__________ THf MICHIGAN IPAILYs ,max. . #P, : .............. .. ....... M=TAV" M WAVA ............. In I t' KAPPA DELTA WINS BASEALLTITLE t. Dr. Bell Present; Trophiy At Baseball aq e : "i-l d N n r c O Class 'Teams - I WOMN RCEIVE "M" Kappa Delta will hold the Intra- mural baseball cup another year as a; result of the final game of the intra- mural tournament played ra, ainst Kappa KappaA~amnma .esterday nrrir ing as th'e first event. in the Women's.E track meet at iPalner 'field. The game iv as played, regardless of the inter mittent rain, and resulted in the scoreE 2a-2. The cup, which was first awarded z to Betsy Barbour house in recognition' of championship in 1924, was wont from the dormitory last year by the i Kappa Delta team, and is the officialt baseball award of the W. A. A. ThisI makes the second year that Kappa Delta has won the championship. Any organization which wins the title t. three times in succession is privilegedr to ;keep the baseball cup permanently. ' k Dr. Margaret Bell presented the trophy to Margaret McNally, '27, cap- tain and pitcher of the Kappa Delta i team, last night at the baseball ban-c quet given at the Pi Beta house as thea final culmination of that sport. Num.- .:erals were presented to the membersv .' t! the class team at' the same times " and the Michigan "M" was presented ,.to six women who had accumulateda the athletic honor points required. Te women are: Etruria Doster, '27, f Thdy Eascott, '26, Sue Haskins, '26, Lucile Uenne, '26, Frances Huff, '26, " pon Lue IA9 Walsh, '27. f2 Wyvern To Inaugurate New System Of Junior Advisors, To Hold F reshman Spread Election I 21U~1id1~ UIL1 II I~e NO TICES TH4E B BTELLfE INA Newly elected members of Wyvern, ters will be kept on file until August o'clock Monday at Newberry auditor- junior honorary society, met at a 15, at which time they will be niailed. ium for the purpose of electing a jlbreakfast Satu rda1 morning at theI to the girls who have registered by" chairman and a committee which will Noir of ean amiton leanof that dlate. In these letters, the junior, manage, the annual freshman spread women, to discuss plans for the Junior lavsr will stress the following, to be given next fall1 for incoming Advisory System for the coming yar points-first, the importance of keep- women. Sine yven as neer adan r.ar-ing, the ap polki n t -vth" the elec-' Ehlen"(Vxiinnel vice-president of thie Sinc Wyeir ha neer ad ny ar-' tions .co~iti(tee;, second, the import- freshman class will conduct the meet- ti~fl~ funcion ~ wa dcide' 1 ante of folloioVngexactly the direc(-' jug. Cynthia Hawkins; ,Marie hart- members of the society that from netiosih nvrst 'sma i, n ;n rnniwocts yea on W~ver's artculr fnctonBulletin; and third, thelimnportance of,' tute the,:nominating committee:lHave would be to have charge of the junior r advisoy sysem. {having a physical examiination,1by. the chosen twenty women, frm, among- advsoy sstm.home physician before coming 1to Annl I whom tell are to be elcted. 'I addi- Next £g'll £reshnan registration willl Arbor. Since the women who6 do not tion to these twenty namnes, nomina- be mnuchi less complicated than form- rgister before August' 15,. cannjot beI tions will be called from the floor. erly. 'The. election' comnmittee for reached- by personal letters,, letters! This' is the. last activity, that the freshmnan women will be comprised !of welcome will be given out at the In- women of this year's freshman class of five 'members of the faculty, each[ formation Bureau at B~arbour Gym- will hold this year, and is devoted of whom will have 50 entering fresh-I nasium, during registration week, entirely to preparation for helping men to aid in arranging their program.1 These letters will urge the recipient next year's entering women to ac- Since there are five days of registra- I to communicate with the ' adlvisor iocimate-t'~1hemselves. I There will he a meeting of the cab- inet of the university Y. W. C. A. at 4 o'clock on Monday at Newberry hall. All Freshmen women