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May 23, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-23

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SUNDAY, MAY 23, 1926

s a au a aava aa.raa:-aa

Published every mornig except Monday
during the University year by the Boar in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and tke local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the posteffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of posta e granted by Third Assistant Post-
inaster General,
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Offices: Anv Arbor Press Building, May-
bard Street.
PhOnes: dIt rIsL 4911 5 ilas , 51514.
l6111k w Ant
Chairma, Editorial Board.... Norman R.Thai
News 'd.......... ..- Manniing Housewortb
Women' Editr.......:....Helen S. Ramsay
Sport's Editor.... .......J oseph Kruger
Teleraph Editor......:...William Waithour
Music and Drama....... .obert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Thomas VKoykk W.Cvi Pttreon
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito

Gertrude Bailey
Charles Behymer
George Berneike
William Breyer
Philip C. Brooks
Stratton Buck
Carl Burger
Edgar Carter
Joseph Chamberlaiw
Carleton Champe
Douglas Doubleday
Eugene H. Gutekunst
]ames T. Herald,
Miles Kimball
Marion Kubik

Harriett Levy
Ellis Merry
Dorothy Morehous"e
Margaret Parker
Archie Robinson
Simon Rosenbaum
Wilton Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtland Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendler
Henry Thurnau
David C.'Vokes
Marion Wells
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter

Telephone 21214
Advertising.................Joseph J. Finn
Advertising............Rudolph Boltelma.n
Advertising'.........Thomas D. Olmste, Jr.
Circulation..............James R. DePuy
Publication........ ...Frank R. Deutz, Jr.
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George H. Ainable, Jr. Frank Mosher
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Mary Flinterman Nance Solomon
Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland
T. Kenneth HavesA Wm. J. Weinman
Harold Holmes Margaret Smith
Oscar A. Jose Sidney Wilson

and defy the known principles and
policies of our government in this re-
Such actions can scarcely merit our
cooperation, any more than they can
merit our sympathy, and as long as
the consummate stupidity of the Eu-
ropean governments continues to
thwart progress at every step, de-
liberately and with their eyes open
to the horrible results of their mili-
tarism, just so long the European na-
tions can not 'hope to merit the co-
operation of the United States.
An experiment which seems almost
certain to be successful and welcomeI
is outlined in the re-organization plan-v
led for the itroductory course in
political science. The aims of the new
system are to encourage more per-
sonal contact between the faculty andc
student body,' to provide an oppor-
tunity for class discussion of prob-t
lems, and to develop a greater ym-I
pathy with the purposes of the depart-2
ment. With the abolishment of the
large lecture groups and the organiza-I
tion of classes, limited to thirty-fiveI
students, and meeting three times aT
week under a single faculty member,i
there appears promise of a real solu-
tion and a practical method of con-e
ducting large courses. .
Fortunately, the department has five
professors and several instructors of
marked ability, so that each class is
assured of a competent director.
Heretofore, students have rarely be-
come acquainted with their lecturers,
and the one meeting of the recitation{
each week has not been conducive to
intimacy with the quiz instructor. Un-7
der the plan announced for next year,
closer contact should encourage a.
deeper interest in the material, as
well as a better understanding of it.
The course will be presented with
more unity than under the somewhat
confusing and lecture quiz arrange-
ment. Therefore the students will be
more apt to appreciate it, and with the
increased opportunity for consulta-
tion, they will be better able to un-
derstand it.
On the part of the instructor or
professor, there should be a more
thorough appreciation of the efforts
and problems of the students. The
greatest disadvantage of the lecture
system is the large amount of "dead
weight" in the groups. A great many
students either do not pay attention
or do not understand when points are
discussed, and lose valuable material,
They simply go along through the
year without taking part in discus-
sion, without showing any interest in
the work. Now the instructor, having
only tihirty-flve in each of one or two
sections, will know which ones are
not active, and can talk with them
Furthermore, points which are
brought up in lectures and are not
fully understood are usually forgot-
ten by the time of the quiz, and the
one meeting a week does not give
time to explain the difficulties of all
the students. Important points are
lost, the continuity of the course is
broken, and nothing better than an
incomplete understanding of the ma-
terial can be achieved. With the new
arrangement, there will be opportun-
i ity to discuss uncertain points when
they are ibrought up.
The result of this new system, it
appears, will be a higher average of
interest and achievement in propor-
tion to the number of students, mak-
ing the course much more satisfactory
for all concerned. It is to be expected

that the innovation will be met by a
large enrollment of enthusiastic stu-
I dents.


