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May 11, 1926 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-11

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TUESDAY, M4AY 11, 1926


P'A#GiD! V1t?4

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nrnuiaar~iYearling Squad I r~ FRA
To M eet Varsity (91 SS tf ir b X btiFOR SALE- Canadian
I Resrves onda den or hearth. Excel
EL [~ HA P 1 ME[F R seres I~o da you are atelephone subscriber call Jimmie
P~l M he Ad-Taker, D~ial 21214, and your want ad 7 265.
_______Michigan's freshman baseball teamn I The Michigan Daily reserves the right tof FOR SALE-Old Trown
will meet the reserve men of Coach1 classify all want ads under appropriate head;
Illiniois Yr'c.litag Sh~1ow strellgth jIn : Fisher's Varsity aggregation in a i ~ nd to revise or withhold objectionable, perfect condition, an
Runnin Evens An([Win (game to be played Monday on " Fer-p This column closes at 3 P. M. date preced- petetcne nt
By 75-45) Scoreing publicatioxi. Notice of any error ;rust be {Dey, 5031.
11 Sti ry field as a. feature of the program given in time for the seconid insertion. 1 --- -____
v r/ --for the veterans of the Spanish-Amer- CASH RATES! FOR SALE-Ford Sec
Cx"A RSON LE ADS SCORING Iican war who are to hold a reunion! Ten cents per reading line (on the basis of tires, mechanicallyg
f ive average words to the line) for one or two o hoeri
____mere next week.sron. quireofH veinS
Strngt i th feldevntslaled10 The lineup the freshman team has' Nine scents per reading line for three or more tal Lab or dial 3543.
not et ben ecidd, wilethe ar- Cash classifieds received at the Daily office
.matke up for the conmparative weak- city nine will be made up of those ito The Press Building on Maynard Street. FOR SALE-1921 Ford
pess of the Michigan yearlings in the i men who are not selected to make the CONTRACT RATES One late 1922 Ford Te
trip to Iowa City for .i Conference Special standardized rates given on applica- Ford Sedan, $65. Ph
running events, and the Wolverine - io.
squad was forced to take the short game with the Hawkeye team. --________________
end of a 75-65 score at the hands of Coach Mather of the freshman squad LOST(
Coach F. 1". JhsnsIliosfeh has thus far cut his team to 36 mhen ____Johnson__sIllinois__fresh_____ FOR, SALE-House, 22
men Saturday in their dual telegraph- and expects to make the final cut1 LOST-Waltham, hunting case, gold codtocreIo
imeet. some time during this week. No date watch with U. M. Fob, near corner ofr Street, four blocks
For the Michigan team Carlsonhsytbedcidfotelatu, Thompson and Williams. PIhone oi'unr ta e
wihavcoyi h htptadIand until then there will be 110 linenp 66.E. eemn fit, 1-2 ton ice box.C
seconds in the discus and hammer 1announced,' according to the coach.. ___________________________ rtdiYoroo
thoadKtSudroWlo, In the infield, competition for the PO- LOST-Ladies Red and black mottled owner. P. 0. Box 20f
anrow Ercn ith findrs Won intehm 5 tiont at the hot corner rests lbetwveen JWaterman founitaint pen.. Dia1 4326. 61-62-63-64-6
andickso wihfrtsiuh am heemnRbinTopsn.ad62-63-64.
flediscus, broad jum,,and polethreeano bbns Thompsfarl onad r+C Si" J'"
paut amassed the. great number of Can.Althe arfirygo
points scored in the field events. ( men and the showings this week will LOST-Two white collies. Reward.
Te3-4mriwaiot Iprobably help to determine the choice. Dial 4680. 64-65-66. O ld Cgin
Toofhe pe14mrformwasnceo g At second base, either Rees or Vag- 1
lini in the dashes and hurdles, and Der will fill the job as these are the f OT-hmity ntebok ineruui
enly two men out for this p'iioi please call 6951 during evening. 64
wiha5-1 cr nt~ rc o-Centanni, Lipmnan, Loran, Morse, and LOTSalslercmatwt
