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May 14, 1926 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-14

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IPlays Tie Role

NEWS FRVOM 116HG[Fighting, Riots
NEWS FR~Near Warsawv




Ialhiays And Other Large Concerns
Thought To Be Contemplating
Wage leductions

Julia Arthur
Miss Julia Arthur, noted tragedi-
enhe, who will play the leading role
1its uevrgi. <r e T:n .+. i,~:, ' aini "

(By Associated Press) [IIUezg entc hws"an
(fy Asciat d r.rea) BrIt Joan" at 8 o'clock tonight at the Whit
ney theater.
woke up today to find the rosy hopes
of last night completely dashed--part-
ly, it would seem, through discontentT
of strikers at the why the strike had
been called off, but more to the dis-
position of many of the big employers 1 HN C N O T O
to insist on making new agreements
with the workers before permittingI
resumption of worlk, Topic Of Sunday Talk By Professor
It is even asserted that some of the At Carleton College Will Be
big railways and other concerns con- Anonced Later
templated enforcing a reduction in ______
wages, though, according to the state-
mont of Premier Baldwin in the House IIS CONGREGATIONA LIST
of Commons, who warned the nation i
to be suspicious of propaganda and Dr. Albert Parker Fitch, of Carle-
misleading rumors, some of these re- ton college, Nortfid, Minn. will ad-
ports, especially regarding the rail- drs stuent a d cta. ird
ways, were unfounded, dress students and faculty at the third
One. big railway group tonight of- Sunday convocation sponsored by the
fically denied the rumor that they Student council, on Sunday, May 1 at
'intend to reduce wages or otherwise 11 o'clock in Hill auditorium. Dr.
spenalize the men. Fitch's subject will be announced lat-
Notwithstanding the fact that theFn
general strike has been called off, it er.
.in. reality still persists in as great Dr. Fitch is a liberal leader in the
force as before. The miners never Congregational church. He was grad-
have consented to resume, and be- uated from Harvard in 1900, received
cause of the attitude of the employers his degree of D.D. from Amherst col-
and by reason of other circumstances,
the two big industries-the railway- lege in 1909 and from Williams col-
men and transportation workers-are 'lege in 1914. He was ordained a Con-
ordered to remain out until further gregational minister in 1903 and at
.instructions. The situation - in :the that time became pastor of the First
newspaper field is without change, Congregational church of Flushing, L.
most of the papers still issuing in I. From 1909 to 1917 he was presi-
skeleton form, dent of Andover Theological seminary
No agreement has yet been reached in Cambridge, Mass. and in 1917 he
by the railway managers and execu- became a professor of the history of
tives of the railway unions on the religion at Amherst. He was for two
question of the re-employment of year the Beecher lecturer af Yale
strikers. A conference on this sub- university. In 1925 he assumed his
ject adjourned at a late hour, with- position at Carleton college, from
out a decision, and will be resumed which the late President Marion Le-
tomorrow. roy Burton was graduated.
The miners' executive council after Ira M. Smith, registrar of the Uni-
conferring for an hour this evening versity, will offer the prayer of the
went to Downing street and was clos- service. William J. Skeat, graduate of
eted with Premier Baldwin for a con- the School of Music, will be at the
siderable time. The members of the organ and Julius Niehaus, S of M, will
executive council returned to head- sing a solo. As in the two previous
quarters and refused to divulge any- 'convocations, sponsored by the Stu-
thing, but it was officially announced dent council, the audience will sing
'that there had been a general discus- one hymn during the service.
sion of the present situation. No men- 4_
lion was made of any possible plan
for adjusting the dispute between the Ten M en Honored
miners and mine owners which pro-
cipitated the general strike. In Hau Of Fame
Appeals For Conciliation
Premier Baldwin in the Ilouse of (By Associated Press)
Commons made a strong appeal for NEW YORK, May 13.-Busts of nine
conciliation and avoidance of vindic-
tiveness, and reiterated his intention I famous Americans and a tablet com-
to fulfill all his promises. One of nenmorating the valor of another were
the interesting aspects of tIre situa- unveiled yesterday in an impressive
tion is whether this conciliating stand ceremony at New York university's
on the part of the prime minister will hall of Fame.
prevail against the known tendencies IThe men whose memory was hon-
of some of his colleagues to make it I ored were: Rodger Williams, advo-
a fight to a finish. cate of religious freedom and founder
The British Worker, organ of the of Rhode Island; James Kent, chan-
strikers, reprints a portion of the cellor of the state of New York;
king's message of last night to the Daniel Webster, "statesman; Daniel'
people asking them to forget bitter- Boone, explorer and frontiersman;
ness and work, for a lasting peace, Johanthan Edwards, theologian;'
and declared: George Peabody, financier and edu-
"Those employers who are refusing i cator; Eli Whitney, inventor of the
to reinstate their workers unless i cotton gin; Edwin Booth, actor; and
wage reductions are accepted are de- August St. Gaudens, actor, and John
liberately and maliciously defying I'is Paul Jones, hero of the seas.'
Majesty's appeal for peace."
In, the House of Commons, Ramsay MONTREAL. - Sir Thomas Skin-
MacDonald and J. A. Thomas com- ner, a director of th-e Canadian Pa-
plained earnestly of the attitude of cific railway, the Canadian Pacific!
the government organ, the British ,Ocean Steamship services, and the
Gazette, contrasting it with the peace- ' Balk of Montreal, lied in London yes-
ful example of King and premier. terday, according to a 'cable received
Much resentment has been infused here.
into the relations between the strik-
ers and their employers y today's U 7IVERIT Y PRO
events and the situation therefoere is U V "L A iiF1KO 7
full of anxiety as well as uncertainty. I A R tjOF
There appears at best little likelihood IS P RT U 11V
of getting the wheels of industryf
turning again before next week. I Voting on the prohibition question
Little Change f Aspect a pigeetosls ensa
Hardly anything is changed by the at Spring elections last Wednesday
withdrawal of the general strike. In was part of a national poll being tak-
the words of the miners' secretary, A. en on all the college and university
J. Cook, the strike has been converted campuses in the country under the
into a general lockout through the auspices of the National Student Fed-
indisifosition of the emlovers to take eration of America. This organization.


