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May 21, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-21

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rRIDAY, MAY 2i, 1926

Published every morning except Montay
during the University year by the Boa in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all. news
dispatcheshcredited to it or not otberwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.5
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier. $3.5.; by mail,
Offices: An Arbor Presi Building. May-
bard Street.
Phees: Editorial, sg; b4usli 31.essa:
Telephone 4935
Chairman, Editorial Board....Norman R. Thal
News Editor..........Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor..........Helen S. Rarnsay
Spr' ditor..............Joseph Kruger
relegraph Editor...........William Walthour
Music and Drama......Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Thomas V. Koykki W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito

Gertrude Bailey
Charles Behymer
George Berneike
William Breyer
Philip C."Brooks
Stratton Buck
Carl Burger
Edgar Carter
J oseph Chamberlain
Carleton Chiampe
ouglas Doubleday
Eugene H. Gutekunst
ames T. Herald
kussell Hitt
Miles Kimball
Marion Kubik

Harriett Levy
Ellis Merry
Dorothy Morehouse!
Margaret Parker
Archie Robinson
Simon Rosenbaumf
Wilton Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtland Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendler
Henry Thurnau
David C. Vokes
Alarion Wells
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter

Telephone 11214
;dvertising..............Joseph J.lnn
Adlvertising..... ..Rudo~fh B'ostelman
Advertising.................m..L. Mullin
Advertising...... ..,.Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr.
Cireulatioi.............James R. DePuy
Publication..... .....Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Accounts................Paul W. Arnold
George H. Annable, Jr. Frank Mosher
W. t.art " auer F. A. Norqist
John H. Bobrink Loleta G Parker
Stanley S. Coddington David Perrot
W. J. Cox Robert Prentiss
Marion . A. Daniel Win. C. Pusch
Mary Flinterman Nance Solomon
Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderlatii
T. Kenneth Havcd Win. J. Weinmnan
irarold Holmes Margaret Smith
Oscar A. Jose Sidney Wilson
FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1926

Despite the much-discussed ineffi-
ciency of government institutions, the
establishment of any particular de-
pa'rtment carries with it the tendency
to accomplish results sufficient to
prove its existence and activity. In
the case of such an organization as a
pardoning board, however, this action
may easily lead to disastrous results.
At the present time, ample proof of
this charge is being displayed in the
investigation of two Illinois grand
juries into allegations that the parole
and pardon board of that state has
grossly misused its powers. In the
testimony offered at the hearings, it
was revealed that money and political
influence have become the sole means
of getting prisoners out of the peni-
tentiary at Joliet. Realization of this
situation by the convicts has led to
a virtual breakdown in prison disci-
pline, according to Warden Whitman,
its effect being responsible for the
murder of Deputy-Warden Klein by
seven men who had neither money nor
In its entirety, this situation is an
argument for a huge curtailment of
the powers and activities of pardon
boards. In the great majority of cases,
the judge who pronounces the sen-
tence is better qualified and is in a
better position to determine the value
of extenuating circumstances than is
anyone who may review the case sev-
eral years after its disposal. While
the latter hears little more than the
testimony of those who desire the re-
lease of the convict, the presiding
judge has all the evidence of the act-
ual trial clearly before him.
Unless definite restrictions are
placed on the activities of pardon
boards, crime will continue to be pre-
valent, and the criminal judicial sys-
tem of the country will remain in a
state of low efficiency.
Slowly, but surely, the old and pic-
turesque makes way for the new and
practical. Now it is the Turkish fez
which has gone the way of its near
relation, the Ottoman veil, under the
vigorous hand of Mustapha Kemal, re-
juvenator of the Turkish state.
The abolition of the fez is but an
example of the rapid changes now
taking place in Turkey. The Angora
government, with its stated policy of
founding a westernized republic, has
trampled roughshod over the long
standing customs and practices of the
Turks to bring order out of the old
regime. And although the picture of
a muezzin singing out his prayer in a
brown fedora is a bit incongruous,
the doing away with the fez has been
justified on the grounds of political
necessity. Kemal figured that he
could gain several ends: it is a direct
blow at the much feared Moslem re-
ligion; he may now place a visored
cap on his soldiers, in place of the
brimless and shadeless fez; and the
wearing of a hat places the Turk on
an equal footing, psychologically, with
other Europeans.
In spite of the fact that many
orthodox Turks refuse to leave their
homes without the symbolic head cov-
ering, and that fifty-five have been
executed for wearing them in viola-
tion of the ruling, the abolishment of
the fez seems a reality. And when one
considers that, in less than three
r years Kemal has set up a new army,
a new state, a new code of laws, has
separated church and state, has
closed all religious seminaries, and
has confiscated the stupendous re-

ligious endowments, it is remarkable
that further inroads have not beenE
made upon the customs of the old
order, symbolized in the wearing of,
the tasseled fez.
Ford says low cost cars are just
beginning. Some we know haven't
started yet.
A Frenchman tried to commit sui-
cide because winter stayed too long.
A California'n in temperament.


