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May 12, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-12

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WEIDNEM ;MAT 2, 1026


Published every morning except MonAay
during the University year by the Boat in
Control of Student Publications.
Memibers of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise I
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lisbed therein.
~Entered. 'at the postoffice at'a Anne Arbor,
Michigan, issecond class matter. Special rate
ef postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by earrier. $#-4e; by mail,
$4.00. .-.
Offices: Aa Arbor Press Building, May.-
card 'Street. ,.
Phones: IditoIa3. 49251 btsliiea, W 14.
Telephone 4315
Chairman, Editorial Board....Norman R. Thal
News Editor ........... Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor ..........Helen S. Ramsay
Sport's Editor ...............aJoseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor........... William Walthour
Music and Drama....,..Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors
Smith H. Cady . Leonard C. Hall
Thomas V. Koykka W. Calvin Patterson
Assistant City Editors
frwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito

Gertrude Bailey
Charles ]Behymer
George Berneike
William Breyer
Philip C. Brooks
Stratton Buck
Carl Burger
Edgar Carter
Joseph Chambetlalfn
Carleton Champe.
Douglas Doubleday
Eugene 11, Gutekunit
James T. Herald
Russell Hitf
Miles Kimball
Marion Kubik
Hiarriett Levy

Ellis Merry
Dorothy Morebouse
Margaret Parker
Stanford N. Phelps
Archie Robinson.
Simon Rosenbaum
Wilton Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtland Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis tendler
Henry Thurnau
David C. Voked
Marion Wells
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C., Winter

ing the adventure. It typifies excel-
lently, the spirit of the now ordinarily
accepted air-mail pilot, "Nor snow,
nor wind, nor rain, nor night, Can
stop the pilot in his flight." It is the
spirit that has made our aviation
progress what it is today, what it will
always be as long as the spirit con-
One evidence that the University ofI
today has not become merely a train-
ing school for the professions, ,giving
a "practical education" only, is seen
in the Senior Sing today. This rever-
ed tradition, this memory of the days
when the University was young,, still
remains. But much of its popularity
has been lost in the past few -years.
Seniors have not taken the enthufsia9-'a
tic interest in it that they once did;
attendance has dropped off consider-,
ably in the past year or so. ,4
It is expected that this year will
show a renewal of interest in this
beautiful custom. Seniors are coming
tb the end of their college road. What
could be more enjoyable than to singG
those college songs-the songs thatl
bring memories of the whole four
years of funs and fellowship here? Al-
though seniors will do the singing to-
night, the echo will be the voices of
the thousands of graduates who are
back in "dear Ann Arbor town," in
memories, enacting over again the
Seniors Sings of their days..
For years, the laboratory has been
regarded as the abode of theresearch
expert and as the training school for
the embryo scientist or engineering
student. With the development of
aeronautics, however, experimentation
is being carried into a new, realm of
research, namely, the air. Deliberate
I demonstration of this change was re-
cently made when three aeronautical
engineering students, accompanied by
a faculty expert, studied air conditions
for several hours while navigating a
balloon, The observations taken on
the trip, which was conducted entirely
at student expense, served to verify
the theories and principles learned
from the textbook and in the quiz sec-
I tion.
Because of the value of this experi-
ence in the aeronautical engineering
profession, equal opportunity for its
realization should be extended to
every student in the department. To.
attain that end, recognition of this
new means of education by- the Uni.
versity should follow the success of
the venture just completed, and pro-
visions should be made for entrance
into a new field of experiment.,