Gala Preparations Are Being Made To I
Receive Explorers By Citizens
Of Northern' City
(By Associated Press)
SEATTLE, Wash., May 13.-The
American northwest continued to wait
and hope tonight for some word out;
of the polar silence of the dirigible
Advices today from Nome, goal of
the great adventure of Roald Amund-
sen and his party, indicated that some
apprehension was being felt as" con-
siderably more than sufficient time
had elapsed for the Norge to reach'
None from Point Barrow, where it
had previously been heard from.
The last authentic word received
here from the craft was from St. Paul
islaid in the Behring Sea, where the
United States navy has a powerful
wireless station. This station report-
ed hearing from the Norge five times
last night and early today, the last
time being at 2:29 a.m., eastern
standard time.
At 2:29 a.m. St. Paul heard the
Norge call an unidentified station and{
say: "Go ahead".I
Other reports from Alaska said the
Norge passed over Point Barrow at
1:30 a.m. and had been expected to'
arrive at Nome by 8 a.m. Point Bar-
row is about 550 miles north of Nome,
Ion the Arctic coast.
Although all arrangements were
completed to receive the Norge atj
Nome, efforts were made today to
reach Amundsen by wireless to get l

(By Associated Press)
PRAGUE, Czecho-Slovakia, May 14
-A fierce struggle has been going or
in Warsaw around Belvedere palace
where the government has taken re-
fuge. Late dispatches from the Polish
capital report eighteen killed, includ-
ing two officers, and eighty wounded
in the streets of the city.
BERLIN, Germany, May 14.-A War-
saw dispatch tells briefly of an at-
tempt at suicide by General Casimi
Sosnowski, a commander of a Posen
army corps and former minister of
war. The Posentroops were march-
ing on Warsaw to oppose Mlarshal
Pilsudski, having declared for the Wi-
tows government.
Failing to control his men, General
Sosnowski in despair drew his re-
volver and shot himself. He is said
to be seriously wounded.
PARIS, May 14.-It is officially an-
nounced that Marshal Pilsudski's
troops have occupied Warsaw, accord-
ing to a Havas dispatch from the
Polish capital, and that negotiations
are proceeding between the president
of the republic and Pilsudski, the in-
termediary being the president of the
chamber, M. Rataj. The city is calm
Philosopher WI111 ANo Lecture On
"Newtonian And Einsteiian {


