.;rye TUESDAYt .~A 18, 1926 ED' AIO0 NINE" LOSES TO FRESHMEN Yrearinags Overco~ne Two Ban Lead it Seventh Inning To Win By 54 Score REICHMIAN HITS 1.000 Three hits in the final inning, coup- led with two stolen bases,' and an error, enabled the freshman baseball ,team to defeat the physical education nine by a 5-4 score, in a seven inning game yesterday at Ferry field. Going into the last inning, the yearlings, first at bat, were trailing 4-2, but a three run tally turned the tide andl the opponents were helpless in their half of "the final fraine. In the deciding inning, Truskowski, who had replaced Reichman behind the b~at, singled over second base. Duckmnan, pinch hitting for Gilmartin, was out at first base, but Truskowski advanced to third. Campbell, hatting for Wagner, hit an easy ball to the pitcher and Truskowski was held at third while Campbell was being thrown out. O'Donnel singled to cen- ter scoring Truskowski, and then stole second. McCoy hit an easy grounder to. Weintraub who threw to first in time to put him out, "but Squier dropped the ball and O'Donnel scored. McCoy stole second and then scored easily on Morse's triple to left center. Nebung made, the third out. Coach Mather's team got off to a fast start in their half of the second, scoring two runs on a walk by Morse, an error by Weintraub, and Reich- man's long double to center. The physical education team came back in their half, driving one run across the plate when Langton was hit by a :pitched ball, Johnson walked, and After a wild _pitch had advanced the men to second andl third, Gilmartin let an easy roller from Stephen's bat slip through him, scoring Langton. Neither team scored in the third inning but the education team stepped out in the last of the fourth, to score three runs. Gilmartin. started the big inning by giving Squier one of the seven walks which he issued in his six innings on the mound. Langton also went to first on four balls, and Gil- martii's poor throw to second on a grounder by Johnson scored one run and IUt men on second and third. Rose dot a clean hit to right, aend b~oth men scored when Gilmartin intercept- ed the throw home. There was no more ,Scoring until the fatal seventh. Only two hits were garnered off 1 Gilmartin in the six innings that he pitchedl, but seven passes, two errors, s and a~'wild pitch kept him in constant trouble. Dahl who took up the pitch- ing burden in the last inning had little trouble in holding the losers down.' Th'e~freshman team got a bad break In the Yfourth. After Robbins had been hit byi a pitched ball, Reichman hit his second double of the day, but Robbins failed to touch third on his way home, and was called out. Rowe, who pitched for the losing team wCas touched for seven hits, three going for extra bases. Morse's triple was the longest hit of the clay, while Reichian had two doubles in his two, TI IE MICI-IGAN DAILY PACE LrV'Mfl LOS ANGELES.- L. S. Guischard,{ '27, star pitcher of the Univeity 91 Southern California baseball: team, was elected captain of the Trojan diamond men recently. Guischard is l a student at the University of South-! ern California dental school. - LUNDON---For the first. time ins history of -the River. Thames an. ml national boat race will" take place t year for the Duke of York's inter tional gold trophy. The coursei be. over the Putuey to Mortb stretch, and- six laps will-be cover the ter- this na- I i 4 Cr1 t 34aittff LOST LOST-A Delta Chi lain on State Streetf FOR SALE E+Oof SALE:--Small aby Grand, al- i ~ «. ....... i M n. fational Institution -3rom Coast to Coast'] p ,. 5 Brnwin~i~KJ~ & a lake 'I!f you are a telep~hone subscriber call Jimmie he .td Taker, Dial 2j214, and your want ad red. vill he charged. The- M i,"hig'an IDaily rterves the right to Ja~ssifv all want ads under appropriate headl * nias andi to revise or withhold obijectionabie j oPy. 