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May 16, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-16

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SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1926



Published every .morning except Moniay
during the University year by the Boat in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled" to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
libed 'therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post.
master General.
Subsription by carrier. $.;0 by mail,
Offices Aala Arbor Press Building, May-
"srd Street.
Phones; Edit4rial, 4925; bssiness, ms:.
~TOR1 AL STk!f
pelephone g
Chalrman, Editorial Board....Norman R. Thai
News Editor............Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor..........Helen S. Ramsay
Sport's Editor.,,.............Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor.........William Walthour
Music and Drama........Robert B. Henderson
. * Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Thomas.V. Koykks W. Calvin Patterson
Asistant City Editors
Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito


Gertrude Bailey
Charles Behymer
Geoqre .Berneike
Wilian Breyer
Philip C. Brooks
Stratton; Buck
Carl Burger
Edgar Carter.
oseph Chamberliin
Carletbn Crampe.
Douglas Doubleday.
Eugene H. Gutekunst
James T. Herald
Russell, Hitt
Miles Kimball
Marion Kubik

Harriett Levy
Ellis Merry
Dorothy ,Morehouse
Margaret Parker
Archie Robinson
Simon Rosenbaum
Wilton Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtland Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendler
Henry Thurnan
David C. Vokes
Marion Wells
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter



editors of the Independent; James I
Oliver Curwood, '98-'00; Harry A.
Franck, '02, famous vagabond-writer;
Karl Edwin Harriman, '98, editor of
the Red Book and also of the Blue
Book; Avery Hapwood, '05, play-
wright; Clarence B. Kelland, '13-'15,
of the Saturday Evening Post; and
Albert L. Weeks, '10, editor of the.
Golfer, and former dramatic critic of
the Detroit News.
And one man stands out as the in-
spiration and guiding hand that sent
many of these Michigan men into the
writing field-Prof. F. N. Scott, '84,
'88 A.M., '89 Ph.D. To Professor
Scott, who, besides teaching them the
"laws of the paragraph" and other of
the tools of their profession, gave
them the necessary urge to enter the
field, the great majority of them are
ever-lastingly indebted. Professor
Scott will always be a bond between
the alumni and the University, but,.
for the student body, the knowledge
of what Michigan graduates are do-
ing in the world of letters or the other
fields of endeavor is limited. The
University must not lose contact with
its alumni, for the inspiration of their
success should be ever before the
present undergraduates.
Although their efforts are occasion-
ally scorned by a few witless college
freshmen, the work of the boy and
girl scouts, especially in saving hu-
man life, merits in the minds of most
everyone the highest praise. That
the teaching and time put into the
work by the scout leaders has not
been in vain is tangibly shown in the
recent annual recognition of the
heroism of their members.
Highest honors were awarded to
four boys and sixteen girls by officers
of the two national orders for the
saving of life during the past year,
for beingdtrained to act and to know
what to do in time of need. Reports
of eye witnesses were the basis of the
awards, and in each case the honored
scout had saved the life of one or
more, persons only at great risk and
manifestation of selfabnegation, cour-
age, and endurance. Of the sixteen
girls receiving citations, several were
between the ages of ten and twelve
years, and the boys were but slightly
older. Although the awards are of
but slight intrinsic worth, they signify
the highest recognition that can be
One cannot help but find encourage-
ment in such unselfish and courageous
acts. And the promising thing about
the whole matter is that every year
there are an increasing number of
suchcitations made by different or-
ganizations, suchas the Carnegiefor
similar heroic deeds. The work of
the boy and girl scouts in this field
has been of the highest order and
value to the nation in the furtherance
of high ideals. The shallow judgment
of the occasional college freshpa
on the worth of the institutions of his
boyhood is, as usual, wrong.
A Chicago man was clubbed and
robbed of $950 in Berlin. Making
him feel at home.