TO1ORROW NIGLT: The Students'1T
recital, with original comxposit ons b I
loupiIs of Andrew laigh at 8 o'clock d
in the School of Music auditorium.a
A review, by William Bromme. P
The presentation of "Lohengrin" as
the finai program of this year's May f
Festival was easily the supreme cn-a
'cert of the series. The opera, strip-c
ped of the glamor of scenery and
vestitures, nevertheless drew the an-
dience into the magic spell of the
Monsalvat legends made vital by the
music of Wagner which is the epitome
of the dramatic in the opera. Ther
success of the performance belongsg
to a carefully selected group of solo-a
ists, and an admirable choral organi-l
zation trained by Earl V. Moore. e
Augusta Lenska, the sensation ofa
last year's May Festival, was again at
phenomenal success. She is a trueo
mezzo; her voice is deep velvet; she
is undoubtedly the greatest of Ortruds,e
and her appearance last night will beA
remembered by the Ann Arbor audi-f
ence because of her glorious singing
in the second act. She dominated it t
as only artists can.r
Richard Crooks brought to the roler
of Lohengrin the lyric spontaneity de-r
mnanded in the Wagner operas whicht
are basically German with an artificialI
Italian gloss. In the third act Nar-
rative he justified the highest expec-
tations of those who regard hin as
the greatest of the younger tenors.1
His voice is of molten silver smooth,
clear, brilliant.I
Florence Austral sang ravishingly; t
hers is a full,.rich soprano. As Brunn-i
hilde, she would have displayed the
gorgeous quality of her voice that the
role of Elsa does not demand. Jamest
Wolfe appeared to good advantage as
King Henry the Fowler; he, too, is1
the true Wagnerian basso whose
range extends from the baritone reg-
ister to those of low notes that have,,
apparently, no bottom. The "Mein
Herr und Gott" was his best aria.
Riccardo Bonelli sang Telramund ef-
fectively; and, strangely enough his
best work was done with Lenska in
Act 2.
Barre Hill, to whom was entrusted
the part of the Herald, received the
enthusiastic commendation of the au-
dience. His voice is' resonant and'
clear and full of color. He easily pro-
duced the tones that lie in the danger-
ous part of the baritone register, and
elsewhere proved his growing ability.
His future is full of promise.
And the Choral Union was in fine'
form, singing to an audience that ap-
preciated its work. The congratula-
tions of the hearers marks this chorus
as the best that has appeared in re-
cent years. To Earl Moore, the
maestro, belongs thegreatest success
of the evening. Under him, the opera.
became a vivid work that satisfied
even the most critical.
* * *
A review, by Philip Brooks.
Beauty of form and perfection of
harmony-such was the afternoon
concert, and in those characteristics
lay its striking unity. From the bril-
liant Wagner overture to the spectac-
ular versatility of Levitzki's six con-
secutive encores, there was not a sin-
gle lapse in the high standard of ex-
cellence. The pianist is decidedly a
virtuoso, and showed to his best in
the last movement of the Saint-Saens

The "Verklarte Nacht" is a beautiful
poetic affair, and the way it was ren-
dered made it one of those perform- I
ances that hold the audience by sheer,
yric charm.
The Brahms E minor symphony,
prevented from being too heavy by a
striking third movement in C major,
formed a fitting central work for the
afternoon. An admirable blending of
chords and sequence of themes, it
only confirms our respect for the man
who could compose such a tremend-
ous piece as this, and also conceive
the divine simplicty of .a song like
It is pleasing to see an audience
respond so enthusiastically to a pro-
gram of this sort. It shows that they
appreciate the less spectacular, high-
ly artistic class of music, characteriz-
ed chiefly by technical value, as well
as the stupendous dramatic inspira-
tion of a Martinelli-the great and
only Martinelli.
And again we had an opportunity to
enjoy that gracious, imposing actor-
Mr. Stock. It is not any wild youth-
ful overflow of enthusiasm, but rather
the vigorous, sympathetic achieve-
ment of a master that makes him the.
most impressive, and probably the
most admired, of American conduc-
tors. Working on the foundation laid
by Theodore Thomas, he has built up
a spirit in his orchestra which ren-
ders their performancesralways pleas-
ing. Not top austere, but still digni-
fied and confident, the Chicago Sym-
phony has a character and strength
that is unsurpassed. It is fascinat-
ing to watch him bring out a perfectly
controlled emphasis, from the fine
tones of the first violins, from the
appealing melody of the cellos, or
from the grand gestures of the per-
cussions. One has an impression of
something above simply playing the
scores of overtures, symphonies, or
concertos. It is the spirit of spon-
taneous, enthusiastic effort that makes
musicians truly great.
* *s

Showing Books of Interest
to May Festival Guests


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Picnic Lunces
Order in Advance

