r LltlAY, 1FEB.l>1UA1fiX 12, 1 )2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY lSGE "! .Cl,. y+ . ... __.. _ . __..._ _. .______- . .._i. _ _.. - - - - :.: F. i . J r: 1. IIPPL flOF HOOVER I'41; ''4;-o~ncirce Ilead For Support s In ie'neiWork J,, Chief Item Oh Feiruary Issue Leads 'Expedition ' i } I I r jJ 1insan Gets Burton Eulogy From Coolidge, be received on the morning of Presi- Sdent Burton's death. It was person-' I ng a * 0 1 ISal i ndb h rsd n n r. [ Coolidge. This was one of the two CHvIRgOPrmISTANDS messages of sympathy to be published ORTHOPEDIST in the first Daily extra, the other be- 707 N. University Ave. Phone 21212 :ng a similar message from Pres. W.! A. Nielsen of Smith college. I- - PAY FOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. Readh the Want Ads ii 3:40 7:00 8:44k 'OTHER TIMELY ARTICLESj F eaturing the plea of Secretary of 'commeyirce Norbet Hoover for nation- 'wide sutIpprt. in -the expenditure of moniey to be used in the fields of pur e scientific research, the Michigan "Tchnic, official publication bf the Col- ]u1( es of en gileering and Architecture, made its first appearance this year fin the February issue. I presenting the problem of mak- ing the public highway safe, Prof . A y 11 Ban chard of the civil engineering- *department has outlined the only ~inactical course to be followed for ,,;highway saty under the title of' <"Iigliway Safety Promoted by Me- ~ ch anicail Traffic Control Methods."- .A contribution was also made to Sthis issue of the quarterly by Robert ,r+ '. Kohr, who designed the water bal- at:oarwce wsscc e Sl in-r x 'loahtwrecverysysessfon themoe- than 1,000 hours of flight, on the "Con- d" tensation of Engine Exhaust for Air- * sip Balasting." Mr. Kohr explains the method of recovering water bal- *last on dirigiles, thus removing the necessity of valing the precious hle in m. With absolutely no pree- ident, this engineer successfully con- sti uted tie necessary 'apparatus from d irt(esign by the application of the plinciples of thermo-dynamics, which ithe regular engineering student stud- ies in his elementary courses. "Additional articles were written by D. Onderdonk of the architectural olleg, who presented a new type of '.concrete fabrication, and by Dr.lHar- ]j IHaines, director of the University hspital, who showed the importance i ot the new addition to the University i;as a center for the promotion of pub- "0lchealth FO[ O OFIM R ELTORS A9T UNION Meeting under the joint auspices of 1,,i'tir School of Business Administration of the University, and the Michigan 4n eal Estate association, a practical '.'conerence for brokers andi subdivid- ctrS will be hell Feb. 24 and 25 at ther Ui on. This conference is designed to rbring tgether the realtors of Mich- ,gas for the purpose of discussing Vr their every lay problems, in order :that their methods and practices may be improved, and that more highly ef- as t 010A methods of operation may be e" ceeoi ded.' * 'Among the speakers who are on the ' jirgraml are President Clarence Cook tiflt ittle and Dean Eldmund E. Day of the lhool of Pusiness Administration. President Little will speak at a lunc- on on Thlursday Feb. 25, and Dean Iv, Day will speak the preceding after- °; tnoon on the subject of "Economic 40' Factors Underlyig Appraisals." Pres- b'a- ent Little's subject has not been an- i ifounced.1 Other speakers include Leonard P.! '2t~i ame of Detroit, president of Pat- i~tjon Brothers and company, Flavell , 'nitleff., of New York city, secretary to; ilte National conference on city planning and field secretary of the re-- 4 giwrnal plan of New York and itsen 'vrren harry F. Menard of Detroit,{ 1r or.T HIS WEEKI Eves.