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January 12, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-12

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Published every morning except Monday
nl th. 4University year by the Board in
1 of Ftvident Publications.
.Memiibcrs of Western Cornference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news1
dispatches credited to it or not otherwiseE
cr dited in this paper and the local news pub-
lis'hed therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
nmaster General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.So; by mail,
$ .0.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
n:trd Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business, sst 4.
Telephone 4023,
Chairman, Editorial Board...Norman R. Thal
City Editor............Robert S. Mansfield
News Editor............Manning Housewortb
Wometi's Editor............ Helen S. Ramsay
Sports Editor..............Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor..........William Walthour
Tvlusc and Drama......Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Willard B. Crosby Thonas V. Koykka
Robert T. DeVore W. Calvin Pattersea
Assistaat City Editors
Iwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito

speeches, he declared that while most
of the people of his state were well
acquainted with the prowess of oney
of his students, 'one Harold Grange,
very few of them even knew the naino' T il
of the president of their university. 31ULLIAN
No doubt the universities of the FN AGAX
country, as well as the cause of edu-
cation in general, would benefit if It seems that a certain music stor
such conditions did not exist; how-' in advertising favorite songs of t
ever, changes -are brought about grad- es is rather hampered bsacem
ually, and it will take time before the its sign, or is trying to start som
almost universal interest in college thi.g, At any rate one of the titl
football and football men can be di- hich greets the passers is "Ahr.
verted to activities more truly repre- o'clock in the A. M."
sentative of college work. Others which we hope to see the
And in the meantime, Coach Yost are: "U'p the St. March," "Md. M
is accotnplishing a great deal for i Md." and "My Old Ky. Home" and
Michigan by preaching, teaching, and 1 forth, and so forth..
living his doctrine of clean sports- * * * '
manship that has been identified with Also "Ch." and "On Wis.'
Michigan and Michigan athletic teams



II GS - . U




tt Rtta v


Certrude E. Bailey
William T. Barbour
Charles Behymer
W illiam Breycr
Philip C. Brooks
I,. Buckingham
Stratton Buck
arl Burger
IEgar Carter
3 oseph Chamberlain
leyer Cohen
Carleton Champe
I .rene H. Gutekunst
Ii ouglas Doubleday
?Mary Dunnigan
Andrew Goodman
J 3mes T. Herald
Aliles Kimball

Marion Kubik
Walter K. Macks
Louis R. Markus
Ellis Merry
Helen Morrow
Margaret Parker
Stanford N. Phelps
Simon Rosenbaum
Ruth Rosenthal
Wilton A. Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtland C. Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendler
Henry Thurnat
David C. Vokes
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter
Marguerite Zilske

Telephone 21214
/rtising. .................Joseph J. Finnj
AL-crtising..............T. D. Olmsted, Jr.
udvrtising..............Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
iAdvr risinag................Wmn. L. Mullin
rceulation................... . L. Newman
i'Aiaion . ............. Rudolph Bostelman
ice unts..................Paul W. Arnold

for more than 25 years. When football
is occupying such a place of import-
ance, Michigan is fortunate in stand-
ing, as she does, for football that is,
clean, for magnanimous winning and
cheerful losing,-the game for the
game's sake-the Yost system of
The recent ruling of the Law fac-
ulty in eliminating attendance records
in that school has received the whole
hearted approval of the student body.
The ruling does away with the old cut
system entirely; role is not taken, and'
the matter of being present is left to
the individual student. It is stated
by the law school faculty that the step
was taken in accord with the general
policy of putting the work on a grad-
uate basis, thus allowing the student
greater freedom in his study.
Harvard law school has long main-
tained such a policy. Until recently
seniors of higher scholarship rating
in the Harvard literary college, as
well, were allowed to use their own
discretion in the matter of attendance.
Within the past few weeks, all seniorsI
in good standing have been permitted
the same privileges. Last week, Yale(
university extended a similar freedomf
to those seniors of a certain rating.
The abolition of attendance in the
medicine and divinity schools is also
The question naturally arises as to
whether the same policy would be
found practical in our own literary
college. Under the present system of
almost mass education, it would seem,
reasonable to allow such freedom to
only those seniors whose scholarship
and reputation show that they have a
real interest in their scholastic work.
(To those who come to the University
for social reasons, and it must be ad-I
mitted that there are many such in
our midst, such freedom would only
be misused.
It might be suggested that pivi-
leges be extended gradually, as wasI
successfully done at Harvard and
Yale, to those of sufficiently hight
scholarship. If such a plan should{
be found workable, and doubtless it
would, further freedom could be ex-
tended to the remainder of the senior
class, or upperclassmen in general.
Perhaps by that time selective on-
trance requirements will .have re-
moved the educational parasites, thus
giving the new policy a fairer trial.
Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants wail, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.

