WETD NI S DAY , AY 12, 1926 A ANDINGS THE MICH-IGAN DAILY pAGO L I.VrV~ ~A. A U. MOT'VINOT TO BARt --OFF? FROM COMPETITIONt (By Associated Press)} LOS ANGELES8, May 11.. -The Southern Pacific association of the .; A. U. 'has recommended to the nadtion- al body that it permit Charlc. hl odf' of Norway, world's champion pole{ vaulter, to continue his exhibitions in America. The national association threatened to disbar Hoff from furither ctI ompetitioni in this country following 25his refusal to compete in a recentSa 25!Francisco track meet, but has not tak- en official "action. B Basetebal Scores i P American League I-W i 2 t- '=..K ..Q MJE ti CHEER SQU'AD TRYOUTS Daily workouts are slated for the cheering squad at Ferry field for the remainder of the semes- ter. They will be held at four o'clock, and all freshmen who wishi to try out for the squad wvill repiort at that time. AV. A. Warrick, Cheerleader. Amerlpaif -League w. New York ............ 15 Cleveland,............ 15 Washington.... ...17 Chicago........16 Philadelphia......14 Detroit ..........11 Boston.........7 St. Louis....... Detroit at Boston. Cleveland atNe~y York. St. Louis at W ashingtonl. Chicago at Philadelphia. Natloual League W. Brooklyn.............16 Cincinnati............. 15 Chicago ..............14 New York ............. 11 Pittsburgh...........11 St. Louis.............. 12 Philadelphia .......... 10 Boston........ Today's Gamies Boston at Cincinnati. Brooklyn at Chicago. New York at St. Louis. i i,. L, 9 9 12 13. 17 20L. 9 9 13 13 15 14 16 BIG TEN STANDINGS iIf you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad wlhecharged. The Michigan Daily reserves the right to classify all want ads under appropriate head-; ings and to revise or withhold objectionale coyly. This column closes at 3 P. M. date preced- ing publication. Notice of any error must be given in time for the second insertion. CASH RATES 'Ten cents per reading line (cn the basis of five average words to the line) for one or two insertion4. tNine cents per reading line for three or more insertions.j Cash classifieds received at the Daily office iThe Press Building on Maynard Street. CONTRACT RATES Special standardized rates given on applica- ion. LOST LOST-Waltham, hunting case, gold watch with U. M. Fob, near corner ofE Thompson and Williams. Phonej 6961. Ed. Peterman. LOST-Rhinestone initial pin, E. B. L., Sunday morning between Tulttle's S and So. Division. Call 8951. 65-66 LOST-Pair of tortoise shell glasses at games Saturday morning. Call } I-. Adler, Dial 5618. 65-66-67 NO'TICE FOR SALE-Ford Sedan, excellent tires, mechanically guaranteed. In- quire of Hoover in Sophomore D~en- tal Lab or dial 3543. 64-65-66. FOR SALE-1 921 Ford Touring $35. One late 1922 Ford Touring $50, One Ford Sedan, $65. Phone 6957. 64-65-66. FOR SALE-House, 22 rooms, good condition, corner lot. North State Street, four blocks from campus, oil burner, steam heat, laundry out- fit, 1-2 ton ice box. Can be used as a fratednity or rooming house. See owner. P. 0. Box 208. 61-62-63-64-65-66-67-68-69 COLLEGE Student foir position of, trust. N6 stenograpihy or bookkeep- ing. Salary in keeping with appli- cant's agility. Write lDept.. "G", General Necessities Bldg., Detroit, Mich. 64-65 NO'TICE WE pay b~est p~rices for men and womn- en's usedl clothes--JI. IV W\ SON, 1)14 IDetroit St. Dial 21405. tf. 1VTO hA, 1 uT? e T?