1VED\ESDAY, IIAY 26, 1996 THE MICH~IAN- DAILY- PAGE THRE1 r.. ]~i So itnior ftutesO h'Aeia lCogical Society of France, and the Dar- " T ~lIU ~ P~ I I~O ~ yMuseum alt Natural 'History sine 19~08, win meedal of the Royal Society ofrst Students InvitedaT anLIUL U UitLl s~~d along with his work in research: London in 1918. He is the author of Take Part In Research Campa ign e Hionor Osborn' ifields he has Stiu hutc d field waifl inr a number of hooks, on the subjects. ___________g(____ (l Fe low h a oloe.Il~osevct?;voy e ! ex!uton f Mammalian Molar Teeth" Michigan students are invited to par- Ileaders and attempt to solve the ex- Iai Y+C_ 1_____id G OD IC_ lo atieli and study ini ;Ae jngles of' "he Age of Mammals," "Origin and ticipate in the industrial research ; isting industrial problems. This pro- ! 1> Flans To Compare Australian Labor T-ol'.Hnry Fairfield Osborn, pires- As an investigator', Profesor Os-'set iof Le, and m ore hans 400rcampain thvat i sen plne byjectis ten ucoefofethe helerdetom-a Mlovements With Those In ident-of the Natural History Mvuseum; a______ Aberin ofNwbrhsrcnl wre as emphiasizedi the insepairabil- ---- ties. The purpose of the campaign is IEvanston last winter. a n fthe highlest honors in the .s('l : y o oliy ndpaleonptology, conl- BRI Bcaetdsace ru sAR sL B R SU Y entifie world, ar fellowship in the j stoutly seeking to unite triO; researchi lo POtha Rumanian sentinel shot wh will be able to intelligently dis- ;60, students whro wish to participateIm -S ARTSLABO STU Y I ille see n ussin Boshevk I ussproblems of industry. After a jshould send their application at once lo Royal So iety of engand Th firs j p~rcn ~utoeuo summer spent as laborers in various! to W. Walter Ludwig, Ohio university, r '( American: citizen to win this award .ie ve"lrts Ths tde ae nts when they attempted to cross !parts of the country the renresenta- ,Athens, Ohio. The onlyreueen Pro. Crte Godrih o th ecn-was B~enjamin Franklin. Alex i der' ,. 'the River Dniester on the frontier. tvswl ovn nSpebra i htec picn utb bet omnics department has received from Agasi an;ln~m Tomsnaedu h~ieep o ncin he-omltn of --_______ ____________ ivason will, withen labo andte social cler sthate apusct what the dutie tof Agase a dSocial Sciencea e R esearch. Cou a d oc al cl ar y ta e us wh t heciielo lgqeloc al sc enncluded iun ilinls i clthei t e li of Amticnot os Anmericann t is;,t , oif America a fellowship providing for elected to the honii. evolutioii, wvhichiaequlyntrt-IS WEKQI a study of the Australian labor move-I rf;o ~ ins to b)otb tha zoologist and paleon- I ROOM IS FO tOI4IED went. Professor Goodrich is planning *)(l1 nrodilytologist. i to start this investigation next Febru- known for h'9 lasearcaies in zoology,!I Professor Os;horn is closely a .>,oi-.G g es a d3g is4 PE F R arcmltn tdrn h olwaeonology, and~ evuIon. , : nd ha: 'alted with the work oif the Carnegie \All roonmi~phouse owners who. oiPem tdrn h olw Siug summer, playedt a Ioading part, in the~ dlevlop- :instil ution and the Smiithsonian ins+,i- ;iwill have accommodations during Co i Com F ton "The che osdrto n temoist of the Natural History Musu ru~i ahntn n sascae Comrmencement week, beginning l[Ii C m lc ,in study will be ade upon the differ- f or more than -8 ye i'.Udrhswt tifi societies ally over t he ! Junie 7, -a#6 requested t.o ;lit IR A vees between the American and the presidocntial administration the mu'iem world, fHe receive(1 the gl medal of. ! their rooms with the Union as ! , . Australian labor movements and upon has achieved an extraordinary expan- Ithe National