What friend Rollo needs 'most these'
days is a pair or rather two pairs of
ice skates. IHe does all the skating
we want him to now but he never
seems to be able to keep going
straight. Must be the Eustachian
tubes or something. Maybe if he had
the skates he'd do better.
People iniss Effie just terribly. Let-
ters have come pouring into this office
day after day inquiring about her. So
therefore to help the postmaster out
(he is pretty rushed just now, what
with report cards, Valentines, and
whatnot) we sent up a special cor-
respondent to Flyspeck, Mich., where
she is living, and we gleaned the fol-
lowing from the local journals:
Flyspeck, iMich. (By special dis-
patch to Molls from the Flyspeck
Concentric, with which is combined
the Flyspeck Telephone Directory-
retaining positively the worst features
of each). Miss Effie Snorp, popular
Flyspeck debutante and winner of the
1911 contest to determine the, mostI
beautiful girl in the towns of Flyspeck
and Eggspot, was interviewed yester-
lay on the reasons why she did not
attend the J-Hop, premiere social
event of the 'University of Michigan.
"No, 1 did not go to the Hop," re-
plied Miss Snorp. "You know, of
course, why I left Ann Arbor. I was
gel ting so much publicity. My beauty
and popularity, I suppose it was. Then
too, I felt slighted because the boys
in that dramatic organization elected
Mrs. Thomas Whiffen an honorary
4 niemberand didn't even .consider me.
"111esides, you know how, it is. Al-
ways dashing around to this dance
and that dance. One gets tired of it,
all eventually. During Christmas va-
cation, I was asked to so many affairsI
that I lost lots of sleep and almost
fifty pounds. But my main reason for
not going to the hop was that some-
how I wasn't invited. Of course, I
couldn't go clown there and fo r e Iny-
self il."
1Miss Snorp is now leading a rather
quiet life. She tried out for tte F7'ly-
speck Girls' basketball . teaah, .ut'
after a couple of days, she had to stop
in order to allow the rest of the team
to recover. She now weighs 397
Ilpounds, fahrenheit.

I igred M. Ailing
vo,'gcLH. Annable, Jr.
Carl Bauer
ohi H Bobrini
in. . ox i~
A. Rolland Damm
] antes hIt l1eVuy
Mary Flinterman
Margaret L. funk
Stan Gilbert
T. Kenneth Haven
R. Nelson

F. A. Norquist
Loleta G. Parker
Julius C. Pliskow
Robert Prentiss
Wmn. C. Pusch
Franklin J. Rauner
Joseph Ryan
Margaret Smith
Mance Solomon
Thomas Sunderland,
Eugene Weinberg
Win. J. Weinnan
Sidney Wilsoni

Night Editor-SMITH H. CADY, JR.
It is the general American fashion
to call attention to the birthday an-
niversaries of our country's greatest
men. It is the tradition of the press
to comment upon these men, pointing
out their virtues and perhaps over-
hooking their faults.
How different with the birthday of
LAncoln! So little can be said which
conveys anything of his true and elu-
,,ive simplicity. When one attempts to-
write of him, words seem dull, inef-
f'ctive, and inadequate. Yet genius
has never yielded to analysis and
probably never will. Perhaps it was
in his supreme humanism that his!
genius flowered, yet who can say?

