PAE CA 'UHFMIC'HTMAN MATT V a a x. 1 MY Y1a~l1T 1011a.. ; .. . ,DAILY OFFICIAL' B U LLETI N Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 8:30 p. m,. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdays). Volume vI W'!EDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1926 Numiber 165 Seniors Attention : *Eight hundredl seniors have not paid their diploma fees. 'After 4 P. M. Friday, May 21, :no chiore pay~nts wifi be accepted.. Under no 'circumstan- 6s can those whos~eel Ae not paid by the at ve date graduate in AJune. - id ,- -*. py ~W. Smith, Secreta ry. Ann Arbor Art Assoiation:-- *There will, be an ,eixibition of paintings of Axr~ricaii artists selected fromt the anua exhibition oil the_ Art..Instiftite_ of 'Chicigo 11'' Alumni Me- mpro~j ai} eekdays t;39to 5:0,nd Sundays 20iitbf,00 P. M. starting Sunday, May 9th. It will he of general interest, and free to members, to students of the University, and pupils of the schools. " zWarren P. Lombard,' PresldeMu. P3:3 Beta Jap lAnnuil Bnqe:"... .. The annual initiation banquet of Alpha Chapter in Michigan, Phi Beta K~appa, will be held at the Michigan Union Saturday evening, May 15, at 6:45 P. 11. All members of the society are invited to attend. It is wished to ex- tend this invitation especially to all members of other chapters who may be present In. the city. Reservations may be made by calling the Secretary at University 142M.. H. L. Caverly, Secretary. Phi. Beta Rappa -peelal Meeting:i E A meeting of the initiates of Alpha Chapter in Michigan, Phi Beta Kap- pa, will be held in Room 202 Mason Hall. Friday at 4:15 P. M. An address to the msr memnbers sIll, be presented ,by Dr. 1+., E. Robbins. All members of the e14y ar, cord(ally invited tobhe present.r .. H. L. Caverly, Secretary. 40$prvation of Clara 1Rooms s The supply of class rooms in. the. building8 occupied by the College of Literature,1 Science, and the Arts is falling below the demand for them, espe- clally in the morning hours. The various Departmnts are requested (1) to avoid the addition of worning, cla.s",'whenever possible; and (2) to report their. programs for nest year to my office at once, In order that the room schedule may be comnpleted.. '{"V' . Humphreys, Asst. Dean. Frtnan Ensiners: Professor: J. R,. Brunm will speak at. the regular freshman assembly in\ Room 348 at 11 o'clock this morning. Everyone. should be present, and fill out mentor cards this morning. All 'those' excused from assembly should call at my office immediately and fill out these cards. , Meet at tihe club house to go by automobiles which will leave at 2:45. Local or express interurban cars to the Stone School stop may also be used to reach the place of meeting. Anmaida Everett. IGeological Journal Club: There will be a meeting of the Geological Journal Club on Thursday, May 13, at 8 P. MI. in Room' 437 N. S. Bldg. Mr. Belknap will review Doug- las Johnson's book "The New England Acadian Shoreline." Mr. VTer Wiebe will talk on "A Peculiar Case of. Stream Piracy," and Mr. Leverett will read Mr. Taylor's article entitled "What Time is it by the Niagara Falls Clock?" Waler A. 'der 'fiebe, See. IWomen's Educational flub: Important meeting on Wednesday, May 12 at 8 o'clock, Room 109 Tap- pan Hall.' Election of officers. All v omen interested are cordially invited. I.. .. ... .-. .Dorothy Kilefer, Pres. 'Forestry tlb: Fore try ,Cliib ,nmet-iring Wecdiiegcay, May 12, 7:30 P. M. F 214 N. S. Elec- tion of officers.' All . wbr~s reqtiested 'to attend promptly because ,~~- turp on iPulp, 8:00 P'MiiN S. Auditorium. j E. IR. Martell. D"> e tSttem nt l/ ltl~1/Ill~lllllti!!t!