the Varsity cheerleader, pro- viding for his appointment by a board consisting of the captains and mana- gers of the four major teams instead of his election by the student body. The council reorganized the method of handling class finances this year, inaugurating a system of uniform re- ceipts, and requiring all class treas- urers to fill out vouchers. Study Grading System Kenneth Kellar, '26, retiring presi- I dent of the council appointed a stu- dent committee to make a study of the grading and examination system fn the University with the view to making possible recommendations for various changes and to consider the advisability of favoring the extension of the honor system throughout the literary school. The recent petition by the council to the Senate committee on student af- fairs for increased student representa- tion on the committee with equal vot- ing power for all members was ap- proved and will be recommended to the Board of Regents today. The ad- Ministrative board of the literary school\ whose principal functions are the consideration of cases of dishon- esty in examinations and irregularities in elections, has also been petitioned by the council for the seating of three students on that board each year. At present the board is composed entirely of faculty members. Every recommendation of the coun- cil this year to the University disci- pline committee concerning cases of misconduct by students was reaffirm- ed by subsequent action of that com- mittee. The rooming house committee of the council cooperated with the assistant' dean of students throughout the year in the handling of many such cases. Establish Council Finally, in addition to the annual functions of the council, which include conducting class elections, the spring elections and the arrangements of the spring and fall games and Cap Night, this year's body established four col- lege councils in the University in an effort to widen the scope of student government. The principal functions of each of the new councils will be to handle class elections, disciplinary cases, and any other constructive work within its respective school, sub- ject to supervision of the Student council in all respects. The council was also instrumental I I Honor Section! GuardsChosen BE GESTS OF Illinois Governor Faces Grand Jury _'f MICHIGAN DEBATERS~ilMIOITL Conflict Of Government With Social Life Of Individual Is Topic For Contest Members of the class of '26 who have been selected by the presidents of the respective colleges to serve as members of the Guard of Honor sec- tion of the Commencement procession on June 14 in its march from the campus to Ferry field were announced yesterday, and will meet with Dr., George A. May at 7 o'clock tonight in Waterman gymnasium. The mode of march has been reproduced in minia- ture on the gymnasium floor, and it is expected that all members will be there tonight for what will probably be the only practice of the section. The Guard serves as escort to the honor section of the procession which is made up of the faculties of the vari- ous schools and colleges, 'regents,1 other University officials and candi- dates for honorary degrees. Each guardfflanking this part of the, parade l carries a pennant decorated with col- ors representing his school. (Continued on Page 8) FREINCH DEPUTIES FACE DEBT PARLEY1' Surrender Of Krim And Improvement In Exchange Brightens Outlook For Government SEEK TO DEFER DEBATE (By Associated Press) BULLETIN PLAN TO FOSTER CLOSER UNITY BETWEEN INIDSTRIES AND UNIVERSITY LITTLE TO SPEAK Inspection Of Engineering College WT11 Be )hide, And Luncheon To le Held At Union To establish closer relations be- tween the industries of the state and the University, the manufacturers of Michigan will be the guests today of the President 'and the Board of Re- gents for a luncheon program and an inspection of the engineering college. Representing the University at the, luncheon to be held at 1 o'clock in the main dining room of the Union, President Clarence Cook Little will deliver an address of welcome to the industrial leaders, and Dean Morti- mer E. Cooley of the Colleges of En- gineering and Architecture will speak on "Michigan Industries and Re- search." For the manufacturers, Charles F. Kettering, director of the research bureau of the General Motors cor- poration, will speak on "Research in Industry." In addition, the report of the manufacturers' committee on automotive research at the University will be given by the chairman of the; committe, Col. J. G. Vincent of the Packard Motor company. M. J. Mur- phy, Detroit, will act as chairman for the luncheon program. U NIVEHlIIy IUUAY CANCEL TWO DEBATESI Michigan's international debate team composed of William King, '27L, E. R: Gomberg, '27, and Gerald White, '27, will debate Bristol university to-! morrow night on the question "Re- solved: that this house opposes thel growing tendency of government to invade the sphere of the individual," a cablegram from England received yesterday informed Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, of the public speaking de- partment. According to the communication, the Michigan trio was scheduled to debate Exeter college on the same question last night. It also stated that the first two debates on the itinerary with Liverpool university and Bangor! college were cancelled because of the late arrival of the ship carrying the Michigan team. .The debate with Oxford was held May 13 and the 'following day the Michigan representatives were the guests of the American University union in London. On the evening of May 12 the debaters and coach, Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, of the public speak-' ing department, witnessed the play, "Merry Wives of Windsor," at the Festival theater. After the debate tomorrow night,j the cablegram stated, the Michigan men will make a tour of the Scotland1 lake district and visit other points of interest in northern England and Scotland. They wll not return home until August, and it is probable that members of the team will visit the; continent. MORE VOLCAOEUTOS THREATEN RESUCEP PTY - (By Associated Press) TOKIO, May 26.