P'AGE _W TW T HF MTC HM AN DATT .V 'VTr4..T1XTTi4CnA'V "atatAV (k 1Q9A. ..n-r TInA lTV*aA4 1V11J..i-L LA-.J11V A.J11L 1TT T 7cThAV ~. V f ft 1 i',ll E',SJJAY, MAY 14, 14 li university Is Now Completing Work On Campus Landscape I : "[[[[[tttttt!![ttlrtlrrattarlrtlratert!iltriar=i' ,West Wind Lending Librafr -The latest pooks/fi- Renft: ailtlagiti's iltai~ttii)enn BytRnel f Irving Wa rroiis~D SC 1 )i~DI'T AN < N U i v r s t y v . P h o ne 2 1 2 1 .. STEAMSHIP ~,TICKETS- FOR ALL LINES TOURS, CRUISES .FIRST, SECOND, CAEIN. TOURISTS THIRD ESPECIALLY Phone 6412 or white 60J f", Huron Street IE. 0. K EDLER 4 Steamasbi Agent. ANN ARBOR, 3AUTO PARTSd For All Thah;o, C-eras. TIRES FOR SALE. JUNK CfQRS BOUG iT W'AONE 3035.} KESSLER EROS,, Canal Street Big Cash :{othe6 ss ExrRA M'3NEY FOR LARCE SIZES S5 S1 t xtra for Stifts Hrou, ht to the Store Da MO vHK DIAL 4S55 Plans mnade two yeatrs ago for landscape architecture around the new buildings on the campus and the President's residence are now binilg coiflletd by the Buildings and Grounds department. The Nwork is under the general charge of a repre- sentative of Pitkin and Mott, of Cleveland, the official landlscape a rchi- tects of the University. No new system has been adolpted; the plans now under way are essen- tially those called for by specifications for the new buildings. The work ha~ been delayed until now on account of lack of time and the fact that the groundi has not been in readiness for planting. Shrttbbery around the concrete en - trance to the campus will consist of Austrian pine, Swiss mountain pine., tilowerinzg dogwood, ar rowwood, black- haw and myrtle. About the President..,. douse will he plantiiedl A apa a-e;e barber - ry, silky, gi- y, anti fait7;t.'llngdogvood1. (t 0g Y'' td. uir5;w od, ilti'iia"; anal Ie.,))2. 1e ~l'e1'residlent' i 110115" will .)c-"1)1 ane lo er a dogwo, elw, andt1'vr ._ ,.t-not . The Baild- inv,, and { ( i:i ,;'::?; 21';til(.ii i also la yiniig ou 'rl1': l ph 'i trrtnnl tar fvTth<'st li' lo lieo .raiim :il s t'n a ind Wil- Ba in L. ClIe''ientus library wvill also tw~ don c-- a rg~c y vvith stnow 1b n'ry, rega cl pieand. whni '.belIl hone .s u cks'. 'An appnoach to Sinpson Iteiorn'.i buildinA- for medical research wort., near t},. 'N~,w'Udivcrsity hospital is iunder con"Y a.uction; the depJartmnent is pttiug ill 8 (y)1i2Ctc walktzimarked out 1in (Ha Dial Squabes, and bordered byafolly-inch curb. . 9 c.4merica-'s Favorite Fine Tobacco ___ i2~U1.h Old Style Old Delight Blended in the early day man- ncr, famous since your grand- father's time, Blue Boar is the favorite of connoisseurs. z3 *r, One man Idl onthe w, oq;- iCROYDON G.OLr CLUBS WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER U_ CET YOUR TENNIS RACKET RE STRUNG IN OUR OWN SHOP s - 711 N. UniversitY AVe. Next to Arcade Theatre a a,,. 1. Wap= Dance at Steven's Lake House Pavilion, Whitmore Lake MUSIC BY A novel and appealing instrument that his attained fad proportions among University students. They Are. Painted To Your Order We have four designs : Football, Baseball, ;Basketball and Track. Come in and see the samples. Phil Diamond's Eight of Diamonds Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday ,... ® ... :: SPECIAL DESIGNS FOR SORORITIES. College-Then hat? Priced at $5.50 and $6.50 Commencement days are not far off., As a college man you are looking forward to a suc- cessful career. In a short time you will be in keen com- petition with thousands of other men who are also striv- ing for success. Are you ,going into business? Are you thoroughly grounded in the fundamental laws of business, the knowledge of which is necessary for ulti- mate success? Such academic training as you have had would prove an excellent foundation for the intensive business course given at the Babson Institute. We teach young men the fundamental laws of produc- tion, distribution and finance and how to apply theme to commercial life. If you aspire to business lead- ership, now is the time to consider plans for the coming years. A scientific institution organized, not for profit, tinder the educational laws of Massachusetts. 318 Wellesley Ave., Babson Park, Mass. Students may enter FOUR TIMESAY]EAR. Summer term starts June 28. Fall term starts Sept. 22. Course covers nine consecutive months. It takes little effort to bring your, laundry and dry cleaning. to White Swan's Station in the Press Building'. UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE THE MUSICAL CENTER OF ANN ARBOR. 601 E. William St. 'hone.'75.15. 9: The money you makes it very save much Send for 'Booklet, It explains in detail the work giv)en and the unique features of our intensive business course. It shows how, by following business methods, our students_ are thoroughly trained for leaders hip. Fill in attached coupon. IIuuIIIIIZ~t}2111 lII Ii i iIIIItflll uufl~ lIU~titlI~llt ~ul ii@ worthwhile. Dial 21816 White Swan Laundry Co. Ann Arbor's Leading Cleaners FARMERS AND MECHANIC' BANKI S101-I055S. MAIN ST.--ANN ARBOR, MICH.---330 S. STATE J i HERE'S A BANK IT'S A PLEASURE TO. DEAL WITH. YOU'LL. RECEIVE THE SAME COUR- TEOUS TREATMENT WHETHER YOUR AC- COUNT BE LARGE OR SMALL. ASKC OU R 'ii :4 .1 DEPOSITORS. A~.1 r-L A' ]L"A J. L"*' +ll V V'i Babson Institute 318 Wellesley Avenue, Babson Park, Mass. Send me. without obligation. c'Training for Business Leader- -ship" and complete particulars cabout Babson institute. Name.......................... Addres ........................ _city .......................... WState....................... I b I I I I 'Member Federal Reserve System ,,qv 5 A 9 _ iuIIuuuu unuu~tIIIIIluu~i~mIII uIIni ntmani j , zcoo Of 0-15WOO-149.1" 4 qc r-A 14 4 0 q rip -Cx ; PC 0 W-01OCCV-01zocom m