0 ,TUESDAY, MAY 25 1926 MWHTO,,AN I)Att 'Y PAIDE CICVM ~J'UESDAY, MAY 25 1926 TTIF. MICHTCAN DAT! V PMU L~7VU~ ASK SENIORS TO PAY UNION DUES BY JUNE Seniors, taking out Union life memberships, are urged by El- liott Chamberlain, '27, chairman of the Union life membership committee, to make final pay- ments before graduation in June. In past years many seniors either 'neglect their payments en- tirely after they have left the University or postpone them s ' long that the interest has in- creased the amount due consid- erably, Chamberlain stated. Life memberships may also be taken out now by seniors for $50, or payments started on same for a correspondingly higher total depending upon the plan adopted. ? Menmberships are $100, one year following graduation. CAIRO.-The Moslem congress, con-I j . rtor ttt f Voked here mainly to consider the question of the vacant Caliphate, end- gIa g i f'ir Aihugi i g ed without a decision being taken.j If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie Adv.the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad Patronize Daily Advertisers.-dv will be charged. The Michigan Daily reserves the right to classify all want ads under appropriate head-i ,A R T: ingop and to revise or withhold objectionable! A UTO PA RTS " sh''"sc*nte For All Makes i Cars.This column closes at 3 P. M. date preced- TIRES FOR SALE. C ngpublication. Notice of any error 'must be TIRESFOR ALE.given 1n timne for the secod insertion. .JJI' CfkS BOUGHT CASH4 RATES Ten cents per reading line con the basis of PBONE 3035. ve average words to the line) for one or two KESSLER BROS., Canal Street Nine cents per reading line for three or more Cash classifieds received at the Daily office in The Press Building on Maynard Street. I CONTRACT RATES IRIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Special standardized rates given on applica- I Men'sUsed Clothing - or any other ARTICLE OF VALUE STUDENT T AILOR sflOP STUDe I me CorT TN.Un,.& T 1yP LOST-Fraternity pin of Theta Kappaj FhIone 804, Cor, f1. Unaiv. & Tayer Psi. Dial 3497. Reward. 75-76-77 The Huron Hills Golf LOST FOR SALE LOST-Cold watch and chain, Illinois FOR SALE-Canoe; good condition; make. Initials A V A on case. Find- , reasonable price. Bridgian, Dial er please white Box 100, Michigan1 9761, 408 Washington. 75-76 Daily. Reward. 76777-78 i i 3 i t } LOST-Light shell rim glasses Satur- FOR SALE-Ford sedan, excellent. day May 22, at F Field tires, mechanically guaranteed. Call 7310. 76-77 75-7-77 LOST-Lady's traveling bag, between FOR SALE-Frontenac over-head Church St. and M. C. Depot, Monday valves, a real buy. Phone Riley, morning. Reward. C. R. Sprinkle, 6464 at 1003 E. Huron. 75-76-77 Tel. 5627. Reward. 76! - _____ nAT_"______________ FOR SALE FOR SALE-Used furniture at reason- able prices. Complete stock of household articles, including solid oak library table; two leather day- enports; six leather rockers;. four boarding-house dining room tables; fourteen chiffoniers; ten desks, twelve double-deck beds, and matt- resses. Phone 22117. 75-76-77 FORD TOURING-In Al condition. Sacrifice for quick disposal. Dial 9532. 76, LOST-Waltham, hunting case, gold watch with U. M. Fob, near corner of Thorn json and' Williams. Phone 6961. Ed. Petern an. I FOR SALE--1925 Ford Coupe. Phone I 21040 l.ffor sik o'clock. 75-76-77 I I I- - kI -FOR SALE-A 1924 "Deluxe Model" FOR SALE-Small baby grand, De Henderson motorcycle and side car; Kalb made, almost new. Owner in excellent condition; only 6,000 leaving, will sell at $460. Phone miles. Dial 21476 and ask forDart 5572. 74-75-76. after 7 P. M 76-77-78 Patronize Daily A dvertlsers.-Adv. SENIORCALENDAR b June 11--Class day; Septor ban- ( June 12-Senior reception; Alumni day. June 13-Baccalaureate address. June 14-Commencement cere- monies at Ferry field. Club-between Washtenaw Ave. and Geddes Ave.- temporarily offers playing facilities. Greens fee, $1.00. Pay greenskeeper, first tee. Y!# . C2 v y h Best IPtronike jilly Adverisers.