THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 19t& THEF MICIGAN, DAIL Y 1 1'1 \ l I'l .) 1 . Y i'13 #mil s'! r ~s0AT3 SP.M. ADVERTISING PN E t F i i WAN ti E'l3) FOR RElNTN FORl SALE l 111 ill wINUI1I, KEng-Chllrcn n- i LIVERPOOL. - The Moew,. nted Y .--e !;rr 12 yeara of ag i "1hjve bon refused eancmreradrwiipea 1VATED--xpriencedl soprano to FOR R1LNT-To desiiable young; FOR SALE-Packard six touring, iecrission to takepatn ruloctaamaogaled echtfhtsn si1g il (LU~h f~at.(tte Dal 566couleor radatewoan tudntaigood shape, model 126, $50. 2665! cert here. The local educatinal au-' 1916 ad 1917, is abroad agin, but or call at 610 E. Liberty, Apt. 8. roorn in a refined home near campus 114 12tH S . 94-95-96. thor ities will permfit, children betwenflt>hen she arrived at baivernol from' 35-9G-97.! at unusual terms. Box 57- aly. - - '11 and 14 to perforal until 9:15 o- the West Indiesshe was carrying ban- \V NT -.Ia ,iid as , should R frn e. 516 .F R SALE-Portable Brunswick vi-! clack. ;a as instead of bombs. like to earlna good commis-ion so-(FORt RENT-One single room, 425 trola, practically new. Will sell it' liciing or~er.; f r e cyc opa dia Cro s S. D al 453 96 97- 8 I for $25. Phone 794 0, M iss Fulton , 8 5 . uron St. 95-9G 97. I Pril annica commiunicate with - -- rk., 915 1 bil. 9t; i-S. EFOR E'T--At c ut price, one single)SA- Two -- eas-or-e_ LOST i NOT1ICE LOST-WVest Point class pin, returnf TYPE WRITING & 31lMEO)C~tRAI'll.'( to M. F. Pettibone, b12 S. State St. !io~ty~n etydn y one Dil51I 9-59 . tent operators 'at moderate rates. LOST-Open face gold watch and goldj College work a specialty for s ,vui pin with name engraved& insie the teen years. watch, February 6th, p. mi. I1l6 rdj.( 0. D. MORRILL, Miss Edith Murray Wallace, 331 The 17pe ie sASadoeyStr Ann St, City,. Dial 7029. 94-95-96.Th Tyertr& taieyStr ____________________________________________ if. LOST- LLady's gold wrist watch, dur- WNE ing exam week. Rew~ard. Call 6595.ANR 94-95-96. WANTED- -Rooinmate d NOTICE I Medical student, Suite. IState. Dial 5767. lWe pay best prices for used nmen'sIr clothing.. Cell 8040. WANTED--Garage near Student Tailoring Shop, Monroe. Phone M-irk Cor. N. University and 'liayer. t F at 8741. desired by . ,.. ,15 N. 95-9 6-97 Haven anld Hirten stein 95-96-97. -A- 'roin .a tnrxee (dollars, one room for jti - --""u . w4 60 ! woa.$.0 ah n lrero maining Choral Union Concerts for . for t"wo0at $3.50 each. Steamn heat on}olrec. we evn ent o ht ad ol waer 'town. Phone 8127. <35-96-97 FOR RENT---ISingle room, 1012 Forest' cmnyo o adcl aeneart_________________________ cam pus., 337 Thxompson. 69-8 P'1one 5210. ;49.________ FOR SALE-Tuxedo; andl trousers, FOR RENT--One good quiet room for l sie<9,wr tw~'ice,$ ~ Call 1151 FORt JENTr--On,3 single room. Dial eihrld'rgntea tdn N. Hlamilton, Ypsi, or phone 265. 425. 'lose: 94-95-96. in private home. Only room rented. 96-99798., -- - Dial 5495. 94-95-96. tt antr FOR RENT-217i N. Ingalls. Coin- I__________________ IFOR SALE-Walnutttesnar fortable double large front rom FOR RENT-One block from campis ctadpavcumcererlly Suitable for couple' or students.' two double rooms, on second floor, er piano and cabinet of records.! Private family. Phone 9277. completely furnished,. with beds to f Call 7676 after 5:30. 96-97 94-95-96.j suit. Good and warm. Dial 3292 FOR SALE-Corona typewriter, like i or call 320 Thompson. 94-95,-96. FOR RZENT-Single room, steam heat,-- new, $23.00. Phone 6365. Mr. Geo. hot water at all times. 311 Thomp- FOR RENT-Clean, warm, single Le 'Bocutf. ' 96.1 sonl. 93-94-95. roomxs, in back of Union. \ 11Ceve or.Phn 03 tory, very resoveblCourt.6SPhoneSt7073_ FRRENT-TwSromiwthFOe two offics,stt Read the W~ant Ads' __________________Street section. Dial 4931. th-satt FOR RENT-A single room, renit very reasonable, 425 S. Division. D)ial Spring is not very far off and) you will soon be wanting a1:_ , lighter suit. Have it made ." now and you w ill be ready o th fi s w a m e t er We can fix you up with goods ANNIVERSARY WEEK at Elson Beauty Shop. Starting January 18. Shamipoo and Marcel, $1.50 with hi lemon rinse free. Marcel 75 cents. Elson Beauty Shop, ~321 S. 'Main, Phone 4404. tf. SCHAEBERLE & SON, 110 S. Main St. The "popular, place f~or all kinds of musical instruments.' It pays to trade, here, th., f., sat., tf. PEN REPAIRING Your fountain pen is a delicate in- strument. Let no tinker work on it. Riders Pen Shop has' the parts, ma- chinery and skill to do it right. It costs no more. Quick service. 