- ESTABLISHED j 89Q G 41P atl MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS . , . VOL. XXXVI. No. 177 , EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS FRENCH OFFIC WILL PRESS f TO PACF R IALS IGHT IF5 Bathing Girl Number Today Is Last Issue Of Gargoyle Gargoyle will make its final appear- Maurice Lichtenstein, '28, have de- ance of the year this morning when signed the cartoons for the number the "Bathing Girl" number will be while most of the literary work is that sold on the campus and at all State of Robert Swinehart, '27. street bookstores. Themes of spring, Among the features are the "Diary canoeing, bathing, and lovers are pre- of a Professional Bathing Beauty" and dominate in the June issue with num- a cartoon entitled "Gargoyle's Inter- erous cartoons and verses along these national Bathing Beauty Contest". lines. ! Then, there is another installment of The cover, by Robert Newton, '29, the "Dover Boys in Europe". Other is that of a "professional" bathing literary quips include "How to Be a, girl and is done in vivid colors of yel-I Seven Letter Man", "Pseudo Pseniors", low, red and blue. "About This Time of Year-", and Fred Hill, '27,, T. A. Vyse, '28, and "Blushin' Lit." I t t : : CABINET CONSIDERS PEACE LET- TER FROl41 ABID-EL-KRIL TOO VAGUE SPANISH IN ACCORD Krim Under Pressure Front French And Spanish Is Unable To Ratlly His Forces (By Associated Press PARIS, May 25.-The French gov- ernment will continue its program for the pacification of the Riffs despite the vague request for a suspension of* hostilities received from Abd-el-Krim, the Rffian's leader, in the form of a letter delivered by a French doctor. The cabinet, after considering the letter today decided it was too vague to be considered. It is understood that the Spanish government is in full accord with the French on this point. Krim's letter was delvered to representatives of. both govern- ments at the same time and seems to have made the same impression in both capitals. The result of the Franco-Spanish military operations since the breakup of the Oujba peace conference, have convinced both pow- ers that Krim no longer need be con- sidered except as an individual dissi- dent. Abandoned by his own tribe and un- able to rally his forces which are steadily losing heart under the con- stant pressure of the French and' Spanish, he is merely playing for time in the opinion of official circles. What is felt to be a significant feature of Krim's letter is that he signed it without giving himself any title or power . He even failed to speak of himself as Caid of the Beni Ouriaghel tribe or as leader of any other tribe. It is felt at the Quai d'Orsay that Krim, not only has lost the greater part of his power and military prestige but has forfeited the right to speak politically or diplomatically for any 9n his former followers. More than half of the Beni Ouriag- hel have surrendered since Krim sought 'refuge in the territory of oth- er tribes. The Berbers fighting with the French forces have found that tribes all along the line of operation prefer to submit rather than continue the struggle. If Krim offers to sur- 'render, his offer will be accepted only unconditionally. The entire Riff cam- paign, it is felt now, may end without peace parleys but by a gradual paci- fication in the troubled regions, hos- tilities against each tribe ceasing au- tomatically with its submission. MA~EWS WILLEADRESS IDROESTRY CLUB TONIGHT' S. M. Mathews, forest conservator of British North Borneo, will deliver an; address before the Forestry club at 8 o'clock tonight in room 214, NaturalI science building. Mr. MatheWs will relate some of his experiences as a worker for 15 years in the tropicalI forests. Although the general club membership is\urged to be present at the meeting, an invitation has been ex-, tended to the public to attend. Announce Winner In Poetry Contesti Charles Van Riper, '27, is the win- ger of the Inlander poetryrcontest, judged this year by Robert Frost, and will receive a prize offered lby George Wahr, itwas announced yesterday. The winning poem appears in the MayC issue of the Inlander which is on sae this morning. The poem receiving second place in the contest, signed by "George Arlington," also appears in, the issue. Glee Club Holds Spring SerenadeI Conforming to the traditional cus- tom, the Varsity Glee clubopened their annual spring serenade program on the lawn between Helen ewberry residence and Betsy Barbour, house last night, passing from there tor President Clarence Cook Little's home and MarthaCook dormitory and then to the sororities, not returning until early morning. err. a9' 'FORSYTHE EXPLAINSUONION COMMITTEE NEW EXAM SYSTEMi COMPLETES REPORTi University To Furnish Health Blanks For New Students To Be Filed Out By Home DoctorI Work Of Investigation Group Will Be Presented To Board Of Directors Tomorrow For Final Approval OFFER AN ALTERNATIVEICHANGE POOL CHARGEI In an attempt to correct the impres- sion that students desiring to enter the University next fall may bring a certificate of examination from their doctor at home and so be