Business Managers Of MIclidganensian
And Gargoyle Choose Staffs
For Next Year

( him to fly on south to Camp Lewis, Dr. E. B. McGilvary of the Univer-
near Tacoma, where there is a moor- sity of Wisconsin will speak at 4:15,
ing mast. There is no mast at Nome. o'clock this afternoon in room 1025
( Amundsen had arranged with Ralph Aingell hall on "Evolution and Re-,
Lowman there, Norwegian consul, to ligion" and at 8 oclock tonight in
have 100 men ready to haul the dirigi- Natural Science auditorium on "New-
ble to earth. These men have been tonian and Einsteinian Time." This
In readiness since yesterday afternoon.-I afternoon's lecture is given under the
What puzzled watchers here was auspices of the School of Religion,
that so far as known the navy radio and the address this evening will be
station at Cordova, Alaska, reported a University lecture. The public is
that St. Paul radio had at 5 p. m. re- cordially invited to both talks.
ceived no word from the Norge for Dr. McGilvary, who has been pro-
14 1-2 hours and that the army radio ' fessor and chairman of the depart-f
station at Nome, 500 miles farther ment of philssophy at Wisconsin for
north, also had heard nothing. more than 20 years, received his A.B.
The only definite word direct from (degree from Davidson college, N. C.,
Nome was that at 5:30 a. m. the and later received other degrees from
Norge had not arrived. It is believed, Princeton university and the Univer-
in view of the normal promptness of sity of California. During the six
communication between that city and years previous to his connection with
this, word would have been received the University of Wisconsin, he oc-
had the ship arrived. cupied the position of sage professor
of ethics at Cornell university. He is
r n na member of the American and the
[111 HId 09Y 09NQUET1 Western Philosophical societies, hav-
ing held presidencies in both of these
organizations, and is also a member
of the American Psychological associ-
The books of Matthew, Luke, and
Tickets for theFathers' Day ban- John and the Acts of the Apostles
quet at the Union tomorrow night will were translated into Siamese by Dr.
go on sale again at the main desk of McGilvary when he was serving as
the Union today for probably the last translator for the Presbyterian boardj
time, it was announced yesterday by of foreign missions in Siam, Bangkok,
Paul Starrett, '27A, chairman of the Siam being his birthplace. His liter-
committee in charge. The annual din- ary work also includes numerous ar-
ner will be limited to 500 fathers and titles on philosophical ar(i ethical
sonis, and inasmuch as more than 400 subjects contributed to the New In-
tickets are now sold, it is likely the ternational encyclopedia, the Interna-
remainder will be disposed of today, tional Year book, Mind, Philosophical!
Starrett said. If those left are not Review, Journal of Philosophy, Psy-
sold today, they will be available at chology, Scientific Methods, and the
the Union again tomorrow. Hibbert journal.E
President Leaves Cap Night Fie
To Address Alumna; Burns Day Early
President Clarence Cook Little left All the materials which had been
last night for a short trip to Chicago arangefrteapwigh ae
and Milwaukee where he will address;r tonight were burned at a late hour
several alumni bodies. This afternoon lastnight. NO information could be E
he will talk to the meeting of the Chi- Last gto heorgin uth ie
cag Almna asocitio an inth gained as to the origin of the fire. ,
cago Alumnae association and in the -__ __ ____
evening will address the Alumni asso-
ciation of that city. I(SU'IIER'WORK !
From Chicago, President Little will I_ K
go to Milwaukee to attend the meet- Students desirous of obtaining
ing of the fifth district Alumni asso- summer work may see I. T. San-
ciation tomorrow. Iborn, manager of the Elaborated
Roofing company of Detroit from j
IBITI9 VTE9to 11 o'clock and from 12 until
q ; 2 o'clock today in room 442 of
A1 TION - WIDE POL I the Union. Openings are availa-
L ble for five men for Michiiganm
bramch offices and also for Ann
majority for modification of the 18th Arbor. Men with some sales ex-
amendment. The vote for repeal of l perience are preferred.
the amendment was larger than that
the whole school but the (ifference
was very marked in the professional t