For the benefit of those who parad-
ed yesterday afternoon in caps and
gowns but seemed to be either too
happy or too bewildered, due to in-
ternal influences, to realize what it
was all about, we wish to state that.
it was Swing Out. The significance
of this event, aside from the fact
that it is a tradition, is obscure as far
as we know.
It is our opinion that it is the final
blow to the also traditional dignity
of the seniors. If there were a large
nmirror placed directly in front of the
doors of Hill auditorium, it is our,
opinion that there would be no par-
ade after. the convopation. The car
and gown, was never designed to en-
hance masculine or feminine beauty.
On the contrary it was invented by a
class of people with whom beauty was
a decided handicap.
Perhaps the most remarkable fea-
ture of a SwingOut is the fact that
although the band keeps playing
rhythmically and lustily during the
entire march no two paraders are ever
in step or in time with the music or
each other.
Were the Cadet corp at West Point
to attempt such a' feat, they would
find it entirely impossible, Sone
where in the ranks there would be 'a
man in step with the music or his
neighbor. This, of course shows the
individuality of the modern college
We were hard at work Monday when
a lady appeared, dragging with her
her pride and joy. They were from.
Soo, wherever that may be. Not being
a native of this part of the country,
we couldn't say. Anyway,' the young
hopeful has been achieving no small
amount of fame and earning eight.
dollars a week writing "articles"
(what kind we do not know) for his
home town newspaper.
Did we, she wondered, pay outsid-
ers for articles? "Bless you, lady,"
we replied, "They don't even pay in-
siders for articles." "Then," she re-
sponded, we will take our product
eleswhere." Do, we said, not to be
outdone in generosity. Another liter-
ary light's life blighted because The
Daily wouldn't print his articles--and
pay for them.
Featuring a special exhibition of
ancient, medieval, modern, and fu-
turistic. tools of the profession, the
Building and Grounds boys opened3
their last annual convention yeste-

In the School
8 o'clock.

The Students' Recital
of Music auditorium at


Telephone 21214
Advertising............. ..Joseph J. Finn
Advertising............Rud j h BRatelman
Advertising.. ...... W.vm. L. Mulin
Advertising........Thomas D. Olmsted, Jr.
C:irca ation...............James R. DePuy
Punblication .............F'rank 1. Dentz, Jr.
Accounts....................Paul W. Arnold

George H. Annable, Jr.
W. Carl Bauer
John H. Bobrink
Stanley S. Coddington
W. J. Cox
Marion A. Daniel
Mary Flinterman
Stan Gilbert
T. Kenneth Have*
Harold Holmes
Oscar A. Jose

Frank Mosher
P. A. Norqulat
Loleta G. P~arket
David Perrot
Robert Prentiss
Wm. C. Pusch
Nance Solomon
Thomas Sunderlaid
Wi. J. Weinman
Margaret Smith
Sidney Wilson

SE IO SConsult us on Fine Engraving It
is time now to order your callin
Cards for Commencement.


WEDN9SDAY, MAY 12, 1926
Night Editor-LEONARD C. HALL
Today is election day. On hisI
one day a year, the student body
is given the opportunity of dic-


