J 89Q
VOL: XXXVI. No. 172
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200,,'( PRESENT
txperiments and Demonstration of
Intention Given by Local
Faculty Members
That tremendous advances in the
science of the intapgible ray have been1
Made during the past twelve months i
was the general opinion of the 200
radiologists meeting in Ann Arbor
yesterday. The occasion was a side c
trip from the 27th aninual convention'
of the American Roentgen Ray so-E
ciety being held in Detroit all this
Yesterday morning the visiting doc-
tors were tken to the physics labora-
toies wh e various experimentsI
were made under the direction of
Professor Harrison M. Randall and
Professor Neil H. Williams dealing
With the audibility of electrons, the
deviation of the electron path, and the
ultra-violet and ultra-red rays. Fol-
iowing that, a general tour of the
campus was organized for those desir-
ous of seeing special points of inter-
est on the campus, after which lun-
cheon was served to the doctors at the
university hospital and to their wives
and guests at the Barton Hills coun-
try club.
President Littre Speaks ,
The afternoon program was headed t
by President Clarence Cook Little, who
spoke on the occurrence of structural
abnormalties among the descendants
of X-rayed mice, illustrating his pointsr
with microscopic exhibits.t
Following President Little, Dr. MaxI
M. Peet, of the surgery department of
the hosptial, reported on a case of a
brain abscess which was localizablet
6i y by ventriculography. He stressedI
the importance of using ventriculo
rins to locate the abscess instead ofI
waiting for further developments, asc
lias been the custom in the past.
Dr. E. A. Pohle, of the local roent-
genology department, gave a demon-t
stration of a recording dosimeter, an
invention which though not available
for any practical purposes at present,
is a great development in the X-rayi
hid. I imeasures the amount ofc
X-ray given to a patient and presentsi
a complete graph record.1
Discuss Diseases of Heart
Giving somewhat of, a side view of
roentgenology, Dr. F. N. Wilson spoke
on the value of the X-ray in diagnos-I
ing diseases of the heart and aorta.]
He stated that he considered diag-
nosis of cardiac failure to be out of
the province of the centgenologist, I
and that it often led to misconception;
and conflicted with clinical observa-
ti4ns. Dr. Preston M. Hickey, chair-
Jnan of the Ann Arbor session, closed
th'e program by reporting the results
of a questionnaire sent out to radiol-
ogists under the direction of the sex
committee of the stational research
lugh Cabot, dean of the Medical
school, was expected to speak but had
been called out of town and was un-
able to return in time.
NEW AORK, May 19 -Estabhi-
ment of a $2,500,000 fund for philan-
thropic and educatioflal purposes by
Sebastian S. KIresge, chain store own-
er, was announ~ed yesterday on behalfy
of the Kr nFundation, which will
dminister he endowment.
A gift of 500,000common shares of
tire S. S. Kresge, valued at current
market nricec in excess of $22,000,000,
has been made by 'Mr. Kresge to the
Under trust provisions, the share.,
w11 be held intact, but will be utilized
as collateral for occasional bond is-
sues. The first of these will be for
$10,000,000, the proceeds to be de-
voted mainly to the purchase of real
WASHINGTON.+--The House bill,j
proposing an $85,000,000 five-year air-
craft building program for the Navy,
was reported favorably yesterday by
the Senate Naval Committee.
Tortures Abound VARE WINS PENNSYLVANIA RACE; I T Leaders Agree
SphinxInitiateC Vote Of Onents Exceeded Follows Luther Restore Franc
Ten members of the junior literary Three-Cornered Fight fARISal(By Asoa Yrs) F MtD m-
lass, having proved their mettle by LA G S O EPADMISFE yr ID OA PARIS. May 19.-President Doum-L IIII II
long, perilous journey across the IS -LARGES' T VOTEergue, Premier Briand, and M. Peret,
urning sands and down the river Nile, i the finance minister, together with all
were initiated into Sphinx, junior hon- (By Associated Press) REICHSTAG BACKS CHANCELLOR, the regents of the Bank of France PLANS TO SET UP TEMPORARY
mary literary society, last night at PHILADELPHIA, May 19.-IWilliam PLEDGING (NTINUANCE OF have agreed upon measures to restore IEATHER STATIONS AND
heir annual banquet in the Union. S. Vare, of Philadelphia an avowed LUTHER PROGRA 1 the franc as soon as possible. M. MRK E IC C P
the men who entered the portals of . Peret who has just returned from
"wet" is the choice of Pennsylvania -t London informed the corrsponent to
he organization after passing through Rl 1Lnoifrmdtecrepnnto
he initiation rites are: George An- Republicans as their nominee fox " CABINET REMAINS this effect after a long conference at TO TRY OUT RADIO
able, William Campbell, Henry Grin- United States senator. I Elysees palace this evening.
