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May 19, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-19

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'Q'EDNE"D'AY, -STAY 1q, 114


.,WEDNESD,.AY . s.a. A 1. i92...

I 1 i

Published every morning except MonAay
during the University year by the Bo~arin
Control of Student publications.
Members of 'Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not eterw ise
credited in this paper and tke local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
if postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
mnaster. General..
Sybscription by carrier. $3a.S; by mail,
Offices: Ana Arbor Press Building, May-
sard Street.
Phones: Editorial. 43S; basiaesu, 314.
Telephone 4M
Chairman, Editorial Board....Norman R. Thal
News Editor........... Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor..........Helen S. Ramsay
Sport's Editor. ............Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor........ William Walthour
Music and Drama........Robert B. Henderson
Night EditorsI
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Thomas V. Koykka W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito

Gertrude Bailey
Charles Behymer
George Berneike
Philip C. Brooks
Stratton Buck
Carl Burger
Edgar Carter
* Carleton Champe
Douglas Doubleday
Eugene H. Gutekunat
Tames T. Herald
usel itt
Miles Kimball
Marion Kubik

Ellis Merry
Dorothy Morehous"
Margaret Parker
Archie Robinson
Simon Rosenbaum
Wilton Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtland Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendler
Henry Thurnau
David C. Vokes
Marion Wells
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter

agree with the New York Times,
which respectfully answered Mr.
Young, "There is such a thing as gen-
eral ability, demonstrated in many
ways, and recognized by all, which it
is fair to assume can be turned suc-
cessfully to public service."
Like the man who, with great sur-
prise, discovered that he had been
speaking prose all his life and hadn't,
known it, Michigan citizens were
aroused to a new conception of the
greatness of their state recently when
the Christian Science Monitor pub-
lished a special edition devoted to its
many-sided development.
The edition was responsible for
bringing home to many the well-
rounded cultural and material growth
of the state. The supplement devoted
page rafter page to state industry,
comerce, transportation, education,
art, music, politics, manufacturing,
agriculture, tradition, and social life.
All the diffused and varied activity
which go to make the state a scene of
hustling industry, and the institutions'
of learning which mark it a center of1
culture were adequately treated in the
Michigan supplement.
Probably the venture was a profit-
able one in a financial way. It was at
least immensely so in an educational
way, in bringing citizens of the state
to a tardy realization of its growth,
for occasionally we have to have
greatness which is near at hand
pointed out to us before we can see it.,
"HOW MANY 'E'S IN....99
"How d' ya spell. ... ?" That is
probably the busiest phrase in the
English language. Whereever anyone
"takes pen in hand," those words will
sooner or later query the other per-
son present. And, of course, it is not
only the "uneducated" that get into
spelling difficulties-in fact, the ma-
jority of "uneducated" don't bother
with spelling.
The biggest bug-a-boo in modern
writing is spelling: rules of grammar
have been so simplified that they cease
to worry anyone to any great extent;
punctuation even has been freed of
many restrictions. But spelling re-
mains complicated, even in a civiliza_
tion that turns to efficiency and sim-
plification in everything else. The
business man who travels by air-
plane or fast train, who demands sub-
ways for speed, who carefully com-
putes the best possible cycle of work:
for each employee so that the most
efficient speed can be maintained, who

Telephone 21214
Advertising............. -Joseph B. Finn
Advertising.......... ..Rudolph Bo~telman
Advertising................ Wm. L. Mullin
Advertising ......... Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr.
Circulation.............. ..James R. DePuy
Publication.............Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Accounts.......... .........Paul W. Arnold
George H. Annable, fr. Frank Mosher
W. Carl Bauer .F. A. Norquist
John H. Bobrink Loleta G. ark
stanley S. Coddingtopn David Perrot
W. 3. Cox Robert Prentiss
MarionCA. Daniel Wi. C. Pusch.-'
Mary Flinterman Nance Solomon
Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderlaad
T. Kenneth Haven Wm. J. Weinman
arold Holmes Margaret Smith
Oscar A. Jose Sidney ;Nilson