-A dispatch to the( newspaper Nichi-Nichi from Hokkaido= says the volcano Tokachi, which' erupted Monday with heavy loss of life still was threatening today with occasional ommissions of smoke causing residents to fear more erup- tions. Rescue work was difficult owing to dense mists and failure of electric light and communications. Hundreds continued however, to burrow in the mass of mud, rocks and lava, removing the dead. Occasionally their efforts were rewarded by finding a living person in the debris. FAULYMEMBERS WILLE ADDRESS PHYSICINS" Two demonstrations, abdiscussion, and a pape-r, all by members of the faculty of the Medical school will compose the program of the Ypsilanti meeting of the Washtenaw County, Medical society at the Hotel Huron, Ypsilanti, tonight. Dr. Preston M. Hickey, professor of roentgenology, will conduct a demon- stration of the "Cinematograph of the Normal Heart as Produced at the University of California by Dr. How- ard Ruggles." representatives have shown great sin- cerity, The commission adjourned today turning over a mass of technical ques- tions to sub-committees, and probably will resume its work some' time next autumn. Viscount Cecil for one, does not con- sider that a separate naval agreement as suggested by Japanese diplomats is an impossibility. Before departing for England tonight, he told the cor- respondents that it might well appeal during the progress of the preparatory work at Geneva that it would be pos- sible to treat special phases of dis- armament apart. He said that he could see no reason why the Geneva effort should hold up other negotia- tions. He emphasized, however, that it would not be desirable to arrange any conference that might seem to com- pete with -the Geneva meetings. His idea was that any naval negotiations should dovetail into the main effort which is now being undertaken by the preparatory commission. Meanwhile the Jaanese have not lost heart that their suggestion for a three power naval conference between the U. S., Great Britian and Japan may materialize. Their hopes, of course, is that France and Italy will join in a naval conference which should not be permitted to embarass Geneva's centralized struggle against competitive armaments. "We are only at the beginning of our studies into this complex prob- lem" Mr. Gibson said tonight, "the American delegation believes, how- ever, that land, naval and air problems can be handled separately, although it doesn't necessarily mean separate district conferences., We must wait to see the best way of treating the de- tails, and we will know more when the experts have rendered their decision on the various technical questions which have been put to them." ritis Strike Was Beneficial, I Howard States (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, May 26.-The recent general strike in England served, in the opinion of Sir Esme Howard, the British ambassador, to establish "once again and for generations to come a belief and a faith in the prin- ciples of free constitutional parlia- mentary government." In an address before the American National Association of Credit Men here tonight, which was confined al- most entirely to a discussion of the strike, he said that "on the whole, I think not only Great Britain, but also the world at large-always excluding our friends at Moscow-may be con- gratulatud on the outcome." "I hope that once the mining diffi- culty has been settled, as I feel con- I vinced it must now be settled, and once the mining industry has been adjusted to modern conditions," he added, "we may look forward with a new hope to an era of internal peace and prosperity in Great Britain, which will also have its reflex in the pros- perity of this country, which sells, I believe, 25 per cent of its total exports to the British Isles." 6 0 A. TO INSTALL OFFICERS TOMRO Who has own defense alleged graft dons and par MADRID, May 26.-Abd-el-Krim, Upon their arrival, the guests will the Riffian war lord, has surren. Iregister at the offices of the engine- dered. Official announcement to !Bering research department in the East this effect has been miiade here. Engineering building from which they [rim entered the Frendh zone will be taken by guides to the differ- in Morocco in flight from the Bou. out departments in the engineering kouya tribesmen. Details of the I college concerned with industrial re- surrender are not yet available. search. Following the addresses to be given PARIS, May 26.