This special edition of ROLLS is in
honor of the Senior Ball, held last
night in the Union. We feel that we
must do everything we can to honor
these seniors of ours. Especially in
a humor column.
(See any Grand March picture
you have around the house.)
Following out a unique scheme of
decoration, the ballroom of the Union
last night was transformed into a
seething mass of dancers and charles-
toners. The decorations represented
a senior's dream, on the night before
~the idea was carried out even to
having a sleepy orchestra.
Included in the images on the walls
was a collection of blue books, of
course. As a background there were
four figures with only one thing in
common-they all held blue pencils.
One was a monstrous glowering be-
The next was a little kindlier look-
ing, although no smaller in size.
Then, on his right was a smiling giant,
looking down from the heights.
Way down in the corner was a wee
little man, looking with humble gaze
at a big tall senior.
Another scene showed students
standing in front of a mirror-one
with a frosh ;pot, another with a
tuxedo, others exhibiting: an "M"
sweater, a pipe, cigarette holder,
green-orange-purple-violet tie, "M"
hat, cane, and cap and gown.
* * *
We cannot disclose any of the hap-
penings at the Ball . They didn't give
us a pass.
* * *
A student reading Inlander.
-Captain Legreegee.
* * *
LYNCHING CALL:-All those inter-
ested in doing away with men in our
midst who are forever practicing their
little dance act for the Opera will
meet at Lane hall tonight.
* * *
Half-Minute Interfiews
Stude: "Yes, professor, I get more
out of your course than any other I
ever took."
* * *
Welcome dear high school ath-
letes, welcome to our midst, wel-
come to our free fodder, welcome
to all that is ours, let it be yours
for the day-but, pray leave us
our towels when you depart.
These fraternity houses are not
run on the hotel plan.
Possible B. M. O. C. anxiously
waiting for a self-appointed hon-
orary society to inform him of
his election to membership.
* *

The new shrubbery around the
campus is quite cosmopolitan, with
Austrian pine, Swiss mountain pine,
Japanese barbery, and American elm,
all represented.
* * *
Well, at last they have decorated
the State street ends of the diagonal
so that the Law building is hidden
from sight.
* * *1
FOR SALE-Human skeleton, in good
condition, starter .and demountable
rims. Will sacrifice if sold at once.
Dial 13 or call "me" at once.
FOR SALE-Ford touring, leather
case, cheap. Call at 28 Podunk
-Caunt Asparagus.
* * *
PRIZE: Rolls offers a bound copy
of the Constitution of the Tolstoy
league to any person presenting to
this office a library slip that brought


TODAY: The University School of
Music announces the third and fourth
concerts of the annual May Festival
at 2:30 and 8 o'clock in Hill Audi-
A review, by Charles Dearing.
From the sombre chords of the -
trombones introducting a recitative,
proclaiming, "There shall be neither
dew nor rain these years, but accord-
ing to my word," until the real cli-
max in the "Whirlwind Chorus,"
Mendelssohn's "Elijah" is permeated
with a spirit of dramatic intensity and
awe, obtainable only in a great ora-
The entire first section is so satu-
rated with dramatic fervor and teem-
ing life interest, that it is almost
miraculous that the composer suc-
ceeds in leading his hearers on to a
higher emotional pitch and averts an
anti-climax. The work is brim-full of
contrasting themes, inspiring and
pathetic moments and tempestuous



Don't have a good hat ruined t
save a few cents. Importers of Pan-
ama Hats warn the purchaser not to,
trust their hat in unskilled hands toI
be cleaned and blocked. Acids used l
by cheap cleaners ruin a Panama
Hat. We do only high class work-
the same kind of work done in the{
factory where Panamas are. made.
Bring your Panama in now and have,
it done RIGHT. We use all new
For Your Inspection-I

Showing Books of interest
to May Festival Guests

A nnouncing
Granger 9s Musical
Beginning next Fall, a new organization for
the booking of organized and rehearsed or-
chestras in Ann Arbor and vicinity, with
offices and rehearsing quarters at Granger's
Academy, East Huron street.
Granger's Musical Enterprises will fill a
long felt need on the campus in providing a
centralized and responsible booking agency,
thus alleviating many of the evils heretofore
incident to the engaging of local dance music.
These enterprises will be under the joint
supervision and direction of Mr. B. F.
Granger ;and Mr. H. Boxer.
Contracts now being accepted for next
Fall's rushing parties and house parties.