ell, Mathew Hudson, Robert Leland, overwhelming endorsement gi- Likely That New Leader ill Have he finance minister remarked tha Eight Men Compose Party Leaving
eli Matew Hun,WRoeScrtoelad, en his candidacy in his home city was I ikenaturaltyNeheLeeaeuresllnHavedEiust
Toni osebnWyeShodrTOGe Support of Socialists naturalyrthemeasursnindmnd mus
7ourtland C. Smith, Thomas yse, and sucient to assure Vare a plurality alists be kept secret but added that the Cape Breton, Canaa, for
s excess of 100,000 tonight with seven- anon swhole question of exchange and the Greenland Research
While these events were transpir eights of the votes counted, althoughBye causes of fluctuations have been ex-
Whi teebevs werhe tunpir- the combined votes of his two oppon- w. BERLIN, May 19.-Chancellor Marx, amined thoroughly. Speaking of the With a party of seven assistants,
ineering class scrubbed their way ents, classed as drys exceeded the ws ha cee G r.anns Lther London negotiations, Mr. Peret said, Professor William H. Hobbs, of the
nto Triang les The En ineerin winners total by 200,000. the conversations have simply been geology department, will leave Sydney,
ato Tianges. Te Enineerng Ireceived approval of his policy from a 1.
ed i s His opponents in the three corner trae ihstaa It his pliky om asuspended. We are seeking to make Cape Breton, Canada, on July 10 fore
r te hands othe neophytes.ah primary fight whichended at the oles tolerant Reichstag. It is likely, how- viewpoints agree. I must return olstenorg, Greenland, where e ill
en who were admitted to that ancient yesterday, Senator George Wharton ever, that Chancellor Marxts 10 to London as soon as possible but nat- direct his investigatory expedition in
rganization Pepper and GecoedorGifford Pinchot,alternativel to tie socialists and the urally that depends upon political geological, atmospheric, and glacial
aynEver-his nomination as reurns natievents. The representatives of the conditions in the interior of the island.
anCowell, Robert Halsted, EPa- from outlying districts failed by a wide iBank of France are remaining in 'The expedition this summer", said
a, aes R n, n - margin to overcome the Philadelphia parliamentary existence. London because a certain number of Professor Hobbs yesterday, "will be
aro, ares Vansln JhIar- lead. His nearest rival, Senator Pep- in a Ctechnical points are to be examined, the preliminary investigation, previ-
etLuec aIy n hre per, whose candidacy has the backing ceo Marx sadta .eraysfr which they can try to settle. ously announced, to facilitate study for
s. of some of the dry forces and of Sec- .+y eign politicies would continue to be _Ithe regular expedition next summer.
retary of the Treasury Mellon, attrib- - guided by the London reparation Every bit of information we can ob-
Iuted the Vare victory to the "organi- Wilhelm Marx, new chancellor of agreement and the Locarno security tan will help the expedition in 1927."
any isse retan the uther abinet carryon hislabinetpexcep foreteiretiement19I2I,"
zation" and declared an analysis of Germany, has announced that he will pact. In as much as the personnel of (LThe party which will leave Sydney
LOW GROWTII oF the returns failed to show any issue retain the Luther cabinet, carry on his cabinet, except for the retirement BELNin July will be directed by Professor
upon which the contest turned. Luther's foreign policies and cooper- of Dr. Luther, has not been changed JulysThe men will make the trip
The total Republican vote was the ate to the utmost with the Socialists. I the chancellor said that its program fn thon steamer Beothic, a vessel of
largest ever cast in a state primary. would continue unaltered. 3,000 tons chartered by the Canadian
With 866 districts still to report it was He appealed to the Reichstag for government to replenish Its Mounted
1,379,219. DIEM fl 0 I PS assistance in furthering the govern- Police stations in Upper Bafin and
ounifl Favors Use in S mall Classes Reports that Governor Pinchot may ment's desire "to promote the political Appeals to Disarmament Conference regions nearby.
