'THE MICHIGAN DAILY F IAG LIFIVS . . . . . . . . . . . 5 :,S STAVA r °' . 5.SLSZ 717 4i e ._ . (OMPLETIE RIFLE 2s :tatehes To Be Played By 39 Women ChosenBy Captain Bricker SEASON ENDS MAY 7 To Hold Checker Tournament Soon Plans are being formulated by the' W. A. A. tea room for a checker tour- nament to be held in the middle of March. ft will be conducted on the elimination pian as is customary in tennis and a prize will be awarded to the winner. Any women interested In checker playing may enter by sign- ing on a slip which will be placed n t~hbulletin in Barbour gymnasium LEGEPLAING CARDS ODERI.ED BY ALUMNAE Michigan units of the alumnae coun- cil have ordered 10,000 packs of the Michigan seal playing cards which were introduced by the A. A. U. W.+ shortly before the Christmas holidays. The Ann Arbor group has orderedl 1,500 decks, to be put on sale about the middle "of April. The Detroit unit has ordered 2,000 decks, Cleveland and Flint 1,000 each and Toledo, Grand Rapids, and Birmingham 500. each. The remaining groups have put n orders ranging from 100 to 300 packs. Twenty-eight matches will be fired wthin a few weeks. by the rifle teams in the coming sea- Opportunities for practice will be e on from Feb. 22 to May 7. Mem- given when the tea rooi opens on t jbers of these teams will be cliosen Monday, Feb. 15. Three boards with from a squad of 30 women to be pick- checkers will be available in the te ed from the new rifle classes. Cap- room itself, while a fourth board l itan ,. 7i. Brcker, the rige coach will to be placed in the hal of Barbour make the selections. The classes for this semester are scheduled to meet from 4 to 6 o'clock on Monday, Tues- day, and Wednesday of each week, in r 3 t oging, and they are open to all women interested in rifle shooting. An am- lected from the members. id- President Clarence U. Little wil] During the past semester 14 match- speak at the membership banquet of es were shot by the rifle team, of the University Y. W. C. A. at 5:30C twhich10 were won. The most impor- o'clock on Feb. 23 at the Methodist tant of these was the National Inter- church. collegiate match for women held from It will be the first membership ban- Dec. 23 to Jan. 25. The match was jqe hc a vrbe ie o sponsored by the national rifle associ- quet whi h has ever been given for ation, and teams from all over the both the active and contributing mem- entered. The results of hers of the organization. The pro- country wereentee ereseivsd, gram will consist of a number of the match have not yet been received, hnusical selections and a recognition but Michigan's first team shot a totalsv e of 2878 out of a possible 3000,while service. the second team scored 2686 out of All members of the Y. W. C. A. are .3000. invited to be present at the banquet. .iAny women who are on the campus Anotga ns the U iver ity ot t or their first semester amd who are Dektagainsth oe Unvesityig ofsut interested in the work of the organiza- Dakota. Both prone and sitting ps- tion are asked to come to Newberry tions will be used, and the maten hall next week and talk with Miss will be fired off by the same women Ruth Deemer, secretary of the Uni- who shot on the first team in the na- versity Y. W. C. A. and they are in- tional match. vited to come to the banquet. Concerning riflery captain Bricker Kathryn Wilson, '26, president of it says, "Rifle firing is a mechanical the organization will preside at the operation which anyone who is physi- banquet and lead in the recognition cally and mentally fit and alert can service. Doris'Glines,26, is general f learn to do well if properly instructed. chairman. The methods of instruction are the same as those used in teaching any When a 50-passenger sightseeing * mechanical operation. The student is bus, bound for Chinatown, caught fire taught the varitus steps in their prop- er order. She is carefully watched in Times Square, New York, observers , and corrected whenever she starts to reported an overwhelming odor of make a mistake. scorched fish, rubber, and hay. 4,, h Y A 500D RE-ASON, We are jealous of the repu- tation of Ddg,,Brothers sell it. That in itself is good and sufficient reason for taking particular pains to see that our Dodge Broth- ers Used Cars are in good order when sold. 'R. H4 Aga L 285 WST HURO~N ST, Doosewoyensv DeasseSLLoousenCDns Pppi*P4torg! StidkIcm around. 