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May 26, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-26

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1926'




Published every morning except Monday
turing the Universi year by the Boar in
Control of StudentPblications.
Members of Western Conterence Editorial
The, Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of al news
dispatches credited to it or not etherwisef
erdited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postvfico at An Arbor.
Michigan, as second cl1ass matter. Seial rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master GeneraL. J
Subscription by carrier. $3.s; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
hard Street.
Phemes: EditorIaL 49g;.: business, Iass,
lephoae ma
Chairman, Editorial Board.... .Norman R. Thal
News Editor.........Manning Housewortl
Women's Editor......... Helen S. Ramsay
Sport's Editor..............oseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor............William With our
Music and Dram........ .Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Thomas V. Koykk4 W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito
Gertrude Bailey Harriett Levy
Charles Behymef Ellis Merry
George Berneike Dorothy Morebou"
William Breyer Margaret Parker
Philip C. Brooks Archie' Robinson
Stratton Buck Simon Rosenbaum
Carl Burger Wilton Simpson
Edgar Carter Janet Sinclair
Joseph Chamberlain Courtland Smith
Carleton Champe Stanley Steinko
Douglas Doubleday L'ouis Tendler
Eugene H. Gutekunst Henr Thurnau
James T. Herald David C. Vokes
Russell Hitt Marion Wells
Miles Kimball Cassam A. Wilson
Marion Kubik Thomas C. Winter
Telephone 21214
Advertising ..............Joseph J. Finn
Advertising............ Rudolph Bo telman
Advertising.......... ....L. "Mullin
Advertising........Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr.
Circulation...............James R. DePuy
Publication .............rank: R. Dentz, Jr.
Accounts.................Paul W. Arnold
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oun o. bourmk Loleta G. Parker
tanley S. Coddington David Perrot
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Marion A. Daniel Wn. C. Pusch
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Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland
T. Kenneth Have Wna. J. Weinman
Flarold Holmes Margaret Smith
Oscar A. Jose Sidney Wilson

years, but it is now to be regretted
that some complete settlement was
not reached then, for each day brings
a greater estrangement between the
factions of the great industrial strug-
gle. Indeed, Prime Minister Baldwin
has issued an ultimatum to the miners
to the effect that the government no
longer considers itself bound by the
offer of a 3,000,000 pound subsidy, and
that unless the miners are willing to
yield before June 1, it will be' with-
Apparently, the only ray of hope is1
found in the speech of Sir ,Herbert;
Smithy in which he asserted if the,
u;eciotnlic mines were closed, and
the domestic price of coal fixed at a
price. that would assure economic
wages, and a reduction of wages is
still necessary: "I will face the propo-
sition." At least, this is attacking the
higher wage argument from a sane
economic standpoint and would prob-
ably result in a r asonable settle-
ment. It is to be hoped that the pro-
posal will be met with favor by the
opposing forces and form the basis for
a speedy agreement whereby mining
activities may be resumed, industrial
equilibrium restored, and the millions
of humans saved from the depriva-
tions and sufferings of a long eco-
nomic conflict.
Throughout the world, those classes
of the various social orders which
appear to be slighted in the distribu-
tion of wealth in comparison with
former distributions have become ad-
vocates of economic reforms which
are often of doubtful practicability. In
this category may be placed the
H-augen farm subsidy bill, which was
recently defeated in the House by a
decisive vote, and which is now pend.
ing consideration in the Senate.
To provide more profitable markets
for the farmer, this measure would
place one price on agricultural pro-
ducts for home consumption and a
lower price on them for competition
in the foreign trade with the necessary
funds to make up the probable losses
being supplied by the government.
In substance, then, this proposal
would resolve itself into a mere sub-
sidy with all the inherent defects of
this type of government aid. Proof of
the futility of this policy is now being
furnished by the various subsidies
which England is giving to her indus-
In view of the economic conditions
of the agricultural interests in this
country, there is little doubt that they
deserve reasonable consideration by
the national legislation. In fact, at
the beginning of the present session
of Congress, many senators and rep-
resentatives looked favorably upon co-
operative legislation for the farmer,
With the adoption of its fanatical
policy of subsidy or nothing, how-
ever, the farm bloc incurred such op-
positionthat it practically precluded
the success of its measure.
Furthermore, unless this group re-
turns to its former sensible program,
for which there is still opportunity, it
will be solely to blame for the fail-
ure of Congress to relieve the situa-
tion of the farmer.
The American Civil Liberties union
of New York had to postpone its
meeting the other day because the
board of education refused it use of a
school. Which will provide more ma-
terial for debate when they do meet.
Edison says Americans don't want
talking movies, because they desire
a quiet, restful time at the show. Try
the Maj sometime, Tom.