~IE *II~ltiltlEE!lIEEi~!Ell~l Det etleen W omen's Special Display of Flannes Jrey-n y ~Duvetyn Dresstes t wFull Line of Summer Hats Unusual Sport Hats t LIV A McKINSEY HATICSH OP :..2 15 EastLiet "" ''" ' dlillll!lE}1litt!!!tllt~EI!Ilt!E!1!1/llE~fit!llit~tdltltliitltt!i P1i Lamubda Theta : - u, Those who are attening19the pleisic wll please meet at 5:25 P. M. sharp at Martha Cook, Wednesday, May 12. D-rbi 'c lines, Pres. IFreshmnen: Meet Cristy or Channer on the corner of Washtenaw and East University to help build the fire for Cap Night, at 9:30 and 1 o'clock Wednesday and at 1 o'clock Thursday and Friday. Assistance will be greatly appreciated. Harlan P. Cristy, Pres. Lit. George S. Channer, Pres. Eng. Organ Rlecital Omitted: The regular Wednesday afternoon organ recital will be omitted this 'i I M. Peret I PARIS, May 11.-When the British Parliament reconvenes on May 27, Fi- nance Minister Peret of France, will 1 probably place before it for ratifica- tion the agreement recently signed with the U~nited States, if present plans materialize. week. Charles Alo Sink. Let The Daily sell it for you thru LANSING.-At the request of the Detroit Motor Bus, company, hearings on its petition for permission to oper- erate to Ponti ac, and on other requests for permits in the, Detroit-Pontiac area, set for Wednesday in Pontiac, were{ adjourned indefinitely by the state public utilities. commission to- day. Patronize Daily Advertises.-Adv. tt1 18 Classified columns.---Adv. I HURRAH! Something New Spring Is Here Tropical worsteds are now in demand for the coming warm weather. Have, yours tailored by experts. Our Prices are below them all, and, our Quality and Service are above. Our valet service is unbeatable. Suits Cleaned, and Pressed $1.00 'ai $S ..:A:..: C. 0. Wisler, Head Mentor. Off .COupus Praztdice Teaching: Typewritten reports of the practice teaching done off campus during the spring vacation period are due. The final limit for these. reports is May 14. C. 0. Davis. Tryouts =for N'ext ,SeM ester's, Intercollegiate Debate, Class: All University men. and women ,eligible to -participate in Intercollegiate aetivities are invited to tryout for next semester's intercollegiate debating class 'as follows: University Women will try out Saturday, May 15, at 8. 30 A. M. in room 302, Mason 14ll. University Men will try out Saturday, May 22, at 8:30 A. M. in Room 302, Mason Hall. Contestants most assemble proxiptly at the appointed time. so that the speaking. order may be determined. The, tryouts will. consist of a, five-minute talk on either side of the fol- low ing debate question: ",Resolved: That Federal Ownership, of Our. Coal, Mines would be a wise national policy." r G. E. IDensmore. DeMilo Milk Mask Facial Culture- Ask Us About It. THE BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOP, I DEL PRETE COLLEGIATE SHOP ; Suits Pressed We Call for and Deliver. 