-,-l Q- I- Again". 44T -4 INOTI CE 'a RI. H. St. Louis "..: , 000 000 006-5 9 17shngton. 201 201 ",0x--6 9 St, Lous-Jonuard and Sihang. Washington-Reuthter and Rulel. E. n Mlicliigam .... Illinois............ Purdue.......... Wisconsin ......... Northwestern... Minnesota.... Olio' State.... . Chicago...... Indiana .......... Iowa............ W. 4 J V 2 2 1. 1 0 I, 1 1 2 2 3. 4 5 Pet. ,800 .714 .600 .500 .500 .400 .250 .200 .000 REIAI.BLE USED) CARS cq,; ( Pct. .66'7+ .625 .609 .453 .458 .444 .417 .333 R. H.E. Chicago . ... 000 000 020-2 8 0 Philadelphia 200 300 10x-6 8 2 Chicago-Faber, Thomas and Schalk. Philadelphia-Groves and Cochrane. Detroit-Bston-NoJ game, cold wea- ther. Cleveland-New York-No game, cold weather. National League R. IH. E. Brooklyn ... 030 020 001-6 16 0 Chicago .. ,.:000 101 000-2 6 3 Brooklyn--Grimes and Deberry. Chicago-Blake and Gonzales. R.H. E. Philadelphia 000 001 000- 1 9 3 Pittsburgh .01 010 02x-11 15 0 -7-7. .7 ,.t «1.:.., Tuirin.. errce, auur Philadelphia at Pittsburgh. WOLVERINES HOLD NINE OUTDOOR TRACK TITLES y~lV~.~ ~ ~AT THlE THEATERS I Today-Screen w m y Arcade-"partners Again,'' with ,.._ Alexander Carr and George .%% a" TT11EYCA. Sidney. A T G AkAKE Majestic-"A Social Celebrity," A et RACET' with Adolphep Menjou. ____""___________ Wuerth, - "Beverly of Grau- NVominating WILLIAM JO)HNSON stark," with Marion Davies. Because they've always called him l Today-StAge I Little Bill" and he has made the ten- Garrick (Detroit) -_"Tarnish," nis world like him while they were by Garrick Stock with Ann calling him that. Harding and Rollo Peters. IBecause he not only proved the sen-I sation of 1925 but now holds the "bal-; Shubert Lafayette (Detroit) - I ance of power" this coming year. I "The Student Prince in Heid- This after 12 hectic seasons in elberg." which he held his position in the first ten-after a period of seven ,years. in Bonstelle Playhouse (Detroit)- which he has never been rated below j "The Squaw Man," with Wil- third in the ratings. liham Faversham. .I SChicago with six veterans from last lyear's squad is proving the big disap- Jc onofre ol' pointment of the 'present Conference I heavyweight champion, is anxious to baseball race. meet Luis Angel Firpo July 4. FOUND FOUND-A ring. Owner3 Isame by identifying. Belthian, Univ. 178. FOR SALE FOR SALE-Canadian BI skin. Prime, deep, soft (len or hearth. Excellen' f)7265. Talky About My Swieetie" by Russo Oriole Orchestra,- at Schaeberle and may hae Son, Music House. tf. Call Sue1 A. NASH CO., Golden Rule Tailors G5-66-6? Spring Svuits and Topcoats $..3.00 Style, Fabric, Tailoring Guaranteed Dial Bar 6746 or 9736 tf. tfur. For NOTICE-High grade clothes, custom t gift. Dial tailored, latest styles, pretft 64-6-6 . $40 and up. C. T. Doukas, 1319 S. - ,.~IUiersity. tf. 1923 CLlEVRO117,T SEI)AN . .. $225.00 1924 DODGE SEDAN ......U0,00 (Special to The Daily)! Henline. IOWA CITY, May 11.- Michigant Pittsburgh--Kremer and Gooch. track teams rule the Western Confer- -. ence outdoor, championships over a I R. H. E. period of 25 years. With the 26th an- Boston ....000 012 001-4 9 2 nual title meet scheduled at Iowa City Cincinnati .. 001 113 1.O-7 10 1 May 28 and 29, historians have un- Boston-Benton and Siemer. earthed the fact that the Wolverines Cincinnati-Liuque and Picinich. with nine championships hold the 1 edge over Illinois with eight titles.I R. H. E. j These two teams have always been New York .. 