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Publication In the Bulletin Is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by tlo Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. in. Saturdays).
Volumne II SATURDAY, IMAY 22, 1926 Nuniber 174
The President and Mrs. Little will be at home to the Regents, officers,
and members of Faculties of the University and their wives at 815 South
'University Avenue, Monday, May 24, and Tuesday, May 25, from eight to
eleven o'clock. It Is suggested that those whose names begin with the 1et~
ters A to L, Inclusive, be present on Monday evening, and those with names
beginning with the letters M to Z, on Tuesday evening. There is no need,
however, that this arrangement should be rigidly observed, and Dr. and Mrs.
Little hope that members of the Faculties will feel free to come either
To All Students having Library Books:
1. Students having in their possession books drawn from the University
Library are notified that such books are due Monday, May 24, before the
impending examinations.
2. Students who have special need for certain books between May
24th and 29th may retain such books for that period by applying to the
Superintendent of Circulation on or before May 24th.
3. The names of all students who have not cleared their records at
the Librairy by Monday, June 7th, will be sent to the Recorder's Office.
where their semester's credits wviii be held up until such time as said rec-
ords are cleared, in compliance with the regulations of the Regents.
Wni. W. Bishop, Librarian.
Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts:
The May meeting of the Literary Faculty will be held Monday, May
24th, in Room 2225 Angell Hall, at 4:10 P. M. Special topic for discussion:
Proposed 'revision of the combined Literary-Medical course.
John R. Effinger.
Two poems, (Scriabin) Miss Pavitt; Fin Schwanx (Greig) T1he reeCS
have grown so (Burleigh) Mr. Burneson; Etude F minor (Chopin) En Au-
tomne (Moszkowski) Miss Mouhidden; Prelude (Mrs. Reimann) Mrs. Rei-
ma;Berceuse (Susumago) Misses Kaiser and Esseistyn; impromptu
(Ellis) Mr. Ellis; A Spring Song (Davies) Miss Davies; Nocturne (Davies)
Miss Davies; Moods (Susumago) The Misses Kaiser and Esseistyn and Mr.
Susumago; IDanse Orientale (Manderbach) Miss Manderbach; Three pieces
fer piano, violin, two saxophones and trombone (Wolcott) Mr. Wolcott, Air.
Golden, Mr. Brooks, Mr. Worth and Mr.Welke.
Chlarles A. Sink.
house Parties and Ilouse hlunces:
The following organizations have been given permission to hold parties,
Saturday, May 22, 1926:
House Party:
Tau Beta P1 (closed)
I-ouse Dances:
Alpha Gamma Delta (formal)
Alpha Xi Delta.
Kappa Delta Rho
Sigma Alpha Epsilon (closed)
Zeta Psi
J. A. Bursley, 1)ean.
A. S. N. E.:
Saturday evening, May 22, 1926. There will be a joint meeting of the
student branch of A. S. M. E. with the Detroit branch. Supper will be served
in the Union at 6 P. Ml. and the nieeting will be held at 7:30 P. M. in Room1
229 West Eng. Bldg.
SAll who intend to attend the supper please call T. J. Paryski, Room 333
West Eng. Bldg. before Saturday noon. T.i J. Paryski.
Men's Educational Club:
There will be a special meeting of the Club, Monday, May 24, at 4:05
P. M. in Room 208, Tappan Hall for the purpose of electing oflicers for next
year. A full attendance is desi-red.
Ilaph Van hloesen, President.
Cl orad t'nion Ushers:
All Choral Union ushers who have assisted at concerts during the past
season are requested to be at their respective assignments in H-i11 Audi-
torium during the May Festival, unless otherwise notified.
Doors open at 7:30 P. M. for evening concert and at 2:00 P. Al. Saturday
afternoon. Please be on time.
WV. A. Davenport..
Assistant Superintendent Building and Grounds Dept.
Ann Arbor Art Association:
Paintings of forty-four American artists selected from the annual exhi-
bition of the Art Institute of Chicago are on exhibition in the West Gallery
of Alumni Memorial Hall. The exhibit will be open week days 1:30 to 5:00,
and Sunday 2:00 to 5:00; also the following mornings of Festival week:-
Wednesday and Friday 9:00 to 11:00, Thursday and Saturday 9:00 to 12:00.
(lencral admission twenty-five cents; free to members, students of U~niver-
sity, and children. Warren P. Lombard, 1Pres.
.Field Trip for (Geology 128:
The class will assemble at Natural Science Building at S A. M. Satur-
day, iMay 22, for trip by motor truck to examine old shore lines in Washte-
naw and Wayne counties. The geologic map of the Ann Arbor Folio, andl
the geologic map of the Wayne quadrangle of the Detroit Folio will be used.
The individual expense will be 75 cents.