At Start; Hits Campus Budget become an independent candidate for and economic welfare of the German For Regulation of "Most "In addition to making preliminary
System as Impracticable the senatorship were in the air dur- lipeople within the scope of the Re- Horrible" Fighting examination of the district, we wish to
ing the campaign but even when publican constitution of Weimer with- locate the best places for the tempor-
FINAL MEETING 1UoY 26 brought to the governor's attention, u which national unity is impos- SAYS "DON'T TALK; ACT" ary weather stations which we shall
failed to bring any expression from put up," declared Professor Hobbs."It
him. In his statement today, he saidI After a brief debate which was sing- is hoped that we can make an excur-
That the honor systemof exa a he had made a clean cut, open fight Cao lfect to e Executed th ularly free of controversy, the Reich- (By Asocate Press) sion over the ice cap for some dis-
Thttehnrsse fea~~~-h a aea"la uoe ih llti.Coxored lhopes, Tassels Is Ivrth c a orsm ls
ons, if installed at all in the litt for certain great, definite principals Haning Fring i Center stag voted the cabinet its approval by GENEVA, May 19.-Fire and gas tance and set markers for the 1927
ry college, be initiated in the smallei 'nd I'm glad I made it." a liberal display of hands. The so- bombs could slay or paralyze the en- expedition. In addition we also shall
lasses, was the decision made by the bombscouldslayrparalyze the anestsdsupported theticoalitiono par-
tudent Council at its meeting last SELL TICKETS TODAY iesists votewhilethe nationalis tire population of New York, M. De test out transmission by short wave
igtdn C on . t as thoght A Is m f lIIaedta length radio instruments on the trip."
ight in the Union. It was thought -- abstained from voting. Brouckere of Belgium,s d Included in Professor Hobbs' party
hat the system, to be successful must Deciding to transform the Union Laying emphasis on the govern- in a declaration before the meeting of will be Laurence M. Gould of the geol-
worked out gradually and that this ballroom into a col, spring haven ment's determination to pursue the the disarmament commission, in which ogy department, who will be assistant
ould best be done by starting the the final formal (ance of the classthehe I reign policy which was initiatedaby he portrayed the horrors of chemical director of the expedition; S. P. Ferg-
ystem of honor examinations only in e aopion o pon, United States Weather bureau
ie small classes rather than in the Senior Ball committee has engaged the tions agreement and the Locarno pact, warfare from the air. . usoUnit d tates W e ert e
rger courses. Leader Of Expedition Asked To Rend George P. Johnson Flag and Decor- i the chancellor made only a fleeting To him it was the most vital thing uperoistu and PoesperJ E.
The council went on record that the Report Before Publication ating company of Detroit to take com- reference to the flag issue which in disarmament to meet this problem Church, Jr., director of the Mt. Rose
roposed budget system for the vari- --- plete charge of the decorations for the caused the downfall of Chancellor immediately and frankly by all na- observatory at Reno, Nevada, who will
us campus drives and activities was (By Associated Press) i event. Decorations for both the 1927 1 Luther. Chancellor Marx said that the immsdatelyind frnkly by all a- ator atRenooNevadaRwhorwill
mpracticable. While the budget idea NOME, May 19. - Capt. Roald J-Hop and the Military Ball were ex- original order directing the display tions accepting supervision of all ai- act as a meteorologist. Roger Bel-
as not disapproved the details were Amundsen leader of the flight across ecuted by the same company. of the German merchant flags which ( planes and poison gas equipment. will be in charge of sureys; Harold
hought to be too difficult of solution, the North Pole in the dirigible Norge, Purple-white, green-white, and or- contain the monarchial colors with "For,.in the most cowardly and hor-
I t frm INielson, 26, will be an interpreter of
Action upon the petition for stud- said today that the account of the trip ange-white ropes will be draped near the Republican flag would be contin- rible form of warfare of all", he as- Danish and rodman for the surveyors,
nt representation on the Adminis- written by Colonel Nobile, Italian de- the top of the ballroom, festooning ued in force. He added, however, that'd serted, "hundreds of thousands of peo- and P. C. Oscanyan, of New York City
rative board when cases of cheating signer and sent to Rome, was cor- in canopy effect to the center chande- the new government intended to take adplc in the great cities of New York, will be the radio operator.