exempt from examination by University doc- tors, Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of the University Health service, is- sued a statement to the contrary yes- terday afternoon. According to this statement, the tedious task of giving physical exam- inations to every incoming student will be lightened considerably, but will not be done away with entirely. Blanks will be sent out to all those who signify their intention of entering, by1 asking advance information, and these blanks will cover practically everything that is usually covered by the Health service officials. However each stu- dent must present this blank in the regular examining line in order that all notations made by the home doc- tors may be verified. Undoubtedly this procedure will noticeably hasten the passing of this line, said Dr.: Forsythe. He also made mention of the fact that the opportunity will be available to new students all the coming sum- mer to make an advance trip to Ann Arbor and have their complete exam- ination at that time. The whole plan of sending out blanks in advance and making earlier examination possible is merely an experimental step in hastening the activities of the week preceding the opening of regular ses- sions and doing away with some of the inefficiency now present. Outside of the medical examination, there is the series of measurements and exercises under the supervision of Dr. George A. May, director of Waterman gymnasium. Obviouslyj these could hardly be taken care of by means of the advance blanks. Dr. May said yesterday that he had ar- After practically five months work,j the investigation committee of the Un- ion, which was appointed last January to look into the operation and main- tenance of the various departments of the Union, submitted its report to the board of directors at the latter's meeting yesterday. The report was ap- proved and will be presented to the board of governors for final sanction tomorrow afternoon. As yet only the investigation com- mittee and members of the board of directors have seen the report. If approved by the board of governors tomorrow, it will then be made public. The directors yesterday voted to re- store the former price of 25 cents per swim for all persons using the swim- ming pool beginning at Commence- ment. The same hours will be accord- ed women students as last summer. Whether the price of ten cents per swim will be charged again next year will be determined by the board at its first meeting following the opening of school next fall. TR Y TO CLARIFY IN THE SENATE (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, May 25.--The Sen-; ate steering committee attempted to- day to map a legislative program out of the mass of pending bills but post- poned a decision until more study) can be given the situation. Another effort probably will be made tomorrow to unravel the tangle in the hope of clearing the way for adjournment of Congress next month. The committee expects to consult ad- -.m si fr inp I o re 1n nin .l n,,, I Havoc Wrought As Lava Pours FromMountain TOKIO, May 25.-A mountain lake released by an eruption= from a long inactive volcano crater .caused the greater part of the death and destruc- tion which followed yesterday's re- sumption of the activity in Mountj Tokachi, in central Hokkaido, north- ernmost part of the principal islands of Japan. The governors of Hokkaido reported today to the home minister that 100 dead and more than 200 injured have been removed from the mass of mud, lava, and rock precipitated from the long slumbering crater. Besides these, about 1000 farmers of the newly opened, but rapidly develop- i ing agricultural district around thei mountains are missing and it is im- possible' to tell how many of these may have been buried alive in the flood of water and mud. The peasants of Tokachi district were not without warning for on May 4 the volcano began rumbling and many fled from the region. IISSUES BULLETINS' Two New University Pamllpllets Cover Courses I Limrary 11Cethods And Business Adtinistration FACULTY ADDS MEMBERS1 Two new bulletins have been issued from the office of the Summer ses- sion, one for the courses in library methods, the other covering the busi- ness administration courses, which will be offered thissummer. Michigan's course in library meth- ods is one of the oldest in the coun- try. This year nine courses are being offered in the Summer session to give an elementary knowledge of library science to University students, and to aid lillrarians and assisants in libra- ries who may wish to review their work or to take certain advanced courses. The regular faculty has been aug- mented by the addition of four tem- porary teachers, Frank L. Tolman, re- ference librarian at the New Yora state library, Albany, N. Y.; Julia F. I Elliott, director of The Indexers, Chi- cago; Lucile F. Fargo, librarian of North Central high school, Seattle; and Randall French, of the Crerar li- brary in Chicago. Fourteen courses in the School of, Business Administration will be giv- en during the Summer session. This year is the second time that business courses have been offered in the Sum- mer session. FIRST INTER VIEW TO NEWSPAPERMEN WILL DEMAND PARLIAMENT TO ChANGE FOREIGN POLICY AND MANY LAWS DIVULGES LITTLE Asked About Franco-Polish Alliance,i Refers Correspondents To Foreign Department (By Associated Press) WARSAW, May 25.