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May 19, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-19

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Traditional Procession Marking The
Advancement Of Classes Ends
Colorful Affair
Lantern Night, the annual ceremony
which is to the women wh'at Cap Night
s to the men, again made Palmer
Field the scene of festivity last night.
With the appearance of the Freshman
Pageant, the affair was a brilliant re-
'iew of color and beauty throughout.
More than 1200 onlookers crowded the
surrounding hillsides.
A picnic supper, which has become a
iustomary part of the evening, was
held at 5:30 o'clock, and the specta-
tors were amused by stunts given by
the various classes. The sophomores,
,n white, assembled in the form of the
number 1926, doing homage to the
senior class. The junior group of-I
fered a representation of "required
gymnasium", while the seniors, in
large hats and long skirts, were the
participants of a Lantern Night base-
Pall game of 1890.
The stunts were followed by the
picturesque Freshman Pageant. The
pageant represented all the numerous
hopes and dreams and fears that enter
into the life of the three joyous maid-
ens who "trip onto the stage of life."
There is the jester, mocking all; then
cpme dreams, beauty, grief, toil,
doubt, fear, courage-and last of all
the wild exultation of joy.
After the last soft music of the
pageant had died out, the Lantern pro-
cession was formed. The seniors in
caps and gowns came first, bearing
brilliantly colored Japanese lanterns,
symbolizing the brightness of college
lays. Next came the juniors with
their, gay hoops, followed by the
sophomores and freshmen.
Marching to the strains of the Var-
sity band, the line descended and cir-
cled the field. The seniors then
marched down the center with a row
of juniors at each side, the sopho-
,,ores to the right and the freshmen
to the left. The senior line broke into
pairs and passed under the arches
]eld by the juniors; the sophomores
crossed over, marching through the
ranks of the freshmen, the four classes
finally assembling in a block M, with
the bright rays of the lantern outlin-
ing the whole.
Singing of the senior song, and the
innouncement of elections into Mortar
Board, Senior Society, and Wyvern
closed the program.
Irene Field, '27, was captain of the
procession. Miss Janet Cumming of
Barbour gymnasium directed the
LONDON, May 18.-Ramsay Mac-
Donald, the leader of the Parliament-
ary Labor group, speaking in behalf
of the labor candidate at the Ham-
iersmith Dye election today, firmly
attacked the government for breaking
off the negotiations which would have
averted the general strike. He de-
glared that Sir Herbert Samuel,
whose meditation eventually led to
the calling off of the strike, had of-
fered his services to the government
before the original negotiations began,
but his offer was refused,

As to the strike being revolution-
ry or of a political character, the
Former labor premier declared that
never for -a single moment did the
men responsible for it play with po-
litical issues.
(fay Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 18.-- While
President Coolidge apparently wants
the French debt agreement ratified at
this session of Congress, it was stated
today at the White House that his
understanding was that leaders of
both houses expected action by the
French Parliament at least before the
Senate acted.
The agreement is to be taken up in
"Paris on May 27 and some Republican
congressional leaders indicated that
final plans for consideration here

Proceed With Dismantling Of
Damaged Norge For Trip Home

.... ......- -.-. -.


(By Associated Press) about a ton of ice when she reached
NOME, Alaska, May 18.-While Teller, more than a 100 pounds of this
word came from Seattle today that the weight caught from the Arctic at-
first steamship of the season to navi- mosphere clinging to the antennae of
gate the Bering Sea will come north her wireless.
a week earlier than usual, dismantling The ice of Port Clarence, just be-
of the dirigible Norge was reported ginning to let go for the summer, was
proceeding apace at Teller, 75 miles rugged but soft. Over this surface
from this city. .1the Norge was pushed and bumped
The Norge, persons visiting Teller by the wind for 350 feet, it was said.
said, was so badly damaged in land- This occurred after deflation was well
ing there, after she arrived Thursday advanced and while the men were
from a trip over the North Pole, that hanging as heavily as they could to
some of her crew declared she had the ropes.
been wrecked. The snow on the beach hard by was
The dirigible, the informants de- eight feet deep.
clared, had lost her way when she Predictions that the Norge would
sighted Port Clarence, on which Tel- be shipped to the states within a
ler is situated. A wind called a fortnight were heard today.
"funnel formation," caught her and
she was carried toward the moun-
tains. Some gas was released and as
the dirigible settled, some of the cre
slid down ropes to the ice of Grantley
Harbor, an arm of Port Clarence, andA
held her.
Most of the damage done, it was W L P 9 TA
stated, was caused by a gust that
caught her just as she was beginning Professor Of Chemistry At California
to rest upon the ice.
The radio which the airship carried To. iscuss Energetcs In
was coated with ice and did not work Science Auditorium


for some time after the Norge was
brought down. The Norge carried


Recommends Adoptions Of Transport,
Traffic Curriculum In Civil
Engineering Department