Charles Stratti on
tenor in Mendelssohn's "Elijah"
choruses. But, unfortunately, last
night's performance of Mendelssohn's
greatest work did not express very,
perfectly these finer moments that
one expects in such a work.Thechorus
work was uncertain and blotchy as
a whole and really succeeded in feel-
ing out the real depth of the oratorio

10-12 A. M.

and 2-4 P. M.


Among the many chronic ailments
that have been brought upon the
world by the great War, the most
serious and the most periodic of all
is the tendency to revolt. It is only
natural, of course, that a great up-
heaval such as the World War should
upset society and the institutions ofj
government to some degree, but to!
prolong this needless disturbance far
into the decade following the sign-
ing of the peace treaty is overdoing
the thing, to say the least.
Poland has given us the last exam-
ple of these petty European outbreaks
that disturb society and threaten the
existence of modern civilization; and
here, as in many of the preceding
cases, the revolt has accomplished
nothing, as is usually the case. Gen-
eral Pilsudski, the leader of the revo-
lutionists, has retired exhausted. Thej
socialists criticise him for failing to
establish a dictatorship; his friends
criticise him for not seeking the
presidency; his enemies criticise him
for ever starting the revolt; and thet
result must be either a peaceful re-
turn~to the old regime or another
revolution, there can be no half-way
measures. Poland, as a nation, is not
one step further advanced today than
it was before the outbreak, and the
price'she has paid has been fearful.
The story of Poland. is but a repeti-
tion of the story of nearly every other
revolt since the War. All of them
have been failures in some sense, and
it is doubtful if any of them have ac-
complished anything that would not
have come just as surely, and more
effectively, by a gradual evolution.
England today has the most advanced
government on the face of the earth,
and England has not had a revolution
in more than two hundred years. The
remarkable governmental machine that
has been constructed at Westminster
has not cost the shedding of a single
drop of blood nor the sacrifice of a
single principle of humanity. Why
can not continental Europe learn the
lesson that is so effectively borne out,
in England?
Civilhzation should have reached the
point where revolt is unnecessary.
Parliamentary government and the
ballot should be the only weapons
.- . .

only in the final chorus; the climax to A wonderful line of Yeddo Straws
the entire piece. There were so many and Panamas at prices that are
singers that each seemed to stumble RIGHT.
on the other-with queer results.
As' for the soloists-they were de- (FACID
cidedly disappointing, with the ex--
ception of Theodore Harrison. There 617 Packard Street. Phone 7115
seemed to be a passive attitude toward~.r.ml..r.....a..........n.r
their "task" that might well be tol-
erated in any other type of perform- We st Wind lending Library
rrThe most beautiful moment of the A DSTREET
Oratorio came in Mr. Harrison's sing- The latest 5ooks for Rent.
ing of the pathetic aria "Is is Enough."
* * ! Afternoon ......... Susan Ertz :
* * * rUilerile l a tesu.
I =llltlllllill1111:r:.:. 1t 0 illili Eilllttll:-"
The classes in Composition of An-
drew Haigh, instructor of pianoforte,r
assisted by Myron Burneson, baritone, anoe Lunch
and the Misses Rena Pavitt and -
Saime Mouhidden, pianists, will pre- And a BOX of
sent the following program on Mon-;
day evening at 8 o'clock in the School Johnston's CandvN
of Music auditorium:-'1.
Two Poems, Op. 32.......Scriabin -
Rena Pavitt Makes your trip up the
Ein Schwan ...................Grieg
The Trees Have Grown So....-..River doubly enjoyable.
. .................H. T. Burleigh doubly
Myron Burneson
Etude in F minor.............Chopin F
- Arbor Fountain
En Automne ...........Maszkowski--
Saime Mouhidden 313 MS. State r
The following are the original com-
positions by members of Mr. Haigh's=
classes: IIIIIlIIhIIIIIdhIlIIIIlhb
Prelude for piano.Mrs. Pearl Reimann
Mrs. Reimann
Berceuse, for violin and piano..
..............Royden SusumagoE A
Miss Pauline Kaiser and Donna
Esselstyn FOR SALE
Impromptu, for piano..Joseph Ellis SOUTH OF CAMPUS-This seven
Mr. Ellis room house is offered for the firs
A Spring Song time. All modern and in very fin
Song: Acondition. Four bedrooms, all oa
........... Elizabeth Davies floors and trim, built-in ice bo:
Miss Thelma Bolin, Miss Davies fine shade trees and shrubber
j Nocturne, for piano.Elizabeth Davies Brick foundation. This placei
Miss . Davies very easy to heat. Located nea
the campus. Price $9,800; ver
Song: "Moods" with violin good terms. This will go quickl3
obligato......Royden Susumago Call F. A. Sergeant. Eve. 6189.
- ROOMING HOUSE-What have yo,
Miss Kaiser, Miss Esselstyn, Mr. ROOMNG HOUE-to aur has po
in a small home to turn in as par
Susumago payment on a first class roomin
Danse Orientale, for piano ...... house? Would prefer seven c
.. Alice Manderbach eight rooms. Call Mrs. Burnet
Miss Manderbach Evenings, 3103.
Three pieces for piano, violin, two 'nd SOUTH OF CAMPUS-Six room
saxophones and trombone. . . . and sleeping porch; double garn
age; excellent condition; shrubs
.Charles Wolcott private drive. $8,500, with $1,00
Mr. Wolcott, Louis Goldman, Kenneth down. Call Harry 0. Potter. Ev
Brooks, Roy Worth, Walter Welke 8051.
The recital is of particular interestI SOUTHEAST SECTION-New twc
ce rit is by a ar o apartment, brick and shingle resi
given group the dence, each consisting of six room
most talented pupils in the School of and bath; hot water heat, auto
Mnio includin nonna Ensolstvn matic gas heater; laundry; line:

I Fur torag
Protects the Beauty of Your Furs
Prudent women now advise their friends to send their furs to
sto "during the warm months. Insurance against fire and theft
-protection against moths, dust and moisture-such are the advan
tages of storage in our modern, scientifically consructed vaults
While your winter furs are in storage, wear one of our smart
new neckpieces with your Spring costumes. In our collection you
w ill find the latest style ideas, developed in the most desirable
furs, priced with commendable conservation.
Also we offer, as words to the wise, "Have your furs remodele(1
and repaired during the summer months, when prices are lowest.'"
We are now showing authentic advance modes for such work.
-------- -- --

.||y.* yr. y.


r ri.

, , ,





(The New York Telegraph )
More important than the British
strike news, the outbreak of war in
Poland or Peggy Joyce's latest martial
catch, is the news from Washington
that President Coolidge, in a happy
mood, congratulates senators on Con-
gressional speed.
No doubt the eleven senators who
breakfasted with Cal at the Whitel
House received the shock of their
lives when the "spokesman" congrat-
ulated Congress for the "speed and
diligence" with which legislation has
been considered during the current
session. The President was reported
f a ve hnnrn n ._ t_ r>>.. nl,__ --.-,

"Watch Annts'Arbor Grow!"
n- FERDON ROAD-Eight room Col- 1706 CAMBRIDGI
st onial; lot has 67 ft. frontage; tiled rooms, four firep
ae bath; four bedrooms; room for two brick and shinl
k extra bedrooms on third floor; Overlooks park
x, steam heat; two-car garage; oak Ave. Terms. C,
y. floors; finish is white enamel and Evenings, 6125.
is mahogany; sun parlor; breakfast
ar nook. Price $17,000; terms. Call NEAR NEW HOS
y Earl C. Allmand. Eve. 4473. rooms, all oak flo
y. ated; nice living
FERDON ROAD-Home of seven place4 Will show
u rooms, four bedrooms, lavatory on year around in thi
rt 'first floor, fireplace, tubs, two-car $12,500, with $1,0C
g garage;; steam heat; excellent con- A. Sergeant. Eve
r dition. $2,000 will handle. Call LOTS! LOT
t, Harry 0. Potter. Eve. 8051.
s 1318 GRANGER AVE.-Lot 75x132, 90 x 150 ft. All
r eight-room brick and shingle con- and paid for. La
; struction; beautiful trees and five lots left for
0 shrubbery; steamheat; sun par- 0 Potter. Evenin
e.lr; sleeping porch; double garage.O.Pte.Eni
Owner leaving town and must sell "THE HIG
o at early date. Price $18,000. Terms. Located on Geddes
i- Call Mr. Newton. Evenings, 6125. halft acre and lar
is 500 up. Call Mr
- 602 MONROE ST.-Eighteen rooms, ings, 6189.
n large lot, three bathrooms, dining

E ROAD-Eleven
laces, 'large lotr
gle .construction.
and Washtenaw
all Mr. Newton.
ors, newly decor.
suite with fires
a big income the
s location. Pric
00 down. Call F
nings, 6189.
improvements inl
arge trees. Onlyf
sale. Call Harry,
ags, 8051.
Road. Size, one=
ger. Priced $3,-
Sergeant. Even-


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