Telephone 31314
a' 33Y' N. W. 'PARKER
Advertising .............. sh J. Finn
Ad' e~isi'.......Rudoliph Bo telman
Advertising. ........Wm. L. Mullin
Advertising... ..,Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr.
Circulation...............James R. DePuy
Publication..............Frank R. Dentz, Jr.
Accounts....................Paul W. Arnold
George H. Annable, Jr. Frank Mosher
W. "dn Iauer F. A. Norquist
John H. Bobrink Loleta G. Parker
Stanley S. Coddington David Perrot
W. J. Cox Robert Prentiss
Marion A. Daniel Wm. C. Punch
Mary Flinterman Nance, Solomon
Stan Gilbert Thomas Sunderland
T. Kenneth Haven Wm. J. Weinman
hlarold Holmes Margaret Smith
O'-car A. Jose Sidney Wilson



SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1926

By Hitten Runn
Crashing to a tremendous conclu-
sion that brought the stands to their
feet with a mighty sigh, the Reds
fought the Blues to a standstill yes-
terday afternoon on Ferry field. The
score was 3-0 but that doesn't por-
tray the great issues involved, or the
effect on the international situation.
This was absolutely the best game
that this writer has seen on Ferry
field. He had a seat on the 50-yard
line. Incidentally, the writer has
solved the question that is bothering i
the Athletic association night and day.
If this plan is followed out everyone
will have a seat around the 50-yard
line. In fact everyone could have
one exactly on the line. All they have
to do is to hold the games in the
The boys in the refreshment stand
got the idea it was' going to be a base-
ball game, and sent the kids out with
Onetof the Blues-let' us call him
Zzee, for as they say in the Post,
that isn't his real name-stood out
from the rest of the players, and
missed three passes in a row. But it .
wasn't so bad. At the time the writer
was watching the boys run up and
fall down the sheet-metal covering
on the North stand.
One of the prettiest sights of the
game, was when the Maize and Blue
came proudly marching down the
field. They were two girls dressed up
in the season's most popular colors.
One of the, boys in the press stand
came to about half way through the
game, saying that he just remembered
that touchdowns had something to do
with the science of the game. Your
correspondent can't imagine what re-
minded him.
It was quite a reunion last night]
at the Union, when fathers sat down
to dinner with their sons. Everyone
enjoyed talking over old times, and
many were the memories of the last
time the fathers had eaten a meal
with their sons.
"What a Son Expects His Father to
Accomplish at the Office" was the title
of one interesting talk. The speaker
brought out the fact that, after all,
fathers are at the office to work; they
are there to prepare themselves for
the end of the month."
"Fathers," he said, "you must see
the purpose in your life! You must
follow through to the goal. Ever look
forward to the time when you leave
the office and make your way alone in
the long and weary days of retire-
"Make the most of your days here,
so that when you leave the office you
can say with all assurance, 'I worked
hard and faithfully.
Urging that fathers think less of
the golf course and more of the office,
the speaker continued, "The younger
generation will tolerate you in this
sphere only as long as you give every-
thing you have to the business at hand.
In conclusion, the speaker stressed
the point that the social side of the
office must not be overdone, and that
"although a certain amount of good
times can be tolerated without injur-
ing the efficiency of the office, still,
work is supposed to be work, and

should not become a secondary mat-f
* * *
It seems that some co-ed went into
one .ofthe stores in the Arcade, andj
came out too quick. Well, the inevit-
able happened and the awning was in
flame in no time.
The Ann Arbor fire department was
right on the dot, as was the Daily
staff, the latter beating the hook and
ladder men there by several minutes.
The conflagration swept the awning.
For a time it was thought that the
entire awning would be burnt to the
ground, but luckily it was eight feet
overhead, and the only damage was
the complete destruction of the afore-
mentioned canvas.
* * *
A good cause for a lynching party
is meeting in town this week-end.
The state dentists are holding a little
get-together here, and, it is supposed,
improving their technique.
Now, we can't say much personally
against that profession, as we have
a date with one of them in a few days,
but still something ought to be done
about it. If there is anyone in the
audience that has had all his teeth
pulled and would like to have the
floor for a few remarks, kindly come

