ESTABLISHED 1890 Cg 'Ar 4br nil MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 176 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 25 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS STUDENTS MAY GHIET E N GREATER POWER ON SENATE COMMITTEE PROPOSAL WOULD REPRESENTATION INCIIEASE TO FIVE IIEMBERSj PLAN EQUAL VOTE Dean Of Men Will Retain Position As Chairman Under Suggested Reorganization Beginning next fall the student body will be represented on the Senate Committee on Student Affairs by five members instead of four, and these five students will be allowed equal voting power to that of the other members of the body, if the Board of Regents at their meeting Thursday approves the changes recommended by the committee yesterday. At present, the committee is made lp the Dean of Students, the Dean of Women, three members of the faculty, three men students representing the Student council, and one woman stu- dent representing the Women's lea- gue. The student members of the committee are privileged to attend the meetings but have no voting power. Under the proposed plan the com-' mittee will be reorganized af follows: (1) Ex-offico membership on the com- mittee will be retained by the Dean of Students and the Dean of Women. (2) The number of faculty members will be doubled-two members of the Senate will be appointed each year by the President of the University to hold office for three years. (3) The student members shall consist of the president of the Student council, the president of the Union, the managing editor of The Daily, the president of' the Women's league, and one other woman student to be elected by the board of directors of the Women's' league. All members are to have equal vot- ing power under the new plan, the Dean of Students to act as chairman of the committee. The following rules governing thce functions of the committee were un- changed: Full supervision and control of all student activities, other than athleticss will be vested in this committee, and that in future no such activities may£ be organized or launched without first obtaining permission from the com-] mittee. The chairman is to have power and authority to appoint suh sub-commit- tees as may be considered necessary for the performance of the duties im- posed, these sub-committees to be1 composed of one or more representa- tives to be selected from the faculty,' student body, or both.i The Dean of Students as chairman' of the committee will have full pow- er over all ordinary matters of busi- ness coming under the jurisdiction of1 the committee, but that questions of general policy be referred to the com- mittee before being acted upon. SULLARS 1EVISESOLD EDITION OF LOGIC BOOK Copies of the revised edition of Prof. Roy W. Sellar's "The Essentials of Logic" are now on sale at the book- stores. The revision was made in or- der to include material brought to light during' the last eight years, the period of time since the book made its first appearance. The McMillan company has now in press Professor Sellar's "Principles and Problems of Philosophy" which they expect will be finished early next fall. Word has been received from Henry Holt and company accepting Mrs. Helen Stalker Sellars translation from the French of Bougle's "The Evolution of Values" for publication. Professor Sellars aided his wife in writing the translation and also wrote the intro- duction to it. LANSING.-The state public utili- ties commission has authorized the Michigan Bell Telephone company to put new rates for consolidated tele- phone service in Grand Rapids in ef- fect June 1. OurWeatherMan 14PLANE COVERS 3W MILES ReotEhw O Y-tY1OB AoIaepress NVA DEEG TEtReor Sow1LN SI NG STUDENTSI BENO ARES JNEY BI ncrease NOROLK, Va., May 24.-TheU EITInU.s.weal aifplane Buenos Aires," carry- _I.OT wealthy sportsman, andtwoN()TEHOSTI TIES WASHINGTON, May 2e--National copnos rom New Yr to aur wealth in 1922 was placed at $533,-I BuinofAirestarive amttheoair000,000,000 and national income for station of the Hampton Roads !PFRESENTATIVES RECOfMMEND I(1923 at $70,000,000,000 in a special re- BONFIRE STARTED ON SQUARE avalbasehaving be dclock thin SPEEDING UP OF LEAGUE port by the federal trade commission, IN FRONT 1OF CAPITAL IN Assateadue Bay for nearly two MACHINIRY made public today in response to a ASING hours. - Senate resolution. Naval pilots estimated tha the FRENCH PLAN FAILS twehine the raease u in el-t be SEVERAL ARRESTED plane covered 350 miles today t2.d pn o e3 mi-lars amounted to 72 per cent, the com- i ts flight from New York. When Desired to Make Strengthening of The mission said, the real increase would Clubs, Fists, and Eggs Feature Wild rwas behind schedule having Covenant Part Of Future be 16 per cent, allowing for changes Celebralon; No Serious wabehaind lthee ha Disarm Conference in purchasing power of the dollar, and Injuries Reported bucked a head wind all the way,.estnwould compare with about 15 per cent Th C., s ump, to arston, I (By Associated Press) increase in population.I(y Associated Press) GENEVA, May 24-To hit at war Some 35 per cent of the total wealth i LANSING, May 24.