Prof. Joel II. Hi
chemistry departm(
sity of California,
Energetics of Chem
in a University lect
today in Natural
Professor Hildebrai
in the field of lipY
Professor Iildebi
at the University of
the University of B
doctor's degree in
chemistry at Penns;
received a full prof
a lieutenant-colone

Adoption of a five year course in warfare serivice du
highway transport and traffic engine- was discharged in 1
ering under the auspices of the civil awarded the Dist
medal for his wor;
engineering department was recom- warfare division.
mended to the Board of Regents by been dean of men a
the engineering college faculty in California, only rec
their meeting held yesterday. position to devote f
Corresponding to the lengthened search and teaching
course in mechanical engineering, this He is a member
proposed program of study leads to Physical society, th
the special degree of bachelor of sci- ical society, Phi Be
ence in engineering (highway trans- ma Xi. He has pub
port and traffic engineering) and in- umes on chemistry
cludes courses in economics, business ples of Chemistry,"
administration, political science, and of Solubility." Hi
psychology besides additional courses has been in the field
in English. ics and physical chi
In consideration of the resolutions
embodying conclusions on engineering
education, no definite action was tak- PILSUVS1 h
en although several minor amend- !
ments were adopted which furthered TON O
the ideas of the original drafts. At
the conclusion of the meeting, the en- I
tire body of resolutions was referred
back to the general committee under New Polish Dictato
the chairmanship of Prof. J. Rayleigh Radicals For+
Nelson, head of the engineering Eng-
lish department, for revision in ac-! (By Associa
cordance with the suggested alterna- WARSAW, May 1
tions. Pilsudski, who ov
It is expected that further con- government, ousted
sideration of the resolutions will be- the republic after
gin at the series of faculty meetings and assumed powe
to be heldtnext fall after the opening exhaustion. Those
of the first semester. Clare that all he n
himself, after sev
I and nights whilef
on in the streets o1
could "sleep and s
EDITR T SP1K HRE!Pilsudsi s star,
ieleast, appears to
military hero, who
Final Lecture On Vocational Guidance overthrew the gov
Series Will Be Concluded Tomorrow tured the city, is t
his name.to stand
After two postponements of his lec- the presidency, t
ture on "Journalism as a Profession," listening to the den
Malcom W. Bingay, managing editor and supporters th
of the Detroit News, will speak at hself.
4:15 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in The socialists an
Natural Science auditorium. This lec- serted Poland's ido
ture is the last lecture on the voca- peals for the dis
tional guidance series which has been i ment and the estab
conducted by the Student Christian ski in a dictatorsh'
association. reason of this fai
Mr. Bingay has been for twenty-five iron hand, the soc
years connected with the Deroit are denouncing t
News, having risen through all the l needless sheddingr
steps from copyboy to his present which Pilsudski e
position. In his lecture, he will deal and over which h
with the more practical aspects of They argue that l
journalism, that is, salaries, kinds of can no longer be
work and qualifications. ( becoming apparent
' All students on the campus who are litical or econoinic
t interested in newspaper work or who
intend to enter journalism as a life TOKIO. - Jap
work are invited to attend. bushels of wheat
fthe past season,
a sheels than it ever
Senioeanyprevious harv
Will Close Today
Members of the classes of '26 who r *
e have not obtained tickets to the Senior /fJ// /
-.11 1/,.