TillS AFTERNOON: Tryouts for I
he iasq'ues' production of "Wiy
Tarry" in Newherry hall at 3 o'cloek.
TONMG1lT The Mimes Vaudeville
hi the' Mimnes theatre at 8':16 orlock.
* S
Plays which were written nearly'
two hundred years ago by that most
remark'able of Danish writers, Ludvig
Ioiberg , lave been coming of late
years into favor with large audiences
in Denmark, and even appear in a fair
way" of becoming immortal. Though
having written all manner of books
on fnance, law, and history, Holberg
is chiefly remembered for his com-
edies, of which his "Beggarman," in
the translation by Professor Oscar
James Campbell, will be given its first
American performance by the Mimes,
February 23, 24, and 25, in the Mimes
Holberg's plays are the direct out-
come of his own experiences-the
enormous variety of manners and peo-
ple which he observed in his travels
throughout Europe, and of his own
disposition strangely compounded out
of erudition and a curious interest in
his fellow man. One must know the
events of Holberg's life to thoroughly
comprehend the full import of his
dramatic works.
Ludvig Holberg was born in 1684 in
the city of Bergen, Denmark, a me-
tropolis which had long been onq of
the trading centers of the Hanseatic
League, and which in the seventeenth
century was of a decided cosmopolitan
nature. Holberg spent much of the
time of his young manhood in seeing
the world. At different times he visit-
ed the Netherlands, Oxford, London,
Leipsig, Dresden, and Halle.
On his return to Denmark he be-
came a "professor extraordinary" in
Borch's college. From that place he
departed in the year 1714 for his
fourth journey abroad, this time a
walking tour through southern and
central Europe. It was this unusual
viewpoint colipled with his own desire
for learning and culture, and his in-
nate propensity for realism, that the
peculiar character of his plays may be
Most of his work was done in later
years, after he had become a full pro-
fessor, at the time when certain citi-
zens were looking toward the estab-
lishment of a national theatre for
Denmark. le finished five plays in al-
miost as many months.
T e scenes of 14 lberg's comedies
are often laid in peasant or bourgeois
homes, and are done with absolute
,fidtlit - "' man-ardent iilerenrt;
, of ,realisn. Ie did not overlook the
unpleasant things of life; yet either
did he employ them merely for their
own sakes. They were used as means
to an end-ually picturesque rather
'than profoun, but were definitely
productive of thought and were of a
universal character.
* * *
A review, 'by Clarice Tapson.
There's one thing nice about a stock
company, eventually every member
gets a chance at a real role. In "New
Brooms," the Frank Craven play now
at the Bonstelle Playhouse, Walter
Sherwin, who has played the typical
American business man ever since I
can 'remenmberl has a part worthy of
The story is another of the younger
generation affairs, but it is treated
from' a little different point of view.
Tom, Junior, thinks he could make
more money in his father's broom fac-
tory than his very successful father,
by being pleasant to everybody where
his father is grouchy. He tries it for
a year and finds it doesn't work. The

only benefits are that he learns his
dad is a pretty good scout, and he;
marries the girl who he, while he was
managing everything, had hired as
Walter Sherwin is the most con-
sistent and delightful grouch imagin-
able. And in the last act, there is a
scene between him and Donald Cam-
ernnon as the son, in which he opens
up and tells his son how much he does
care whether he succeeds or not and
that he is all for him, that chokes up
the whole audience as well as young
The rest of the roles are all well
handled, as you can always depend
[that they.will be with these players.
[Jessie agyce Landis asc Jerry, the
housekeeper, .Melvyn Douglass as a
big man from Texas, Gale Sonder-
gaard as Tom's sweetheart-in-the-be-
ginning, provide ample support for I
Waltei" Ihierwin an 'Donald' Cameron.
And, again as usual, the play is well
staged and*directed.' If never ceases
to be a matter of wonderment how a
a stock company can do all the things

"A Wiser and Better Place
to BuY."

Watch for Our New Spring Line.
Hats Cleaned and Blocked.
817 Packard Street . Phone 7411.
(Where D). IT. R. Stops at State St.)
Paths on snow form ice and kill
all grass roots beneath. Please
don't make or use such paths.
The Time of the
Year to
Your Home
By InaiinX your furniture. re-
godered. We offer pleasing and
attractive designs and colorings.
P. B. Harding
218 East Huron Phone 3432


. ... .

. :.:. 1
--... .

