S$ATUERDAY, MAY 22, 1926 THE MICHMAN DAILY PAO* TgM .;T. . . a1L MvY i-IA\_L-1 V LM;flT. a(W 1 fi ' Avi a.v aa.r a w+.av ,_ x: ' ater an NWries N w Vo es n Iental society and also the Palestinian C~NS [DD[DE aemnWie e oumesO soeal5ciety... A, ~~Cor'respowndence Of Assyrian Kiings i I,, 11 [hPotesor Waterman pub- ! lshe "SmeKoujunjik Letters and YALUMNUS IN PEKING!! Rielated Texts," and in 1916 the "Busi- As t Dat of the Humnanistic.; eries from Hllsldale college in 1900, Pro- ness D~ocuments of the liammurabi --ioft Ihe U niv ersity of which Prof. Fran- fessor Waterman then stu(Iied inh Ox- PeriodI." Hie has also aided in other G aise F tpernogl. c aace o>by the material in a "Ndew Assyrian Dic- odd ner Pkig, and the virtues of pleted the Oditilg of "The Royal Cor-i hisChrstin amyiscoltaiie~ If aresondnceof ssria Kigs, au ifrom the University of Chicago iii 1l2, Itionary," liublished by the Oriental and has reetybe aaddteinstitute of the University of Chicago. repot mde y ir. enni V.Smih, he ook s nw o th prss.LittD. an honorary (legree from B ills- He is a memlber of the committee '09# medical missionary in Peking, to The work is a I ransiteration of the! dale college.. lie has taught in ]Wls- l o university professors publishing an the .Methodist Foreign Mission hoard cuneiform writing of the Assyrianus, jda e college, .,.Meadville Theological up-to-date, scholarly translation of the 1n4wYrk h riia e g yi mt h cel ool, andl has been. professor of Old Testament. Dr. Smith, declared that "the sold-! Profcsswr Wate, nan has had access smtc tteUiest ic 95 iers of General Feng pay their bills, iin the British rnuscum. The final liemiis atmebethte AmerritsicanO- a1o.91aly5.etses- and in general (10 not prey upon h okwl ~ n the!bokwllb i ree volumes. _________________________________________________ populace. The present warfare, Ile Professor Waternian has recently '________________________________________ continued, in China is greatly hinder-, been invited to act as annual profes- - Ang ;the work of the lncdical mission- ! son in the American School of Orient-1I ari1's through the crippling of rail- 'al Research in Bagdlad for .the year roid communications whichl is pre- 1927-1;;28. venting the necessary suppilies fromi Receiving his literary dlegree and coming into the country. later the bachelor of divinity degiree' Ii-mw4ua~isur ALIa, I w I§ ti S ti In 01 11 11 Saits On Huron River at the foot of Cedar Street odd Shape Watch fiystas HALLER'S STATE STREET JEWELERS I PUO ARTS M For All Makes of Cara. f IES FOR SALE. JUNK CARS BOUGHT t II PRONE 3035. KESSLER BROS., Canal Street It loom .m fII- HIGH IST PRCESPAID F Men's used C tlo n terATCE p STUDENTTALRbH, Php 8 O40 tor. N. U 4 o h& e I PA Y REST PRICESj P40ono 4810 116 W. Wasbingtoz It. 1ENJAm . ~ ... i Now Showing I 'e . WHITM"ORE LAKE WHERE HIGHEST QUALITY FOODS EXPERTLY PREPARED COST NO MORE It Another Fast Moving Farce Comedv AM Munk Op Frid from Specie len a n.I to ip.mx.I Jay and Saturday; L8 a. m. to 12 p. m. i al Rates by the day Phone 21117 : I DETROIT- THATR5 T HIS WEEK I Heith VTaudeville Feature Chabot &Tortoni "Thle Girl from Belgium and the Boy from France" j$W COD'Y ROY DARCY (of lIerry AWidow ame) And a "t Gent "SKY E OUNV, A M~e rmald Comedy i v I. _f AR RI CK t 5 o S, THE CARRICK COMPANY1 'The Grand Duches Nd atr S with Ann HardiaS-R~oljoVpetrs The BONSTELLE CO. Presents WM. FAVERSHAM in 16O]D ft tc'~'Y"' LApy jWL .XA Miss Bonstelle as Lamdy Alqy Bons!uhiPlayhouse i;Tu.hiri. woocwar at>Glot Tl. lenale9792 Shubert Lafayette so of eto $ 3at Sat.Miat. 'soc-$2.56' 1Pop.Thurs.Mat. soc to $2, plus tax. Cad, 87c5 World's M4ost Charming Operetta The Student Prince IN HEIDEL BERG I- COMING SUNDAY IKE" IT'S A BARREL' OF FUN, FIELD PART'IES- Eng inwei ug Geplogy Geography and all others A FEW of THE ESSENTIAL ITEMS AKE Wool Camp and Army Blankets Light Double Cotton Blankets Barracks Bags Navy Sea Bags Haversacks and Knapsacks Mosquito Tents-must be selI to be appreciated'. Steel'Mirrors with Case Canteens with ese an~d Bot SHOES AD CLOTI4N Extra Heavy Double Sole Army and Hikinq Shoes Moccasin Pack Shoes in High-Top, Regular or Oxford. Tennis, Officers and. Light Munson Ar Y .Shoes Regulation Khaki Army and Whipcord Breeches:. Field and Camp Clothing Khaki Coats anid ,Tro~se~ Regulation White Navy Pants an~d Hats Leather and : Trap Puttees Canvas Lf.eg gins Rain Coats, Ponchos, Slickers and Hats ti SHIRT$ Khaiki, Poplin and- Pongee Shirts, -$1.00 and Up Also Light Flannels Brcadcloth, 0. D. Wool Army Shirts Corduroy,' Sucedc and Plaid Blankect Shirts, Blouses and Blazers, Ladies Flannel. Shirts, Hcavy and I ight,'Wool Soks Golf Hoze Cotton, Lisle arnd Silk Hose Sweaters and Underwear, _all Styles SUEDE LEATHE~R JACKETS in brown, tan ox grey fir ladies and met} . WER S lik r In Olive, Yellow or in Colors, for Mena, Women and .Children STENTS: All kinds Camp Equipment, Gold .Medal Furniture Fording -1 --- Ui i,