ildebrand, of thef
et of the Univer-
will discuss "The
ical Combination,"I
ure at 4:15 o'clock1
Science aditorium.
nd is an authority
sical chemistry. ,
and was educated
Pennsylvania and
erlin, receiving his
1907. He taught
Syvania and in 19181
essorship. Ile was
1 in the chemical
uring the war and
1918. He was 1ater
inguished Service
k in the chemical
Since 1923 he has!
t the University of
cently leaving that
ull time to his re-
of the American
e American Chem-
Aa Kappa, and Sig-
blished several vol-
such as "Princi-
and "The Theory
is principal study
d of thermo-dynam-
r Is Denounced By
"Soft" Policy
ated Press)
8.-Marshal Joseph
erthrew the Witos
d the president ofj
a military rising,
r, is suffering from
e close to him de-
eeds is rest, and he
eral sleepless days
fighting was going
f the capital, rather
.nday said that he
for the moment at
be waning. The
oby a swift strike,
vernment and cap-
oo modest to allow
as a candidate for
to say nothing of
mands of his friends
at he declare him-
nd radicals have de-
ol because their ap-
solution of parlia-
blishment of Pisud-
ip have failed. By
lure to display the
ialists and radicals
he revolution as a
of Mond toinhir

Fare, Pinchot, And Pepper Seek Same7
Senatorial Nomination; Pledge I
Support To Coolidge
(By Associated Press)
turns from 1,088 districts out of
8,281 in Pennsylvania tonight
showed Rep. Williant S. Vare,
Philadelphia, a lead of 75,731
votes over United States Senator
George Wharton Pepper for the
Republican nomination for United
States senator in today's primary
election. Gov. Gifford PinchotI
was in third place, 28,505 votes
1ehind Pepper.
The figures were: Fare 11,420;
Pepper, 55,6i89; Pinchot, 27,184.I
The returns included approxi
muately one-third of the 1,492 dis-
tricts in Philadelphia, among them
the Vare stronghold which Sena-
for Pepper and Governor Pinchot1
have conceded to the congress-1
closed tonight in Pennsylvania's state-
wide primary election after the most
desperate campaign since the days of
Cameron, Quay, and Penrose.
Approximately 1,500,000 voters cast'
their ballots for their choice for nom-
inations as United States senator,
governor, congress, state officers, and ,
legislature. When the voting ended
at 7 o'clock standard time, political
leaders predicted the count would I
show a record total for a primary.
Today's battle centered in Repub-
lican fights for the senatorial and.
gubernatorial nominations. Two is-
sues, attractin national attention, pro-
hibition and party control, predomin-
ated in the contests.
Three candidates, Gov. Gifford Pin-(
chot, Rep, William S. Vare, and Sen.
George Wharton Pepper, each pledged
to support President Coolidge and his
administration, sought the senatorial
When the President remained silent
on his attitude towards each, Secre-
tary of the Treasury Mellon entered
the contest as a supporter of Senator'
Pepper, speaking, with James J. Dav-
in, secretary of labor, at a political
meeting in Pittsburg.
The prohibition issue was stressed
by Representative Vare and Governor
Pinchot, the former as an advocate
of modification of the Volstead act and
the latter as a supporter of even
stricter enforcement laws. Senator
Pepper, while classed as a dry, de-
Glared it was not the paramount is-
sue of the campaign and asked sup-
port on the basis of his record in the
Senator Pepper declared Represent-
ative Vare had injected the liquor is-
sue in an effort to extend his control
of the party into the state outside of
the city of Philadelphia.
Musical Society
Holds Initiation
Initiating 12 men who have been
taking part in musical activities,
Alpha Epsilon Mu, campus musical
3ociety held its initiation banquet
Monday night in the Union and elected
its officers for next year. R. C.

Wells, '27, was chosen director.

