-THE MICHICAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN, Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume vi SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1926 lumber 169 The President and Mrs. Little will be at home to the Regents, officers, and members of Faculties of the University at 815 South University Aenu, Monday, May 24, and Tuesday, May 25, from eight to eleven o'clock. It is suggested that those whose names begin with the letters A to L, inclusive, be present on Monday evening, and those with names beginning with the letters M to Z, on Tuesday evening. Henry Russel Lecture and Award: Professor Moses Gomberg, of the Department of Chemistry, will deliver the first annual Henry Russel Lecture in Natural Science Auditorium at 4:15 P. M. Monday, Mary 17. Announcement of the Henry Russel Award for the current year will also be made on this occasion. C. C. Little. University Lecture: Dr. Carl S. Miner, Director of the Miner Laboratories of Chicago, will lecture under the joint auspices of the University and the U. of M. Section of the American Chemical Society on Tuesday, May 18, at 4:15 P. M. in Room 1042 of the East Engineering Building. His subject will be "Furfural, the Story of Industrial Research." The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins. University Lecture: Professor Joel H. Hildebrand, of the University of California, will lecture on the subject "The Energetics of Chemical Combination" Wednes- day, May 19, at 4:15 P. M. in the Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins. University 8enate: ' The fourth regular meeting of the University Senate for the year 1925- 1926 will be held in Room C, Law Building, on Monday, May 17, at 8:00 P. M. Order of Business: 1. Annual Report of the Board in Control of Student Publications. 2. Memorial to Professor A. C. Klocksiem. 3. Election of Secretary. 4. General Discussion of the Term of Appointment of Associate Pro- fessors. John IV. Bradshaw, Secretary of the Senate. 'Ann Arbor Art Association: Paintings of forty-four American Artists selected from the annual exhi- bition of the Art Institute of Chicago are on exhibition in the West Gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall. The exhibit will be open week days 1:30 to 5:00, 'and Sundays 3:00 to 5:00; also the following mornings of Festival week:-- Wednesday and Friday 9:00 to 11:00, Thursday and Saturday 9:00 to 12:00. General admission twenty-five cents; free to members, students of Univer- sity, and children. Warren P. Lombard, Pres. May Festival Notices: Festival concerts will take place as follows: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:00 o'clock. Friday and Saturday afternoons at 2:30. Concerts will begin on time and the doors will be closed during num- bers. On Thursday and Saturday evenings late comers will be obliged to wait until after the close of the First Act of the performance. Holders of season tickets are respectfully requested to detach from their course tickets before leaving home and to present for admission only the coupon for each respective concert. Special motor busses will leave in front of the auditorium immediately after all evening concerts for Detroit, Jackson and intervening points. For the convenience of the public, a pay telephone booth is located in the main lobby. Librettos will be on sale at the music stores, during Festival week, and in the lobby preceding each concert. Charles A. Sink. Day Festival Rehearsals : Final rehearsals of the Choral Union in preparation for the May Fes- tival, at which each member is required to be present, will be held in hill Auditorium as follows: Sunday afternoon at 2:30 P. M. Monday evening at 7:00 P. M. Tuesday evening at 7:00 P. M. Wednesday afternoon (with orchestra) at 2:30 P. M. Thursday morning (with orchestra) at 10:00 A. M. Friday morning (with orchestra) at 10:00 A. M. Earl V. Moore. Choral Union Ushers: All Choral Union Ushers are requested to report promptly during the concerts for May Festival Week starting Wednesday evening, May 19th. The I following schedule may be followed as the time noted is when all ushers and ticket takers should be at their places of assignment: Wednesday, May 19th....................7: 30 P. M. Thursday, May 20th.....................7:30 P. M. Friday, May 21st ............2:00 P. M. and 7:30 P. M. Saturday, May 22nd ............2:00 P. M. and 7:30 1'. M. In case any usher cannot be present for the concerts please notify me not later than Tuesday evening. The following men are requested to see me before Tuesday, May 18th, as their attendance record shows many absences, should they desire to work during the Festival Week: Tickets-Cook, Richey. Main Floor-R. W. Brown, Holmes, Warren. First