-The recovery of at the luncheon, nominations and ap- the French franc and the announce- pointments of industrial committees ment that Abd-el-Krim, the Riffian will be made through which a more war leader, has surrendered, leaves the complete cooperation between the Washington debt agreement as the manufacturers and the research for- principal bone of contention between ces of the University may be estab- the government and the opposition on lished. Members of the engineering the reopening of parliament tomor- resea-rdh department have invited sug- row. gestion from the visiting manufactur- Today's official announcement that ers concerning the ways and means to Krim is on his way to the French be employed by the University in the lines has robbed the socialists and the furtherance of its effort to assist the communists of one of their favorite industries of the state. points of assault on the government, and the improvement in the French apsn . exchange has repaired a dangerous lMledica Gr-oup breach in the government breast- works. Will ConveneI The opposition leaders, in their de- sire to put the Briand ministry on the H er. In June' defensive at the outset of the session, may press their interpellations on thei debt accord as they have threatened. f Attracted largely by the Lewis S. The government, however, will pro- Pilcher collection of rare and early pose that the debate on the accord books on medicine and surgery, which be deferred until the question of rati- the University has recently acquired, fication comes up immediately after the Medical Library association will' consideration of the new electoral hold its 29th annual meeting here for law. It is most likely that this pro- three days beginning June 7. This is1 cedure will be adopted. only the second time in the history ofI Rather than fall into the hands of the organization that it has met at) the sultan and having to face native Ann Arbor, and about 75 delegates justice, Krim is declared to have pre- from various parts of the country are ferred to put himself at the mercy of expected to attend. the French. Headquarters for the convention There was much rejoicing through- will be in the Michigan Union, and Dr.i out Spain when the foreign office Frederick Coller of the MedicalI made the announcement of his sur- school will deliver the opening ad- render. dress. The feature of the three day y meet will be a reception at the Clem- ents library for the members of the BUp t st Sp fl library staffs and the faculty of the Medical school, which will be held on A verted W hen Tuesday evening June 8. The recep- tion will be held in conjunction with' A rbriters W ' I the exhibit of the Pilcher collection, j 'which will be on display at this time. I _____________ Len Small taken the stand in his in the investigation of in the granting of par- oles in Illinois. - " | ARTISTS TO PAINT ARCTIC LNSAE Party Representing Nine States Will Paint and Sketch Scenes During Three Month's Stay WILL EMPLOY AIRPLANES (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, May 26.-Th'ree hundredt and sixty five miles past the Arctic Circle, thirty-eight artists from thet United States this summer will paintt pictures of icebergs, Eskimoes, and animals.I Most of the party, which represents nine different states, will sketch and' paint throughout the trip, although many will take notes. Headed by Dudley Crafts Watson, of the Chicago Art institute, the artists will cross the North sea anq follow the coast of Nor-r way to its northernmost tip, North1 cape, far up in the Arctic region. Making their headquarters in one of the colonies of Laplanders, they willt take advantage of the continuous sun-i light for their work. Airplanes willt be used on the return trip. After stopping at Hammerfest, northern- most city in Europe, the party will 1 visit the Lofoten and other islands along Norway's western coast andE head for Oslo. From there they will go to Stock-< holm and take the air for Copenhagen, Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris and London,1 visiting enroute famous studios and places of interest to the art world. j Motion pictures of the trip will be, 1 taken. The artists leave Chicagot June 2 and will sail from Montreal f June 4, for Liverpool, then to Leith. From there they will start their trip across the North Sea. They expect to. arrive home about September 5. HOUSES DEBA TE ON, COOLIDGE'SBORDER PRIOR TO INQ UIRY LIQUOR FACTIONS IN EITHER HOUSE DEBATE QUESTION OF ENFORCEMENT LEGALITY DOUBTED Senate Judiciary Committee To Decide Constitutionality Of Order For State Al (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, May 26.-More backfiring on the prohibition question was heard today in both' houses of Congress as the Senate judiciary com- mittee prepared to discuss tomorrow the legality of President Coolidge's order authorizing the employment of state and local officers as federal en- forcement agents. The order was defended In the House by Rep. Swing, Republican, California, in whose state it is first to be put into effect. He said it was not in conflict with the constitution, was not without precedence and added that he felt confident the people of California as a whole would be glad to cooperate with federal officials in enforcing the dry law. In the Senate, Senatr Edwards, Democrat, New Jersey, a leader of the wets, renewed his assault on the order, while Senator Caraway, Demo- crat, Arkansas, a dry, delivered a gen- eral prohibition speech, assailing the wets for what he termed their propa- ganda and asserting that no one who believes in law enforcement wanted a national referendum on the prohibition question. While the discussion was developing into sharp tilts between wet and dry senators, Chairman Cummins of the judiciary committee announced that the committee would begin