SATURDAY, MAY 1B, 1926 TT-4r Mtrutr' a XT T I TT V lb X f'T'!i1 +"t"!!Vft 113L,i Vj~t1.ri AI'f-j'! jJ Jl". R'AtBJ LX7l.AJM .,, r REVIEW ACTIVITIES OF DEBATE LEAGUE1 I I through the courtesy of the Detroi [Free Press. The probable question for debate next ,year, while not definitely decided on, will undoubtedly be "Resolved, That the United States government: should own the coal mines." Applica- I bions for mcmlbershinp in. the league far a, !i--" II PO QUALITY. b Vr 0 Rg% 11Ii Lawn Rollers ......... $13.50 and $1.6.00 '! Walnut Honor Plaques Sent 64 High M96-27 will be se Sehools Eligible For Flu a I of the state before Contests Of Series OVER .540 DEBATES HELD J ETROIT Summarizing the activities of thel. - ext to high schooi. flset.15. THEATR ES WEEK I I Get Acquainted with M~ichigan The Michigan supplement of the Christian Science Monitor of May 14 will contain facts on Michigan's great cities, mighty industries, wdnderful beauty, art, music education, etc. Get a copy-5c---at Student's Supply Store and all of Stofflet's news stands. Michigan High School Degating lea-. guO for 1825-26, G. E. Densmore, of the public speaking department, lea- gue manager, has sent out a final bul- letin to all high schools league mem- bers. According to an estimate made from the championship debate be- tween Kalamazoo Central and Hudson, held in Hill auditorium recently, more th an 2,500 people were present, and 63; delegates represented high schools fro'm all parts of the state. Registra-1 tion figures of tickets given to visiting representatives for the Michigan-11 Iowva basbalt game ran well over 1,- 200.{ A brief compilation of league stat- istics for the closing deb~ating season shows that in the league membership of 200 high schools, 500 debates were held, 1,000 debaters participated in these debates, and more than 100,000 people attended' themr. Walnut honor plaques for the 64 high schools eligible for the elimina- tion debate series, have been sent outt s t Niazhts - 2tc to $1.50 GARRIOI(Sat . 25c-75c THE GARRICK COMPANY ! W ith A n n H rd i ng - h alo P aite rs in A RI A The DONSTIELLE CO.C j Presents Wmn. Favershama as Guest Star to ""The Squaw Man" ( t1g oIt 15 Bonstalle _ryupsu and bat rSoc 750. Wood ward at Rliot Tel. Glendale 97 92 4 Lawn Sprays ... .40c, 50c, 75c, $1.'75, $3.50 Hose Reels .......$2.00,, $2.50 and $5.25 Garden Tools of All Kinds. 11 Lawn Seed -Clover Seed -Garden Seed w Sm If :, Jno. C. Fischer Hardware Co. S hubert LI l aayette ihs, tjat SMfgq aae ights i .t30 Pop.Thurs.Mat. Soc to $s, plus tax. Cad.87o5 THIS WEEK MATINEES TRURS.--SAT. Dtrtet Return Engagements 1 SU TPRINCE"9 World'. M*ost Charming Operetta Let The Daily sell it for you thru the Classified Colmuns.-Adv. 4'UALITY. At, 0 LAST TIMES sf' NO SHOWING 105l Fast Washington St. Phone 414 4' !JALI'FY. at''+ I U " ,.,I uE T. _.._.... Read The, Daily "Classified" Column$ i I . " l7r T r 1 ins a -Ji NOM A SHEARER, "One Han Tells Another" II II1 IN Anew and exclusive line of BRAEB URN I CLOTHE[S in*,this week. Patterns that of the most are exclusive. This is one popular lines of co llege clothes--for well dressed college men onl any campus SUITS $45 40 .35 - - - mNow $30.00 w w - 26.75 23.75 HATS Mallory's Special ide Shirts ADDED FEATURES ---- - ----------- - --- --------- 7 Y One of Those Famous Hlelen an4d Warren Comuedies "HOT SHEIKS," "FELIX THE CAT" LATEST NEWS -On. the Stage- BERNIE AND BERMIE GOLDMAN Popular WuX (Rced Apple Club) Presenting the Latest Popular S3ong Hits, Appearing Every Bundy Matinee and at Bioth Shows Every Evening except onI Tuesday and ]Friday. Hosiery Half Hose I STARTING TOMORROW 3 pairs $1 - - - for $2.05 A new line of, Ide's Golf Hose $5.00 4.00 Now $3.75 it 3.00 $2.20 Neckwear -- ,',' ; :; : ; . : T.fhce hfiefs Conventons in ter Sea rchfvr 'itrillsc". J Y ~ ELENOROU E EERIN *9 3.50 3.00FanlTosr 2.60 2.20 m i $7.40 C APUS $2.00 1.50 1.00 .. - Now $1.30 - .95 - .75 I ,, ... "with MAD GE BIAD4Y ILESLIE FENT'ON -DAVID TORRENCE GLORIA HO~E - CfAR EARRELL femioby & e~nrlns othtor' publiskd in kadPnnewspapers{ AL T SAFFELL & BUSH ?.he I M l WI U U. B U U II ol m i