Institute of Social S(*i- ' -soon as possible. All rooms at Clipiped F'roi i the reasons why such strikingly un-; smon in everv field, and has become th~e; eflOOs ini 1913, the gold medal of the Ithe Union have been engaged by Limnes-.News like movements should have arisen in greatest imnstitution of its keind in the Hayden Memorial (Tholog ical Award '1alumini. Mlonday, May 2"I these two new prosperous and fron- world. BeI has been president of the in 1914, the Gaudry medal of the Goo- I_ Praiise upon praise tier countries," Professorr Goodrich room will not permit. stated. "The labor movement in Aus- Here's the last para- tralia has been very much more wide- graphl. "For Ileaven's spread and radical than in this coun- Se"ioeofHarold LAST TMES TOAY YOU LAST CHANCE Astudy of the labor movement in lo, loor funnte slums England was made by Professor Good- A)< lo a Tolor inheslms rich in 1919, and in 1921-24 he also I Y ATMOSPMEMIE. :heir prospective job w"ill be. Some> hioney is available to help defray th~o expenses incurred by the students is ;ping to the conference. Bishop Francis J. McConnell, is mong those that have been scure )y the conference committee to e f rh o i g ds u so s a lad all convention. The 'New York state athletic com- nission fixed next Tuesday as te date )n which they will ask for a definite report flim Tex Ric'kard" on matchiing; )empsey and Wills. Pairon fre Daily .Advertisers.-adv. NOW £IaaUe a nem investigationi or the coal industry in this country. The Social Science Researchi Council which is providing for this study of the. Austr4- ~Ian moveml-ent is a body composed of representatives from the various soci- eties in the economics sciences. Let The Daily sell it for you thru the Classified columns.-Adv. Matinees 2 :00--3:40 Prices l~c, 25c, 35c . ruUE, EATR Nights 7:00.-8:40 Prices~ l Oc, 50C ft i ft Saundcr's On Huron River at the foot of Cedar Street ti' ti' fi a U U Diance maad, Pleasure mad, Pace* Mad-- J "A 311 .4 'I fage Fe Sparkling with life and laughter MAT IUR i i i i I k 1 jf 1 I ! f G !) i h - Q qc2amount GLelease L//JIL Iw i .: , r ee aa Soon-FANNIE HURST'lS $50,000 Story " MANNEQUIN") t t I _Add . . i I i r fi ti Open8 a. n toII" P. Me Friday and Saturday fromh 8 a. mn. to-12 p.m. Speial R ates 6y the day 71 I; 1 a ... .qdMPWAb j P"1 FAMM GN TIHE STAGE' CONCERT CO. IUSI CALIN OVELTY" eature at 01:30-7 :10-8:50 Alberta Taughn -Ill- 'iADVIENrLI tLS OFL )IAZIE" LATEST NEWS o 6 .-*i -- 1$ Phone 21117 44 STARTING TOMORROW What Is A Life Underwriter ? 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It is 'worth while to think these things over now and to remember themi when, per- haaps, you find-yourself wrong- ly placed in whatever business you mtay have chosen. Yetu can obtain confidentzal in- form ation from the Inquiry Bureau, John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance CO., 197 Clar- E' S it I ,.,," Ili _ f oooe( recod r Oh, How - You'll Fall 4S on)bS~ f hi "own St I ' dU t_ -BII'- S i1 listened ini on a dar- lng mail robbery! Tooli a joy-ride in .a runaway car hurtling downi the side of it clff atnd landed-But -wait till you see this rip-roaring, hair. raising tale of the funniest excitement ever filmed! A Film Mhot of Laughs and Thrills! the ivew r Girl / Chadic Murray K " ,, ( - .'': rr' . " ' r . ' ,.--1 , ,.. . , _ .. f. , -Keith W'.11deville Feature- The Slngln idg~ets HAYN=ES, LJEHMANN r ~&KAISER. Three Little Playmates hibIIogI'lns tdesi New" Events 1111 ILLOYD HA MILTON -InI- "CAS EFUL PLEASE" 1111 "New Aesop Fable. Cartoon THURS. Th it4'9 "m7 cT lR RT2 T .1N'Am" U Ii