the mysteries of soul, life, etc., is cer-
tainly wothy of consideration.
;The history .of the Nationalist move-
ment during the years 1902-1908 sure-
ly des show even to a casual observ-
er, some of our concern in both poli-
tical and social matters. Do not the
massacre of Jallianwalla Bagh (Am-
ritsar), the Akali movement, the Swa-
deshi (nationalistic) movement, the
Chandpur strike, and the strikes in
various branches of industry during
the recent period of political agitation
show our concern in the political and
social upheavel that is taking place in
In order to convince the audience,
Sir Fredrick told a story of a boat-
man who took things as he was told
one way or the other on any topic etc.
What can you expect from an ignorant
boatman? India is not a nation of
boatmen. The educated and the in-
telligent Indians try not to generalize
about English people from a character
sketch in Dickens or from the violent
self expression of its worst elements.
About the slave mentality of the
Indians, Sir Fredrick made certain
remarks quoting from Mahatma
Gandhi and gave his interpretation of
what Mahatma Gandhi meant by
"Slave mentality." Even if certain
Hindus have a slave mentality, may it
not be the direct outcome of the Edu-
cational system that is set up in In-
dia? Dr. William T. Harris, United
States Commissioner of Education,
stated in his speech before the Na-
tional Council of Education during its
session in Cleveland (1908) "England's
educational policy in India is a blight
on civilization. I have studied the
problem pretty closely in the latter
part of the eighteenth century." Wil-
berforce, the English philanthropist,
proposed to send school teachers to
India, but a di-rector of the East India
company objected, saying "We have
just lost America from our folly in
having allowed the establishment of
schools and colleges, and it would not
do for us to repeat the same act of
folly in regard to India."
The reforms which England has
given so far to India are nothing more
than baby's toys, and these even were
1obtained by sacrifice of many Indian
Even the Morley-Minto re-
rms (1909) which Sir Fredrick
characterizes as of a nature of a "De-
bating society" were obtained through
the serious political uprisings of the
Indian Nationalists from 1898-1906.
The Montague-Chelmsford reforms
(1919), insignificant as they may be,
were the outcome of the invaluable
service which India Tendered both in
men and money during the last world
Sir Fredrick made a remark indi-
rectly that India cannot protect her-
self, due to the want of able Indian
military officers, against the foreign
ivasion. Does the history of the
British rule in India show any in-
stance where a single chance has been
given to India for the development of
military leaders?
A class of military leaders will arise
in India, when the time demands.
Reza Khan, a mere soldier, became
the great general when the time de-
manded. Kemal Pasha, a mere army
officer, blossomed into a great general
at the call of his mother country.
-An Observer.