315 S. State St. 95-96-97. TRY OUR Beauty Parlor. Rain Water Shampoo, face and scalp treatment. Special prices on all appointments. Trojanowski Beauty Parlor, 1110 S. University, side entrance. Phone 5535. tu, th, sat.-tf. APPAREL-HIGHEST PRICES PAID $v TO $15 FOR MEN'S SUITS" Call Us Before You Sell PHONE 4306 Student's Clothing Exchiang'e 95-96. NEW VICTOR Record releases every Friday. You'll always find the lat- est and best on Victor Records. Schaeberle & Sou, 110 S. Main St. tf. WANTED-Male student who,- has some spare time and is working his way through school, Prominent in Campus Activities-preferably anIt of light fabric fashioned in atlete. Write us giving informa-f 22352. 94-95-9 6. tion about yourself and telephonel number. All correspondence confi- ;FOR RENT-Single room, steam heat, dential. Write Box 56 Michigan' hoot water at all times. 311 Thomp-' Daily. 95-96-97 -93-99. son. 94-95-96. ____ i __ . A the latest styles at the mini- Service for Students! .1 PAY YOUR SUIBSCRIPTION NOW. Patronize Daily Advertisers. 1 This is a place conveniently located to give you the best service both in shoe repairing and hat cleaning. Our practice of long standing has always given the best of satisfaction. mum of cost. A*.C. BRI Ever~lhing in Tailoring 619 William MUSIC BY 1i BOXER Ann Arbor Shop 625 East Liberty i.. . Phone 8871 II Don't B orrow --Subscribe Today. mommmompAimm /p q _ On Display THIE SOCK KING 1113 So. University Ave. WHEN ITS any thing in Music or1 Musical Instruments see Schaeberle & Son, 110 S. Main St. tf.j KL) - .fi\\\t 7!! ' /Lt, ..A? ' c r F : a NOTICE--o, you want French con- " versation, gramnmar and reading at mod~rte t!frhM'.Phonie 6030': Jos. D. Lodeese-Grevuick. 95-96-97.4 , 'a z -- j ,,,t .' TYPEWRITERS 'Rebuilt and second hand of all makes f; bought, sold, rented, exchanged, Scleaned, repaired and rebuilt. Larg- est stock and best service depart- - ment in Ann Arbor. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels, Arcade, SThe Typewriter & Stationery Store - Dealer: L.' C. Smith & Corona tf. .r Aj' . 1f.,.- DON'T order that spring suit until you have seen what I have in two1 grant suits at $37.50. All the new shades and weaves, made to your measure. T. B. Lyons, Williams >~St. at Maynard. 95-96-7-8-99.1 Arnold's State St. Jeweler Sis now carrying a comT~plete line of -fountain pes-all makes, all prices. Whatever type you may need, come in and see us, we can satisfy you. Arnolds State St. Jeweler 302 S. State St. tf. - FOUNTAIN PEN INK ~,Buy your fountain pen ink at Rider's -Pen shop and you will get REAL ink, ,fresh ink. Ink that fixes itself in the paper and won't fade or entirely dis- Sappear when moisture is applied. Ink substitutes are dangerous and spoil your pens. RIDER1'S PEN SHOP Pen and Ink Specialists 315 S. State. 95-96-97. LENINGRAD.- Prof. A. N. Boyka, Sof the Russian Magnetic observatory, announces the invention of an appar- atus which, by means of the reflection of powerful rays of heat, will destroy airplanes or dirigibles in flight. v.. , REGALS-O n the feet . of College Men from ' Coast to Coast! ®n Pi Our Direct Selling Service is operated on the Principal Campuses of America by Factory Representatives who regularly display new mod- els especially designed for the College Mlan. Below are a few of the Universities, where Regals are the accepted footgear styles-and the recognized standard of shoe values. 4 . . I C- 0 a. Flavor' Flavr Pf p1. 7Flvr DE .3'. ICE L _ c E . 4 r'71:.. Princeton Lehigh Stevens Pennsylvania Georgetown Carnegie Inst. Tech. Washington & Jefferson North Carolina William & Mary Duke Dartmouth Brown Washington California Stanford Oregon Michigan Lafayette Rutgers New York Northwestern Ohio State Oregon State Illinois Fordham. Boston Chicago Holy Cross Pittsburgh Penn. State El" d C 6 Y. De uxeIceCram,. so c ~ ,ramy, o mo .Faorulaiserulyia timhnts dligh'tstheryep Three wonderful flavors :re now available a de alers--DeLuxe Vanilla-DeLuxe Ch~ocolate- DeLuxe Caramel Nut. te. r ~~-~0 ---ft0 - ,-0 1-lome loiy lines. 0O0 "RESCO" Scientific Fitting Service From Maker to Wearer- From Coast to Coast RGAL SHOES6 Regal Factories, Whitman, Mass. Stares in all Principal Cities REG. U'S.PAT. OFF. +7 ''4 ONLV A FEW DAYS LEFT ~10Flosheinsat 5885 and $85, Other Men's styles at $5.85 and $6:-$5 $7 to $8.54 valuies for Women now $4.95 and $5.95 To insure absolute purity and perfect texture, Delu~xe Ice Cream in our plant- entirely by automil Full er~sure is certatin always.w to protec is packed ~.tic maci iI I .r 1r ..