(Editor's Note: The following Mu-
sic and Drama column has been writ-
ten and edited by Williani Lucas.)
The impending performance of Ber-
nard Shaw's "Saint Joan" at the Whit-
ney Theatre Friday evening should
serve to introduce a 'new Shaw to
those of us who have been entertainedI
by his inimitable comedies, but missed
the ponderous "Back to Methuselah.
In "Saint Joan' Shaw has turned
from prophecy to history, and from
speculation to faith. His history and
facts are an extraordinary blending
of actuality and interpretation, of his-
toric detail, and of historic detail
turned insid out. It is a different
Shaw, not in external forn, for that
is eminently characteristic of the
author, but for the reverence, almost
devoutness, with which the'subject is
Shaw has determined it a "chron-
icle play". But it is somethipg more I
than that. The depth of Shaw's genius
is unmistakable. "Saint Joan" is a
play deeply and sincerely felt. With-
out the exalting trial scene, a symbol
of the eternal trial and condemnation
of the eternal free and revolutionary
'spirit before the judgment bar of
false order-without that, perhaps-it
might sink into a merechronicle
play. Then, too, to Shaw, Joan was a
symbol and a vision, the' incarnate
spirit of the revolution, of all saviours,
and martyrs, call them what you will.
The play is at times an exasperating
composition; now rising to the leval
of historical tragedy, now hovering
on - the edge of burlesque; the
strangest possible compound of the
modern and the medieval, of convinc-
ing characterization, and audacious
carricature; of fifteenth century per-
sonages who think and speak in terms
of the twentieth, and most of them the
mouthpieces for the theories and
prejudices of Bernard Shaw.
Like "Back to Methuselah" it is
overly verbose, aid- certain of its ex
cess lines are pretty bad. For in-
stance; "Are yo'-t1n Englishman?"
"No a Gentleman"; which anyone wil
agree is pretty trite.
But its faults are the habitual
faults of its author, and "Saint Joan"
remains one of the most interesting
and most important contributions to
the Modern Theatre.
In the regular page advertizement
which appears in the May number of
the "Michigan Alumnus" there is on
exhibition a peculiar invention pur-
porting to be a survey of campus
dramatics. Evidently it is nota joke,
but a serious report. We learn that
plays are frequently given in Greek
and Latin-yes right here on this
campus in the present century-and
also in French, Spanish, and German.
(It does not include the Scandinavian.)
These mind you are the representa-
tive productions of "student organiza-
tions," the output of extra curicular
dramatic activity. Then, too, we are
informed, plays are sometimes even
produced in the English language,
but these are fostered by the "classes
jn d'ramatic reading", a mysterious
agency, perhaps a pseudonym for the
talentetd Play Production Classes, and
are not indulged in by the average
After the recent dramatic season in
the Mimes Theatre this is all rather
inexcusable. Shaw, O'Neill, Gilbert,
Jesse Lynch Williams, represented by
a'. Pulitzer Prize Play, Holberg, an
imposing array, if names mean any-
thing. Best of all these plays were
performed in a manner approaching
professional excellence, and the fame
of the Mime Theatre has travelled.

Yet not a word in the article in ques-
tion which so much as suggested aI
dramatic enterprise other than the
type one might expect to find in any
well regulated Young Ladies Semi-
nary. To cap the climax a woozy
picture, resembling a road company'
setting for "Uncle Tom's Cabin", heads
the page, with the following inscrip-
tion: "The Comedy Club in 'Bunty
Pulls the Strings', March 9, 1921."
The article is possibly lifted from an
"Alumnus" of years past. But what
price progress, may we ask'?
Frequent productions in Greek and
Latin' Excuse our hilarity!
' 0* *


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The change and recreation so necessary to every-
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Organized excursions to industrial, financial and art
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Read the Want Ads