--Adv. I--___________________ $2.00 to $5.00 'OtOo wearfT f1eri Ak andno Inc. FOR THE JUNE GRADUATE Gifts from Our Store will please.- S AL"'*E ON SWISS STRAWS AND GENUINE PANAMAS The backward season compels us to offer our ENTIRE STOCK of high grade Straw and Panama Hats at REDUCED PRICES. Sale now on. Notice: We Clean and ReblockI Straw and Panama hats in the same way they ae done in the factory where they are made. We do only High Class Work. (No Acids Used) FACTORY HAT STORE NOTICE CASI PAID for Law, Medical, Mental and Pharmacy books, at- Biddel's Bookstore. tf )ON'T miss having Victor Record "Billy Boy" by Frank Crumit, at- Schaeberle and Son Music House. tf. ! TYPING WANTEID -- fbeses, themes papers, notes, etc., neatly, accurate- ly and promptly typed. Call Mrs. Engelhardt. Dial 7275. Tubs, Thurs, Sat:, tf. FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING When your pen fails to work prop- erly, remember that Rider's Pen Shop because of its complete equipment backed by real Pen Makers service, it the logical place to have it corrected Every pen wp repair, regardless of make, receives the same skillful at- tention and all work is guaranteed. No waiting to have it sent to the fac-! tory or what is worse, chance of in-_ jury from inexperienced workman-. ship.,I Rider's Pen Shop Tues., Thur., Sun. tf. THE hit of the season on Victor Rec- ord, played by Warings Pennsyl- vanians- "In My Gondola" "Just a Cottage Small" at Schaeberle and Son Music House. tf. TRY OLR Beauty Parlor. Rain Water Shampoo, face and scalp treatment. Special prices on all appolntments: Trojanowski Beauty Parlor, 1114 S. IUUniversity, side entrance. Phone 6535. tu, th., sat.-tf. A. NASH CO., Golden Rule Tailors Spring Suits and Topcoats $23.00 Style, Fabric, Tailoring Guaranteed Dial 6746 or 9736 tt LOCKSMITH All kinds of trunk, door keys MR. KELLER FOUNTAIN PENS TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES LEATHER GOODS I. '1 KODAKS Eberbach & Son Co. 200-202 E. Liberty St. at WVaharns Q .Co. Special Today Only, Toasted Sandwiches on our new "Giant Toasting Machine" 1Oc No Waiting!! Barney's Sandwich Shoppe Delivery Anywhere Phone 5659 516 East Williams A N J VE2TMNVES- NT N GOOD APPEA RANCE I, - p * A GIRL-A CANOE and YOU Ideal? Well, rah-ther! Drifting lazily with the stream . . . a forgotten canoe paddle resting on the gunwale . . . soothing chords from a ukelele . . . silv'ry moonbeams . . . dreams . . . low whispers . . . a song .. A girl with a uke', a canoe, and you in The U that was tailored by Kuppenheimer Favored by college men be- cause it's natural. Straight hanging-natural shoulders- . - I .. . 1 1 i1 i NOtICE Iodern Jury Trials Published by Jennings Co. of New York made of the Genius Eloquence of over 100 great lawyers showing how cases are won. U. S. Justice Mathews says: "Ex- cellent made, highly entertaining and permanent value." Darrow says: "I have read your books with profit for 40 years." tf FO: RENT ATTENTION SENIOR DENTS n exceptional opportunity in a- ne building with both living and profes-. sional quarters combined, reasonable rental. T. W. Hillier, 16400 Hamilton- Ave. Highland Park, Mich. Phone 0916. tf FOR RENT-Three light house keep- ing rooms, available 15 of June, 119 N. Thayer, Phone 21815. Also single rooms. 74-75-76. FOR RENT-Furnished four room apartment, steani lieat and private bath. 514 E. William. Phone 3346. 74-75-76. FOR RENT-Pleasant double or single room, with board, if desir- able. Dial 3645. 74-75-76. FOR RENT-Most desirable furnished four room house. Excellent loca- tion. Until October. 818 Forest. Dial 7449 mornings. 75-76-77-78 FOR RENT-Robin for one or two boys during sunimer in exchange for services. Also furnished house- keeping suite for rent. Dial 5311, 614 Monroe. 75-76-77 ATTRACTIVE seven iroom house; nicely furnished, near campus, for summer; reasonable rent. Phone 21886. 76-77-78 FOR RENT for summer; close-in, S. E section, 6 room furnished house. Mason-Hamlin piano, large garden. Phone 6577. 76-77 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT- Phone 6649. 923 Greenwood. 