Throughout the school year, leader'
of the faiipus women have been at
the Student Council for the suffrage
in campus elections. They have ob-
jected to the name of the Council, in-
sisting that either the women be al-
lowed to vote on its memoership, orl
that the name be changed to the
"Men's" Student Council.
The Council has answered the
Women's complaint by stating flatly
that the feminine interest in campus
elections has been small-, is small,
and always will be small.
Apparently the Council, in this mat-
ter, has exhibited more judgment than
even the most optimistic persons an-
ticipated. On the recent election, the
total vote of 2,374 included the bal-
lots of only 132 women. In other fig-
ures, the women's participation was
five and five-tenths per cent.
The women can claim that their,
vote was small because they are not
lzow permitted a voice in the im-I
portant offices on the ballot, but thatl
argument should not be considered
for one moment. If the women werel
really interested in'gaining suffrage-
and publicity and ,agitation have not!
been ;lacking' to arouse such an in-
terest-then regardless of. the. im-
portance 'of . their individual ballots,
they 'should"have amassed a respect-
able total as an indication of whatI
they would and could do.
The women's vote cannot be called
insignificant, for it was not that. It
was very,. very small, but very, very
The University should claim its
own. Its graduates become famous,
and yet, even in the minds of its own
undergraduates, they are not recog-
nized as Michiganders. Although the
graduates may take great interest in
the affairs of the University and keep
up the contact in alumni circles, yet,
when ft comes to the public bond be-
tween' the school and the individual
graduates, it is only the exceptional'
case that is noticed.
Thus it is surprising to many stu-
dents to find that several of the
best known of present day writers
are graduates of Michigan, and the
men that they have known as literary
celebrities, now become "one of the
family." In an article in the "Alum-
nus," Waldo M. Abbot, instructor in
the rhetoric denartment. resents a

Due to the popular success of cam-
pus productions during the year, offi-
cial permission has been granted the
Alumnae Council to present The Play-
ers of the University of Michigan in
a six-weeks' season of comedies and
farces on the scheduled program of
entertainments of the Summer Ses-
sion. A new play will be given each
week, opening June 22, on Tuesday
and Thursday evenings in Sarah
Caswell Angell hall, and the proceeds
from the productions will be donated
to the .Women's League building.
* *
Sarah Caswell Angell hall has been
selected in preference to the Mimes
theatre on account of the latter's ex-
cessive heat during the summer
months. Sarah Caswell Angell hall,
on the contrary, protected by a high
intermediate roof, is among the cool-
est and best ventilated auditoriums
in the city. The theatre will be re-
decorated, with a green velvet drop-
curtain, the proscenium is to be
banked with palms and flowers, and
new seats are to be installed, the
final rows being elevated.
It is also the plan to present each
production in the Pease auditorium,
Ypsilanti, on Monday evenings under
the auspices of the University of
Michigan Alumnae of Ypsilanti. Paul
Stephenson, the director for the past
two seasons of the Ypsilanti Players,
will be the consulting director of the
company, and Frederic MacPherson,
carpenter for the Mimes and Whitney
theatres, will be the stage manager.
Themembers of The Players will
incld Amy Loomis, Neal Nyland,
Robert Henderson, Lillian Bronson,
Camille Masline, Francis Horine,
Elizabeth Strauss, Richard Woellhaf
and William Bishop. Miss Loomis is
to be with the Rockford Players in
Rockford, Illinois, next season, of
which Robert Henderson has just ac-
cepted the position of director.
The season will open with a revival
of Bernard Shaw's "Great Catherine,"
which has already been presented in
Ann Arbor for ten capacity houses,
as well as for an additional ten per-
formances throughout the state dur-
ing the spring vacation. Amy Loomis,
Neal Nyland and Robert Henderson
will play their original roles of
Catherine, Edstaston and Potiom-
kin, respectively, the only material
changes in the cast being Miss Mas-
line as Varinka and Richard Woellhaf
as the ,Sergeant.
For the second week Rachel Croth-
ers' light comedy of American man-
ners, "Expressing Willie," will be pre-
sented. This satire was given with
great success by the Actor's theatre
recently in New York, and Miss
Loomis will appear in the role created
by Crystal Hearne of Minnie White-
comb. Other characters will include
Neal Nyland as Talliafero, Elizabeth
Strauss as Mrs. Smith, Francis Horine
as Francis 'Sylvester, and . Robert
Henderson as Willie.
A contrast will be the production
in the third week of W. S. Gilbert's
sentimental Victorian comedy, "Sweet-
hearts," to be preceded by John Gals-
worthy's short melodrama, "The Sun."
Camille Masline will play the Girl in
"The Sun" and Neal Nyland the Man,
while Amy Loomis and Robert Hen-
derson are cast as Jenny and Sir
Harry Spreadbrow in "Sweethearts."
For the fourth week A. A. Milne's
brilliant farce, "Belinda," played in
New York several seasons ago by
Ethel Barrymore, will be presented
with Francis Horine in the title-role.
Neal Nyland, William Bishop and