'this column clroses at 3 P. M. date preced- rW p'ilication., Notice of any error must be riven in time for the seco'nd isertion. CASH RATES - Ten e-nts per reading line rcn the basis of ive average words to the line) for one or twOW I insertions. Nine cents pe~r reading line for three or more 1'isert Is C (ash OR,.4sifieds received at the TDaily office Iin The Press Building on Maynard Street. Special standardized rates given on applica- inCNnATRAE between Hill andl Campus, or at the mnost new, owner leaving, inst sell" 1I. C. Station. Finder please return at reasonable price. P"hone 5572. to D. P. Ginn, Dial 4418, and re- 70-71-72.' ceive reward. 70-71-72. O A-4-Oina ~g gd;t L-CST --Fountain Pen, Initials R. W. jewel pattern. 11 ft. by 4 1-2. Very, C. Call Curtis, 1003 E. Huron. Dial iao9277, 2177.0n7i-7St.li FOR SALE--Two May l-estis al o'oturi' LOST-L~ongi green leather pturse in' tickets. First row centier se('l :ii Science Aud(it orium or on caniPus at ;2nd ba lcony. Dial 133711. 0.t .... ... 1.1 last; Thursday, Reward. I)ial 21009 or ('all at :328 I,. Williams. 70-71-72. F'OR SALE 11 Knickers Linen or Wool Also Complete Golf Hose Stock LOTFOIL S l F I 92> Ford ('oupe A-i' LASTcondition, first reasonable offeri1 LOST-althm, hntin cas, god ; akes it. Call "Bill" 8065 after 7? LOT-athm hnin asged70-7 1-72. watch with UT. M. Fob, near cornet of )Il Thompson and Williams. Phone FOR SALE-Two May Festival ticketq 1 16961. Ed. Peterman. (entire course) main floor. In- iquire Fred Heusel, Phone 7913. LOST-Senior cane (Medical). Box! 70., 91. 70.- _________ ___ FOR SAL]E--One season May Festival LOST-Aqua marine ring, white gold! ticket, best section, main floor, setting. Call 8065. 70-71. p~rice $7.00. Phone 9562. 70. LsOST-Aquamarine ring, lost near; FOR SALE~--Two tickets for Elijah, Fngineer Building, near ChurchI Thursday night, fourth row, first Sreet. Reward. Dial 8065). 70-71I balcony. $1.25 a piece. Call 4724, after 3 p. m. 70.1 LOT--Pair of tortoise shell-rimmed glases.Finder call 21283. Reward. ! FOR SALE--Ford touring in good con- 70-71-72. (ldition, starter and ; demountable 'rims. Will sacrifice if sold at once. LOST Friday, Green Fountain pen. Dial 4418 or' call at 733 S. State Agnewv, 8871. 70. and] ask for Gawne. 70-71-72. 1 , r , I"()1l Al~-hepI~~s Ifolliner l ickets, 2nd Balcony. Dial 5358. 6;8-0;9-70. Let The Daily sell it for you turnr the Classified coluimns-.Adv.! 4s'r--shell-rine d glatsses with case, between Mlartha Cook: and .An-; gell hlall, Monday morning, May 10. Finder please return to I\'artha. Cook office and receive reward. 68-69-70. FOlt SALE--Old Town canoe, -excel-I lent condition, cheap. Box 87. 68-69. m y t 'riiewf..i'.. :.. .,..w; ) t. An extra pa)ir of p)ants doubles the tif' of' \(i r "suit, we imatclh any dclth. *(.WI LI), 1W) LW itiaio WATH!IIIEIA IlllfSERYlCE Not how c ital) blt flow Good at a Reason a Ide Price. The W~atch Shop Y4W aird A. Clarlc, 1 121 S. t sivertily i tf. ''YIN C WVA NTED 'I)- tib' s,,gFth l1;papersM, ntes, Iot'., o tI(il, 8(5 urnite- lyIvand th 1tomily typed. ('all "Mrs." Lingelhardt. I iail '7:. i 'Iues, 'T'hongr, Sat., trF. j('ALL V' W1Y paiy test I ric'Qs for mon and wont- ent's used(,41cot ioe---- . .W. 1l'1,EN SO, 1)2IPdlrod St. Dial 014015. If. IF YOU WANT i EAT. Cleaning andl pros; ing :service at reasonable lt'iees Mial 7s 11 CHIEER iUP A IIV;. 28 .So. Main j tf. u i GASOLINE IS BETTER FOR SALE--I-louse, 22 rooms, goodl condlition, coi'ner lot. North State jStreet, four blocks froim canpus, oil burner, steam heat, laundry out- -fit, 1-2 ton ice box. Can be used as a fratednity or rooming house. See owner. P. 0. Box 208. ~61-62-6>3-G4-65-66-67- l8- 69 FOR SAIL-Will sell C melody saxo- phone or trade for an alto saxo- phone. Call 792u. 69-70-71 FOR SALT,-At Whitmnore Lake, Cot- tage, $1,200 cash. Dial 4770 in dy (a-tinie or 22420 evenings and Sunday. Mr. Slainder. 69. FOR SA LE--2 Fine double damiask: sets of t able linien, and some towels, fall hemnmed., Box 85. 67-65-69 NOTICE NOTICE---IHats cleaned, shoes repair- ed. Absolutely the most satisfae- tory work in, town. Pay us a visit. Watshilgtoi Shop). 10)6 E.11ashingtoui Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf. VICTOR Record "Say it Again,", "Lets Talk About My Sweetie" by Russo Oriole Orchestra, at Schaeberle and Son, Music' House. tf. DON'T miss having Victor Record "Billy Boy" by Frank Crumit, at- ISchaeberle and Son Music House. tf. TI-I hit of the season on Victor lec- Look over my line of samples for SPRCING SUILTS 2 paitt suits maide to masure, $37.i4) T'.1.Lyons, 51" . 