-Clashes beween the right and left parties, with blood- shed in some places, is reported fromj the various provinces in connection with political meetings preparatory to the national assembly which is to meet next week for the purpose of electing a president of the republic. Despite the demands of the War minister of the interim cabinet set up after Marshal Pilsudski succeeded in overthrowing the government of President Wojchiechowski, that the civilians give up the arms furnished to 'volunteers during the 'revolution, more than 3,000 rifles are still in the hands of civilians, causing the govern- ment anxiety. It is reported from Lemberg that street rioting followed outdoor meet- ings today of the Socialists and na- tional Democrats, the police having to use their clubs to restore order. A score of persons were injured includ- ing three policement. Marshal Pilsudski in his first joint interview with American newspaper- men declared that he would demand that Parliament would revise more than 200 laws and unify the old code of Polish law, to untangle the endless governmental red tape and wipe out the bureaucracy which hampered the nation's development. Poland's for- eign policy and the general princi- ples of domestic administration, hef added, would undergo no change. Beyond this the newspapermen could get little definite information from the marshal. At one point in the interview he answered a question by saying: "You cannot make me talk by1 throwing compliments at me," and then he took refuge in his private office. His aid said: "When Pilsudski is president he will give another in-' terview." Asked about his intentions, should parliament refuse to elect an agree-1 aable president and decline to invest the president with the powers de-1 manded in the cabinet announcement today, Pilsudski declared: "We'll see what we'll do when we come to it." Questioned concerning the status of the Franco-Polish alliance and Polish relations with Germany and Russia he reulied: "those are matters for the foreign office. " To a query as to the exact nature of the proposed presidential powers STU)ENT COUNCIL TO TWEET All newly elected members of the Student council for next year will officially take office at 5 o'clock this afternoon at a meeting in the student activities room of the Union. The council vice-president, secretary, and I treasurer will be elected at this time, and the appointment made{ of the chairman of the new cheering section which will be{ I inaugurated next fall. I I ON M .IC, PKRADE. City Moves To Prevent Future Riots; Will Resort To Tear Bombs{ If Necessaryj AUTHORITIES NOTIFIED (By Associated Press) LANSING, May 25.-Future gather- ing of the student body of Michigan State college in Lansing will be view- ed by the Lansing police as "hostile{ demonstrations" and such gatherings will be dispersed. This attitude prevailed at police headquarters today when Chief Alfred Seymour served notice on H. H. Halla- day, and Prof. John Phelan, dean of deans at ,M. S. C., that a demonstra- tion such as marked the students' celebration of the M. S. C.-Michigan base ball game Monday night never will be permitted in Lansing again. Seymour indicated that any group of celebrators moving from the college toj Lansing in the future would be met at the city limits of Lansing by police and entrance to the city barred. The use of tear gas was promised by po- lice officials in dispersing future stu- dent body gatherings within the city. The'edict of the police, if enforced, will mean that student parades, com- mon in the past, will be no more in Lansing. Last night's gathering was the climax to a,.series of student body demonstrations which steadily have. grown more lawless, Seymour de- clared. . Parade Denied "Permission to parade, even with a department escort of motorcycles, has been offered students in the past," he declared, "but an orderly celebration doesn't appear to be the choice of the college group. "Citizens of Lansing will not be sub- jected to disturbances such as oc- curred Monday night, nor will they again be menaced by the destruction of their property by a group of young hoodlums who have just watched one of -their teams win an athletic victory. The wall is up around Lansing." Fines Collected In addition to collecting $400 in fines in City Court Tuesday morning from the 10 student leaders arrested COOLID GE AUS ES STIR IN, CONGRESS. BYLIQUOR STAND-1 INVESTIGATION OF PRESIDENT'S ACTION IS DIRECTED BY SENATE QUESTION LEGALITY Senate's Order Is Denounced In Fiery Terms By Curry And Hill On House Floor (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, May 25.