105* for. -----0----',n UO,7 tM AKE your friends Paster to express every laugh! Send them let- mood and thought youhave. ters with the funny Peppd ie Put them in your diary and Pasters - theunewest fad: memory book. Use- them for All the rage at Mt. Holyoke, valentines, dance orders, bridge Smith and other colleges. scores, place cards. Make a Peppie Pas ter lamp shade. Show Express your thoughts with your own cleverness in a hundred 'these clever little cartoons, amusing ways. aa, r Ct s r l U .t r f 3 B s a T f ti 1 e s f Drive For League Membership Ends Today is the last day for the Wo- mens' league membership drive, con- ducted during the past week and hav- ing for its goal the raising of a part of the $1,000,000 which has to be raised before the building can be started in 1927. That this amount is raised in the intervening time befbre commencement in 1927, is essential if .the ground is to be broken in accord- ance with the agreement with the Regents. NOTICES The board of representatives will hold an important meeting at 9 o'clock tomorrow in room 110 of the Library. Women of the literary school may get their caps and gowns at Mack and company any afternoon between Feb. 15 and March 1. Changes have been made in the chorus numbers of the Junior Girls' play and from now on rehearsals of these choruses will be called under the new letters. The changes are as follows: chorus 1 to chorus A, chorus 2 to D, chorus 3 to E, chorus 6 to B, 'of Barbour gymnasium, chorus L at Florida State college for Women chorus 8 to H chorus 11 to R chorus 5 o'clock in the parlors, chorus H at has this year organized a press club, 13 to N and chorus 14 to L, and the 7 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall chorus formerly known as Michigan' and chorus B at 8 o'clock also it which only those are eligible who man will be called as chorus C. Sarah Caswell Angell hall. are corresponding for some outstand- Rehearsals for the mJunior Girls' ing news-gathering association or who play will take place as follows today: Kappa Delta announces the pledg- are direct correspondents of some re- chorus D at 4 o'clock in the parlors i ing of Maxine Bush, '29. putable newspaper of the state. Joe Colle4Ce says: Nothing makes quite as - - big a hit as a few flowers from Phone 6030 State at Liberty U l1!!6iH 1l!!1llllll1!l~~1111161mill Ili Ili H I II H HH W H I H HH In II tll m ill Ili I1 HIlIli 11111 1II!1!!! -" .t "dP.an." 'd ai"a.~ .' I. .'.t ",'.. . . . ", .l ^ " d :t." is. ':r". °." "r".. r" .t" ' " ' . 0' °° .*.""I".° Poster Contest To Close Today All posters which have been design- ed for the annual poster contest of the Junior Girls' play must be given to Helena Knapp, chairman of adver- tising, today and the selection of the winning poster will take place Mon- day. The members of the central committee will judge the posters. Two prizes are being offered, the first of $10 for the best poster which will be used on the program and the advertising posters, and the second prize of $5. Ii "PD Tiftokwv tfL' a4~. I%4 1 1A rnt " -~~f M tb t Special Prices ON vi deg a, Style H a... With Resonator and Cae .$~35.00 Star . . ...... .... ...$30.00 As Gocrd as Newcv Gison w -.......-.....$70-..0 Original Price $500 CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE PIANOSV VICTROLASRADIO I ~ .ire--.r. rrr.... .r..P.r.~, -rs P r.rr..s . ,. s. .. ... . .. . . . +r-. .r,- I I _'_ . . .-U- _ . f / 1 a r F. f Sale of Hosiery .49 You will want to buy these hose by the half- dozen pairs when you see what fine quality they are. Niagara Maid Hose are sheer as gossamer, with a beautifully even weave, and wonderfully long wearing.. Chiffon and Service Weights Full-fashioned in two weights; the sheer, clear chiffon with either full silk or lisle top, aild the popular service weight with lisle garter top which gives such lasting satisfaction for everyday wear. he Ann Arbor Floral News Vol. 1. No. 44. Published Every Friday by Ann Arbor Floral Company And just as frequently, over and over E-fagain, we have made a hit with our cus Our stock is always of the very highest grade. Our Service is always reliable. It is t.°uly y "A Service to Swear By andTot At" Our Stock is the largest and most complete in the Let Your Valentine Be city. Flower lovers prefer Flowers This Year.or wr our f lowers because then No gift can express as much as the lovely fragrance of a beautiful bouquet of are grown right here fil roses. Send some home to mother on this Valentine Day. our own