a examinations were being consider- rect. tier, and tassels of the same color ef- action immediately to carry out Pres- London, Paris and Berlin would be
d will be taken up at the final meet- When Colonel Nobile's narrative feet will hang from the chandelier. ident Von Hindenberg's suggestion driven to cellars and subways and logical study, tests will be made of a
ng next week. At this meeting the reached Nome from Italy last Monday Pannels of lattice work will divide the that a new compromise flag be would be slowly but surely smothered new short wave radio communication,
roposed reorganization plan for the Captain Amundsen asked that he be booths of the floor, and the orchestra adopted. to death." recently perfected 'by John L. Rein-
enate committee on student affairs permitted to read it before publica-, alcove and also the patron booth will- "Don't talk so much about disarma- hartz, inventor. With the assistance
ill be considered also, and the report tion in the Nome Nugget, because be marked with special decorations. fl llF, ment; just go ahead and do it," he of Mr. Oscanyan, Mr. Reinhartz will
f the joint committee of students and "there might be something in it that More than 285 tickets have been said. M. Dc Brouchkere, who is a sen- conduct tests of the new short wave
aculty on the examination system, the I want to deny." , sold to seniors, and late yesterday the OF ator and a socialist, of ponderous build communication in the regions around
onor system, and faculty-student re- Today, however, he said the account committee decided to use the small Rri n Rand long beard was an impressive fig- the arctic circle.
ations. i was "just what I would have said ballroom of the Union also; a limited fLU D ri v ture as he pleaded with the world Meteorological studies of the upper
The last meeting of the council will myself." number of tickets priced at - $5 will powers to follow the example set by all by means of piloted and unpiloted
ake place May 26 and will be a joint Capt. Oskar Wisting, one of three consequently be placed on sale from the Scandinavian lands and proceed balloons will be conducted under the
ssembly of the old and new coun- of the crew of the Norge who came 2 until 5 o'clock this afternoon, at the T(y A.ssociated Press) immediately with the reduction of supervision of Professor Hobbs.
ils. Recommendations will be made I here with Amundsen Sunday after the side-desk in the Union lobby, to the WARSAW, May 19.-Marshal Pilsud- armaments without waiting for formal Stakes will be driven into the glacial
o the new body at this time. dirigible landed at Teller, 75 miles general student body. ski absolutely refuses to consider a treaties, which might be difficult, i ice this summer so that the movement
from Nome, following the trip over the Coon-Sanders Original Night Hawks, dictatorship despite urgings from dif- not impossible of elaboration I may be measured in 1927 when the
Wil lTalk I North Pole was at Bluff, Alaska, today named from the club where the mu- ferent quarters. The attitude of the "But," he went on, "nations whichm b party returns.
60 miles east of here on the north sical organization was formed in Kan- man who now controls Warsaw was take this initiative must n s h bea rn
On thsintatv msot be made_________
n ournasism jfIn coast of the Bering sea. He is ex- sas City, will play for the affair. Un-- dictated to correspondents by Colonel to suffer for it when the time comes,
Vocatis pectedbackshortly. oo derstood to be one of the most x- msWiniawa ugoszws, if it ever does, to apportion the
Opl~ al S r e cteOs k s h1 neo h s hortly- pensive orto estrasev te mosgt terx-pa id a d in u at ri n . st e gt hih t e aio s nai n
companied Amundsen has returned to Ann Arbor, they are known the coun- The national assembly will be may be permitted to possesIs".
Teller. Omeahl is Amundsen's rep- try over for their talent, cleverness summoned at Warsaw, he declared These affirmations by a Belgium lib
Phases of the journalistic profes- resentative in dismantling of the and originality; they have been broad- and elect a president of the republic es are denme b a Bl r tib Aii
sion, including the duties, salaries, Norge for shipment outside. casting nightly from station KYW, Chi- and its decisions will be respected".I a further the general disarmament pro-
and qualifications of a newspaper Whisting, as master of the five ton cago, where they have just completed Mlarshal Pilsudski, his spokesman ceeds the more it is apparent thatpm-
man, will be treated by Malcom W. motor ship Nunikak, took Count Lo- a two season run at th ,,Hotel Con- continued, is determined to maintain meeses reiutris apprent thatin- iner Explains Research Work Doe
I...mese difficulties and real complica- Ii reprnSusacfrUe
Bingay, for 25 years connected with men, Norwegian vice-consul here to gress. the constitution, knowing that no sip- tions will render the achievement of
he Detroit News and at present man- Bluff where Lomen has mining inter- nal party can give Poland peace at disarmament no easy task.
aging editor of that paper, in his lee- ests. The Nunikak belongs to the Lo- home and strength against external __"Furfural, the Story of Industrial
n "Journalism : as a Profession," atmRSSaI. A O dangers. The marshal is described as ""ReEsearch" was the subject of a recent
:15 o'clock today in Natural Science _ ______ UI I S tJI nII1t+ ic bing in good health with the excep- "The tuijan Wil address given by Dr. Carl S. Miner,
auditorium. This will conclude the tion of a slight heart trouble attribu- P directorof the Miner laboratories o
series of talks, given by professionalITIfT OrIUVOP aT table to age and the four days strug- fe FresentedCon i Chicago, speaking under the joint aus-
and business men on vocational top- [LII ftOI TOiJ U IIUIN lllILII[OR~lIII gle in the capital. Outside of Posen ! on er pices of te University and the Uni.
cs, which has been sponsored by thelM r & a a n i where difficulties persist, the country L versity of Michigan section of the
3tudent Christian association. - "Christian Knowledge" will be the is reported to be calm and orderly. , -American emicaifoundation.
