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May 15, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-15

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SATURDAY, M Y- 5, 192$



Published every morning except MonAay
during the University year by the Bnow in
Control of Student PubIications.I
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en.
titled to the use for republication of allnews
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise !
Credited in this paper and the local news pub-
libed therein.t
Entered at the postaffiice at Ann Arbor.
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postae granted by Third Assistant Post-
master Gneral.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ana Arbor Press Building, May-
lard Street.'
Phones: Editoris. 4 sIjmi ess, rsr4.
elephone 4928
Chairman, Editorial Board....Norma- R. Thal
News Editor..........Manning Housewortb
Women's Editor...... .Helen S. Ramsay
Sport's Editor....*.... Joseph Kruger7
Telegraph Editor.........Wiliam Walthourj
Music and Drama........Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall
Thomas V. Xoykki W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
Irwin. Olian Frederick H. Shiflito

Gertrude Bailey
Charles Bebymer
George Berneike
William Breyer'
Philip C. Brooki
Stratton Buck
Carl Burger
Edgar Carter
Joseph Chamberlain
Carleton Champe
Douglas Doubleday
Eugene H. Gutekunst
Jams T. Herald
Miles Kimball
Marion Kubik

Harriett Levy
Ellis Merry
Dorothy MorehouMA
Margaret Parker
Archie Robinson
Simon Rosenbaum
Wilton Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtland Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendler"
Henry Thurnan
D~avid C. V'okes
Marion Wells
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter

The regrettable tendency is for the
individual to hazard his future in-
come upon some nebulous plan of
"easy payments." Salaried workers
are encouraged to spend more than
they actually earn and often at highI
rates of interest. Figures show that,
in the purchasing of small automo-
biles, buyers often mortgage their!
household furnishings to make the
down payment at an interest of ten
or twelve per cent; then, after mal-1
ing the initial deposit, they must pay
interest on the mortgage for the re-
mainder at an equally high rate. It
can be easily seen that buyers suffer,
a loss of twenty percent on their
capital by deferred payments. And
figures show that seventy-five to
ninety-five per cent of all automobiles,!
pianos, radios, and household articles
are sold on time.
What is true or individuals is moree
true of our cities and counties that
build roads which last for four years,
and pay for them over a period of
forty. Ten years ago, the average
family debt for the country was $250.
Today it is $1,500. The public debt
in the United States has increased
from a comparatively small amount
ten years ago to an aggregate of $30,-
750,000,000 today. Our municipal cor-
porations are inviting the collectors!
to make weekly calls at their civic#
back doors. With the prospect of?
sudden and widespread unemploy-
ment, natural catastrophes, depres-1
sion, and the like, how can a com-!
munity get back on its feet with suchj
an economic burden?
Credit has been extended so far that
merchants themselves are beginning
to worry. Consequently, a nation-
wide fund of $1,500,000 is being raised,
to protect retailers from dishonest
debtors. The money is, of course,
raised by increasing costs of merchan-
dise,-the consumer pays, and the
vicious economic circle is complete.
They are trying to find an antidote
for their own medicine, comments one
observer. It takes serious losses to
make credit men realize that fre-
quently they have only a paper profit
for their trouble.
People will always take advantage
of easy credit, but it remains for the
creditors to collect. When a man
may go down town with two dollars
in his pocket and walk off with a
fifty dollar suit under his arm on a
hazy promise to pay, someone con-
cerned in the bargain has left his
common sense at home.