76 WAIVTED WANTED-Three students to serve table from June 3rd through June 13th for board and pay. Call Stew- ard between 5 and 6 P. M. Dial 5618. 76-77-78 WANTED-Theme copying or any oth- er typewriting. Rates very reason- able. Will call for large jobs. Mar- ion P. Phillipps; Howell, Mich. 76-77-78-79-80 OPPORTUNITY fdr high paying work in direct sellin Employment all summer guaranteed. Must have car. Call Mr. Friedman at the Michigan Union, afternoon 1 to 4; any time evenings. 76-77-78 WANTED - Responsible student suite or three adjoining rooms for light housekeeping, preferably in private home. Will stay several years in congenial environment. Box 99 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT-We have an opening for a few more men for summer employment. Call 437 MaynardSt. 76-77 WANTED-Girl for general office work in an established Real Estate and Insurance Office. The position offers excellent opportunities for advancement and income. Appli- cant must be good typist and should have some business experience though the latter is not absolutely essential. Replies will be consider- ed confidential. Address box 90, Michigan Daily. tf. WANTED-By instructor, room or suite in private family for next year. Address Michigan Daily Box 98. 74-75-76. WANTED-Washing and ironing, rough dry preferred. Phone 22388. 74-75-76 WANTED-Young women and men to learn Stenography, Salesmanship, or Accountancy. %tudy at home. Posi- tion secured. Write for free litera- ture on course you prefer. Federal' Extention University, Champaign, Il- linois. 75-76 WANTED-Theses to type; low prices. M. V. Hartsuff, phone 9387. 75-76-77 WANTED-Garage for 4 weeks, near E. Jefferson and Maynard if possible. D. Goldsmith, phone 3783. 75-76-77 WANTED-An experienced amateur photo finisher to work evenings. Ap- ply Calkins-Fletcher. 75-76 WANTED-THREE room suite, run- ning water preferred, by two gradu- ate students for college year '26 and 27. Apply Box 96, Michigan Daily. 73-74-75-76 AT THE THEATERS Today-Screen Arcade-"For Heaven's Sake," featuring Harold Lloyd. Majestic-"Mike," with Sally 0'- Neil and Ford Sterling. I I Wuerth-"His Jazz Bride," with Marie Prevost and Matt Moore. Phone 7325 1210 W. Huron tf. 617 Packard Street Phlone 7415 (Where D. U. R. Stops at State) Corner Main and Washington. WATCH REPAIRING SERVICE Not how cheap but How Good at a Reasonable Price. The Watch Shopf Edward A. Clark, 1121 S. University CALL US WE pay best prices for men and wom- en's used clothes-J. W. WENSON, 224 Detroit St. Dial 21405. . tf. IF YOU WANT REAL cleaning and pressing service at reasonable prices ilal 7814 CHEER UP WAIL'S. 328 So. Main tf. WARDROBE TAILORS Suits to order, $23.50 and up Suits cleaned and presed, $1.00 pressed 35c Delivery service Phone 3242 200 E. Huron ! St. t!. 1 E ? NOTICE-Hats cleaned, shoes repair- ed. Absolutely the most satisfac- tory work in town. Pay us a visit. Washington Shop, 106 E. Washington Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf. VICTOR Record "Say it Again," "Letsj Talk About My Sweetie" by Russo Oriole Orchestra, at Schaeberle And Son, Music House. tf. ATTENTION Look over my line of samples for SPRING SUITS 2 pant suits made to measure, $37.50 T .B. Lyons, 515 E. Williams tf FOUNTAIN PEN INK Buyl your fountain pen ink at Rider's Pen Shop and you will get REAL ink, fresh ink. Ink that fixes itself in the paper and won't fade or entirely dis- appear after it has set when moisture is applied. Ink substitutes are dang- erous and spoil your pens. RIDER'S PEN SHOP Pen and Ink Specialists 315 S. State Tu. Th, Sun.-tf. A SPECIAL TAILORED SUIT, $35.00 M. W. MILWARD 332 S. State, over Pratt & Dunn Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf.{ NEW VICTOR RECORD "Poor Papa"-Jack Smith "Don't Be a Fool, You Fool" at SMwaeberIe and Son Musi eHouse tf. An extra pair of pants doubles the life of your suit, we match any cloth. M. G. WILD, 109 E. Washington Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf., as possible. Only a few mrien required so Act Now!; Insurac eeartm ent ms i r