-Amid the growing uproar over President Coolidge's order authorizing state and local officials to act as federal pro- hibition agents, the White House to- day defended the action and the Sen- ate unanimously directed.its judiciary committee to investigate its legality. These were outstanding. develop- ments in the latest prohibition con- troversy which also extended to the House of Representatives where Rep- resentative Curry, Republican, Cali- fornia, denounced the order in a fiery speech and Representative Hill, Republican, Maryland, a leader of the wets, offered a resolution which would have the effect of nullifyinig the presi- dent's action. An informal but official White House pronouncement was that the President felt he had neither exceeded his authority nor invaded state rights, but was ready to modify his order should its operation lead to harmful consequences. The Senate resolution of inquiry, sponsored by Senator King Democrat, Utah, was adopted after a prohibition field day in the Senate during which the legality of the order was defended there for the first time and by a Demo- crat, Senator Walsh, of Montana, an ardent dry and in the past a frequent critic of the administration. There was no discussion on the resolution itself which went through without a record vote and with no op- position after it has been amended by Seator Bingham, Republican, Connecticut, to set forth that the ig quiry would be "to enable the Senate to determine whether legislation is ad- visable or necessary." Denouncing the order in the House, Representative Curry declared it was "unconstitutional, unjust, vicious, wrong, and contrary to the fundamen- tal principles of American govern- ment". He also said the people of California would like it better if the treasury, instead of first applying the order to their state, would apply it in New York or the president's own state, Massachusetts. Representative Hill's resolution went over under the rules, but he an- nounced that if the president's orders were not revoked within a few days I he would press for its adoption. It would prohibit employment of federal officers by state and state officers by the federal government and would require action by the Senate. During the Senate post-mortem on the Pennsylvania Republican prim- aries and its relation to the prohibi- tion question, Senator Reed, Repub- lican, of that state said the people have shut their eyes and voted blind- ly wet or dry. He added that "as long as the people of Pennsylvania vote like a lot of dunder-heads they de- serve what they get." With respect to the charge that the - President ordered constituted an in vasion of state sovereignty, it was stated at the White House that the chief executive had not thought that this quesion could arise for the rea- son that the state not only had invited, but had commanded the national gov- ernment to take concurrent jurisdic- tion with the states, in the enforce- ment of the prohibition law. 'Ensians Available At Press Building Fifteen 'Ensians, in addition to those already distributed have been received by the 'Ensian business staff from the Ipublisher and will be sold to those first applying for them, it was announced yesterday. The remaining 'Ensians will be sold from the Press bu~ilding during the rest of the week. 12 AMERICANS REMAIN' IN BRITISH TOURNAMENT MUIRFIELD, Scotland.-May ( 25.-Five members of the Walk- er cup team, and seven other Americans remained in the run- I ning for the British amateur I nbamn~nn hin hnf- C'ant fRoh. T II 1 t T i c t f z r t i ii t t C t f C f{ T ranged to cut the number of these miistraion leaders before placing' . %. /e.". diijqOO tE: his answer was: "See the premier Mvonday night, the bill for replacing measurements in half in order to facil- bills on the preferred list for action and minister of justice." several hundred square feet of asphalt itate the handling of the new students. at this session. Trustees or pavement destroyed by the "victory He stressed, however, the necessity of At its session today the committee r blaze" of the students in front of the the personal interview wi t nhe new considered measures dealing with M Yr l axwell Fead IS Capitol Building entrance, as well as men, in order that any imperfections farm relief, the army and navy air W inner f Ard e rthe cost of several police uniforms service, prohibition enforcement, coal, -n Owruined in the clash at police head- in posture may be corrected or thatP special cases may come under the no- radio, and other questions. Sarita Davis, '27, Theodore Horn- quarters after the arrest of college tice of the authorities. He believes Inability of leaders to agree on what berger, '27, and Martin Mol, '29, were Maxwell E. Fead, 26L, has been leaders, will be presented to'the col- that this personal contact is much should be passed before the end of the chosen as student representatives onawarizeowardtB. Costzsat- Wle eef more valuable than any other form of session has made it almost impossible the Board of Trustees of the Student rial prize of $50 for the most satis- Wholesale expulsion of Michigan fo he omaeacuaefactory work upon the staff of thei State colleg stdnswo ari- medium, for conveying to the student' for them to make accurate predictions Christian association in the annual Mictiry w