11 ilAums tf Puy your fountain pen ink at isder's Pell Sliol, atnd you will get RE A I1, ink, fresh irk, Ink that fixers itself~ in the paper and woin't fadie or entirely dis- appear after it has s,,t when moisture is a ppli ed. Inn lisulmbs urtes are dang- eroois andl spoil your pens. Pellalid Ink cspeeiali'i :11., S. State WARD)ROBE TAILORS11 Suits to order, $23.50 an ti p Suits cleaaned an~d l)i'esedl, $1.00 pressed 35e Delivery sotrvice Phone 3242 Zoo) l<..Huron St. NEW VICTOR RECORD1l[ "Poor P'apa"-Jtack Smith "Don't Be a Fool, You Fool" at Scfiiaeberle and Sozi Musle House t g.. I 'Broadcloth. Shirts ii- at $2.45 Three for [$7.00 Our= Golf flls are sold at Cos--50c. l I I Genuine STAROLINE Gasoline is sold only out of blue pumps with white stars. THEABBTT i G A SOL IN E con- 11 3 19 S 'OUTH MAIN ST. Opposite Wuerth Theatre. LMMONOMWAMMOM -m.. i r IF I I m a ;;z;;q I COLLEGIATE ti' ~ld1~..1../"111YJ~.Ywr«/l1Y~,~"~."'./. ./, GSI. 'IY~.r./.' ".%YJ1./". "JJ./1.+N1Y1~./.' f .. wirwi rsars wrar wtowara>.arar arar+. r ara +r awar a r times at bat. With college parties on famous "O",steamers of The Royal Mail Liney University Tours with College Credit: ORCA, June 19 ORDUNA, June 26 ORBITA, July 3 W rti.' o lusrtd &o4l THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKED' CO. 26 Broadway, New York Irving Warniohts DS (211H1{POIST ANDk ORTIIOPEDST 707 N. University Ave, Phone 11212 I ji -1 S :J ,I + : 3 ,. Y 1 'i 1 x I' Diplomas Symbolize Years of They, will be useful as well as symbolic. Have "them mounted and framed by, the tested "..drum, head" method!' No wrinkling or pull- ing from frames. Diplomas insured in our shop and sent insured to any address C. 0. D. EXCEMTONAL FRAMING*- Yorkq isp Store . ... , " .l c.._- r ...- \ q" 1r n. r = ' 1. $ £ ° "L , 4'" f ,, J') . min' .. I ( t/ ^ .,~y f .y ... "9 __ 'y' n t . ... %i^ "..:p." 5 __s. 1 t 1 r :.; OTHES SHOP DISTINCT'IVE CLOTHES FOR THE WELL DRESSED STUDENT jord,, played by Warings Pennsyl - vanians- "In My Gondola" !"ust a Cottage Small" at Scluaebeiie andl Soni Music Htouse. _______________tf. FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING When your pen ,fails: to work prop-, erly, remember that Rider's Pen Shop because of its complete equipment backed by real Pen Makers semrvice, is1 the logical place to have it corrected.! Every pen. we repair, regardless of " make, receives the same skillful at- tention and all work is guaranteed.1 No waiting to have it sent to the fac- tory or what is worse, chance of in- jury from inexperienced workman- shp Rider's Pen Shop Tues , Thur., Sun. tf. j TRY OUR Beauty Parlor. Rain Water!y Shampoo, face and scalp treatment. Special prices on all appointments. Trojanowski Beauty Par'lor, 1110 S. University, side entrance. Phone 6535. tu, th, sat.-tf. getti, and balloons.. Special ar- rangements for fraternities, sorori- ties and clubs. SB ROWYN'S BOOKSTORE, 210 S. ! Main.tf I A SPECIAL t TAILORED 'SUIT, $35.00 It. IV. MIL WARD 331? S. State, over Pratt & Dunn I _____ ____ Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf. j Modern Jury Trials IPublished by Jennings Co. of New York made of the Genius Eloquence of over ,100 great lawyers showing how cases are wone.% U. S. Justice Mathews says: "Ex- cellent made, highly entertaining and permanent value." Darrow says: "I have read your books with profit for 40 years." tf. COLLEGE Students who wish to be chosen for Wear Ever Lecturing and Selling this summer must secure assignments by Friday May 21. Act quickly if interested. See B. S. Haar this week, room 302, Michigan Union. NTIE 69-70-71-72 JOE PARKER'S CAFE Danmcing every night during supper from 6:30 to 8:00 Private parties our specialty. Tues, Thurs, S at., tf.I COLLEvE student for summer months; must be able to work with- tout supervision, loyal, conscientiousI and )ambitious. 'Generous salary.1 Write Dept. "G'., Park Avenue Bldg.,. Detroit, Mich. 69-70. A. NASH CO., Golden Rule Tailors Spring Suits and 'Topcoats $23.00 iStyle, Fabric, Tailoring Guaranteed Dial 6746 or 9736 tf.i WANTED) TO 'RENT WANTE) TO REI