100 002 020-5 7 0 in the thick of the fight although they St. Louis . 220 000 .20x=6 11 2 have not always won.. They have com- New York-McQuillan, Fitzsimmons piled a record far better than that of and Hartley. any other Big Ten university, for the St. Louis-Rhem and O'Farrell. only other champions have been Chi-__________ cago with three wins, and Wisconsin IOK-rwho ensi with two. Iowa, Indiana, Ohio State, NWYR.-rwho ensi Minnesota, Purdue, and Northwestern its appeal is indicated by the list of have never seen the championship I tournaments sanctioned by the United come their way. States Lawn Tennis association, re- Illinois' well balanced team of 1924 leased today. More than 300. tourna- rolled, up 74 points for the highest ments-the largest number in the his- total in history. In 1908, Chicago tory of- the tennis body-are sched- squeezed =out a victory with only 24t uled.1 points, the lowest total of a Big Ten team,although in 1910 Notre Dame andI LOS ANGELES.-The. put chase of Leland Stanford tied with only 17,I Shortstop Dudley Lee "from the Bos- points. No outside teams will cor- ton American league club was an- pete again, for the meet was closed nounced here yesterday by H. William to non-Conference universities this Lane, owner of the Hollywood club year. of the Pacific coast baseball league. .jewel pattern, 11 ft by 4 1-2. Very reasonable. 217 N. Ingalls St. Dial 9277. 65-66-67. - . STEAMSHIP TICKETS AFOR ALL LIES TOURS, CRUISES FIRST. SECOND, CABIN. TOURISTS THIRD ESPECIALLY v. Phone 6412 or write 601 2.NHuron Street E. G. K EBLFA IS teamship Agent. ANN AMP( LOCK SMITH All kinds of trunk, door keys 311L.KELLER Phone 7325 1210 W. Huron tf. PARTY FAVORS, noise makers, con- getti, and balloons.. Special ar'- rangemnents for fraternities, sorori- ties and clubs. BROWN'S BOOjiSTORE, 210 S. Main. tf WATCH REPAIRING SERVICE 'Not how cheap but How Good at a Reasonable Price. The Watch Shop .Edward A. Clark, 1121 S. University tf. IF YOU WANT REAL cleaning and pressing service at z ~reasonable prices . Dial 7814 CHEER UP WAIIL'S, 328 So. Main j tf. 1918 BUICK TOURING Rt. II. ALB ER 206 WX. Huron St. ..12.: t0 M JEL-M -m1 m m - m m .r-.,rryrs. r. .r. . rrr« .r, .rrrrr. rir .rrrr. I FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES It is now time to be thinking of getting gopy ready for your Spring House Papers and other printed material. SEE US for an estimate on PRINTING "Y6rfor 6etter ipvmr s ons" I s Nearly Every One4 likes - *Here is the . '', Old Fashioned Bar Double Strength Peppermint4 lfyou prferSugar Coaled 6am ~HANDYPACK~ Peppermint Clear Thrul e 015 _.1 Here's a Man's Job! 'We wanit only high type 111e1. Apply 431 MichI- Igan Uniioni. B. S. H agyar i i r i f APPLIED ARTS 2 Nickels Arcade The Shop for Uique Gifts DON'T miss having Victor Record "Billy Boy" by Frank Crumit, at- Schaeberle and Son Music House. tf. WASIITENAW APTS 3-room furnished apartment, first floor front for rent JTune, July, August.I Washtenaw Apartments 332 E. 'Wil- liamis, Apply Apt.' 110, Phone 8404. 