-Students of the and hit hard so it will not have the was in land values and the aggregate Michigan State College and Lansing slightest chance of getting very far, of real estate, land, and improvements police mixed in a wild melee here to- is the determination which markedly ( was $230,000,000,000 of which $43,000,- night with the result that seven stu- underlies the preliminary dsarma- 000,000 was tax exempt as govern- dents were arrested and several stu- ment studies at Geneva. This was es- Dmnt owned federal, state or munici- dents and officers were slightly bruis- peiially manifested today when th pal. i e and cut. delegates urged the speeding up of More than one-fourth of the' total The riot started when the students League of Nations machinery designed was in dwellings "and other goods came from East Lansing to Lansing to quickly to terminate hostilities usd for personal necessities and en- celebrate Michigan State's victory France failed to induce the commis- joyment." Agriculture accounted for over the Wolverines in a baseball Asserts ThIlat Use Of State And Local sion to make the project for strength- 13 per cent; mining and manufactur- 9game this afternoon. They started Officials As IProhldbition Agents ening the League covenant, an integral ing 14 per cent, and railroads and a huge bonfire in the square in front Will Not Be Made General part of a future disarmament confer- I other public utilities 12 per cent. of the capitol. The police and the firet ence, but succeeded in getting through Estimating distribution of wealth Jdepartment charged down upon them OPPOSITION IS PUZZLE a strong recommendation urging the among individuals, the commission ex- and extinguished the fire. The stu- council of the League to give imme- amiined 43,000 probate records in 24 dents jeered and the police, rushing diate consideration to the plan pro- typical counties and also estimated in mass formation with drawn clubs, (By Associated Press) posed by M. Paul-Boncour, the French unprobated estates. attempted to disperse them. The stu- WASHINGTON, May 24.-Assistant delegate. dents refused to separate and the mill- Secretary Andrews today assured the In submitting their plan, the French ing mass, with students and officerst country that he had no intention of expressed the conviction that only the M OES Afightingminthe center, crept downhe authorizing state and local officials lightning action of the council in last street to the police station. Whena generally throughout the country to winter's. Greco-Bulgarian dispute pre- . half dozen of the leaders were thrownI act as prohibition agents. A bom- vented a grave war crisis. The plan in jail, the hundreds of students as- bardmcnt of criticism from both wets invites the council to frame regula- sembled outside demanding their re- and drys prompted his statement. tions that will, first, facilitate a meet-FI lease. A dozen free-for-all fights be- Gen. Andrews expressed "surprise" ing of the council with the briefestI I tween students and policemen follow-z the reception given the president's notice in case of war or threat of war;RrEed. Night clubs few, one officer pick- order, which has been assailed by the second, enable the council to make de- Of Chris Lader Oulesge in ls ed out a student and kicked him as he wets as an invasion of states rights cisions to enforce obligations of tme O C tia n io deinbast walked down the street. A woman was and criticized by some drys as rest- covenant as quickly as possible; struck in the head by a fist. A little ing on a doubtful constitutional basis. third, permit rapid drafting of recom- blood was shed as scratches and cutsr "Giving authority to a man over mendations for military assistance to DISCUSSES CHRIST IDEAL became more numerous. whom you have not got 100 per cent an attacked state once the council shall Students on the outskirts of thet control, is very dangerous," he said, have to decide to make such recom- In reference to Christian knowledge crowd secured eggs and shot them at "and I will be very loath to do it. mendations; fourth, permit the impos- the officers. Chief of Police Hackett, thand arwil beveryloahiofEastLansngfinaly iduceth The executive order was asked for ing of an armistice on belligerents,ps ooe n e of East Lansing, finally induced the merely to meet a situation in Califor- fifth, arrange improvement of tele- posed to now, some things he cannot students to return to East Lansing. nia, where some deputy sheriffs have phonic and telegraphic services of the know and some things he may know, They loaded on street cars and left.t volunteered to police rural precincts various countries with the League, s0 pointed out Bishop Francis J. McCon- To repel the attack, fifteen Lansinge in co-operation with the federal forces. that the organization can be informed I nell of the Methodist Episcopal church policemen swung clubs and fists. As I have no intention and had none of instantaneously of war danger any- during his address