meet tomor- row at 5 o'clock at Newberry auditor- ium to select committee for next year's Fr shrmen spread. IAll women having Freshmen pageant costumes are asked to leave them tomorrow with Mr~s. Blackburn in Barbour gymnasium. The telegraphic track meet sched- u tled for yesterday morning, has been postponed until 3:45 o'clock tomhorrow. All women are eligible, and they may~ sign up at the meet if they have not (lone so before. Senior women may still obtain col- lars for their gowns from Senior So- ciety by calling Marie Van Ossenn- bruggen, 3301. Presents WILLIAM FAVERSHAM In Isis Greatest Comiedy Success *Rwi~xX . ':irou's IFaIO lic ria kg Co uedy .,Your. Last Opp~ortunity to _See This Sftr at I'oplar Prices ' Second and'Bfl y rxjlh7; to1$ 1.19J l~ast WFVeek of X(ItN LLL 'This Play' T ~ ~ e(i ~usa L~iulng ay 2 P 10 V i Saturdlay egining.may24 FLA YH 0 SILi 4 and 75c Tu~ie' WVorld's Unique ThltrW_ )odwair4 at Eliot-Glen. 9792. lDownto p 1;, flcolat Grinnell's Phone Caills Only through G16nfle 9792 Be WoIT p.1 - I ., 1 1. I "'. I tio, ech acltyadvso wil metwhose address and telephone number ,ten students each day and assist are in the letter. It is therefore ex- them in arranging their program. pected that every entering freshman Letters will be sent out during the will have met and become acquainted summer from the Registrar's office to 'with a friendly upperclassman during the entering women, telling them of her first week at college. the hour, date, and place of their ap- There will be two information pointment with their faculty advisor, j booths, one in the main corridor of and urging that the student be there toI Angell Hall and the other in Barbour keep it. 'Gymnasium where freshman may ask Each of the twelve Wyvern members questions. These booths will be open is to choose ten assistants to help during the entire time of registration carry out the plans. These assistants ;I and junior advisors will be stationed are to be selected without regard to: in Barbour gymnasium to direct en- independent or sorority affiliations but f tering women. with regard to their willingness to as- sist in this work. The total group of Miss Delphine Fitz of Upper Darby, junior advisors will thus consist of Pa., a student at Bryn Mawr, is thb approximately 140 girls, each of whom1 winner of the $2,000 Carnegie Founda- wil be masked to be sponsor for two 'tion Fellowship for the advancement freshmen girls. of teaching of the' arts. Within a week each assistant will write and hand in to her chairman two Let The Daily sell it for you thru 'riendly, personal letters. These let- the Classified columns.-Adv. l L 71 I L r EJ , LANDES OR LOWERS 11 Something New DeMilo Milk Mask Facial Culture- Ask Us About It. THE BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOP Arl!zop IP 43 i ; I i I 320 Dial E. Liberty 21413 NIckels Arcado Phone 9616 -1 . m ;.. s d Second and Last Week Begininlg Monday, May 24 sGARRICK v PRhICES Nights, 25c to $1.40 'Wed. andI Sat. Mats. 25c, iOc, 75c Spring and Summer Season The Garrick Co. -In- ~'hoGrand Duchess and the ,Waiter" :A Rolicking, Merry, Itoniantie Comiedy' li A \NAILARi)ING 110,I,0F:PETE R and. Disting~uishecd New York Players FOR PARTICULAR SERVICE. Consulting Costumer 218 N lckels Arcade 48821 CLARA CLFMENS Anid 1)isting'uislied Associates -In- "JOAN of ARC" A 1Dramuatic Version of Mark Twrain's "Joan of Arc' Arranged by Donal Hlaines A VIVID, MWOVING DRAMA. As Presented in Hampden Theater, New York City ,Shubert Lafayette 'Tt'iesday, June, 1, at 8:30 Au spices fpetroitL Asotiaqtioii of Universiy of )lkldgatn, Women For Benefit of 'Womien's Leag'ue Building Fund 'Tchtt ' at bk offfi e-$2, $1.50~, $1, 75c, W{e (plus tax) ' i~aSOrders Filled in Adyance ti~ June is coming! The bride's month. May we suggest Electric Urn Sets Priced $22.00 to $45,75 The Detroit Edison Comnpany ; Main at William Telephone 4226 Nights, Sundays and Holidays 8396 IThe Daily " Classified" Columns 0== Kwowl PAV.0 _.. .. :p ia .; . ,L, i .... . k a i d ,i 71 m