NAGS TWO. 1. :T.1-1E -MI HICAN 'nA!LY 'VAG~ ~.Q THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 2(, 1~2~ MENACETO FALLS ~nghIleerx Says American Side Of 7NI. 1gara Faces Extinction Unless Lake Levels Are ]Raised FEARS ROCK EROSION (Bly A,sociatL'J Press) CH-ICAGO, May 25.- Ultimate ex- tinction of the American side of the falls at Niagara is mathem~atically cer- tain unless water leves in the G'ea(t' Lakes are raised, Robert Isham itan-. dolph,;Chicago engineer, said in a re, port to the Mississippi. Valley associa-4 tion here yesterday. This tragedy of the distant' future that threatens to rob the great fall of its distinction a one of the wondcr.< of the world would be averted, Mr. Randolph declared, by the controllIing: works of submerged darns in the Ni agara river contempliatedi in the plane for the lakes to the gulf waterway. "Erosion at the apex of the Canadian or Horse Shoe I+alls," Mr. Randolpli said, "is from four to five feet a year. Erosion of the rock precipice over which Niagara river plunges in the American falls is only two to three inches annually. This difference in rate of erosion will mean in the course of time that the entire current of the stream will be diverted to the Canadi- an channel. In this event, the river bied getween Goat island. and the Am- erican shore will become dry." FUNT IR MEET WILL DRAW- FROIM ALL NATION Civilian and army flyers all over the United States have been invited to at- tend the free air race meet which is t o be held at )Flint the week-end of June 4-6. Maps were sent to the flyers Nvho will attend the meet, showing Flint and its relation to the surround- ing country, roads, emergency landing fields, farm buildings and general nat- ural conditions, about Flint. The Flint airport is one of the few in the corporation limits of larger cities of the country, being located in the southeast section of the city. Corn- plete instructions as to the prevailing winds, an alternative runway in the airport, and the condition of the grounds h'ave been drawn up, and sent to the men who will compete. It is cstimated that there will be from 75 to 100 airplanes in Flint for the meet. PARIS Gilbert White,, formerly of Grand Rapids, has been commissioned to paint three large murals for the Oklahoma state capitol, at Oklahoma City, to constitute a war memorial. Patronize ;Daily Advertsers.-Adv. Von Hinden burg Remains A Flero f. _ G~ARGOYLE TRYOU'T'S Fre'shman and sophomore men and women. wishing to try out for the literary staff of the Gar'- goyle for next year may obtain further information by calling at the Gargoyle offices in the Press building between 4:30 and 5 o'clock today or tomorrow. . 11 I ! ,x , I It takes but I amoment to select a from the assortme tempting meal o( TRO. THATE I THIS WEEK GA16+YR~"'K ' ts ,- 2cto-1i c 'GARIK atswa. ' 250-75c; THE GARRICK COMPA NY Tie Grand luchbess and the Waiter' with Ann H arding-Rohr;' Peters The BONSTELLE CO.I Piesepnls WPJ. FA'VLESHAM in Misrs Bor,-ille as LAdy Ally Y' W o o d w a rd a t ili-n t T e l. (,1r/ h; a llt- q"044 LAR CLEMEi NS ons, 1 As.d Distinguished Associates in Ji oan of Arc, o~l- SHUB3ERT LAFAYETTE Tnesday, June 1, sit 8:901 Tickets at Hok Office-$2. $1.50 $1, 75c, 54cl1 Benefit Womens L 1eastte M44. Futnd's v ntof f. always good, to. be sure! Cafeteria 0 A rcade ba UP -stairs, ANic kels A rcade Despite the rcent chan ge: in the German Cabinet and suggesi P that his infuenceeIwAd 5010(4hing to d o with Poland's crisis, President. Hindeuiburg maintains his popularity. H-is age has not interfered with constant visitation of prop nicial Ge~rm an ,(cities, where he presents a ro antic 'figure, ea~ger to receive the plan dits of the people. Read The Daily "Classified" Columns ESTABLISHED 1810 MADISON AVE NU E COP. FORTY-FOURTH STREET NEW YORK ,Our representative will be at the HOTEL STATLER Detroit Today, May 26 with Sarrrjlcs of Ready-made Clothing Furnishings, Hats and Shoes for Spring 1*..r.asylsa. M tt' m4 _ ---- - ,e .n :wiMnoan~.i ,. . _ _ - .,,..~.. 3 11, IT, IIIS4 U Next have Semester de~cU a. y our Launrye It i ,'; r(4 :: ,", K. don hee. 4$ ; .: x i . . ; CIlelle7U 0e. Send for BROOKS'S Hiscel '"vy BOSTON LiTTLE BUILDING TEemonT CoR. BOYLSTON BALM BEACH PLAZ'A BUILDING C o u Try R 0 AD0 NEWPORT AUDRAIN BSUILDIN'G 220 B'ZLLsvuf Avrmur y ' : 5 . i . . . b d. '_¢' ., ' ' #i 'I ingtca wa f sthat probem". rillywill convinoco ti .4 Most conducive to the enjoyment of your trip abroad this summer will be DIAL 4219 t satisactorv financial You won't have to wort arrangrements. y about them u. Letters of ge on all the 4 6 i :.3 4 4II .9 4b . } °' if you let us help yoi credit-foreign exch an principal countri( es of the world. Call our officials will 'be at either office. glad to discuss your needs with you. ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK jz'AU NDRy Q { III . El I 111 ii