Sunday morningi far as could be learned, no one wast extending this plan throughout the where and, sixth, perfect a system Hill auditorium at the last of the Sun- ,injured seriously.t country, that will insure rapid economic and day convocations sponsored by the The police planned to hold the stu-n "However, I think the order is per- financial help to an attacked nation. Student Council. dents arrested in jail until morning fectly legal and constitutionally Speaking of things we are not sup- when it was to be decided whethera sound." Cposed to know, Dr. McConnell stated they would be freed or taken intot The secretary predicted that diver- nr II PflI rCthat so far as Christianity seeks to court. . sion of alcohol to bootleg channels rn'-IVLV I UUILlimit knowledge it seeks to make pos- A checkup of the casualties among would be stopped within six months 1Bsible higher forms of knowledge.the police showed several of them with if congress would vote the authority VILTL "Sin, he stated, "is something that bumps and bruises. They claimed and the funds carried in pending ad- makes for dullness of physical life some of those arrested were throwing ministration measures, including a and dullness of understanding." bricks. $3,000,000 supplemental appropriation 01)io Of Literary College Meeting "Some things we cannot know", the- and the Goff dry bill, which would Favors More Liberal Education speaker continued; "it may be that our make possible a reorganization of the __ senses are screens. We may be sense- P11 SUDSK IS RLING prohibition machinery. Discussion of certain phases of pre- bound, as when we attempt to form Bootleggers and their customers medical courses in the University con- pictures of heaven. All that we cai P DIu I cannot be prosecuted under the prohi- Istituted the principal business at the reply is that we do not know. A ds. RN M bition enforcement act for failing to May meeting of the faculty of the Col- tinction must be made between thate furnish the government a permanent lege of Literature, Arts, and the Sci- which is tolerable and that which is record of all illegal sales, includig ences yesterday. The discussions ly understandable." (By Associated Press) the names of his customers. The su- various members of the faellty tend- That knowledge which we may WARSAW, May 24.-Although Mar-c preme court so declared today in a ed towards advocating a more liberal know, declared Bishop McConnell, shal Pilsudski has not officially an- case from Pennsylvania. - education for students in the literary comes to each one along some peculiar nounced he will be a candidate for the school who later enter the Medical line of endowment; logical, mystic, presidency when the nationaly assem-1 Club W ill Hear school. and ritual processes affect each of u bly is convened May 31 to choose a1 A joint committee of faculty repr- iffeently. Whether we agree with successor to the deposed Presidenti Research P aporssentatives of the literary and Mdi- him or not, we must respect a man's Wociechowski, it apparently is his in- cal schools was recently appointed by conclusions which have been reached tention to follow up his recent coup President Clarence Cook Little to con- by reasoning, providing the conclu- j d'etat by ruling with an iron hand. I Papers will be presented by Prof. sider the problem of revising the pre- sion leads to worthy living." This ap- In a proclamation to his soldiers, William H. Worrell of the Semitic medical requirements. No definite plies in like manner to the conclusions couched in Napoleonic style, Pilsud- languages department and Prof. Pres- action was taken by the literary fac- i reaced by the other processes, the ski demands patriotism, cessation ofs ton ] . James of the geography depart- ulty on the matter yesterday. spaker said, "we cannot all be guid- struke and respect. inent at the regular meeting of the Ied by the same logic, mysticism, or "Soldiers:" begins the comnmunica- Research club at 8 o'clock to-CEnC ritual, just as we all cannot be poets. . tion, "I expect you to give the first) morrow night in room 2528, New Med-Class Elects Man "The Christian ideal", the bishop example of patriotism and cease all; ical building. Body: ~ continued "is the best ideal for us in For Honor Bo "factional strife and unite in love fort Professor James will discuss "Doc- the world. By that ideal it is possible your country. If you cannot love me,t uments from the Cairo Genizah in the to adjust one's self to the universe all of you at least will have to re- Freer Collection," while Professor Harold L. Matheson, '2SF, has been and to go on in certainty. It leads to s I - ) m et mei Worrell will Vpresent a paper on "A elected as a representative to the En- a knowledge of truth, a largeness and The failure of Pisudski thus far of- Geographical Reconnoisance of Trin- gineering Honor committee by the fullness of life, and a sense of aware- ficiahly to announce his candidacy for idad." The council will not hold its sophomore engineering class at their Iness of values in life." meeting Wednes day.meeting held recently. "Christian knowledge," said the equar ters, to mean that he has left churchman, must come out of a de- aopen the door for some opposition MEXICO CITY.