TONIGHT: The University School
Io-Music anonces the firt vconer 1
of the annual May Festival at S
o'clock in Hill auditorium.
The truly great artist who is not of
the theater, who is without affecta-
tion, and who is still a personality is
truly rare. Madam Homer is this.
Madam is simplicity in the style of the
truly great and in the taste of thePLEASE
aristocrat. She is purely herself, f
without mannerisms, without the D'
opera; she might have been your
gother. gA Ko
And Madam is possessed of some-
thing greater than the personality of
simplicity; she is one of the greatestDATHS
contraltos of all time. Since her
debut at the Metropolitan she has
been one of the conspicuous figures in ON TH E
the opera. She is a contralto, it is
true and Madam is sorry, for the parts
of the contralto are unkind. It is the
tradition of the opera that is adamant
that the soprano must have the sym-_
pathy with the tenor, while the con-
tralto and the bass be the ladies and
gentlemen of sin, with black hearts,!
and the manners of the barroom.
However if when in character Madam IE
Homer is the antithesis of her real MAKE''
personality and manner she is in any
event one of the most popular of the p e j
famous artists. MAN N'S e
Her favorite operas are "Orpheus"
and perhaps "Aida" and the parts are
of type; one of her most interesting
character bits, she believes, is the AW AhfyI"Ga
witch in the fairy opera "Hansel and
Gretel." In her work she is most Don't have a good hat ruined to
interested in the development of the! save a few cents. Importers of Pan-
American opera, for she is an Amer- ama Hats warn the purchaser not to
ican essentiality, primarily and al- trusttheir hat in unskilled hands to
ways. But to the end Madam will al- be cleaned and blocked. Acids used I
ways be the great interpreter of Wag- by cheap cleaners ruin a Panama
ner, and Ann Arbor is waiting for her Hat. We do only high class work-
"Song of the Shirt" the same kind of work done in the
t Sr factory where Panamas are made.
THE MIMES Bring your Panama in now and have
The spring initiation and election of it done RIGHT. We use all new
officers of Mimes, men's honorary trimmings.
dramatic society were held in the For Your Inspection-
Mimes theater last evening and at the
Union. The officers for the ensuing A wonderful lne of Yeddo Straws
an anms tprices that are
year are as follows: president, Donald RIGHT.
Lyons, '26; vice-president, Daniel
Warner, '27; secretary and treasurer,
Frank Stracha, '27. HFACTORY AT STOREi
FOR THE FESTIVAL 617 Packard Street. Phone 7415.
The following critics will review the
concerts to be given in the annual
May Festival in Hill auditorium on
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday of this week: Wednesday I THE ET1
evening, Robert Ramsey; Thursday THE
evening, Dwight Steere; Friday after-
noon, Esther Merrick; Friday evening,
Vincent Wall; Saturday afternoon,
Philip Brooks; Saturday evening, Wil, . Takes pleasurei
Liam Bromine.

Consult us on Fine Engraving. It
is time now to order your calling
Cards for Commencement.


= = , = M ML-

Nearly Every One
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Old Fashioned Bar
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itigli Editor-CARLTON G. CHAMPE



"In spite of the recent impasse uses the most up-to-date office meth-
at W eva it is unfortunate that. ods, and who provides his wife with
W0 Ar nid Germany seem to y the most practical and-speedy house-
rehiain constani to 'the general hold applianges-that man still labors
principles of Locarno and friendly along under the old complicated
to the idealized spirit of that con- spelling system, and allows his "effi-
ference. This should presage a cient" employees to be handicapped
solution of the' problem of reor. likewise.
ganization of the council by the j In the English language there are
committee charged with it and a I 7.8 spellings per sound for constants,
settlement of the difficult situa. and 18.6 for vowels, as "she is spoke"
tion that arose in connection with today. The simplified spelling board
Germany's entrance into t!he reports that 30,000 words would have
League. Possibly the exceptional to be changed in spelling in order to
supremacy of the great Powers make the language phonetic. This
may be modified towards the prinI- board advocates one spelling for each
ciple of equality of sovereignties." of the 43 sounds. Such a change
-Major General Henry T. Allen, would involve too much confusion to
U. S. 1 before the American make it worth while to bring about at
Academy of political and social one single time, but the process of
science in annual convention in natural simplification of the language
Philadelphia. should be hastened by artificial means.
Such a movement cannot be successful
POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE at present until sufficient public opin-
\ The spirit that makes American ion is aroused to combat the ordinary
politics"what they are, and, for the citizen's love for the dictionary, and
the eternal.question: "How many e's
most part, places in office men who I
are adept only at one thing, the arti
of securing votes, is clearly indicated1
by the reply of Owen D. Young, one CAMPUS OPINION
of the nation's foremost industrial Anonymous communications will be
leaders and a co-maker of the Dawes 1 disregarded. Thevnames of communi-
plan totherumrs tat e mght cants will, however, be regarded
plan, to the rumors that he might confidential upon request.
be- New York's next Democratic can- _
didate for governor or senator. Mr. INDIAN HOME RULE I
Young said:I
"Without taking the suggestion To the Editor:
seriously, I will say that to hold pub- The recent speech of Sir Fredrick
lic office effectively requires political Wythe on the Nationalism in India is
experience and political knowledge. likely to cause some misunderstanding
I have neither. I have never under- among the American people about
taken a job for which my experience India, and its problems and aspira-
did not insome degree qualify me, tions. Although not a politician, not
and I hope I never may." I a historian, I set down a few remarks
Ifonly the people of the nation would which I hope you will publish. These
realize the great truth of Mr. Young's remarks are written in the hope that
,tatement that "to hold public office the American public will give them a
(effectively requires political experience thought side by side with Sir Fred-I
and political knowledge," if only they l'ick's.
would understand that the ability to In order to elucidate his belief that
implore and co-erce men and women the Indian mind is bent on "Saving its,
into voting "the" ticket is the poorest soul," Sir Fredrick summarized Kip-
possible recommendation for the, ling's story of the prime minister of a
Dandling of a government's affairs, certain state who went to the forest
affairs which, to a great extent, in- to save his own soul not considering
volve practical business problems, the responsibility that his position in-
I)prhaps we could be rid of the never- volved. Kipling is a story writer and
ending charges of governmental graft !a poet and not a historian. The India
and inefficiency. of yesterday is not the India of today.
Undoubtedly the keynote of Owen i Then too, India is a large country,
I. Young's tremendous industrial suc- with all sorts of people in it. Even
cess is found in the last sentence of America contains Dayton, Tennessee,I
the above reply, "I have never under- although it is not proud of it.


