SATURDAY i, MAY 22, 1926 TH. E ICHICAN flAILY PAGV LEVEN THE ICHGAN A-L PAQU~ LEVUN s { { 1 i 1 L /y .x . ''.1f ,.r';~, l!I.1.%.~r'.."0/, 1 I,.Ih",.r" I Saturday Special ['OR SALE (tan ai'A ti r -11FOR SALE-Oliver typewriter, A-i condition; a bargain. Also bridgea lamp, student lamp, Victrola; cheap. you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie H. M. Maveety, 713 E. Kingsley. Phoni heAd Taker,Dial 21:24, and your want ad ! ilbe charged. 0. The Aichigan Daily reserves the right to - classify all want ads under appropriate headI FOR SALE-1925 Ford RoaIster in ings and to revise or withhold objecionale good condition. For further infor- copy. This column closes at 3 P. M. date preced- mation call Bob Brown, 5917. ing publication. Notice of any error must be 73-74-75 given in time for the second insertion. CASH RATES Ten cents per reading line (cn the basis of FOR SALE-Ford Speedster. Must five average words to the line) for one or two sell at once. $30 cash. Call 8217 insertions. Nin~e cents per reading line for three ot more Colwell. 73-74-75 i 'insertions._____________________________ r sh classifieds received at the Daily office FOR SALE-Two Ford Touring cars; in The Press Building on Maynard Street. $h G CONTRACT RATES run good, 1926 license; $35 each. Special standardized rates given on applica- 417 Hill St. 73-74 7 tion. LOST FOR SALE-Vega tenor banjo, inex-- cellent condition. Leather case, 7.. LOST-A pair of green rim glasses in IGray, Phone 21617. 7-7 a black "Health Service" case. Dial FOR SALE-Small baby grand, De 9266. 74-75 Kalb made, almost new. Owner Y.TI: 16-Ammej LOST-Waltham, hunting case, gold watch with U. M. Fob, near corner of 1 Thompson and Williams. Phone 6961. Ed. Peterman. - leaving, will sell at $460. P1gne 5572. 74-75-76. Let The Daily sell it for you , tut the Classified colmuns.-Adv. m m m- aaal - -..Li FOR SALE DIENTAl EQVIPMENT FOR SALE-In town of 1000 near De- troit. Only dentist. Chair, Ritterj Engine, two cabinets, Petton steri-1 lizer, R R Gasoline outfit, motor, Maves inlay furnace and fiscellane-j ons instruments. Inquire of E. Bank, 1033 E. University. Tel 21462. tf. NOTICE CASH PAID for Law, Medical, Dental and Pharmacy books, at- i IBiddel's Bookstore. tf NOTICE FRATERNITIES-Can place colored orchestra for your Spring I-ouse Party. Dates June 9 and 10. J-Hop and Architect Ball reputation. Priced reasonably if taken for both dates. Call Donaldson, Dial 9582. 73-74-75 THE hit of the season on Victor Rec- ord, played by Warings Pennsyl- vanians- "In My Gondola" "Just a Cottage Small" at Schaeberle and Son Musle House.. tf. TRY OUR Beauty Parlor. Rain Water Shampoo, face and scalp treatment. Special prices on all appointments. Trojanowski Beauty Parlor, 1110 S. University, side entrance. Phone 6535. tu, th, sat.-tf. DON'T miss having Victor Record. "Billy Boy" by Frank Crumit, at- Schaeberle and Son Music House. tf. Modern Jury Trials Published by Jennings Co. of New York made of the Genius Eloquence of over 100 great lawyers showing how cases are won. U. S. Justice Mathews says: "Ex- cellent made, highly entertaining and permanent value." Darrow says: "I have read your books with profit for 40 years." tf. COLLEGE Students who wish to be chosen for Wear Ever Lecturing and Selling this summer must secure assignments by Friday May 21. Act quickly if interested. See B. S.. Hagar this week, room 302, Michigan Union. 69-70-71-72 NOTICE PARTY FAVORS, noise makers, con- fetti, and balloons. Special ar- rangements for fraternities, sorori- ties and clubs. BROWN'S BOOKSTOItE, 210 S, Main. tf FOR RENT FOR RENT-Three light house keep- ing rooms, available 15 of June, 119 N. Thayer, Phone 21815. Also single rooms. 74-75-76. FOR RENT-Furnished four room apartment, steam heat and private bath. 514 1. William. Phone 3346. 74-75-76. FOR RENT-Pleasant- double or single room, with board, if desir- able. Dial 3645. 