Listen to this tale of romance,
Tale of Indian warriors bold-
In early moon of green leaves
Came they forth, the stoics valiant;
Forth they romped to paleface wig-
Wigwam once of friendly Great Chief,
Paleface mighty 'mong his kind;
Came he forth to take their token
Of the warpath they would tread.
Then to the mighty oak of Tappan
Dashed the screaming, yelling red-
To the tree of Indian legend
Where the white men pale and
Stood around the mighty oak;
Warriors choice of paleface nation. t
Choice of Tribe to run the gauntlet.
Down the warrors, painted demons,
Swooped and caught their prey like
Loud the war cry stirred the stillness
As they seized their hapless captives,t
Forth they bore them to their wig-
There to torture at their pleasure.
There they ate round glowing camp-
Heard the words of mighty wisdom,
Smoked the pipe of peace and friend-
ship. -
Thus there came to Michigama:
Frank Graham, George M. Stanley,
Frederick S. Glover, Jr., William War-
rick, Philip Northrop, Thodore Horn-
berger, Thomas Cavanaugh, John Den-
ton, Edward Chambers, Ben Friedman,
William Puckelwartz, Smith Cady,
John Halsted, Louis Robertson, Clay-
ton B. Briggs.;
New Plan Will1
End Delay Of
Health Exams I
Medical examinations, long the
chief cause of delay in registration,
will be taken care of before the new7
students arrives at the University, by
a new plan announced by Ira M.
Smith, registrar, yesterday.
The new ,plan, it is expected, will
do away with the registration delay to1
a great extent. It provides that in-
stead of undergoing the usual medical
examination by University physicians,
the prospective student may be ex-
amined at home by his family doctor.
A standard blank is provided and the'
record is later scrutinized by officials
at the Health service upon arrival and
then accepted instead of the usual'
It is hoped by officials that the plan
will do much to eliminate the delay
and confusion of the registration
period both for faculty and student
alike. While the total number of en-
tering students will not take advant-
ageof the plan it is expected that the
majority will and the policy is in line
with that of making easier the transi-
tion from high school to university.
Accident Victimz
Dies In Hospital
As a result of injuries received in
an automobile accident Saturday
morning, Ajaib S. Grewal, a Hindu
student in the Ford Service school of
Highland Park, died in the University
hospital Sunday. Grewal, who was
riding in an automobile with four
other Hindus, received a fractured
skull when the car collided with a
telephone pole on Washtenaw avenue.
The other four occupants of the car
were reported to be improving; one is
I still in the hospital.

Louise Homer, contralto, who will
sing with the Chicago Symphony or-
chestra at the first annual concert of
the May Festival, to be given tonight
at 8 o'clock in Hill auditiorium.
Members Of American Roentgen Ray
Society Will Hold Sessions At
Hospital And Laboratory
Radioligists convening in Detroit,
this week in the 27th annual conven-
tion of the American Roentgen Ray
society will visit Ann Arbor today and
hold one regular session of the organ-
ization. The doctors will reach here
this morning by bus and will first at-
tend a demonstration at the Physics
building, under the direction of Prof.
Harrison M. Randall and Prof. Neil
H. Williams. Professor Williams will
perform an experiment which deals
with making electrons audible.
Luncheon will be served to the doc,
tors at the University hospital, and to
their wives a the Barton Hills Country
club, according to plans outlined by
Dr. Preston M. Hickey of the reont-
genology department of the hospital,
who is in charge of all arrangements.
In the afternoon various members of
the local staff will read papers and
conduct discussions, and Dean Hugh
Cabot of the Medical school, and
President Clarence Cook Little wilii
address the assembly in the amphi-
theater of the hospital.
United States
Promises Aid In
1 Di
D isarm Parley
(By Associated Press)
GENEVA, May 18. Nations will fear
to disarm because other nations ac-
tually weaker but potentially stronger
can in the long run conquer them--
I that is the supreme stumbling block
Ito disarmament which loomed today
at the opening session of the prepara-
tory commission.
France mentioned it; Belgium,
overwhelmed in the great war, em-
phasized it anxiously, and Premier
Mussolini's spokesman even declar-
ed: "If you do not take account of
every kind of potential military
strength in a country then you show
a desire to weaken a weak state and
strengthen a strong one."
From the United States came a
I message which evoked considerable
favorable comment, as manifesting
sincere determination to cooperate in
the huge problem of disarmament, and
as showing sympathetic knowledge of
1 the complicated questions facing other
nations, which make the limitation of
armaments diricult, though not im-
In the first place, as if meeting in
advance any lukewarmness on the
part of the others, or any diposition
to temporize with or postpone difinite
action, Hugh S. Gibson, chairman of
the American delegation, urged all to
devote their "earnest and continuous
attention" to the work.