Our entire detective force, in charge
of General Johnny 0. T. Spot, is now
working on the mystery of the CapI
Night fire that wasn't a Cap NightJ
fire. H- will investigate thoroughly
the incident of Thursday night, whe n
the materials. prepared for the big!
f re somehow became heated at the
delay, and burst out in a flash of red
anger . General Spott said last night
in a signed statement to the press:
"I have a clue, which I cannot give
out at present. However, I promise
that my whole energy will be put into
the task, and that I will neither eat
nor well, anyway, I will not eat un-
til I find the frosh that couldn't wait!
even one more day to get into the
sophomore class. I do not take any
stock in the rumor that the B. and G.
boys were just getting even with the
students for that mess of old fruit
and eggs that they had to clean up
over at the Law arch."
00 *s

TONIGHT: The Senior Class pre- j
sents Laurence Houseman's "The
Chinese Lantern" in Pattengill audi-
torium at 8:15 o'clock.
TONIGHT: the Junior class of the
University high school present "Two
Crooks and a Lady" and "Travellers"
in the High School auditorium at 8:15
Vincent Wall, Gentleman, has been
appointed Music and Drama editor for
next year (god help him!); his style
is nearly perfect. Yet there arej
lipoids gallopingnthrough grandma 1
still, and the final check is not due
until June. Youth and the Saner Or-
der are knocking at the gate, but the
master builder intends to strut and
fret until the last scene. Ah, my pub-
lic, my public, there must always be a
dramatic exit .. R. B. H.
The Junior class of the University
high school will present two plays,
"Two Crooks and a Lady" by Eugene
Pillot and a mystery play "Travel-
lers" by Booth Tarkington in the
University High School auditorium at
'~c- ~r,,-

I RS is time no

Cards for


We ind Lending library
c The latest V ooks for Rent:
"CHIMES" by Robert Herrick
MANNS c !tIi
For Your Inspection-
A wonderful line of Yeddo Straws
and Panamas at prices that are
Panamas and Straws
Cleaned and Blocked with
all new trimmings.

ltillill;" - - - - - -- - -

Always a Good Meal at
Special Chicken Dinner
Every Sunday
Variety of foods to satisfy all appetites.
Salads for warm weather.

6 ..

CLICK!--A campus politician
valiently smoking up cigars.

s on Fine Engraving. It
w to order your calling


Tables for Ladies

Private Party Rooms



Telephone 21214
Advertising............---Joseph J. Finn
Advertising............Rudol h B ittlman
Advertising.................Wm. L. Mullin
Advertising ......... Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr.
Circulation......... ...James R. DePuy
Publication.............rank R. Dentz, Jr.
Accounts...................Paul W. Arnold
George H. Annable, Jr. Frank Mosher
W. Carl Bauer F., A. Norquist f
John H. Bobrink Loleta G. Parker
Stanley S. Coddington David Perrot
W. J. Cox Robert Prentiss
Marion: A. PDniel Wm. C. Pusch
Ma ry Flinteran '~Nanlce Solomon
Saarn Gilbert Thomas Sunderland
T. Kenneth Have Wm. J. Weinman
harold Holmes Margaret Smith
Oscar A. Jose Sidney Wilson
SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1926
Night Editor-LEONARD C. HALL
"I have rcognized that those
connected with the Spanish War

* * *
This is something we will never get;
a chance to do again, as long as we
have a conscience, but today we can
heartily urge you to buy a copy of the
Times News. Not that you should
necessarily read the sheet, but buy
it from a Kiwanis club member, as-
that club is raising money in this way
for the recreational department of the
University hospital.
Goodbye, farewell, thou faithful pot,
That on my head hast lain.
Tis near the end, Cap Night has come,
Now we must part with pain.
Thou squeal'st not when I stepped on
Or ground thee in the dirt.
And when my foot would fain kick
Thou sailed and fell unhurt.
Inside and out thou hast been worn,
But ne'er to aidl one's sight.
Green paint upon thee has been spilt,
And rain has shrunk thee tight..