Read The Daily "Classied" Columns


. I



(The Washington Post)
An interesting feature of the pro-
posed copyright bill has cropped out.
It was of sufficient importance to re-
quire a reopening of the hearings,
probably because many women of notej
opposed the copyrighting of dress de-j
The committee was told very plain-
ly by one woman witness that Con-
gress should not enact any law which
would be a barrier to the gratifying
of the American woman's desire for
new clothes; and that the average
American woman has a more avid
curiosity about fashions than any
other subject.
From the testimony offered, it ap-
pears that American women are not
very much interested in the settlement
of the French debt or the economic
situation in Europe. What they want
to know is the prevailing and coming
styles of sleeves and whether dresses
are to be long or short and what
styles of collars are to be worn.
It was argued that if the sales of
dress patterns were to be restricted it
would deprive the American women
of home dressmaking, curtail the use
of sewing machines, and finally pre-

* * *
Perhaps the most unique feature of
the proposed summer season of plays
is the fact that it is the first instance
that the University has given official
consent and sanction to the produc-
tion on the campus by a group inti-
mately connected with the University,
and presented in a University build-.
ing. The plays themselves are in-
teresting and form a unique series,
and the personnel of the company is
even more of interest to those who
have attended the plays~ given by
Masques, Comedy Club and Mimes
during the year.
The plays form a cycle of six, each
play being of a slightly different type,a
one play being presented each week.
The first week will open with Bernard
Shaw's "Great Catherine" which was
given this season with great success
by Comedy Club for the phenomenal
run of ten performances in Ann Ar-
bor an ten on tour during spring va-
cation. This play was without doubt
the most popular of the year and
definitely lifted the field of campus
d-ramatics for the season from the
amateur performances of little signifi-
cance to an almost professional
The rest of the plays are in them-
selves almost as intrinsically inter-
esting: Rachel Crother's conceited
comedy "Expressing Willie," W. S.
Gilbert's "Sweethearts" and John
Galsworthy's short melodrama "The
Sun"; A. A. Milne's farce "Belinda"
will be given the fourth week to be
followed by Moliere's burlesque "The
Doctor in Spite of Himself," ("Le
Medicin Malgre Lui") to be given in
English, and as the final production
Colin Campbell Clement's "The Hai-

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vent American women from enjoying
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Needless to say, the women won.
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