Revie during the state in ge students who partici- the interest which the university has as to the date of adjournment. election held yesterday at Newberry Michigan Law Review during the past pated in the burning of the college The stuatin isyear, it was announced by Grover C. athletic stands and in a clash with the in his welfare. He is thus, at the very The situation is complicated by the and Lane halls. Others who were Grismore, secretar y of the Law tLni soands nig as ing beginning~ established in the records probability that the administration: named to the board are H. J. Abbott, soyesteray oLansing policoe last night was being of of the physical training department. will seek action before adjournment Registrar Ira M. Smith, Dean Ed- *___nsideredy collegeofficials today. Although the work of speeding up on ratification of the bill on the mund E. Day of the School of Busi- Celebrations, by the student body the first week on the campus will un- French war debt settlement, and of the ness administration, and Dean George I I STUDENTS ARRESTED FOR Iare customary here, but never before doubtedly be furthered by the cur- Lausanne treaty with Turkey, two I W. Patterson of the Engineering PARKING WITHOUT LIGHTS has it been necessary to call out both tailing of the work of the physical propositions that are certain to stir school. police and fire departments for a com- education department and the optional up extended debate in the Senate. The newly elected members of the Despite continuous warnings bined attack on rioting celebrators. summer examinations, it is the word board will hold office for a term of by the Police department, rela- of the health service authorities, that NFERENCE three years. Yesterday's elect~ion was tive to parking automobiles with- Staff Named For all entering students will be forced to in charge o a special election com otlgt 0Uiest tdns pass along the line in Waterman gym- Rmittee appointed by President Rensis garrested ivionday night, and yes- Summer Session nasium as heretofore. Likert, '26, of the Student Christian terday morning were forced to ___ __association._pay fines of $4 each for having Remaining upper staff appointments 1Tparked their cars without lights, to the editorial staff of The Summer R I OEHN N y W da FORCETTODhe local police department is Daily were named yesterday by Man-. WASHINGTON, May 2.-With dele- making a special drive to rid ning Houseworth, '26, managing edi- OCEgates from South and Central Ameri- the streets of the lightless park- tor. They are as follows: music and c cutisa llaMecoaddcaadsents as well as drama edior, William Lucas, '2: H I EN can countries as well as Mexico and i nrS1 ARAME NT CONFERENndNA COUNTeSTORMSdothers are advised to pay heed to night editors, Wilton Simpson, '27, Can-Aain atedane thesscondnce t-he warning. Douglas Doubleday, '28; telegraph Russian Refusal To Attend Cference opened here today. Sessions will con- (By Associated Press) editor, Maurice Zwedling, '29. Seriously Impedes progress. tinue until June 5, and are expectedi CHARLESTON, S. C., May 25.- jto be attended from time to time by Bernardo Duggan, homeward bound iS ]J-AA tI. A O O2 V I TO (By Associated Press) pset vs r ay ebBr Dua imwrdot SEMI-ANNU1AL LABOR CONVENTION (By ssocatedPres) Irepresentatives of practically all of 'by eapln tohsaiv Areie GENEVA, May 25.-Russia has noti- the 54 member nations of the League spent tonight at Charleston navy iWILL OPEN IN DETROIT TOORRO W fled the League of Nations that she of Red Cross societies. yards instead of in Florida as he had I Will refuse to give the views request- In an address of welcome, Presi- planned. Strong head winds which ed on questions touching on the con- dent Coolidge as president of the Am- he bucked yesterday in flying from DETROIT, May 25.-Detroit, one of though on the surface the men are em- trol of the private manufacture of erican Red Cross stressed cooperation New York to Norfolk and again today the country's largest "open shop" ployed as individuals. armis. +betwen nations in promoting allevia- on his hop to Charleston, coupled cities, will be host Thursday to the The present situation with union The League hoped to convoke a con- tion of human suffering and referred I with difficulty to find the navy yard semi-annual convention of the Ameri- ,leaders asking increased wages and ference in the near future to deal with to the Red Cross as an effective social here to refuel, caused him to post, can Plan Open Shop conference. A shorter hours for the platform w rk- this subject. organization to keep pace with as- pone his flight to Florida until to- C Reese of Salt Lake City will be the ers may serve to develop just how Maxim Litvinoff, deputy foreign tivity in the fields of science, industry morrow. pricipal speaker. strongly the men are unionized. minister of Soviet Russia, explained and commerce. Signor Duggan was entertained this A survey of'labor conditions in De- The union strength in Detroit lies +h- o.. ..P , . ..:11 "- ., - - , _ __ _ -_. i . . - , n h_ is , i+ . 1 A ... f n ni,..:R~ v1 nt i ho -I -- t :.4_.n _ -.