Upper staff appointments for next
year were made yesterday to The
Daily, The Summer Daily, the busi-
ness staff of the Michiganensian and
Gargoyle by the newly chosen manag- x
ing editors and business managers o j
the respective publications. Further
lappointments will be made to The
Summer Daily within the next two
weeks, while the editorial staff of Marshal 4Josepli Pilsdskil
Gargoyle will be named tomorrow.
No appointments will be made to
either the editorial or business staff
of Chimes until next week. O AT DS O SP K
Smith Cady, Jr., '27, managing edi-
tor of The Daily announced the fol-
lowing appointments:F
Chairman of the editorial board,I
Normnan Thai, '28L; city editor, Cal-
vin Patterson, '27; news editor, Ann al Atkinson'Memoril-Orator)'
Irving Olian, '27; woman's editor, 'ometition Will Be Held In
Marion Kubik, '27; sports editor, Wil-Univerity AiWi1 'e Held
ton Simpson, '27; telegraph editor, Uiversity Hal Tonight
Louis Tendler,'27; associate news edi-
tor, Philip C. Brooks, '28; music and FIVE WILL TAKE PART
drama editor, Vincent Wall, '28; humorI
editor, iMlr. Timothy Hay; assistant Five students ii deliver oratios
city editors, Carl Burger, '2'8, and Iinthe finals of the annual Atkinsons
Douglas Doubleday, '28; night editors, IhMemorial oratemy contest which will
Charles Behymer, '28; Jo Chamber-I be held at 8 o'clock tonight in Uni-
lin, '28; Carlton Champe, '28; James versity hal. C. C. Atkinson ofBat-.
Herald, 28; Ellis Merry, '28; Court- ste Creek, who founded the contest
land C. Smith, '28; Cassam A. Wil- in iemory of his oun, C. Maurice At-
son, '28. 1kinson, '22, who was killed man auto-
Seven members of The Daily busi- mobile accident here on his gradua-
ness staff were named as department tion day, will preside as c gairnan.
managers for next year by Thomas Tire speakers and the subjects of
Olmstead, '27, business manager. The their orations follow: David A. How-f
appointments were as follows: Iel, '26, "A Criminal Utopia"; William
Contracts department; William Man, '28, "The Living Dead"; Harry
Pusch, '28; copy-writing department, Seligson, '26, Student Character for
Thomas Sunderland, '28; local ad- World Citizenship"; Joseph Shipam,
vertising department, George Anna- '26, "The New Generation"; Geneva
ble, J-r., '28; circulation department, Wheeler, '26, "Wings".
Eenneth Haven, '28; classified depart- The Women's quartet of Tailor uni-
ment, John Bobrink, '28; accounts de- versit is on the
eriyisoth program and wil
partment, Francis Norquist, '28E; present several song numbers. Three
foreign advertising department, Paul members of the group are nieces of
Arnold, '27E Maurice Atkinson in whose memory
Manning Houseworth, '26, managing the contest was founded.
editor of The Summer Daily, made the The winner of the contest tonight
following appointments to the edi- will receive a gold medal and a testi-
torial staff: mohiial of $50. Second prize will be
Chairman of the editorial board, Eu- $25. Faculty members of Delta Sig-
gene Gutekunst, '27; city editor, Wil- ma Rho, national forensic fraternity,
liam Breyer, '26; night editors, Theo- will act as judges.
'lore Hornberger, '27, Paul Kern, '29.
Further appointments will be made To
later. Paul Arnold, '27E, business Jury Choose
manager of The Summer Daily named W'innerOf Booth
T. Kenneth Haven, '28, as circulation Y
and accounts manager, and Francis, Award Tomorrow
Norquist, '28E, as local advertising
and publications manager.
The appointments of department Winners in the competition for the
heads to the business staff of the $1,200 Booth fellowship for architec--
Michiganensian, were announced by tural students of the University will
Frank Graham, '27, business manager be decided 'tomorrow when the jury,
as follows: made up of members of the faculty
Accounts department, Wayne Brow- of the architectural college andl se-
nell, '28; advertising department, I cral others, will inspect the designs
I Mathew Hudson, '28; circulation de- entered in the contest. Announce-
partment, Jack Cunningham, '28; or- ment of the award will be made sev-
ganizations department, Charles Kra- eral days later. Seven designs bid-
mer, '28; women's business manager, ding for the fellowship are now finish-
Ruth Kahn, '27; women's upper busi- ed, and are open to public inspection
ness staff, Lucy Seeley, '28; Louise in the old physics laboratory.
Briggs, '28; Katherine Kyer, '28; Mar- f The Booth fellowship was establish-
garet Breer, '28. Louis Robertson, '27, ed by George D. Booth of the Detroit
managing editor of the 'Ensian named News, and is made available by the
his staff appointments last week. annual interest on a $20,000 ,trust
The upper business staff of the Gar- fund. The winner o'f the award is to
goyle was announced as follows by use his money for further study of
John Halstead, '27, business manager: architectural design in Europe aid is
Assistant business manager, Ray- free to formulate his own itinetary.
mond Read, '27; head of publications Competition this year is based on
4 department, Charles Robinson, '28E; the best designs submitted for a com-
local advertising department, Leonard bined convention hall and Chamber of
I Finkler, '27E; foreign advertising de- Commerce. The entrants are free to
partment, Charles Baker, '28; circu- use their pwn ideas concerning the
lation department, Jerome Spero, '28; plans of the project, but they must
accounts department, Louis Knoepp, also follow a list of specifications
'28; exchange department, Julius which are determined by the commit-
Goldman, '28. tee governing the contest.
WASHINGTON. - The Senate pass- MARSEILLES. - M. de Gasenko,
ed yesterday, without a record vote, 'French aviator, accompanied by Mech-
the House resolution to carry into ef- anician Bion, left Marseilles at 9 A.!
feet the treaty with Canada to regu- M. today in his water glider, the "Sea
late the level of Lake of the Woods Flea" for Bardblona, Spain, and Oran,
in Minnesota. Algeria.