74-75-76. FOR RENT-Two light housekeeping apartments, completely furnished, also two garages. Dial 22464. 315 Packard. 74. FOR RENT-Washtenaw Apts, 332 East Williams, Apt 210. Three room apartment with bath, furnished or unfurnished for snmmer. Phone 21769. 72-73-74. FOR RENT--House, 10 room, furnish- ed. June 15th for 1 year. Call Whipple at 5833. 72-73-74. FOR RENT - Rooms for summer school men. Completely furnished for study, . also general reception room and library. Can handle eigh- teen. Furniture and fittings new in February. Call at 615 E. Liberty or Dial 8149 or 9439 after 7:30 P. M. 73-74-75 __.... - -"1 .1 '1 .r 4 )- '_L__ r $e -- - p' _ i , ,. - ; } 1' r / - .^ry. Y _ ' _ ^«. Fifth Edtioun Illustrated $2.00 "One of tinctive a contribut ican hum years. T tions ... a delightfu the most dis- nd promising ions to Amer- nor of recent the illustra- re altogether .") New York Times 1 The Graduate's Smoke When you commence to smoke Blue Boar, you'll real- ize why men have elected it America's favorite fine tobacco. O 11 -% ---- - mllw 112MOM IiiB- One man I tells another I BO S T O N LITTLE 1UILDING TaREor con: SoYtsrom PALM BEACH PLAZA BUtLD1TIG C o u n T R o A NEWPORT AUORAIN8It.WNG 220 Biavuc Avgeuvr r W- -I-k A lk v I W-% - - w , ._. I - P, ..; R. EDWARD SAYLES, Minister HOWARD . CHAPMAN, Minister of University Students 9;30-The Church Bible School. Dr. Russell Bunting, superintendent. 10 80- Worship and sermon. Dr. Charles T. Paul will speak on "CHRISTIANITY IN THE FAR EAST" 12 0--Student groups will meet at Guild House for final study to be given by Dr. Waterman. 5 00-Students will meet at Guild House and go in body ot Beefsteak Hill. This is the annual outdoor meeting in charge of Seniors. Loran Bartley leads. Many others speak. Picnic supper. Meet primptly at 5:00 o'clock. ST. PAULS' LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) Third and West Huron Streets C. A. BRAUER, Minister. 9:00 A. M.-Pentecost service and Holy Communion in German. 10:30 A. M.-Bible school. 11:00 A. M.-Pentecost service in English. 5:30-7:30 P. M.-Students' outing. 7:00 P. M.-Preparatory in Eng- lish. 7:30 P. M.-Confirmation and bap- tism of adults and children. Also celebration of Holy Communion. I t NOTICE-Hats cleaned, shoes repair- ed. Absolutely the most satisfac- tory work in town. Pay us a visit. Wasiington Shop. 106 E. Washington Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf. X. NASH CO., Golden Rule Tailors Spring Suits and Topcoats $23.00 Style, Fabric, Tailoring Guaranteed Dial 6746 or 9736 tf. LOCKSMITH All kinds of trunk, door keys MR. KELLER Phone 7325 1210 W. Huron tf. WATCH REPAIRING SERVICE Not how cheap but How Good at a Reasonable Price. The Watch Shop Edward A. Clark, 1121 S. University. CALL US - WE pay best prices for men and wom- en's used clothes-J. W. WENSON, 224 Detroit St. Dial 21405. tf. A SPECIAL TAILORED SUIT, $35.00 H. W. MILWARD 332 S. State, over Pratt & Dunn Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf. NOTICE- JOE PARKER'S CAFE Dancing every night during supper from 6:30 to 8:00 Private parties our specialty. Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf. IF YOU WANT REAL cleaning and pressing service at reasonable prices Dial1811 CHEER UP WAHL'S. 328 Sq. Main tf. ATTENTION' Look over my line of samples for SPRING SUITS 2 pant suits made to measure, $37.50 T .B.Lyons, 515 E. Williams tf An extra pair of pants doubles the life of your suit, we match any cloth. M. G. WILD, 109 E. Washington Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf. LIBRETTOS For MAY FESTIVAL Now On Sale University Music House - Allmendinger Music Shop Stofflet Phono Shop Schaeberle & Son Grinnell Bros. Arcade Music Shop Slaters Book Store Wahr's Book Store Grahams Book Stores Students Supply Store. PRICE 50x 72-73-74 FOR RENT-Two single rooms or a suite in private family for summer term; upper classmen preferred. 