Night Editor - JO H. CHAMBERLIN
Nearly every college has in its folk
tales the glamorous story about the
time the boys had a riot. It takes
college students to put on a good, old
fashioned riot, the kind that makesI
the inadequate police force "helpless
in the throes of superior strength."
Such an affair makes goodntalking
matter for years to come, and takes
its place in the undergraduate mind
along with other sacred traditions.
Michigan has not been without
them, for even in this great school
that "rules the west" there is a class
of students, imbued with their con-
cept of Michigan spirit, who deem it
necessary to tear up a theater or raid
something or other at least once a
year in order to keep their school just
as collegiate as old Siwash down east.
So the Michigan State college stu-
dents who celebrated the defeat of
the Michigan baseball team by trying
to give Lansing a pink tint have
plenty of good company. Didn't the
Harvard freshmen just raise the deuce
when they couldn't have music with
their food? Didn't some school orI
other-it is hard to remember now-
tear up another school's goal posts
after a football victory in the East last
fall? Didn't Ohio State just have a
near-riot lecause freshmen had used
the sacred "long walk?" Perhaps this
was the best means those students
had to show their school spirit-what-
ever school spirit is.
But at Michigan State college-in
its last exhibition of school spirit-
one is led to believe that the entire
male- student body participated. At
this University, one thing can be said
for the students: those who take part
in such by-play are of a particular
class-a small class and one which
is not at all respected. And in addi-
tion, one is led to believe by com-
parisons that this small class is
rapidly growing smaller.
So the accusations of the various
college critics who assert that the
4 larger universities have less academic
emphasis seem untrue. Michigan ap-
pears to be approaching the day when
no "Harvard freshmen" or "State
students" Will be enrolled.

TODAY: John Robinson circus will
perform this afternoon and evening,
NOT in Mimes theater.
Brother Apes, you are now mem-
bers of Chimpanzees, honorary ROLLS
society, and therefore you can now
stand the consequences. You have
signed over your life, liberty, and pur-
suit of humor to this organization,
-which aims to deprive you of every-
thing but the last.
Anthropoid-at-arms, take the first
Ape over there near the School of
Music window, and make him listen to
the practising future-soprano.
Now, the rest of you will be still
further punished. The Apes will read
the manuscripts they have prepared
as part of this initiation. Never in all
the history of this society have such
terrible examples of humor been sub-
mitted as samples of humor. How,
Apes, can your pride, your conceit,
stand it?
The Apes will be forced to listen
as Ape Yifnif presents his manuscript.
s * *
FLYSPECK, Mich., May 25, 1926.-
(Special to Rolls)-"Yes, there is
evolution on the U. of M. campus,"
said Miss Effie Snorp, former Michi-
gan coed, when asked whether she
thought there was any evolution on
the U. of M. campus. "But," she ad-
ded, "in most instances the evolution
is downward. Take for instance the
professorial hirsute adornments. The
oldest faculty members have pretty
good sized beards. What I mean is,
their beards date, date back to the
mid-Victorian era when whiskers
WERE whiskers.
"Then you take some of the men a
little younger," Effie continued, "Their
faces are not quite so well padded.
1VMore like Roy D'Arcy was in 'The
Merry Widow' than the sort affected
by Walt Whitman. And the young in-
structors and assistant professors
usually don't have much more than a
Menjou moustache. That's more like
devolution than evolution. It's a bad
sign, too. There's nothing I like bet-
ter than a man with a good crop of
whiskers. Where are the beards of
(At the time of writing Miss Snorp
only weighed 197 pounds. She is now
377 pounds heavy, f. o. b. Flyspeck.)
* * *
Enough out of you, Ape Yifnif.
Now, the brother Apes will be forced
to laugh. Anthropoid-at-arms, make
them at least smile at it. The next
Ape to to present his ida of humor
will be Michael. All Apes must listen.
The following subject was assigned to
* * *
Poetic Muse-Be Gone-Be dead
I cannot stand-your awful tread;
Your tread of wine-of women-song;
Poetic Muse-You done me wrong.
Oh, still your ever crying prattle,
That's driven me-to losing battle;