65-66-67-68-69. To Start My New FIVE YEAR LEASE I am having a FIVE DAY SALE May 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th 20 pecr cent Discount on all Watches A. F. Clarke, 1121 S. University 1 Make. your tinctive by place cards, and tallies. party dis- using our nut cups D~odge Brothers Notor Cars tf. I ATTEN'TION Look over my line of samples for SPRING SUITS 2 pant suits made to meiasure, $37.5i0 T .11. Lyons, 515 E. Williams ti ii i dpL y 0 EED I I Phi i I " WARDROBE TAILORS Suits to order, $23.50 and up Suits cleaned and presed, $1.00 pressed 35c Delivery service lone 3242 200 E. Huron ._ St. tt. WANTED WANTED-For one year, one or two room apartment with kitchennette and bath. Possession June 1st, Box y88, Michigan Daily. 65. WANTED-Girls with selling experi- .nce to assist from 11 to' 1 o'clock rdaily. Apply office, second floor, Mack & Co. tf. WANTED-Experienced saleswomen from 11 to 2 daily. Mack and Co. tf. WANTED-Small furnished house or apartment by summer faculty memn- ber for summer session. Must have two bedrooms. Box 817 Michigan Daily. 64-65 WANTED-Two or three rooms or apartment, preferably in private home, for two men. Call Light 7417. )64-65 WANTED-Good used sedan, must be reasonable. Phone 4963. 65-66-67 WANTED-For next school year- two or three rooms, preferably in priv- ate home,, or apartment for two men. Dial Mr. Light, 7417. 64-65. WANTED-Thesis to type. Low prices. M. V. Hartsuff, phone 9387. 63-64-65 IWANTED-A Garage for summer near St. Joseph Hospital. Dial 21962 be- tween 7 and 8 p. m. 65 WANTED-Saxaphone player, for Orient trip. Must be good and have fare to the coast. Call 6539, between four and six. 65. ILet The Daily sell it for you thru t FOB BENT 7.141+ N.hUnv. Avse. P hone 88,0 Over Gee. JNo's A VACATION TRAVEL IN EUROPE With Good Companions See Canada, Scotland, England, Holland, Germany, France, Switzerland. 44 Days $460 Ladies supervised by the Secre- tary for Women on the Univer- sity of Michigan campus; men by the State Secretary of the S. 0. E., and the local President of the Presbyterian S. C. E. People of integrity. Don't worry about a single detail! Every- thing arranged in advance. Leave July 1. Tourist 'cabin. Party limited. I i, FOR RENT-Board if dlesired-one single and one double room. Dial 3645. 64-65-66.1 FOR RENT-Furnished five room apartment and garage near campus for summer months, $75.00. Phone 4459. 64-65. FOR RENT-Furnished apartment for summer month, private bath, gar- ae. $70 a month. 214 S. Ingalls. Poe22344. 63-64-65} WANTED WANTED-Colored cook for fraternity ior sorority house. Experienced. IErnest Watson, 708 N. Fourth Ave. 65-66-67. 'Patrotilze Daily Advertisers.-Adv. / =I/.:/lII I f _ _ -r----- i Enjoy the New Brunswick Portable You will enjoy these new Brunswick Light Ray Records MONTE CARLO - - Fox Trot ONE OF THOSE THINGS - - Fox Trot Isham Jones' Orchestra Arrangements Completed By PHONE 6412 E. G. KUEBLER LocW Authmoized & Licensed Steamship Agt. All ILinies. Tours acid Cr'uses Lvervwliere. . ; JIG WALKT.- - MY BUNDLE OF LOVE - - Ben Bernie's Orchestra NEOPOLITAN NIGHTS - - JUST A COTTAGE SMALL - Jack Denny and His Orchestra Fox Trot Fox Trot Fox Trots Fox Trot Take a first class Thos. Cook & Son Escorted Tour, seven countries. 65 Days, $08,$ SOMLE STEAMSHIP RATES Cleveland, $3.60, I. T. $6.50 Germany, R. T. ...... $175 up France, R. T. .... .... $162 up England, R. T......... $155 up Have music wherever you go on the new 11 Brunswick Portable $30.00 TH-ER'E'S A BLUE FRIDGE IN rk4\ 7 VA :)'Tr i 717) C' ITTTA I III N4+'VI- .- U 1 V -I I .. A... U I