SUNDAY, THE MICHIGAN .DAILY. n _ PAGE T'HR . NDY MY2l r'w H MCIGNDALYIli1~rn I MICHl~AN STUOENTSI Tn flTini~i u -mflf IN S STARTING- TODAY IVU bIUIJ!IIUUDIBT barge Delegation 'Illi Spend Sumimer 'Working In Factories Of Detr'oit R~EGISTRATION IS .OPEN Michigan students desiring to join I the Industriad Research student group1 in Detroit this summer have all next week to confer with local committeeI members relative to the work. Ar- rangements have been made by Arn- old Andersen, ,'27, 'chairman of the Industrial Research committee. of the Stulent Christian association, to have those' interested interviewed any aft- ernoon next week, from 2 to 5 o'clpclk, at Lane OalI. A large delegation from Michigan' is expected to take part in this sum- mier work in Detroit's industrial plants. Other colleges of the Couin- try are sending students to do this work. Meetings of the students will be held each week throughout the summer at the Detroit Y. M. C. A. at which reports of the week's work willI be brought out. Prominent Detroit employers have also been secured toI address these gatherings. Earlh am college, Riichmon d, In(., will offer three hours credit to each student satisfactorily meeting the re-, quirements of the, work. Prof. Honierj L. Morris of 'Eariham college, whof will lead the group, said that students inl other colleges and universities mnay have their credits tranferred to' their respective schools. WN I y:;,x ', , ' 9 a . ; ,.., .% "v'< ' . : ': Y . S: ; 41 r ; , ::._. ". II', -; t _ A ..r , .: - . . ,, ' k , I'i, C. .'tir i '. -. . . - -'^ C'ontinuous Perforniunc( SUNDAY SCTHEDULE Sho s Strut at 2:00 -3:40 -5:20 7:00 - 8:40 -7 6 C'(2t l t , j Sparki inE pleasure v7G Syncopat t a Crowd. tions anc husbands / the jone: EAT f G IMV NOW HO WING At Popular ADULTS' 50C 1/11. Prices CHILDREN 2C Week Day Matinees 10c --25c - 35c nother Bl c SILLY WITH VUEVILLE THE HULL FAMILY CONCERT CO. Dean Cabot S ails On European Trip Hugh Cabot, dlean of the medlical school, left Friday for New York, ac- conpaniedl by Mrs. Cabot. lie was to hail yesterday for London to take over thie clinic of Sir Holbui't Waring a tSt. Partholomew's hospital. iBean and Mrs. Cabot are expected to return the last of June. Let The Daily sell it for you thru the Classified conuns.-Adv.I , Jazzy! e §ff4dW' Punchy! 11 appy! Sn Irving Wamohs,D S C CHRPODIST MAND ORTHOQPED)IST 707 N. University Ave. Phone 212 Odd Shape Watch Crystals STATE STREET JEWELERS' AUTO PARTS For All Makes ci Cars. KESSLERBROS., Canal Street ig with life and love and laughter. Dance mad, mad, pace mad people. Saxaphone sensations. ted hearts. "Good Time" Youth with the Wrong Feverish parties. Cocktail kisses. Frenzied Flirta- id finance. Luxuiry laving wives and small salaried s. All. ik huinor a13,1 ithos of "keeping up with SCIENTIFICALLY SELECTED AND PREPARED FOODS Special fSunday Evening U~ nch 4:30--11:00 rr# #4op Corner of Liberty and Maynard Dial 9215 Insurance h'gs o,,'ost 13UN Don't fail to irenewx your lfire insurance policy. Your policy nay have lapsed oir perhaps you have neglected to place any in- surance en your property. Caill our office and immediate attenition will be given to your insurance needs. A IXT A 17i V d-%1 y. 1 i l I i I i rI,,, Adapted from "T-he Flapper Wife" -5I kk~' g :t ,._ I i I i {° i r I I i y1 I i i 'I . (I '4 1-I I NN A" ( )r (7L r 'or with .. INIS 002 f //11 1 0 v b" (/ 1'/ ~ I 16,Tg D00 °-;4 O'$Rc o ® -4 4~ J .Ucob J --.dI)E) FA~IU1IS- .JI i J f .W...:. I I 4 H LATEST Witorthl. Syniplioni 'K' i "11L 'r m ':t " Ir T 4A .....,. IL w r. /r :rte ;rte I ~ M -A Nk I jw z I . VAi m f'? 'I 4 S~2XI a -. U * b " nk C11 L7 liw AEW. m