-The department of ROME.-The outlook of the Euro- sire to learn and a desire to do, and candidate in case his procedure may interior has issued instructions to all pean wheat crop is better than the must be brought about by a method of be considered advisable in the inter- foreigners throughout Mexico to reg- average this year, according to a sur-!cross bearing; not the bearing o s ister with the authorities in the muni- vey made by the International Insti- things needless or necessarily dis- cipalities in which they live. tute of Agriculture. j agreeable, but things we know we ought to stand for. We must take an iusical Collection Is ideaeven though it is unpopular, and Little's Choice As Successor Will stand for it. IFinal Library Betl *- "Today's conservatism is yesterday's Be President Of Maine Untverszty radicalism. We are all living on yes- terday's radicalism. As the Bible Selections from the musical collec- Inaugurating Prof. Harold S. Board- tion since his entrance as a student in states, 'Ye stone the prophets, then 1 tion of the University library provide1 man as the successor to President 1891. During the period from 1922 to build a tomb for them.'" the material for the final exhibit of Clarence Cook Little as chief execu- 1925, when Dr. Little, as the youngest In conclusion the speaker said that the school year in the lobby of the tive of the University of Maine on university president in the country, the Christian rmust act in a spirit of Library. June 12, Alumni day, that institution j held office, Professor Boardman was adventure; he is called upon to per- Librah m( will be acting in accord with the re- a close friend of the president, and .formthis tasks with some daring and An ancient choral manuscript (an- commendation of Dr. Little, who stat- was in charge of the freshman week heroism; he must have a quick and tiphone) which contains the Gregorian1 ed in his letter of resignation that he exercises which the latter inaugurated. responsive will and an awareness of Chant, and used formerly at St. Peter's 1 hoped a Maine man would be appoint- As head of the technology college, .and the Vatican, is the principal ob- ed in his place, and who suggested the president-elect introduced the ject of the exhibition. This volume is that Professor Boardman be chosen as son system," in which the ,S. C. A. Elections ea out three feet high ndstwo feet temporary president last year. The I adaptability of stdents for pnzineer- i:r- .,, xiaP-r P eozo Tt i~ -mound in MIeh11gan..... .... Wisconsin......... Purdue........... Illimois............ Northwestern. Ohio State ....... Minnesota......... Chicago.........., Indiana.......... Iowa............ W. 'J G1 7 5 5 3 3 2 3 0 ii. 1 3 4 4 6 4 4 4 J S BIG TEN STANDINGS Pet. .90 .666 .636 .555 .454 .428 .428 .345 .000 Yesterday's Games Indiana 8, Northwestern 7. Purdue 6, Wisconsin 1. OCULBERTS ON 6fItYS FINAL TESTIMUNYI Asserts Attack Is Made After Refusal To Support Norris Charges Against President Coolidge LETTERS PROVIDE ISSUE (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, May 24.-Concluding testimony today before the Senate1 tariff investigating committee, Wil- liam S. Culbertson, minister to Roumn- ania and former tariff commissioner, declared he had been subject to at- tack before the committee because he refused to support charges against President Coolidge made in the Senate by Senator Norris, Rep., Nebr. He declared his personal letters and papers were inserted in the public record because he had declined to subscribe to the Norris contention thati the president attempted to influence former Commissioner Lewis in his of- ficial acts by asking for an undated4 resignation before reappointing him.' "It was heralded to the country that the theory (of Senator Norris) was proved by memoranda," Mr. Cul- bertson added, "the public was led to believe I had made a backdoor handout to a Senator to prove the theory. My memoranda advanced an entirely different theory. - "No one apparently noted th'e fact that I stated in the memoranda that the President desired to be free to MICHIAN 'LSES ASS"URED OF ..TITLE LANSING NINE TIES TWO GAME SERIES BY 8-5 VICTORY OVER WOLVERINES FIELDING IS POOR Wisconsin's Defeat By Purdue Places Varsity In Undisputed Possession Of First Position in Big Ten Although the Michigan baseball team fell at the hands of the Michigan State team by an 8 to 5 score in a practice game played at Lansing yes- terday, the Varsity team was assured of the Conference title by Purdue's 6-1 win- over Wisconsin yesterday at Madison. By virtue of a record of nine wins to only one defeat, the Wolverine ag- gregation has a percentage of .900. I iconsin, the secon rplace team, had (suffered two defeats prior to the game with the Boilermakers, and only sue- cessive wins over Purdue, Michigan, and Chicago could have given the Badgers a tie for first place