SUNDAY, MAY 23, 1926
There are times when we look at
humanity and cannot become angry,
nor-even irritated at its mistakes, but
can o'nly smile. There are times that;
human fallibility, and human obstin-I
acy, and human inability become so
flagrantly apparent that even the most
forbearing of us are disgusted and
forced to turn away, and make a su-
preme effort to excuse the actions of
our fellow beings. Europe, hag furn-
ished many of these occasions, with
its complicated underhanded diplo-
macy, and Europe, just as it was about
to emerge from a siege of strikes and
revolutions, has contributed another
consummate blunder in the form of an
arms conference.
Now arms conferences, or rather
disarmament conferences, are one of
the most wholesome aspects of our
present day civilization; and it is
especially encouraging to have the
European nations themselves call a
conference of this kind on their own
initiative. Such a thing actually did
happen, and thing% seemed to be going
well when France, that arch-offender
against the peace of nations, threw
the proverbial and inevitable monkey-
wrench into the machinery with the
announcement that one has learned
to expect from France: "that disarma-
nient can come only after the achieve-
mnt of greater security than now pre-
Fails." . Meanwhile the franc contin-
ues to sink, French governments con-
tinue to fall, French taxation con-
tinues to increase, and the French
war debt continues to be unpaid.
It is truly a strange and wierd
philosophy for a nation in France's
position to hold: this idea of the ne-
cessity of armaments. It is still more
queer when we remember that France
is not threatened by a single powerful
menace on any front. On the east is
helpless Germany-subdued by Lo-
carno, on the south inoffensive Spain,
and in every other quarter some help-
less small state that has no military
aspirations at all. Just why this nar-
row-minded militaristic policy must
prevail, as it seems to be destined to
prevail, in France, is a question :.hat
makes the student of world affairs
meditate a moment as to whether or
not there has been any net gain from
the whole costly lesson of the World
War, and whether human progress is
a fact or a delusion.
It is not long since we heard in
France the agonizing cry of financial

The tale of the oyster is told and
fish horns and harmony are history;
the curtain is drawn on the annual
May Festival. In retrospect, since the
artists are at a safe distance, to say
it was the best woumld be rhapsodiz-
ing; to admit it was the most inter-
esting :would be nearer the truth:
and to corner it as a group of the
mint 'iresting ' amid 'disappointing
pl ies ,the latter perhaps in
the inin rityawouldbe the 'most logi-
cal point of all.
There was to begin with a rather
wide variety offered: several vocal
soloists of the first rank-Homer and
Martinelli; an oratorio with Sundelius
who is Metropolitan, even if rather
second rate, and Harrison who is the
greatest Elijah in the country; a
violinist of note who can play like
Gabriel; and a pianist with techni-
que; an opera which was grand opera
with at least three voices which were
exceptional; and finally the Symphony
orchestra and Choral union in the
world's premier of something signifi-
cant in choral literature.
And as the usual aftermath it is be-
ing bandied about as to the real;
merits of the artists-who were bad,
who were passing fair, and who were
deserving of the name. And the
usual controversy ensues as to the
outstanding success, the personality
of the group ....
As the situation stands it is rather
difficult. It is perhaps unfair to the
profession to compare artists, and it
is certainly in poor taste. However,
when there are several who are cer-
tainly worthy of the title, both in;
manner, in character and the value of
their talent mention might be made.
For instance Sundelius might be the
artist with most real interest in her{
work, one who while not in first rank
now, will surely succeed. Homer and
Martinelli were the most famous in
their field; but to pick the true sen-
sation of the Festival, the n ost gra-
cious and charming in personality, the
lady of the opera with the sheer
genius of voice the choice of the first
lady of the Festival is hardly in
Augusta Lenska, who is by the way,
the leading Wagnerian contralto with
the Chicago Civic Opera company is
one of the first artists whom Mr.
Johnson' engages for the season-a
fact significant in itself. Moreover
'she has the most true ability (Madame
apIs ks seven languages, and has stu-
died abroad for years), but she is one
of the most industrious and genuinely j
interesting women in the trade, be-
sides having a voice that even in the
rehearsals of "Lohengrin" were some-
thing that was at once heady, and
beautiful with a queer beauty; low
i +,....a. that. wrpn, T a~n' xr it.


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All Upholstered Swings at
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Martin Haller
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. 1,


(The Hartford Courant)
The growing feeling throughout the
country that there should be a cur-
tailment if not an end of the cen-
tralization of power at Washington,
found splendid expression in the ad-
dress delivered by President Coolidge,
at the College of William and Mary
at Williamsburg, Va.
Wisely the President said that the
National Administration is not a'nd
cannot be adjusted to the needs of
local government, for it' is too far
away to be informed of local needs,
too inaccessible to be responsive to
local conditions. His advice to the.
States that they should not be inducd
by coercion or by favor to surrenderl
the management of their own affairs,
should be heeded, and it can be done
with complete recognition of the
truth of the Presidentt's statement
that the doctrine of State 'rights is
not a privilege to continue its wrong
doing, but a privilege to be free from
interference in well-doing.
President Coolidge has gone to the

- .1

Mischa Levitzki
pianist in the fifth concert of the
annual May Festival
concerto; which allowed a demonstra-
tion ,of that ability. The performance
was noticeable for a remarkable co-
oliertion between the solo instrument,
and the orchestra, under splendid di-
rection, which gave it a finishedt
touch, making it satisfying to the
Levitzki adds to a perfection of
technique and tone development a.
wealth of zest, (I wish I could say
"snap," but that is too popular for
this esoteric column) which made it
no wonder that the audience was re-

such a variety of good
things, such reasonable
prices--is it any, won-
der so many families
eat ,Sunday dinner here!



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