To losing battle-where I fight;
For what I know-Cannot be right.
Oh Rotten Muse-Your breath does
Give me the bottle-give me drink;
A drink-That I may hold myself;,
Above this ever scheming elf.
Oh, Muse of Verse-Pray hear the
That now does send me-Down to
To hell-Because I followed thee;
Poetic Muse-You should be me.
With that the meeting will adjourn
until tomorrow at the same time.
Other initiates will probably be out
of the hospital by that time, and we
can hear what they have to say for
* * 0
One advantage of the new stadium
is that it -provides a more direct route
for alunmii coming to the games. And
they can get out of town sooner.
* * *
The Band will get a chance to play
all its tunes on the way to a football
game now. And students will lose all
their pep on the march out.
* *
We don't blame M. S. C. for having


Recital in the School of Music audi-
toriumn at 2:30 o'clock.
On Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
in the recital hall of the School of
Music Otto J. Stahl, head of the
theory department of the School off
Music will present Jack Conklin,
pionist, assisted by Miss Susan Brown,
Kreisleiana No. 5........Schumann
La Cathedrale Engloutie ....Debussy
Rigandon ............... MacDowell
Mr. Conklin
The following are original composi-
tions by Mr. Conklin:
Mary Ellen, Serenade, and Autumn.
Miss Browne
Prelude, Scherzo, Nocturne, The Brook
Mr. Conklin
Since the dramatic season in Ann
Arbor during the sunimer has in the
past been-to put it charitably-an
uninspired monotone, a group of play-
ers who have been prominent in vari-
ous campus dramatic societies have
united in an organization to be known
as "The Players" for the summer sea-
son of plays. A different play will be
presented for the first six weeks of
the summer session on Tuesday and
Thursday evenings, with Sarah Cas-
well Angell hall as the seat of their
barnstorming activities.
The members of this company are
composed, with a few possible excep-
tions, of that group which has made
the last dramiatic season in Ann Ar-
bor the -most successful in the history
of such productions. There are, more-
over, two additional members of the
company who are actresses of ability
who are not students in the Univer-
sity; and since this band of prophets
will form a very interesting and in-
tegral part of local entertainment
during the summer, °°a series of
thumbnail sketchesi of the actors and
actresses might be pertinent.
Amy Loomis, has for the past two
years, in conj.unction 'ith another,
and aided and abette 1 li that gentle-
man, been the most prominent figure
in this field. As the director of the
Junior Girls play and Masques she
has created several productions of
exceptional character. She was the
first woman to grace the masculine
casts of Mimes, and in addition has
left an indelible portrait of Catherine
the Great of Russia in "Great Cath-
I erine." Her professional perform-
ances have included a season with
Eva Le Gallienne in New York.
Neal Nyland is a member of both
Mimes and Comedy Club, being presi-
dent of the latter organization. He
has played the love interest in the
majority of the campus productions
of the year, including the parts of
Cheviot Hill in "Engaged," Captain
Edstaston in "Great Catherine" and
Valentine in "You Never Can Tell."
Robert Henderson has had a unique
part in the campus productions for
the past two years: "actor, critic,
columnist, and Vestal Virgin of Cam-
pus Dramatics" they style him-and
director, manager, publicity agent,
producer.... He has perhaps done
more for the recent rejuvenation of
dramatics than anyone other person.
President of Mimes and a member of
Comedy Club, he has played Prince
Patiomkin to Miss Loomis as Great