Title Role In Mendelssohn's Oratorio
"Elijah" Taken By Theodore Har-
rison of School of Music
With the arrival of Louise Homer,
soloist for tonight, and her husband,
Sidney ' Homer, the composer, plans
are nearing completion for the first
concert at the annual May Festival
which will be given at 8 o'clock to-
night in Hill auditorium.
The Chicago Symphony orchestra,
and the director, Frederick Stock,
will arrive this morning, and rehear-
sals for the initial performance with
Madame homer will be held this af-
ternoon. Several of the other artists
who are appearing at the concerts
have alrady arrived and the majority
will be here either this afternoon or
tomorrow morning.
Tickets for the various concerts are
being sold at the School of Music and
orders have been received by mail
and telegraph from many distant parts
of the country, while many of the
guests who are coming to Ann Arbor
to attend the festival have already ar-
The first performance will be given
tonight with Madame Homer as solo-
ist with the Chicago Symphony or-
chestra. Madame Homer will be ac-
companied in her encores by Donna
Esseltyn, '26, S. of M.
The second concert, to be given on
Thursday night, will be the Mendels-
sohn oratorio "Elijah", with Marie
Sundelius, soprano, Jeanne Laval,
contralto, Charles Stratton, tenor,
and Theodore Harrison, baritone and
head of the Voice department of the
School of Music. The oratrio will
be given with the Choral union in the
chorus numbers and with the Chicago
Symphony orchestra.
elf similar interest is 'fourth
concert whichwillbe featured by -
bert Spaulding, violinist, and the
Children's concert, as well as the ap-
pearance of Elizabeth Davies, '26, and
Ethel Hauser, '26, students of Guy
Maier of the School of Music In a
double piano number with the Chicago
Symphony orchestra.
Friday evening will have two at-
tractions in the shape of the world's
premier performance of "The Lament
for Beowulf" by Howard Hanson,
with Mr. Hanson as the guest con-
ductor of the Chicago Symphony or-
chestra and the Choral union as well
as Giovanni Martinelli, tenor of the
1 Metropolitan opera company. Charles
A. Sink, secretary and business man-
ager of the Festival has invited for
this concert the representative ath-
letes of the Michigan Interscholastic
Athletic Meet which will be in Ann
Arbor Friday to attend as the guests
of the School of Music.
The Saturday afternoon concert will
be given by Mischa Levitski, pianist,
with the orchestra, and the evening
concert will be the opera "Lohen-
grin" by Wagner, to be sung in Eng-
lish. The soloists for "Lohengrin"
are Florence Austral, soprano, Augus-
ta Lenska, contralto, Richard Crooks,
tenor, James Wolfe, bass, Riccardo
Bonelli, baritone and Barre Hill
1 baritone. The chorus work will be by
I the Choral union, and the Chicago
Symphony orchestra will be directed
for the evening by Earl V Moore,
[Musical Director of the School of

Painted Demons Will Sing Tonight
Seize Captives )tHayFetia
By Mighty Oak-
SI -irrr'iui" TflhiIflhIT


Slosson Discusses League Of
Nations At Goodwill Program


1 D10 0, some ng
ndeavors to avoid With the disagreement of the mem- I In answering c&aims of opponents
e is most regretful. s the admission of Germany to of the League of Nations that the
eadership from hi hespring,"the League of larger powers cannot be forced to re-
expected, and it is the League this frain from war, it was stated that the
t that he has no po- Nations which has been dead so often League furnishes an opportunity for
program prepared. has been killed again," stated Prof. the focussing of all the non-belligerent
Preston W. Slosson of the history de- powers on Geneva, making their com-
in bought 1,000,000 partment at the celebration of World (bined forces large enough to compel
from Australia in [Goodwill day, observed yesterday in the warring nations to peacable ne-
3,500,000 more bu- Natural Science auditorium under the gotiation.
purchased there in i auspices of the Student Christian as- The importance of Germany's en-
est time. sociation and the Tolstoy league. He trance into the League was empha-
added, however, that the League sized by Professor Slosson who claim-
would be resurrected once more as ed that Germany is otherwise to be
ttherm1an soon as a settlement is reached by 1 feared, for she still holds a grudge
which Germany may be admitted. lagainst the European nations aligned
/ Professor Slosson stressed the fact against her during the late war, and
// nr A: ~fa T.Pgmip wqon o n oqean- 1 ahou she is weak in militarv

f) I

(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, May 18.-Ross Kirk-
patrick, 30 year old aviator of the
freighter "Maiden Dearborn," of the
Ford Motor company air service, was
killed at Summit, on the southern
city limits during a storm this even-
ing which caused a forced landing.
His plane on landing struck soft
ground, causing it to nose into the
earth. Damage estimated from $100,-
000 to $200,000 was caused by the
storm which extended east from Sum-
mit to Harvey, where more than 300
homes were wrecked.
First Place Given
Krasne In Detroit
4 Oratory Contest

Seniors Will Hold I
Last Sing Tonight
Seniors of all colleges of the Uni-
versity will gather at 7:15 o'clock to-
night on the steps of the Lib~rary to
take part in the second and final!,
I Senior Sing of the year in conjunction

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