i r _. 3 PA 01 TWO COURSES OFFERED Assistant Director Announces Open- ing Of Classes In Detroit, Filnt, Albion And River Rouge DUPLICATED ONiCAMPUS Seven new, courses will be offered by the Extension division of the Uni- versity for the second semester, four, to be,given in Detroit, one in Flint, S one in Albion, and one in River Rouge, according to announcement made yes- terday by Mrs. W. D. Henderson, a- sisttnt director of the Extension di- visii. Detroit's sections include a course1 in 'Wordsworth, given by Prof. S. F.! Gilgerichi, of the English department, I a course in journalism, by Prof. J. L. Brumm, of the Journalism department, a course in rhetoric, by Prof. R. W. Cowden, of the rhetoric department,j and an economics course, given by Mr. L. E. Devo', of the economics de-1 partment. In River Rouge, Prof. C. C. Fries, of the English department, will conduct' a class in Shakespeare. Miss Barbara Bartlett has a co~urse in public health nursing in Flint, and Mr. M. L. Byrn, of the University high school, has a course in industrial arts, in Saginaw. Prof. E. F. Barker, of the Physics department, is to direct a course in nodlern physics in Albion. Professor larter will have charge of the course, . but during the semester special lec- cures will be given by Prof. G. A. Lindsay, Prof. H. M. Randall, and Prof. It .A: Sawyer. This class already has a registration of more than 30. 'l'he classes under Miss Bartlett and Mr. Byrn have already begun study,, but the remaining ctions will not start until after Feb. 22. These courses are all duplicates of those given on the campus, give two hours icredlt each, and are open to graduate and undergraduate students with a minimum class organization of 25. THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ _ .. a i New German Field Marshal ,RA DIO BROADCASTING OF HEAT n h longer wave length, the trans- 1rEC / A~pSA S MmR i ss'n f ulcr 'nry old be S CONJECTURA L, SA YS MOORE comparatively much more practicable. In regard to the recent statement more improbable to broadcast heat Let The Daily sell it for you thru of Prof. S. E. Dibble, of Carnegie In- waves than it is to broadcast sound 3_tn_ Classified colums.-Adv. stitut e of Technology, that the broad- waves. The possibility of sending! astn rg of het a:by radio is only a mat- heat to customers via the air is now ter o' yea.s, Prof. A. D. Moore, of the the problem of research men and lab- Excntinal electrical engineering derartnent, said oratory workers, who must discover Yesterday that the future of any such instruments to control heat waves. es- project as the br.adca stin of heat is pecially a detector which will take Ori wholly a matter of coijectunro. "In them up and hold and amplify them. . for male student desirous of my opinion, leclared Professor In commenting on the practicability w orking his way thru college by Mcc' e, bleat wave transmission for of this process, Professor Moore made selling a wonderful line of can- cor-vime.vial purposes will never he I a comparison between the transms-! dies in off-hours. Apply today. economidally kfeasible." sion of heat energy and electric pow-, State age, size, nati-onality, ex- ?n explaining his views, Professor er in commercial quantities, to show perience, references and year ibble who is ,president of the Amer- that only in specialized applications, course in University. Address can Society of1 Ieating and Ventilat- could heat wave broadcasting well be I F, c o Daily. i g Enmgiuee'r, stated that "it 13 no expected to be of value. Because of I FRIDAY, l1 ,l31HARY 12, 11926 w General Von Seeckt, as a rewar his iron-handed dictatorship in 1919, forn, now is wearing the honors of ti Von Seeckt is seen inspecting a unit of commander near Berlin. DARTMOUTHPROFESSOR, offE RS'sUMMER OURSES, Prof. J. H. Gerould of the biology department of Dartmnouth college has been secured by the zoology depart- ment to teach here during the Sum mer session. He will give courses in d from President Zion I lindenberg for which enabled the republic to be he frst field marshal of the republic. f the German army, of which he isI heredity and experimental zoology. The course in experimental zoology will be offered for the first time dtr- ing the Summer session. It will con- sist of lectures and discussions on the relations of living matter to its en- vironment, growth as controlled by heredity, regeneration, and mental ev- olution from the simplest responses of the lowest organisms to the complex! action of human intelligence. The course in heredity will be thej same as that offered during the reg-' ularschool year. According to Prof.{ A. F. Shull of the zoology depart-j ment, Professor Gerould has been studying questions of sex and inherit- ance for several years. He is at pres- ent in Paris, conducting research in heredity. I FORT MEYERS, Fla. - Thomas .Alva, Edison, electrical wizard, is 791 years old, today. JIMME "A"" I All Wool Pre-Shrunk. in Beautiful Fabrics That.MTi1 Not Fade. SUITS- AND OVERCOATS $230 Manufactured by A. NASH & CO. Th Famous Golden Rule Tailors of Cincinnati. Phone 9736 And ask that a representative of the NASH CO. call upon you to show samples and styles. STYLE, FIT, WORKMANSHIP AND WEARING QUALITIES GUARANTEED. Some of the best dressed people you meet are wearing Nash clothes. E'. . . , . sus TODAY AND TOMORROW ---------- - -; /w 1 .. MATINEES AT 2:00 - 3:40 Prices, 10c, 25c, 35c NIGHT SHOWS 7:00 - 8:40 Prices 10c, Sac, 50c LON DON.