truing the policies and prorm " + sn V1XAVJi AAl~ :IVLLViy t-
that are to be followed by their _-. -day in the Zoology Museum.
The exhibit is located in the lobby
representatives. Go to the polls I AN OLD PAPER AND A NEW CHAIRo
and otefor he en ad wmenof the library, where it may be seen
best qualified to old student (The Boston Transcript) by any who are interested, and by
offices! Chairs of journalism in the reg- those that are just waiting around
oular colleges, as well as schools .of 'over there. One. of the tools shown
fit PARLOR journalism, have made their way to was the first rake used on the Michi-
cordial recognition by the press, even Igan campus, which is to be presented
Washing the face of the city is the though it may be insisted that no to the University at a convocation
task set for Ann Arbor this week. chair, apart from a straight one along- this afternoon in Hill auditorium.
Because it is the healthy and re- side a newspaper desk, and no school ' President Little will be present to re-
spectable thing to do, the city washes except the school of experience under ceive the gift, but students and fac-
its face. Of course, it is like the a competent chief, can really hard- ulty will be excluded, in order to ac-
street urchin, it doesn't do it without boil a journalist. The chair of jour- comnodate the townspeople, since the
a great deal of coaxing, but just the rnalism is a perfectly natural vehicle delegates themselves will probably fill
same it does clean up-once a year. for instruction in a hundred subjects the lower floor to the doors.
A city that yearly entertains tens of 1 that any good journalist ought to be Another interesting part of the ex-
thousands of visitors should present familiar with . The relation between hibition is the spade which was used
a good appearance. Since the Uni- the instruction and the newspaper by Abrham Lincoln when he worked
versity is the "host" to those visitors, cannot be too close, and for that rea- as a B. and G. boy -at the University
naturally its own interests will be I son it is interesting to see that the of Illinois. This spade is being tak-
best served by a clean and progressive New Orleans Times-Picayune has sig- en on a tour of the nation and will be
city. Students should lend their aid nalized its entrance on the ninetieth presented to President Coolidge.
to the work of the week, in order that year of its existence (as the Pica-- The hammer used by Teddy Roose-
we may clean up the house to which j yune) by appropriating the sum of velt when he went back to Missouri
we annually invite multitudes.$6,000 yearly for ten years to found to mend his political fences is also on
-the "Times-Picayune chair of jour- exhibition.
N 0R SNOW, NOR WIND" nalism" at Tulane University, the The meetings yesterday were ex-
When the news was flashed to the' great college at New Orleans. The ceptionally well attended. Crowds
world Sunday that Lieutenant-Com- purpose of the foundation is to estab- gathered on the campus to see the dig-
mander Richard E. Byrd had not only lish a course in "economics, literature, nified B. and G. boys pass to the audi-
completed his proposed flight to Peary j history, languages and possibly com- torium, where they were addressed
lTand, but had actually accomplished mercial law," with the suggestion of by President Little.
the feat of reaching the Pole by air- part-time instructors in the various A pretty pictu're was presented by
plane and returning safely, a new more technical branches of the jour- the many different colors of tassels
achievement was blazoned in the an- nalists' lore from the Times-Picayune on the caps, the symbols of the dif-
nals of exploratiop's progress. As office itself. And Tulane has accepted ferent departments. Black tassels
the first courageous leader of nine the gift. Manifestly when the ten- came first: they were the furnace room
similar expeditions endeavoring to year period of the endowment is up, boys; then orange ones, for the
reach or to traverse the frozen un- it will be found quite impossible to grounds boys; purple for the interior
known around the roof of the world dispense with the chair. clean-up men; etc.
this year, Lieutenant-Commander ; Such a gift is a worthy means of( A speech will be the featu're of to-
Byrd's race is an almost perfect il- commemorating a newspaper anni- night's meeting, when President Cool-
lustration of the unswerving, intense versary, and our New Orlean con- idge is to talk on "Former B. and G.
determination toward Polar explora- , temporary is to be felicitated both on Boys in The Cabinet."
tion that has been exemplified in the the anniversary and on its action in ._In an exclusive interview with the
per istent attempts of former explor- the matter. The Times-Picayune' is, Daily, Prof. Eye 0. Aah of the North
"ers to ard the same goal. on its Picayune side, one of the best Dakota University B. and G. depart-
To remember that the Navy officer's of the centenarian or near-centenarian ment, said, "Contrary to current ru-
trip was history in the short space of papers of this country. The first num- mors, the B. and G. union will not
fifteen hours, and to contrast this with her of the New Orleans Picayune mu ad'e joiniia sympathetic strike with our
the tedious, eight-month struggle of its appearance in 1837. It was a good brothers in, England. The grass will
Admiral Veary, in 1909, is to awaken many years before it was joined in the t e cut the same as if there wasn't a
sometbinQakin.to awe and 'wonder bonds of hyphenation by the Times, struggle for labor's rights in that part
in the mind of the world. Peary la- which had already been joined by' the of the world."I
bored untiringly for more than a year Democrat. "The Picayune" is what, Timothy Hay.
to accom'plishi, by dog sled, what the from long habit, most of the Orlean- * * *
naval aviator proved possible to do in nais call the joint product, for short. Our idea of nothing at all plus lots
little more than half a day in his! It is a good name, significant of the of wild excitement is a balloon as-
giant, three-motored leviathan. sum which was in the early days de- cension in a cap and gown.
Humanity gasps at this revelation manded for the paper-the picayune Sir Toby Tiffin.I





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Hope Bauer, Mezzo-Soprano, will:
present the following program this
evening at 8:00 o'clock in the School
of Music Auditorium:
Der Ehre Gottes Als Der
Natur ................ Beethoven
Der Tod Und Das Madchen..Schubert

y'Our telephone.
Phone 4219

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