Reports on the trips May 15 and 22, and the mapping of Ann Arbor,
should be turned in by May 27. They may be given to Robert Karpinski at
Room 130 C, in Natural Science Building, or brought to my residence 1724
South University Ave. Frank Leverett.
Monday, May 24, at which Lieut. Charles ID. Williams, Jr., of Detro~t will
discuss a course in flight training with the U. S. Naval Reserve. This
course extends over two years and consists of weekly lectures and instruc-
tion during the fall, winter, and spring, and 45 (lays of active flying during
each summer of the two years.
Sincidents relatirng to the initial flight of the University balloon, "Mich-
gan No. 1," will also be told. All members and others who are interested
are urged to be present.
11. ,J. Thompson.
Viiersityf Mo£ Iichigan Band:
Formation today at Morris Bali at 1:15 sharp for track meet and base-
ball gamne at Ferry Field. Uniform with cape. Section heads 1:10 .P. iM.
Gord4i(fn Packer.
Universily of iheilgan Band:
The Campus Concert for May 26 has been canceled.
Wilfred Wilson.
Studenls' Sunmner Employment:
Men and women interested in summer employment, full or part time,
here or in your home towns, can interview Miss Wadsworth at 342 Liberty
Court, Monday andl Tuesday, May 24 and 25. J. A. Bursley.
Emfloyment for Summer:
Mr. Eby, of the Rayolite Paint Company, General Motors Building, De-
troit, will be in Room 304, Michigan Union, on Monday, May 24, from 2:00 to
5:00 P. M. to explain to students who are interested in a summer p'roposi-
tion with his Company. *J. A. Bursley.
707 N. UnIversity Ave. Phone 2121i
They made Milwaukee
Large Assortment.
Always Fresh.
City Pharmacy
118 North Fourth Ave.
Near Bus Station
Is the man whose advice it Is well to fol.
low. Ask your college haberdasher for
h s opinion of shirts made of Sea Island
Mills Imported Broadcloth.
discer2ment-is awas softandsiinia
appearance, always impeccably correct
frecr ocasion--sport, Iiforxnai or
]llye Improves l
Afer Oeration
Prof. Charles F. Meyer of the phys- I
ics department, who was operated
on for acute appendicitis at 'the Uni-
versity hospital Tuesday night, is well
on the road to recovery, according to
the reports of attendants. The oper-
ation was performed by Dean hugh
Cabot, of the Medical school.
Faculty, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture: .A
There will be a meeting of the Faculty of these Colleges on Monday,
May 24, at 4:15 P. M., in Room 411 West Engineering Building.
Louis A. hopkins, Secretary.
School of Education Faculty:
An adjourned meeting of the Faculty of the School of Education will take
place Monday, May 24, 1926, at 4:15 P. M.. A full attendance is desired.
A. S. Whitney.
Fifth and Sixth May Festival Programs:
.The fifth May Festival concert will take place this afternoon in Hill
Auditorium at 2:30 P. M. Mischa Levitzki, Pianist, Chicago, Symphony Or-
chestra, Frederick Stock, Conductor.
Overture to "The Flying Dutchman" (Wagner); Tone Poem "Verkiarte
Nacht," Opus 4 (Schoenberg); Symphony No. 4, E minor Opus 98 (Brahms);
(;oncerto for Pianoforte, No. 2 C minor, Opus 22 (Saint-Saens) Mr. Levitzki.
The sixth May Festival .concert will take place this evening in Hill
Auditorium at 8:00 P. M.
"Lohengrin" (Wagner)
Soloists: Florence Austral, Soprano (Elsa), Augusta Lenaka, Mezzo So-
prano (Ortrud), Richard Crooks, Tenor (Lohengrin), James Wolfe, Bass
(King Henry), Riccardo Bonelli, Baritone (Telremund), Barre Hill, Bass-
Baritone (Herald).
Charles A. Sink.
Students Recital: 1
Mr. Andrevi Haigh's class in Elementary Composition will give the fol-
lowing program .at the School of Music Recital Hall, Monday evening, May
a4th at 8:00 o'clock, assisted by the Misses Rena Pavitt and Saime Mou-
hidden, pianists, and Myron Burneson, baritone:
The Highest Grade of
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Sell Auto Bun pers. Good commis-
sion. Full set for popular sized cars
only $15. Larger bumpers too. Write
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Plate and 100 Card's, $3.00 and up
100 ards from your Plate, $1.75
5 I 0
U~. S. Nava1 Reserve
There will be a
Fhig1It Training:
meeting of the Aeronautical Society at the Union on
always sell
used Books at SLATER'S
." They
also know that when they wish to save a few dolI
lar whn urchasing Books, it can be done by
buying used Books from us
to take
advantage of the opportunity