1109 White St. 73-74-75 FOR RENT-From July 1 or Septem- ber 1, for six months or one year, furnished house of 9 rooms, 2 batlv and lavatory. Dial 3591. 73-74-75 FOR RENT-Large, finely furnished 14 room house, equipped for fra- ternity or large group use. Call at. 615 East Liberty for Information. 73-74-75 FOR RENT-- 4 room furnished apart- ment, second floor, has north and east exposure, =cool in summer, hag all conveniences.. For summer school or longer. Call 315 N. State. Phone 5767. 72-73-74. FOR RENT - Light housekeeping rooms for summer or next year. Convenient ot campus and bus lines. Dial 6649. 923 Greenwood. 72-73-74 FOR NEXT year-Board, room, and home privileges at 512 E. Williams St. 1 1-2 blocks from campus. Jun- iors, seniors or professional stu- dents preferred. Phone 3694. 72-73-74. WANTED WANTED-Girls with selling experi.- nce to assist from 11 to 1 o'clock daily. Apply office, second floor, Mack & Co. -t. WANTED-Girl for general office work in an established Real Estate and Insurance Office. The position offers excellent opportunities for advancement and income. Appli- cant must be good typist and should have some business experience though the latter is not absolutely essential. Replies will be consider- ed confidential. Address box 90, Michigan Daily. tf. WANTED-By instructor, room or suite in private family for next year. Address Michigan Daily Box 98. 74-75-76. WANTED-Washing and ironing, rough dry preferred. Phone 22388. 74-75-76 WANTED-Barber for tw'o weeks, starting Monday-steady or part time. State andyPackard. Dial 9769. 74-75. NEAT Appearing Salesladies to sell Pickwick house and street frocks direct to wearer; easily earn $35 weekly; work all or part time. WRITE TODAY. Pickwick Mfg. Co. Fort Wayne, Ind. 74-75. 6:030-Young People's Meeting. Leader, John Dobbs. Did Jesus Mean by the 'Second Mile'" r Topic: "What -p 1 - -... I Washington St. and Flifth Ave. E. C. STELLHORN, Pastor. I I Morning Service' AS A PERSONAL ACI[IEVE tEN " RELIGION 4:30 Party assembles for outdoor supper. a i SI 10:30-Confirmation service. 5:30-Banquet in honor of the seniors, at which addresses will be given by seniors and other students appropriate to the occasion. DISCIPLES Church of Christ Corner Hill and Tappan KENNETH B. BOWEN, Minister 821 Packard. Phone 5146. 10: 30-"Four Anchors and the Dawn." 5:00-Picnic lunch out at the island. Meet at the church. 6:30-Students Forum. Ir 4:30 P. M.-Canoe Trip and Steak Roast for Students. Please Farris Hall in advance if you plan to attend. I I!+ call -_i.. . First Congregational Chu HERBERT ATCHINSON JUMP, Minister ..-v..* " I . NOX MITCHELL, Jr., University Pastor JANET BEROTH, Director Religious Education 4:00-Student Canoe Conference: "How Has College Changed My Religion r.' 8: 00-M~otion picture service. Rafael Sabatini's "Captain Blood." WARDROBE TAILORS Suits to order, $23.50 and up Suits cleaned and presed, $1.00 pressed 35c Delivery service Phone 3242 200 E. Huron WANTED-Commonwealth Edison Co. wants 50 students for a summer sales campaign in Chicago. Good opportunity to connect with the world's largest light and power company. See Mr. Black, '23E, at the Michigan Union, before 2 o'clock today only. 74. WANTED-Capable salesman to sell house-sites in one of Ann Arbor's most beautiful, highly restricted Home-Site subdivisions. Liberal commissions paid. For particulars Phone 4812 or (21534, evenings). 74-75. WANTED-Suite, two or three rooms, by two junior laws, for fall semes- ter. Address Mich. Daily, Box 92. 72-73t-74-75. WANTED-Work for room for next school year. Box 93. 72-73-74 " AT.JmL Ti rin nr ,..t . -,; St. tt. First Church of Christ, Scientist I I TYPING WANTED -'r'beses, themes papers, notes, etc., neatly, accurate- ly and promptly typed. Call Mrs. Engelhardt. Dial 7275. Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf. NEW VICTOR RECORD "Poor Papa"-Jack Smith Bethlehem Evangelical Church I " . .. . . . . . ., I I .nnnpTMi ! I