have always held a position of THE SETTLEMENT IN BRITAIN
inequality, so far as GovernmentI
bounty is concerned, compared (The Boston Transcript),
with those connected with other In spite of the official statement
wars. It cannot be denied that that the termination of the British
they are entitled to be placed on strike is unconditional, the means by
a higher rate of pensions than which the general strike have been
they are now receiving, if others brought to a close cannot be regarded
are entitled to what the Govern- = as being other than those of compro-
ment is doing for them."-Presi- mise, if the cable reports of the na-
dent Coolidge on signing the bill ture of the understanding reached are
increasing pensions of veterans true. In the first place, as the result
of the Spanish War, Boxer Re- of a full conference between the mem-
bellion and the Philippine Insur- bers of the Government and the lead-
rection approximately $19,000,000 ers of the unions, the general st'ike
a year, but at the same time is called off. That complies with the
warning Congress that this was Government's ultimatum that nothing,
the last measure carrying a con- .1should be or could be conceded until
tinning appropriation he will sign 1 the general strike-not necessarily
at this session. I the coal miners' strike or any other
Iparticular strike-was called off. It
DAD'S DAY ends the revolutionary features of the
This week-end has been officially I situation, and to this extent it is a sur-
set aside as an occasion for observ- render on the part of the unions and
ing Fathers' Day. It is entirely ap- a triumph of law and order and the
propriate, therefore, that we extend i constitution.
to these visiting fathers a cordial But when the settlement comes
welcome to Ann Arbor, and do our down to the hard-pan of material ad-
utmost to entertain them while they 'vantage. it is apparent that the unions
are here. !are to get something out of the set-
I tlement. The crux of the difficulty
It is not so far back to the class of j that caused the miners' strike out. of
"naughty-naught" when Dad was in I which the general strike grew was the
college himself, living about as we discontinuance of the Government
live now-if you substitute certain
subsidy to the industry, which com-.
remarkable advancements of the jazz pelled a rearrangement of wages or
Age-apdenjq),ug te sme ichesshours on the part of the owners. The
and tradition of college experience discontinuance of the subsidy was the
that belongs to us for our own four drsulttofuan c ioe
shortyearsresult of a decision of the Govern-
sortpers.e rh nment. But now, we are informed by
Or perhaps he never had a chance the Associated Press, the subsidy is
to secure the benefits of the educa- to be resumed. The bargain reached
tion he. is giving you. At any rate, says it is to be resumed "temporarily,"
he will be glad to come to Ann Arbor but the step is accompanied by an
to see "what it's all about," and it is agreement to establish a board to re-
up to you to make him enjoy his stay. vise the miners' wages, "with the un-
Show him as much as you can, take derstanding that there shall be no re-
him to as many of the activities plan- vision without sufficient assurances
ned for the week-end as possible, and that the measures recommended for
give him a thoroughly enjoyable visit. reorganization of the mining industry
IHe -will appreciate it. by the Royal Coal Commission shall
-be put into effect." These recommen-
"UNEASY PAYMENTS" ( dations have already been made. They
In recent years, the credit business look to decided changes in the rela-1
of the United States has been growing tion between miners and owners. ;
by leaps and bounds. The installment Under this understanding the min-
system of buying has invaded fields ers have at least a chance to obtain'
never entered before. One can now important advantages. The element
purchase anything, useful or useless, of compromise decidedly thereforeI

Thy crown has turned from gray to!
That ne'er an artist could paint.
Thy peak is bent, twisted and torn,
They button was but ain't.
Now from my hand I fling thee far,
The red flames make thee hot.
Till thou to cinders are consumed,
Goodbye, thou damned old pot! 1
-Olaf the Small.
'0* *
Dear Timmie:
Let us congratulate you on your
monumental achievement and also
condole with you. I've written ROLLS
myself. We prophesy that within a
week you'll be calling for help.
You know the fact that we had the
column for a couple of days led to
the impression that we would be the{
next editor, God forbid. In fact, some
of the freshman have been congratu-
lating. us. Now that they are diabused
of the notion, let us give our reasons.'
First, as an unbiased critic of our
own work we are awarde of our great
limitations as a comedian. Second,
we weren't offered the job.
Thirdly, we, figuring that we'd
probably have to be Summer Daily
humorist, realized that eight weeks of
being funny (?) were enough. Of
course, that's not settled yet.
Finally, and most important, The
Daily is going to have to struggle
along without us pretty soon. The
unusual is happening-a lump rises
in our throat as we tell of it-we are
going to graduate. (Get the simple
pathos of it.) Column conductors will
shed tears, but to no avail. At the end
of summer school we will have to bid
ROLLS farewell.
* * 0
We see by the papers that John
Paul Jones has been elected to the
Hall of Fame as a "hero of the seas."
* * , .
The Sea Beast ought to get in next
-Timothy Hay.
difference, has invariably left the
strategic position of labor better than
it was before . The adoption of the
Royal Coal Commission's report is not#