Catherine in Great Catherine;" Jeppe
of the Hill in "Beggarman;" Belinda
Treherne, unfortunate lady of sor-
rows, in "Engaged;" and the waiter
who made the wheels go round in
"You Never Can Tell." His profes-
sional work has been with Hamilton
McFadden in the American theater in
Salem, Massachusetts, and with the
Gloucester Players in Gloucester,
Massachuetts, for two seasons.
Lillian Bronson, who with Phyllis
Loughton shares honors as the most
capable actress on campus has played
a rather wide Variety of parts, all with
a very definite portrayal and ranging
from Claire in "Great Catherine" and
as the sympathetic lead in "Why Mar-
ry?" to Mrs. Clandon in "You Never
Can Tell" and Mrs. Clivedo i-Banks
in "Outward Bound."
Other members of the company will
include Camille Masline, Richard
Woellhaf, who was one of the most
sensational finds of the year as Smitty
in "S. S. Glencairn," 'Frances Horine,
Elizabeth Strauss, who is president of
Masques, and who played the girl in
"Outward Bound." Kenneth King.



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The Field of the Grin

ding Engineer





VERYTHING from the alarnm
".1 c isL clock that wakes us in th
1 morningto the switch that puts ou
,; ° - our light at night is a machine o
}*> machine made productin the manun
z1 °' };, . cfacture of which grinding is a factoz
! jj 7, ' Crops are sown, harvested, pre -
j'a pared and packaged by machinery
which grinding has helped to make.
'r ; ; Grinding wheels shred giant logs
' ;&into pulp. Ground rolls press th(
pulp into paper. Printing presse
that are literally alive with ground
parts convert the paper into newspapers, magazines and books. Breakfast foods are
shredded and flaked by ground cutters and rolls. From the clippers that shear the
sheep and the pickers that gather cotton to the machines that press the finished suits
and dresses, grinding has a hand in the manufacture of clothing.
In the steel industry, the automobile, the railroad and every other industry grind
ing is a factor. And into each of these industries goes the Grinding Engi-.
veer. Out in the field he studies
their problems, determining how ti,. E Y _--.-.-
grinding can serve still further..y°I_ -
In the laboratory other Grinding ~jrr, ,/. ;,.'



t .

(The Boston Evening Transcript)
Feodor Shalyapin, great Russian
singer and actor, does not like Ameri-
can ways of life, and frankly says that
he does not understand them. But-
since apparently he does not contem-
plate returning to Soviet Russia-he
is bold enough squarely to tell Leonid
Krassin, Soviet ambassador in Eng-
land, that America, not Russia, is the
"real workers' republic," since this is
the country where the workingman
gets what lie works for and what he
Mr. Shalyapin might have added.
that this is the worker's republic in
another sense, since it is here that the
worker knows what he does not want'
and what is not good for him-whichf
is apperently not at all the case in
Russia. The American worker knows
that he can impress his choice, his
will, upon the Government and the
legislation of his State and Nation.
He has no notion of abdicating his
powers by delegating them to a cabal
or "commissary" which represents an
absurd minority of the working peo-

Engineers seek to solve the prob-
lems he encounters. In the fac-
tory still others put into manu-
facture the developments of the
The field of the Grinding Engi-
neer is the whole manufacturing

t 4 S
_ t .'
n' x
r . t
! G.

That the British coal miners are
going to win the concessions for
which they have been contending since


I a little celebration after their vie'.forv



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