THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY r 1PAOS In v ~URSDAY, MAY 20, 1920 ~'AG~ FIVU THE MICHIGAN DAILY iiilli l OO YII Y MI YRIMY Y Y IrYM A I LUMNIE PLDGE $~i 4500 TO LEAGUE1 rnt, Indian'apolis and Saginaw Con- tribute to Building Fund Under Group flan ITTLE SPONSORS DRIVE c, Pledges were received from Flint, Minneapolis and Saginaw Alumnae1 groups at the alumnae council office during the past week. The Flint group SV which include)' only women have pledged $3,000 %nger the group plan. The men's organization in that city is ; also planning a contribution to the women's league but the amount has s not yet been pubeply announced. A letter received yesterday from' Minneapolis stated that the Minneap- oils-St. Paul club would pledge $1,000 with a down payment of $200. The Saginaw group which was one of the few city clubs to finish their quota during the intensive drive, has earned another $500. n Sponsoring the drive, President Clarence Cook Little is mailing letters try stressing the, importance of inme- diate action, and asking that $150,000 be pledged by June of this year. Miss Edith Thomas, librarian of the extension office, is leaving this Satur- day for the Pacific Coast. The San ........... t 99 NWAvA PREPARA TIONS COMPLETED FOR W.A.A. BANQUETI I Preparations have been completed for the baseball banquet which will be held Saturday, May 22, at The Pi Beta Phi house. Harriet Donaldson, '26, will act as toastmistress. The speakers of the evening will be Miss Pauline Hodgeson, Miss Laurie E. Campbell, and Miss B. Louise Patter-' son, of the Physical Education de- partment. Miss Hodgeson has chosen as her topic, "Intramural Baseball"; Miss Campbell wil speak on "Class Baseball", and MisssPatterson will talk on "W. A. A., Retrospective and Perspective". Mrs. M. L. Burton, Mrs. J. Sundwall, and Mrs. C. C. Little are patronessses of the banquet. Virginia Platt, '22, has charge of the decorations; Velma Johnson, '29, tick. ets; Louise Cooley, '29, invitations; Jessica Nixon, 127, banquet; Frances Dunnewinds, '27, reception committee. This banquet to culminate the base- ball season is the first to be held in accordance with a tradition inaugurat- ed this year by the W. A. A. Francisco, Oakland and Burlingame clubs will beincluded in her itinerary and on her return trip, she will stop with the Denver group. A great deal is being done to stimulate interest among the western organizations, and letters have been received which show a marked enthusiasm. E FIVE UIESIISENTER TELGAHCTRACK MEET Five of the members of the Big Ten, Michigan, Illinois, Northwestern, Ohio and Wisconsin, will participate in the telegraphic track meet to bel held from 9 to 12 o'clock Saturday morning. The first event scheduled is. the final game of the intramural baseball tournament. At 9:30 o'clock, there will be dashes, baseball throw, and javelin throw, while at 9:45 there will be high, running, and broad jumping. The finals of the class tennis tournament will be played off at 10 o'clock, followed by the discus throw, and at 11 o'clock there will be an in- terclass baseball game, as well as hurdling, and a° hop, step, and jump race. The intramural relay is sched- uled for 11:30 o'clock. In connection with the track meet there will be a horse show at 2:30 o'clock at the fair grounds. A telegraphic archery tournament will be held in addition to the track meet, at 10:30 o'clock. Colleges en- tered in this meet include Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. Postpone Senior Play Activities{ Mrs. Stanley Lowe, who is directing the Senior play, "The Glass Slippers That Broke Themselves", has an- nounced that the first group of four rehearsals would be completed today, and that no more work would be done on the play until after examinations. The mornings of the last week will be devoted to finishing the play which is to be presented Saturday, June 12, after the Senior Breakfast. Alberta Olson has been selected to play the part of the "butcher", the other members of the cast were chos- en immediately after the try outs. Florence Probst will decorate the curtain, while Mabel Crotty is to paint the scenery. The costume committee, of which Elizabeth Strauss and Edythe Rhine- vault are co-chairmen, together with Mrs. Lowe have selected the costumes for the cast in keeping with the fan- tastic nature of the play. Announcement was made last atI the Sorosis and Sigma Alpha Epsilon houses of the engagement of Margaret Reid, '27, to Cass S. Hough, '25. Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv.1 EDCTOA SOCIETIES SELECT NE OFFICRS, Pi Lambda Theta, honorary educa- tional society, recently elected the fol- lowing officers for next year: presi- dent, Virginia Earl, '26; vice-presi- dent, Irene Field, '27E'd; treasurer, Dorothy Seeber, '27; corresponding secretary, Lucille Groff, '27Ed; re-I cording secretary, Anna Arnold, '27;1 keeper of records, Leah Hazard, '27Ed. The newly elected officers of the Women's Educational club are as fol- lows: president, Ellen Johnson, '27Ed;; vice-president, Lucille Groff, '27Ed; treasurer, Frances Hatch, '27Ed; sec- retary, Kathleen Davis, '27Ed. The club will meet together for the last time this year at 5:30 o'clock tomor- row at a marshmallow roast at the fire-place. There is at the present time a young actress in Paris, MYe> Alexandre Pecker, "Queen" of the Paris Press club, is taking a law course with a view to becoming a barrister and ap- pearing on the stage every evening. I Read the Want Ads MARTHA WASHINGTON CANDIES Fresh Every Friday TICE'S 709 North University Senior breakfast will be held Sat-I urday, June 12, instead of June 9 as f was announced in yesterday's Daily.C Seniors of organized league houses,! sororities, and dormitories will be called this week about reservationsl for the senior breakfast tickets. In-f dependent women who live outside ofE organized houses who are not reached this way are asked to call Ruth Tall- I man, 3193, before Monday, May 24, Reservations may be called for Tues- day morning, May 25, at the Women's league candy booth in University hall. Senior play practice at 3:10 o'clock t today in Newberry hall auditorium. Interclass baseball games for tomor- row are: at 3:45 o'clock, freshmen vs. juniors; at 4:45 o'clock, sophomores1 vs. seniors. Saturday's games will be freshmen vs. seniors at 10 o'clock and sophomores, vs. juniors at 11 o'clock. Today is the last day in which to get tickets for the W. A. A. banquet Saturday. They may be obtained atj Barbour gymnasium. All individual tennis matches must be played off today. The tournament of the class winners will be held Fri- day, while the final game is to be played during the track meet Satur- day morning. NOTICES Mummers meeting has been post- poned until Tuesday, May 25, at Betsy Barbour house. There will be a meeting of the freshman leadership commission at,4 o'clock today at Newberry hall. Events in the track meet may be signed for in Barbour gymnasium. All intramural teams in the relay must be reported to Lucille Walsh, '27, at 21247. Theta Sigma will hold a very im- portant meeting at 7:30 o'clock to- night at the Alpha Chi Omega house. Final plans for installation will be made. Let The Daily sell it for you thru the Classified colmuns.-Adv. SPECIAL Each Tuesday and Wed- nesday SHAMPOO, MARCEL AND BOB CURL $1.25 ILDA AMNST Bertine Beauty Shoppe 1111 South University Ave. Phone 889 U 6 I.. II Opening Saturday, May 22 acDonald's Inn WHITMORE LAKE Chicken and Steak Dinners 8 A. M.-1 P. M. r' 1 // Smart Coats and Suits In this collection are found the season's finest in Coats and Suits. Exquisitely fash- ioned of handsome Twills, Charmeens and other fabrics so popular this season. They are exceptional values. to $59.50 Anna E.1 206 Tailored types at moderate prices _ Wesch Ha EAST LIBERTY t Shop I I l. 5: i.I 1i $24.75 I Oe k l Now" Green Tree Inn Special Dinner Baccalaureate Sunday and Commencement Day 12:30-2:00 Make Reservations Early "The Shop of Personal Service." J r -... Starting Today I i I 'a I 205 South State St. Phone 9646 Even in the days of Barnum when "Step right up, folks, and bring your buggy whips along," was the siren call of the circus barker, the products of Anheuser-Busch r were nationally known to good .;'.fellows. And now, when buggy whips are as out of date as hoop skirts and knee-breeches, BUSCh (A-8) PA LE DKAY is the favored drink of college men because, like the college man, Busch Pale Dry is a good mixer everywhere and every time. LIGHT LUNCH - SALADS TOASTED SANDWICHES DESSERTS Ice Cream - Sodas - Sundaes Fine Boxed Candies May Festival Visitors Invited. Betsy Ross Shop K 'ft-rn- NICKELS ARCADE * 11 i ....,: i May Festival Visitors I Tea S 'Room d J Try Our Noonday Lunch I I. __________