During the time that Mr. Bingay I IflUll -l RIIIU 15PUI title of the address given by Dr. Fran- The regiments are maintaining per- "The Elijah" was first heard in Dr. Miner told about some of the
was with the Detroit News he has cis J. McConnell, bishop of the Meth- feet discipline and are returning to 1846 in Birmingham, England. research work which has been car-
held most of the positions between (By Associated Press) odist church, at the fourth convocation I their stations. All arms served out j As the second concert of the May ried on with regard to furfural, a sub
copy boy and managing editor, and he LIMA, Peru, May 19.-Peruvian of- sponsored by the Student council, Sun- to civilian volunteers have been re- Festival, "The Elijah" by Men- stance taken from th2 waste of crops
will relate to his audience some of ficial circles here asserted that an day, May 23, in Hill auditorium. Pres- turned. Several generals are still in- delssohn will be given at 8 o'clock to- He explained how furfural was dis
tie experiences he has encountered agreement in principal has been' ident Clarence Cook Little will give terned at Willanow or their homes in night in Hill auditorium. The solo- covered, how it was found to be use
in explaining the nature of the work reached at Washington for a parti- the convocation prayer. Warsaw Pending the coniclusioni of an jists will be Theodore Harrison, barn- jful, bringing out the fact that numer
that confronts a journalist. tion of the disputed provinces of Bishop McConnell was graduated investigation as to what part they took tone; Marie Sindelius, soprano; ous things can be made from it. A
George W. Davis, '26, former man- Tacna and Arica among Chile, Bolivia from Ohio Wesleyan university, after in recent events. Some of them, such Jeanne Laval, contralto; Charles a few examples Dr. Miner mentione
aging editor of The Daily, will intro- and Peru. which he pursued graduate studies at as Vagorski, are defendants in pro- Stratton, tenor; the University Chorai fuel, resin, local anesthetics, alcohol
duce Mr. Bingay. An invitation is While the government is itself' Boston university, and received his ceedings in the civil courts dyes, molassesecamphor, cit acid
given all students who are interestedi maintaining strictest reserve in the ILL.D. degree at Wesleyan rubber accelerators for automo
in tie field of journalism to attend matter, these circles declare that un- He was president of DePauw univer- A rew of the firstconcert biles h
the lecture. der the agreement the province o sity from 1909 to 1912 when he was F i Ul I M I U of the May Festival will be found In the course of his speech, Dr
Tacna will go to Peru, that of Arica elected a bishop in the Methodist I L1iU IIIUUIIIIUUI UI UU Iinthe Music and Drama column Miner pointed out that the time wil
Smith To Address to Chile, while a corridor in between I church. He is a liberal Methodist and Ih eon pag fce en exhausted, and that we wil
these provinces would be given to a competent and forceful speaker. IH 81 SENIIthn have e e ed an thae wi
School Principals Bolivia as a means for an outlet to. Bishop McConnell. lias written ten -- UC g then have to depend upon the furfurao
these in return for pecuniary indenini- books on various religious subjectsI Union, and the Chicago Symphony or- we get from the annual crops fo
hsication of Peru and Chile. and problemks.s 1is a bishop of the t With popular and classical songs chestra with Earl V. Moore, conduct- everything we need. Dr. Miner is o
Ira M. Smith, registrar, left yester- ___ti_______an _Chle__-* regional division of the Methodist rendered in between those on the reg- ing. the opinion that the possibilities o
day for Marlette, Mich., where he church centered at Pittsburgh. ular program, seniors of all the "Elijah" is an oratio on words furfural will not all be discovered uN
will address a meeting of high school Oratorical Board classes in the University met on the from the Old Testament. One of the til the natural resources have bee
principals fromi the eastern' part of Librarysteps last night to complete qualities of the work is that it moves completely used up and furfural wil
n fr th esrn art f/O ierprgi D ,-.4'act W/l, +- f nmi mnith adiretnes that is al- I hein erctr dnmand than it is a
{ I?
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