informal discussion tomorrow under the Senate resolutions directing it to report as to the legality of the order. He said that this was purely a question of law and that so far as he was concerned he would not favor any hearing, pub- lic or private. "I have no doubt in my mind that the order is without warrant at law," Senator Cummins said, "the Presi- dent had no more right to issue that order than I did." "I am not saying that the govern- ment cannot employ state officers in prohibition enforcement if the state and individual officers are willing. Congress fixed the method by which they could be employed, however. That is either by the attorney-general or the commissioner of internal revenue. Representative Swing had a different view of the order, declaring in the house that it was not an intrusion on state rights and that California state' officers had assisted in the enforce- ment of federal quarantine laws under an executive order issued in 1907. He also held that state officers help en- force other federal laws. If California is unwilling for its of- ficers to enforce the federal dry law, Mr. Swing added, its legislature "can say so and stop it." Calling attention that California has a state dry en- forcement code he asked: "Who can object to the executive order except the fellow who desires to avoid detection?" The Senate debate resolved itself into a fiery exchange between Sena- tors Caraway and Bruce, Democrat, Maryland, one of the wet leaders. The discussion became so heated at one time that Senator Walsh, Demo- crat, Montana, a dry made a point of order that there was "disorder in the chamber". As the climax to the inter- changes, Senator Bruce shouted that he wanted the prohibition law changed so there might be sobrity in the land. "The only way to Pe sober is to stop drinking," shot back Senator Caraway. He added that the couptry was faced with one of two proposi- tions, either the return of old condi- tions under the saloon or the retention of the present prohibitory law. I STUDENTS CHOSEN FOR Members of the Central league de- bating class for next semester were picked yesterday from a large group of tryouts by faculty members of the public speaking department. Those selected follow: Norman Bowersox, '27, Emanuel J. Harris, '27, James T. Herald, '28, W. N. Gall, '28, M. J. Hudson, '28, John R. Boland, '27, Richard T. Savage, '28, Stephen E. Jones, '27, Robert E. Minnich, '28, Carl Crawford, '27, George Hunter, '95 n i nr4tb'9 R , W X T br+ &ny Axssoc,.ateu Vress> i a anai~ WASHINGTON, May 26.-A spirit. - of compromise prevailed at today's CLUB session of the northern Baptist con- j vention and a threatened split be-! ILLHULV FOWER tween fundamentalists and modernists; was seemingly averted. -! After several hours debate a reso- Members of the garden section of lution was adopted permitting Baptist 1 the Faculty Women's club, which was churches to admit members without started by Mrs. Marion Leroy Burton, the right of immersion but reserving will hold a flower show June 16, 17, for immersed believers the privilege and 18 in the Hudson-Essex sales-, of representing their churches at na- j room on East Washington street. The tional conventions. j purpose of the exhibition is "to arouse This action followed the tabling of ! greater interest in flowers and in bet- an amendment to the by-laws the con- ter varieties, in the endeavor to add! vention proposed at Seattle last year more beauty to the city of Ann Ar- which would have required the im- 1 bor," according to Mrs. E. C. Goddard, mersion of all professed believers. chairman of the garden section.- Dr. W. D. Riley, of Minneapolis head I The classification is as follows: of the Baptist bible union, sought to Class 1. Iris and sub-classes. Class amend the resolution which was adopt-1 2 Peonies, double flowers, and sub- ed to stipulate that the convention classes. Class 3. Roses. Class 4.? should not recognize any Baptist Perennials, Brennials, and annuals. church unless immersion was recog- Class 5. Arrangements of flowers and nized and practiced as a prerequisite flowering shrubs. Substantial prizes' to membership. His amendment was of rare bulbs will be presented, but rejected by a vote of 2020 to 1084. Im- the primary aim is to stimulate inter-1 mnirnf lr nfarwnd tn .-mnrn icn t n fl wtn n T tb -rhhi - n s SUMMER PLAYSILL BE U GIU FOR LEAGUE FUND During the first six weeks of the summer session a series of plays will be given under the auspices of the ! Alumnae council on each Tuesday and? Thursday night in Sarah Caswell An- gell hall, which is being redecorated and renovated. The members of the company are students who have taken part in the various productions which have been given during the year by the various dramatic societies. The plays which will be given range from a revival of Bernard Shaw's "Great Catherine" which was pre- sented by Comedy Club for ten per- formances in Ann Arbor and ten on tour during spring vacation, to A. A. Milne's. "Belinda" and "Expressing Willie." The season tickets for the plays as well as those for single performances have been placed on sale in the office of the Alumnae council in Alumni Memorial hail, and may be obtained by application. National Health SocietyProposed Newly elected and appointed officers Ourw eathar~ an of the Student Christian association willbe installed into their new posi- - tion at a dinner to be held tomorrow at 5:30 o'clock at Lane Hali. The ,- it ofmen -who willhe iwhered into 1