- 50cto $2.50 vy : Sat. Mat. 5c to $2.00 Detroit ~choes Broadway's Paieof "Stoln Fru'It" s with Ann Hardng-Ratio Peer-Hary se~jrelord and New ork Cast i%,unstaeloPlayh, ouse'ilSat. Mat.50oc&7c ,wodward at lliot Tel. Glendale 9792~ tThe BONSTELLE CO. in th Frank Caven Comedy NEW BROOMS" JNiextWeek-Te Man Who Came Back Sc $ hubet Laayete Nihs at Shelby , t e; S~~at riiat c- 2 Pop.Thurs.Mat. 5c to $2.20 Cadillac 8 o Arthur 1[amtmerstei's Rose-uMarie' Accompanied by an assurance from the secretary of the President, Mr. Everett Sanders, that "President Coolidge has lbeen glad to do this", President Coolidge's tribute to Marion Leroy Burton for the dedication p~age; for the 1926 Michiganensian has ar- rived at the 'Ensian office and will soon be sent to the printer.' Presi- dent Coolidge has written a full page eulogy to the former President of the jUniversity of Michigan. It will be recalled that President: I Coolidge and Michigan's former head began a close personal friendship years ago when Dr. Burton was pres- ident- of Smith college ,andi Mr. Cool- idMge, ,:. . ___ _ ,,,,, NIowr Showing ,,.. i ' =i!". E A , l _ II y .,r , i -.._..__.. - a % I ' "r (((( F- :< \ r .. ., ~ ~ '.. :.: "_ c R. . / 'J 1 ? t 1 ' t y. } l iE I I: di 1 pP i _ ,. _, TrA.\ -. ., \ . ( t G-+ ^ t t rte. Y a __ v n. The Thrilling Mystery_ Play. That Kept Broadrvay Audiences in Suspense for a Solid Year. If you wvant to enjoy It-see it from the start.. Do Not Come During Middle of Feature'. I Slashing Sale of SHIRTS JWHEN marked at $2, $2.50 and $3 these shirts were considered as good buys Now, marked at $1..45 they are notable money savers. Included in this sale are :.~ white -hirts,:teolored and patterned effects, -KEITH FEATURE- THE TOWN N OLDS Seven Sinners trying to outwit each other., In a tantalizing, ruSh- ig avalanche of mnerri nient. -Seven set~s of keen and crooked wits set against each other in a thrilling hniit for, loot - See "Seven Si- hers," withnmore lau g'lr ter than sin. G aRO K vtj h4 i I Featured Dancers of IFENRY W. SAVAG~E'S "LOLLIPOP CO." -With Their- ROUMANIAN SERENADERS . hiYe 'a.3 e, 18e _ .:.. . C.. __ a -OTHER FEATURES TOO- -" v w vvy Vvvg zvv l, ~iI0 Matinees, 2:00-3:430. Balcony, 2, MTain Floor, 35e I Nights, 7-8:40, Adults, 50cI Children, 10c Fred W. Gross Sun.: "BLUEBEARD'S SEVEN WIVES" 309 South Main St. PICTORIAL N EWS MICHIGAN EVENTS ARCADJE RENIEW ___ _ _ ._ FAMMUMWWMMMMWANO I Premiere Campus Introduction ,I' r. 211 SOUTH MAIN ST. A Special Lot of $qP45 and'50 Ovrcoats, No God arisan127950 Goodfabicsandsmartly styled garments. One of these overcoats will be good for wear next season and you can be sure you won91 be able to purchase one like it then, for anywhere near $27.50!Th nu b ro ov c at islm ed so w avse y u o c o se- yours early. Lowered Prices -on Men's Fine Dress Trousers r - oth. upto-the-rninute, English cut trousers and more conservative, styles. Patterns in a ,variety .that make a satisfactory selection easy. These trousers are regular $6 and '$7 values: The tailoring is excellent. Quality through and through, the kind of qu'ality1+ that wears. . - _... --y " A j' o d A , ..; Y' . .f r. . a i i 4 j # 4 r' !j , MARYP ICKFO r ANNIE RONC Laughiter Chases "tears The "sweetest of comiedyg and the teniderebM of bathos 'vie with each other in the story of I U F