18:15 ocock on Saturday and Monday I (No Acids Use
nights. The cast includes Janet HIGH CLASS WOR
Adams, Barbara Lorch, Robert Mac-
Kenzie, Stuart Davidson, Barbara
Sinker, Marion Finch, Eleanor Ray- FACTOUH
mond, and Guy Miller. 617 Packard Street.
A review, by Vincent Wall.
It was all a beautiful little fairy
story, white magic and all that sort P LE A S
of whamdoodle; and more, it was ex-
ceptional-in a way, and for a reason.
For instance, imagine if you will the®
Lawrence Housman fantasia done in
gin rickey time with all three of the
little maids from school in magenta
pajamas and looking like Madame M AK
Butterfly incarnate......
But it was exceptional . There was,I
to begin with, scarcely a hitch in the
works; the grouping was something
truly rare for an amateur production;
the lighting was quite gasping for ON T H
Pattengill auditorium, and Miss Simp-
son the director has created a silk
purse out of a sow's ear. The parts AL
themselves were as a rule well done,
in that breathy heady way of ama-
teurs, with a rush of lines, but with
here and there touches that showed
true grasp of the situation-another
lily for Miss Simpson. For instance
Blossom Bacon' as Mee Mee, the
Korean slave-girl was breathtaking
in that fluttering butterfly grace and
sticky talk of the native; and Vernon
Dick as Tikipu, the slavey-drudge
with his high love of the Art as taught
by the master, gave an interesting, if
conventional interpretation of the
The play itself was most flattering4
to the audience, for it was at once
of a type seldom attempted by ama-
teurs; and it assumed that the audi-
ence was composed of a minimum if
Imorons and would appreciate the of-
fering of a drama of an exceptional
if enigmatical character. It was a
delicate farce with a touch of satire
and poetry and comedy that might
have been missed-but wasn't. And
it was highly fortunate that the play
was in kind hands; for Lawrence'
Houseman vrote it with one eye on
the trade and the other on high coin-
edy, and much was left to the imagi-
nation . Still with unusual acumen,;
with superb lighting effects, and
costumes and properties that were Wool Camp an
Ishades of "Tickled To Death," the Ilih Du!
play walked off with the house.hLight oubl
* I *Barracks
A review, by W. Flummery.
Shaw, playing with Englishmen,
is superb. The Earl of Warwick, with
his "political necessities," is the same
aloof Briton that is today finessing the'
labor revolt of which the front pages'
now contain a plenitude. Who but
a Briton would describe a traitor as
one who sought not the best interests
of England? Who but a Briton would
correct a foreign clergyman in the
pronunciation of "prosecutor?" War- Fie
wick, in Saint Joan, is a part worth
seeking, and Lynn Pratt cooly takes
Sadvantage of his casting to carry off
the first honors.
Be that said with no diminution of
Miss Arthur's playing, for she shone
as Joan, with the further advantage
of being perfectly suited to the part.
In love with religion, in love with
war she was, and truly so. She ledJ
the charges with unstained sword, the Co
while trembling in mortal fear. Shaw's
Joan is heroic and pitiful, intensely
Then there was the fool Dauphin,
so homely that any one could dis-
tinguish him in a crowd, the fool who
was wise. Alfred Alexander could SUEDE
have underplayed or overplayed, in-I
Istead of being the perfect, fool. lieI
whimpered, begged to be left alone,
achieved the title "The Victorious"
and was still the poltroon.
The play, of course, merits the high-
est flung praise of those most gifted 1n1


SOS°. O~4

Phone 741.!



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