35c " " " Prompt Service. The Boys withi the Old Pep. ~:WadrobeTalr I N~ickels Arcade Phone 9616 c I F, 2 a0 I r'Hun St. Phone 3242 All Pharma"Ty Stud el ts:, All pharmacy, students ,are urged, to ,Accept ,he invitation of. Frederick, Stearns a. Co. of Detroit, to inspect the plant, ThursdlaysMay 13, and be their guests. for a banquet and theatre party folltowing the inspection. All stu- dents. signing up in 250 Ch. for the trip will be excused from classes begin- nfpg with 10 o'clock. It is suggested that, the MK C. offers the best means of transportation to and from Det'rolt. Round trip fare $1.80. All members of'the inspection party should arrive at the plant, E. Jefferson before 2 P. M. C. C. Glo'ver, Secretary. ifycliology 81: Included in the sixt hours of tests requiredl in substitution for a thesis is a test for girls only and a tet for boys only. The test for girls was given last week. Those who did not. take it may take a make up as follows: 'those with names beginning A to P inclusive may come at 7 tonight (Wednesday) ; those with names beginning R to Z inclusive may come at 7 tomorrow night, (Thursday). The room is P162 N.. S. Bld, There will be no other make up. The test for men only will be given tonight (Wednesday). at, 7 in the Audiftorium of Nat. .1.$. Bldg. Those who come late will not be permitted to tok4 thehtest. SThis notice sloes not.appyt those who are, takingpl.t Professor Adams' personality,:tcsts. .. ,' . ,, . . . * . .~ . .k, Howard . . Maybery Home* Cooked Food at the Bluebi rd Cafeteria 209f South bhigalls St.. A Half Block from the Campus 11, 11: '1~ 9 I _ . __. a r I I cT 7 1 :4.' .. . of .; , i S I. , ,,: , ,,r . -: I I I _. 1P I C.OOLE AP ippll'-wowoFww %0 - - - - - ^0~4 TASTY TOASTE D Sandwiches r r IMERTON AIR COOLED A good golfer chooses his clothes "as carefully as his clubs. Even though we do not hold to the English idea of wearing one's coat on *the course, you slip 'it onl when you get backk to the veranda. Even though you don't play par golf, you., should wear "par"' golf clothes. Mr.' William W. Tamnney, of Thompson, and Brown, Detroit, will be in Room 2914, Tappan Hall, Thursday at 3:00 P. M. He wishes to see students interqMeyJ in .ub- lv1sion .work in Detroit.. Business S'chool and 'Coll'ege of Arty seniors are Ii: td to hear his propositfon. C. S. Yoakum. Graduation RWita: Hope Bauer, mezzo contralto, student of James Hamilton of the Univer- sity School of Music, will give the following graduation program at the School of- Music, Wednesday evening, May 12, at 8:00.' The general public is cordllyy invited : . Der Elhre Gottes Aus Der Natur, (Beethoven), Der Tod Und Das Made- hen (Schubert), Wiegenlied_ (Brahms),. benz (Hildoach); Caro Mio Ben (Glordani), Se Tu M.A. ml, Se Sospirf (Pergolesi), 0 Del Mio Dolee Ardor (Gluck) ; Aria, Mon Coeur S'Ouvre A ta. Voix from "Samson and Delil (Saint-Saens) ; Trees. (Rasbach), Cradle Song (MaeFadyen), Call Me No More (Cadman) ; Aria, Spring _Song of the Robin -Woman, the opera "Shane- wins" (Cadman). ' . . t . .Tharles 'A.Sink. Faculty 11 men's Clubo- 66rden Section:s The. May mteeting of. the Garden Secti6in will be 'held Wednesday' after~ noon, May 12, at .the home of Mrs. k. L. Ferguson, Packard Road. Assisting hostesses will be Mrs. Edwin A. Boyd and Mrs. Lee R.: Dice. Memnbers' will TICE'S 709 North University Near Arcade Theatre Every requisite is. here--crisp, smarts; roomy two, three four piece suits, caps, shirts, neckwear, hose. LINEN GOLF CAPS lIving Warinolts,O S c CHIROPODIST AN'D ORTHOPEDIST 707 N. University Ave. Phone 2112 I "So Hot" Large Stock of Knickers I r! Vi Cash 0. iotbe 5s 5$ EXTRA MONEY FOR LARWE SIZES $ $1 Erxtra for.%utg rou pht lbSthe e D. MOUCHKY ®° L" $Te' i Just the headwear for Sports: II. ,, _ . _ ti " I I 4' S~G. B.-Our Sport Department has many surprises for you. Come Comte in and see. Our 20%j discount on entire stock is still on! 21 Years experience in Tailoring fuse Clothers Visiting Cards a,'' 11 II - - ~Tinkermm8c.COI. rnI If 11 A d R != !s" qp" ILMwN ILN A%