Mulholland, '99L, Will Deliver Address
For Alumni; Shirley Smith And
Cudlip, 13L, Also To Speak
Cap night, the .traditional ceremony'
of burning freshman "pots", significant
of entrance into the sophomore class,
will be celebrated at 8 o'clock tonight
in Sleepy Hollow. All classes will as-
I semible at the designated places on the
campus at 7:15 o'clock and begin the
march to the Hollow, led by the Var-
sity band. The procession will start
from Barbour gymnasium, the senior
classes in their caps and gowns will
follow the band, all the other classes
proceeding in regular order.
All seniors will meet in front of
Barbour gymnasium, and the juniors
will assemble directly west of the
Medical building. Sophomores will
form in line between the Chemistry
building and the Natural Science
building, while the freshmen will gath-
er in front of the Library. The line
of march will be as follows: Start
frm Barbour gymnasium, proceed
east on Washtenaw to Geddes, along
Geddes to Observatory, then north to
Sleepy Hollow.
Classes To Sit As Units
All classes will sit as units at -the
Hollow, in the same places as in pre-
vious years. Signs will be posted to
t indicate the seating arrangement. Ath-
letes who are to be awarded "M"
blankets are requested to sit as near
as possible to the speaker's stand.
Cheers by the assembly and several
selections by the band will mark the
opening of the ceremonies. Following
these, Kenneth C. Kellar, '26, retiring
president of the Student council, will
introduce William B. Cudlip, '2tL,
who will speak as representative of
the student body. Shirley W. Smith,
secretary of the University, the faculty
speaker, will then address the assem-
Following Secretary Smith's talk,
Elton E. Wieman, assistant director of
Intercollegiate Athletics, will award
"M" blankets to the graduating ath-
letes. Only senior athletes who have
won two letters in one sport and who
will graduate in June will be given
The 27 seniors who will receive
awards are the following: R. George
Babcock, Robert Brown, Roy H. Ca-
lahan, Richard H. Crane, Richard F.
Doyle, Fred D. Dunnigan, Tom Ed-
wards, Nathan Feinsinger, Fred Fee-
ley, Richard Freyberg, John Gow,
Charles Grube, Harry Hawkins, Wil-
liam Herrnstein, Harold Johnson,
,Charles Munz,- Richard Papbnguth,
Fred Parker, Dan Peterman, Irwin
Reynolds, Raymond Smith, Harold
Steele, James Vose, Harlan Walter,
Lloyd Weitzel, Manfred Whittingham,
and Steven Wilson.
After the awarding of the blankets,
Frank L. Mulholland, '99L, prominent
Toledo attorney and former president
of the Rotary Internationale, will de-
liver the address from the alumni
the student body. At the conclusion
of Mr. Mulholland's address, the bon-
fire will be ignited and the entire stu-
dent body will sing the traditional
"Where, oh, where are the verdant
Fireshmen". Each class will rise as
lhe corresponding verse is sung
Upon the completion of the singing,
the freshmen will form a snake dance,
and as they dance around the fire
will toss in their pots and toques.
Free Movie Later
When the ceremonies are over i
the Hollow, a free movie will be
shown in Hill auditorium through the
courtesy of the Butterfield interests.
The doors of the auditorium will not
be opened until the majority of the
students have arrived from the cere-
I All students will assemble on
the campus at 7:15 o'cock. Mendt



Lecturing on the "Growth of Social (to every English family," lie contin-
Insurance in Great Britain" in the ued.
Natural Science auditorium yesterday, "The master now pays seven-ninths
tra Ar ienc audtorm yesterdao, f the workman's insurance, the other
Sir Arthur Newsholme of London, 'two-ninths being footed by the state.
widely known authority on public t nnh en otdb h tt.
widlko auoi on It would be better if the insurance
I lol sc-I ~n 2 ,.,,17.


UUI 5 01 Me V 1 a1 Ly U ua,,tt a un "
Student council are requested to
meet at Barbour gymnasium.
Where The Classes Meet
Seniors-In front of Barbour
gymnasium. Wear Caps and

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