Richard Woellhaf-something of a
"discovery" through his extraordinary
work as Smitty in "S. S. Glencairn"-
will appear in the supporting cast,
and Amy Loomis will play Betty, the
Moliere's famous burlesque, "The
Doctor In Spite of Himself," ("Le
Medecin Malgre Lui"), will be given
in English for the fifth week, and will-
mark one of the most interesting pro-
ductions of the season. Robert Hen-
derson will be Saganaralle, a part
which he played ' last - summer in
Gloucester, Massachusetts, under the
direction of a pupil of Jacques Co-
peau of the Theatre du Vieux.Colom-
bier in Paris. The local performance,
therefore, will be presented in an un-
expurgated form and according to
the authentic traditions of the French
theater. The director will also have
the use of the personal prompt-book
of Jouvet, Copeau's greatest actor and
now director of the Champ-Elysee
theatre in Paris.
The final production will be Colin
Campbell Clements' new Roumanian
melodramn. "The T-Taiduc." fnronnne

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Get Acquainted with Michigan
The Michigan supplement of the Christian Science Monitor
of May 14 will contain facts on Michigan's great cities,
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etc. Get a copy-5c-at Student's Supply Store and flI
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Martin Haler



112 East Liberty



(The New York Herald-Tribune)
The sensible action of the Yale Cor-
poration in abolishing compulsory
chapel after this year need not be
taken as a display of the white feath-
er. It may look like a surrender in
view of the long crusade of the un-
dergraduates, ably led by the editors
of the Yale News, and supported of
late by a majority of the faculty. But
if the members of the corporation had
felt that the students had 'not a good
case, no doubt they would have held
on to the old custom with the bulldog
tenacity recognized as a typical trait
of Yale.
The appeal for relief from an out-
worn requirement was reasonable. In
every- small college, such as Yale was
once, it was an advantage of discipline
and routine to start the day punctual-
ly by bringing the whole student body
together at a stated place and stated
hour. Chapel exercises were the con-
venient means., This was long before
the day of elective courses and varied
schedules. What was formerly a use-
ful expedient for collecting the little
family at the outset of the day lost
its value when the college grew to a
great size. Mere numbers make com-
pulsory chapel impractical and in the
government of the modern university
it is not essential as a spur to punctu-
The oldest living alumnus probably,
cannot remember that his classmates
accepted daily chapel in a religious
mood. Nobody maintains that the cur-
rent undergraduates do so. The Yale
News has said, "We have a body of
men who go to chapel under protest
to sleen. read. or mainly to sit while

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Dial 21413

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Sea Grass, you'll find here too!





Sunday is bound to be
a delightful day when
dinner is chosen from
the Arcade's tempting
array of finest foods!

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