Balcony-Bugher, Chadwick, Gibbs, Naser, Price, Schoettley, Tiedke, Washburn, Lyons. Gallery-Cook, Cornell, Diehl, Faulks, Phillips. Extras-Brockett, Crittenden, Furlong, Lytte, Seaman, Valentine,, Walker, Huntley, Jacka, Heath. Watch this column for further notice during the coming week. AW. A. Davenport, Phone-7987 Assistant Superintendent Buildings and Grounds Department. Faculty Meeting of the School of Education: There will be a faculty meeting of the School of Education on Monday, May 17, at 4:15 P.. M. in Room 105, Tappan Hall. A full attendance is desired. A. S. Whitney. Teacher's CertificARtes: Blanks for the payment of the Teacher's Certificate fee may now be se- cured at the office of the School of Education. All students who expect to be recommended for the Teacher's Certificate in June must pay their fees and return their receipts to the Recorder, School of Education, on or before Friday, May 21st, at 4 P. M. Gretchen Krug, Recorder. Seniors-School of Edluication: All Diploma and Teacher's Certificate fees must have been paid and the receipts returned to the Recorder, School of Education, on or before Friday, May 21st, at 4 P. M., if candidates expect to be recommended for degrees in June. Blanks for this purpose should be secured at the office of the School of Education. Gretchen Krug, Recorder. M. E. 29:, Students of automotive and allied courses are invited to attend inspec- tion trip through Chrysler Motor factory Friday, May 21st. Sign list at my office, Room 101 Old Engineering Shops if you wish to go. Meet at En- gineering Arch at 7 A. M. W. E. Lay. l. E. 32.: All students in M. E. 32 will meet at the automotive laboratory at 7:30 A. M., Tuesday, May 18th, for the semi-annual road test. W. E. Lay. 3lusical Composition: Both sections of Music 106 will meet Tuesday, May 18, at 1:00 P. M. in Room 305, School of Music. There will be a rehearsal of the program of original compositions to be given by the class in the School of Music Audi- torium May 24. A. C. Haigh. Physics Colloquium: -The Physics Colloquium will meet at 4:15 P. M., Tuesday, May 18, in Room 1041, New Physics Building. Mr. N. C. Beese will speak on "The Spectroscopy of the Extreme Ultra-Violet. All interested are cordially in- vited to attend. W. F. Colby. Men's Educational Club: Remember the Barbecue at Professor Moehlman's, Wednesday, May 19. Bus leaves Tappan Hall at 4:05 for those who need transportation. Sign up at Tappan Hall before 4 P. M. Monday. Will receive dues from 1 to 3. Election of officers and a general good earnestly desired. SOUTHAMPTON. - The Leviathan sailed for New York yesterday with 383 passengers. Volunteers loadedI the baggage. MADRID.-Premier de Rivera has announced he is about to carry out a reform in bull fighting. If you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, arnd your want ad will be charged. The Michigan Daily reserves the right to Sclassify all want ads under appropriate head yigs and to revise or withhold objectionable copy. This column closes at 3 P. M. date preced- ing publication. Notice of ny error must be give in imefor the sec-ond insertion. gienintieCASH RATES Ten cents per reading line Ccn the basis of five average words to the line) for one or two insertions. Nine cents per reading line for three or more insertions. Cash classifieds received at the Daily office in The Press Building on Maynard Street. CONTR CT RATES Specialstandardized rates given on applica- LOST LOST-Waltham, hunting case, gold watch with U. M. Fob, near corner of! Thompson and Williams. Phone' 6961. Ed. Peterman, LOST-Fountain pen, initials R. W. C. Reward. Call Curtis, 6464. 69. LOST-Reward for return of plaid sport sweater left on tennis court No. 19, Ferry Feld, Tuesday, May 11' to J.-A. Sprowl, 802 Oakland Ave. Phone 21118. 68-69! LOST-Medium size black leather note book zoology and history notesr Dial 21069. 68-69. LOST-Long green leather purse either in Science Auditorium or on campus between 11 and 12 Thurs- day. Dial 21069. 68-69. (Continued on. Page Seven) time is planned. Your presence is Ralph Vau Hoesena, President. ......IW PW...: air FROSH NO LONGER Now that you have "graduated" from your "pot," lay In your supply of lichigan jewelry and pennants. P~hmone 4-44 I rvingWarmolits,D S G CHIROPODIST AND ORTHOPEDIST 707 N. University Ave. Phone 21212 P. _ _ Visitin~g.ad ORDER THEM NOW Plate and 100 Cards, $3.00 and up 100 Cards from your Plate, $1.75 W U NIVERSITY BOOK STOR E Read The Daily "Classified" Columns w Y ---------------- 1.S S, _._. t 'Ow'll he let the folks know that our strawberry short - cakes and sundaes are in -/ awww'.4 s l Long and Short of it is that for a My r S Great Demand A Miss at this establishment. Really, you know, something must be if you don't appreciate excellence of our cuisine. fact, the the In Well Balanced meal or for refreshments after the show you will find an efficient ________- I ~ m