in the standing. The game between Michi- gan and Wisconsin to be played here Saturday will only serve to finish the schedule for the Wolverines and to deterine- tie margin of their claim on tie Big Ten championship. In a contest marked by heavy hit- ting and poor fielding by both teams, the Varsity dropped a game to the up- staters after having held a record of seven consecutive wins. State college bunched their hits off Ruetz in the sec- ond inning to drive four runs across the plate, and again in the sixth frame, two singles combined with an error by Wilson, three stolen bases, and a sacrifice hit netted four unearn- ed runs off Walters and ended the Spartan's scoring for the day. Michigan tallied twice in the third inning on singles by Davis and Lange, and Wilson doubled scoring the two men. Langes sacrifice, followed by Jablonowski's single to center scored Wilson who had singled to start the fifth frame, and in the sixth, Davis singled and crossed the plate on Wal- make appointments after the elections ters' single. Wilson's single scored of 1924 and that he desired to use the the pitcher. appointment for trading purposes if . Except in the fifth inning, Walters, the Democrats attempted to hold up 'who had replaced Ruetz in the second other appointments." was very effective, and even in this 'inning the home team garnered only two hits off4 the Michigan pitcher. Kuhn, who was on the mound for the winners, pitched a steady game IT.throughout, and although the Michi- gan team got to him for a total of 11 NAVA AR ESEVEUN hits, two more than State was able to account for, he tightened up in the Lectures in the University unit of pinches and managed to hold the team the United States Navy Air Reserve } when hits meant runs. s illtart the second AeseI Coach Fisher presented a somewhat corps wist s Tuesday of changed lineup to start the game. the fall semester, according to the Friedman replaced Jablonowski at tentative plans arranged at a meeting third base, and the latter was shifted of the balloon section of the Aeronau- to center field in place of Puckel- tical society last night at the Union. wartz. Kubicek was shifted to fourth Lieut. Charles D. Williams, of the place in the batting order, -and Davis V. T. 31 air squadron of Detroit, out- was elected to do the receiving behind lined the course as offered by the the plate. navy. One night each week will be Wilson and Davis led the hitting set aside for lectures in the ground for the losers, each hitting three safe- school for two years and in the inter- ties. Zimmerman, Michigan State, vening summers selected men will be had the longest hit of the day which sent to the naval field near Chicago went for a home run, while Davis where they will 'receive practical in- turned in a triple, and. Wilson and struction in flying including 25 hours Kuhn each were credited with a of solo work. At the end of that time, double. students may either enlist for three For Michigan State, Kiebler, Zim- years active work with the commis- I merman, Baynes, and Kuhn, each had gion .9T d n-- f nn n - t'rl or ofiP i- - - h+. . an :ilt't Mtt j.aJ Y UL.all e'u-n-nt, 01',, l'n± 'u in two hits. Box score: the reserve corps with the second lieu- Michig tenant's commission.J "The purpose of the navy in offer- Loos, ss ........... ing this course is twofold; to keep Wilson, lb........ aviators in actual training, and to Lange, if......... bring college men, preferably juniors, Kubicek, 2b... into the business, according to Lieu- 'Jablonowski, cf, 3b . tenant Williams. "The air squadron Miller, rf .. ...... . at Detroit is composed of experienced, Friedman, 3b...... war time aviators who are authorities Edgar, cf......... in every branch of the subject. Each Davis, c.......... officers lectures on his specialty." Ruetz, p.......... Walters, p ....... an AB 3 5 3 4 .4 3 2 2 4 0 4 H 0 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 3 0 1 R 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 .0 2 0 1 PO 3 8 0 2 3 u 1 0 4 0 1 A 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1. 2 1 3 E 0 1 0 0 0 0 Q .0 0 0 0 Included In y Exhibit Of Semester Totals .........34 11 5 24 11 1 Michigan State AB HRPO AE Examples of old books of the fif.. Flefer, cf ...........4 1 1 2 2 0 teenth century which are bound in the { Haskins, If.........4 0 1 5 0 0 vellum leaves of choral manuscripts Zimer, .... 4 212 413 Zimmerman, rf .... 4 2 2 4 1 0 similar to this one are also shown. Fremont, c......... 4 0 0 5 2 0 In an adjacent case is displayed the Spiekerman, lb .... 2 0 1 8 0 0 manuscript copyof a "Fugal Concer-. Baynes, 2b......... 4 2 1 1 2 0 to" by Gustav Hoist which was writ- I Rowley, 3b......... 4 0 1 0 0 0 ten while the composer was in Ann Kuhn, p ......... 4 2 0 0 1 0 Arbor in May 1923 and was presented to the library at that time. Totals ..........34 9 8 27 10 3 Books, ancient and modern, dealing Two-base hits-Wilson, Kuhn; with the history and theory 'of music three-base hits-Davis; Home run- ? ocuiv sverl e Te-THra n vio hp.!r Zimmermain. Double nlvs. Fremoint