-Special dispatches from Jersualem say the French government has declined to supply men and money for a further campaign against the Druse tribesmen. BRUSSELS. - Cardinal Mercier's red hat is to hang permanently in the choir of the Cathedral of St. Rom- bant, at Malnes, reviving an ancient cus tom.n PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. Advertise-ient - DIANA- The Story of an Amaron Among the immortals cloud-capped Olympus, home of the ancieont gods, none was fairer, none more daring than Diana. Goddess of the Moon, Goddess of the Chase and Goddess of War. Jupiter. sire of Diana and king of all the gods, had bestowed upon this his favorite daughter, the qualities of a super - sportswoman; speed, st reng'th, great endurance and ath- l'tic skill. And these and more were I Diana's heritage, hers to a degree onmatche l in any other deity. She was swifter than the wind. She could outspeed the fleetest stag in the for est, could outrun the fastest hound in the pack. And he arrow that flashed from her si ver bow never failed its mark. 1Ier aim was un- erring, her feats of skill without peer. In combat, when in mortal guise, she led her Amazons to battle and to glorious victory. Diana was an Amazon. According to mythologists, Diana was the only deity to whom the Amazons bent the knee in tribute. She was their cham- pion. their protectress. their inspira- tion. She alone, of all the gods, ap- pealed to the adventurous spirit of these couragdous and valiant women. The Amazons dwelt in the land of Pontus on the shores of the Black Sea. They were governed by leaders of their own sex and choosing. They made and administered their own laws, fought their own battles and fashioned their own weapons. Menial tasks were assigned to men whom they held in bondage-slaves. The Amazons were truly emancipated, independent by right of might. Powerful of stature, of warlike mien, the Amazons were great hunt- resses, great horsewomen, great fight- ers. Armed with bow and arrow, they sallied into enemy country to do battle with armies many times their number. And on such occa- Esions they invoked the aid of their beloved Diana, who seldom failed to heed their prayers for victory. It was natural and fitting that the Amazons should pick Dian', their lealer. To them she was supreme, the highest symbol of all the splen- did qualities of their race. She was their symbol of power, of speed, of grace, of beauty, of courage. In their exploits they strove to emulate their Diana, and to her service they dedi- cated their shrines and temples. Such is the story of Diana, the Amazon, told by ancient Greece and Rome and handed down to posterity. It is the story borne down the ares. Poets, artists and sculptors of each generation have found in this beauti- ful legend of the fair moon goddess a fund of inexhaustible inspiration. And science, too, has been inspired by this symbolism of all that is finest in classic lore, to strive to greater achievements. The results we find today in countless thousands of build- ngs, and in the products of our work- shops and factories. We find expression of this influence in the imp'osing dimensions of our office buildings, in the arches and spires of our great cathedrals, in our theatres and hotels. It is to be found even in our very clothes. And our homes, too, reflect in high degree the influence of this classic symbolism, for it is recognized the most natural, most beautiful and nearest perfect the world has ever known. One of the latest manifestations of { this influence is to be found in auto- motive science. Here the full inter- pretation of these classic ideals has been brought to a focus in a Motor car. A great group of automotive specialists has created an automobile which, in design and construction, truly embodies the beauty and vigor of Diana herself. It is the new-type car for the women of today-women who know the full joy of living, the modern Dianas of the great out-of- doors. To their service this wonder car has been dedicated. Appropri- ately, it has been named Diana'Eight. And Diana herself might well have been proud to drive this amazing car that so naturally and becomingly bears her name. In every way it mcasures up to the true conception of classic design, and your conception of sneed. power, endurance. Diana Eight is a great car, a thor- oughbred, a car with swagger'and dash. It is clean-limbed, light ofoot, long and low. Its appeal to women is irresistible, for they can't shut their eyes to it, can't disregard it. Indeed, Diana is engineered for women to drive. Diana is the first car with Simpli- fied Control. and women 'owners will tell you, "Simplified Control is the #;reatest boon to driving since the self-starter came into use." Women vlho have habitually "sunk" at the steering wheel, who instinctively grasp the wheel as rigidly as the I arms of a dentist's chair, now relax ;nd ta'e it easy when they drive Diana Eight. Come, make this test yourself. Drive Diana._ Put' her through her jaes on the hills* and in the rough. I Cut her wide open.. Feel the surge of Ipower, and a pick-up like the snap of a whip. Reduce her speed to six -four--two miles an hour. You can count the explosions in the motor, but no missing, no bucking, not a t i zw --------------- ' PAPER DOES THE WORK I a If F" Make those rooms look cheerful and home-like. Wall paper fresh from the factories, and of the best designs, are now here. The rich colorings and beau- tiful all-over designs will appeal to the artistic tastes. We also carry a complete line of paints,' varnishes, oils, wax, brushes, stains, etc. Quality unsurpassed at right prices. We also have a fine lot of room-lot papers for one-third regular prices. JOHIN C f h~S f ~FLINN IV r s t \/ o 'I !d~~icab" I I I o THE THUD OF HOOFS. the wild shouts of app lauding cronds- Amid thunderous cheers she rides to glorious victory- The most splendid story of the turf ever seen on screen I C.:H. MAJOR & 0 203 East Washington St. Dial 9313 -7 71 ----------------------- a - a a She'll appreciate a gift of such a Splendid Box of Chocolates IN SILK HEARTS The kind only Prekete can give you 4' s. , i _=f FPOi;.,~ u A picture that will thrill and enthuse. / 7 .,;,; ti , .: _, , , 1 t, 41, Q N6IgZ l SCojsa ysc - --- -I ________________ i . 1/ -' [ - '. ':, K~ i I. i) ,, A -ALSO A BIG ADDED BILL- HALROACH PR se-rr; GlennJrT'on ORCHESTRA Lenard Falcone, Conductor LATEST NEWS Is .U