GAGEOver the Week End
Granger's Big Ten Orchestra under the direction of
Jack Scott will as usual furnish the music which makes
dancing here such a pleasure.
Demonstration of the CHARLESTON, Friday and Saturday.
Wednesday, 8-10
Friday, 9-1
Saturday, 9-12
1 .
RN. Y , -F


Ever Since 1905
The same professional care has gone into
your amateuf finishing as has always
made flashlights, groups and views superi-
or. We want to do YOUR finishing.




.raham, Book Stoa
A1-t Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk.

Several generations have found him "A VERY BIASED VIEW"
great, each more so than the last, The To the Editor:
bitterness, passion, hate, and jealousy I note in The Daily for Feb. 9 an
which surrounded him have disap- editorial concerning Mr. Win. Mitchell
peared, until now he stands in true and the proposed changes in the.
perspective, a magnificent yet humble aeronautical service of the United,
figure. Among the other world lead- States army. I do not believe that the
ers of his age, and possibly for all service is in any way perfect but it
time, lie stands forth as a supreme does seem to me that the views we get
man among men. The greatness of' of the matter in The Daily are giving
Cladstone, Bismarck, and Disraeli has a very biased view of the situation. As
decreased with the passing of the The Daily is supposed to be impartial
years. Yet the fleeting decades have and there is. more authoritative data
but augmented the universal love ac- available it is my belief that we
corded, the Civil War president. should hear from the other side of the
No one need tell us to remember question-one cannot have an honest
Lincoln on the twelfth day of Feb- opinion and be in a position to judge
ruary. Words can carry but little if only one side of the argument is
conception of his character, yet we known. Therefore I refer you to anj
'think of him more and more, the man editorial in the American Rifleman
who held the nation together with for Dec. 1, 1925. There should be a,
an unyielding will. If we can help copy in the Library and there is prob-I
to improve that nation of today, for ably a copy at R. O. T. C. headquarters
which lie gave his life, we would and I have a copy at hand. A com-
bring a characteristic smile of appre- parison is made of the aeronautical
ciation to his face-were he now here. equipment of different countries in
which it is shown that the air service
of the United States is better equip-
SPREADING THE GOSPEL ped than others and sonie other points
Coach Fielding H. Yost, director of that are much at variance with Mr.
:Michigan's athletic fortunes, left Ann Mitchell's statements. There have also
Arbor Wednesday night on a tour of, been in this magazine during the past
western Michigan and Illinois cities, few months articles by Capt. H1. W.
where lie will preach his old familiar McBride who was in service in both
gospel of clean sportsmanship, fair the Canadian and United Slates1
play, and athletics that are on the armies in the World War and who was
square. in particularly favorable positions for
With the present emphasis on ath- the observation of the effectiveness of
letics, regardless of whether it is airplanes in battle and his conclusions
over-emphasis or not, the statements are also at variance with Mr. Mit-
of Michigan's coach are widely read,. chell's. The American Rifleman by

* * Yifnf.
The selection of Mr. Williams' "Why
Marry?" for presentation to this
campus seems particularly appropri-
* * se*
A few issues ago we promised to'
wage a campaign for bigger and
cleaner sidewalks. But it just struck
us that if we were to wage such a
campaign we would have to know
whom to wage it against. So we ask,
"Who owns the Sidewalks'?"
It is quite apparent that the house-
owners don't, for no matter how- im-
maculate a local home may be kept,
no matter how neat the lawns or clean
i the windows, the sidewalks are never
cleared of snow, slush or anything
lwhich fate happens to cast upon them.
Obviously, then they are not owned
by the residents. At least they will
not admit that they do. If they are
owned by the city, then why not have!
them cleaned like the streets? If to
the county or the State, then the same,
holds true. If the pedestrians own
them, then why not have certain "Toll,
Walks" where you pay a nickel to
walk along them and the nioney goes]
toward keeping them clean.#
But any-way, who owns the side-
walks, and why?
* * *
The only people who admit that
they own their walks are the B.- and
G. boys, God Bless 'em!
* *
You may love your bottle, you may,
love it well
You may love the taste, you may
love the smell
You may need a companion, you
may call again
Ilit you'll never find ime' -Mulgan.
i -
I hope you waited you lazy swine
I hope you drank your sour wine
I hope to hell you're good and sick








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