tette eeenbe osoeaMesic will fight it out for the short- alP
victory in the meet.so ot hl heiiilsc il "Billie" engraved on top in Michi-
In the hammer, Ketz' toss of 134 sio ot hl h nta akwl an Union Cloak Room. Call Billie% Call1 me or bring
feet 8 inches was more than 45 feetbecvrdyDakChnHil Mathison at 7745. 64 t tr.A~
further than his Inearest opponent stdO1trm ________________,_____scn ada
and Carlson and MacArthur, team- Seven outfielders are out to make~ FOUND
mtseaiyotitne thi' ithe team. O 'Donald, Campbell, Hleibl- tEL
pontents to score a slam. Hollings- unTowtGge onadCre FOUND-Thursday, gold pencil, be-An
worth, Miller, and Bergstrom of Illi- compose the list of fly-ball chasers,; hind Law building. Call Sempliner,W4"=. f0'!,A
nois made- a clean sweep in the 220. and from this group it is expected that! 9143. 64 +1011tlilliiilN
Hollingsworth was tinted in the goo aI goodn outed willobe oseterestPONTIA
performance of -22 1-5 seconds, 5-10 o h qa fti ubr i r Let The Daily sell it for you thru
of te suadOf hisnumersixarethe Classified columns.--Adv.«.M .C E
of a second faster than Freese of ._dtch rs, whie M T.the.CLve or
Mihia, h fildtopac.behind the plate. Asbeck, Dahl, Gil- BUSTEMS E"
Wachowski of Illinois, former Chi- mrtnan Lwe ihtdesad SEMSIP =LeaveAnn Al
cago high school chanmpion in the high i atnimdw g ti~es i~TCES j Mich1. Union-7:551
junmp won his specialty with a leap SenegadWiny otpwA.M. 2:25 P. M.,
of 6 feet 1-4 inch, and was followed j ilty odav h ichn sig- ?F OR ALL. LINfS = Downtown Bus Stati
closely by his teammate, Carr. Wib hegnt.Beidh paeP OURS, CRUISES 11AM,2:0P
son, and Blocker in the broad jump, pochlather} will choose between _lSSED~N~JIS'TIDEPCAL Special to Pontiac'e,
and Saunderson and Carlson in the Reichman, Truskowski, Nissen, Duck- Phorie 612 or write 61E H-uron Street = night at 11:30.,
discs mae u forthi by llo in an, and Mutsler to do the receiving. I E. I0. K EBLES I St a~p A ent. 'ANN AR$OR 2 Connect with Lansir
dh isc madm re r inby al o fg_ __ _ _ _ __ _ _New Hudson; Flinu
thes cliionlyonmrkrsn.ac o! MINNEAPOLIS, May 10. - Aided Pontiac; Port Huro
theser cont sts btteudlsgreatly by .the individual brilliance Iof Mt. Clemens.
RyrwtwisibohtehdlsCaptain Kennedy and McGinnis. the li EE-WVaI IIllhU -I Urn N1111g1#~iUt
events in the fast tinmes of :15.2 and jXicni .Q W EU. ~ ~ ~ .
:25.7 led the Illini in scoring, follow- CdHheIROPaODeanISndlyAefat
edteMinnesota squad in a duelCIOP ITAN
ed by Tinmn and Wachrowski who Satrdat8 1-etr301- ORTHOPEDIST R a h .
scored six points each, by virtue of romet hre. University Ave. Phone $15128e d th ~
firsts in the 100 and high jump, and _________________________
thirds in the shot and broad jump,! Patronize Daily Advertisers-A dv. x
respectively. . - ,.... .... .
MAIO.Ahome run by Eller- en TA
man, Badger second baseman, with denU .clthing FrMnsUe ltig
two men on in the eighth broke a 2-21 or0? r other ARTICLE OF VALUE FrMnsUe ltig
tie and enabled Wisconsin to defeat STU5SENT TAILOR SHO Phone 4310 115 W. Washington
Notre Dame 5-3. Phone 8040 Cor, N. Univ. & Thayer H.BNA"I


Black Bear- FiOR SALE--f'ord Sedan

soft fur. Fcr
Mient gift. Dial

n 17 ft. canoe,
Ld one of tlie d
the river. Call!
(Ian, excellent
guaranteed. in-
ophomiore lDen-


Ford Tourings, c~heap,
COL LEGE, Student for
trust. No stenogra cliz
ing. Salary ill keepi
'ant's ability. yrit.
Glenwral Necessities ;


n,*(. .l;o2,R U Beauty Parlor. Rain Water,
.'Call Cl'57. Shampoo, face and scalp treatment.!
62-Gu-64. Special prices on all appointments.
STrojanowski Beauty Parlor, 1110 SI
pos$itioni of; h~iv ersity, sidle entrance. Phone
y or i)oollkcel 65535. tu, th, sat.-tf.
ng with iaplel- -----____
e lDept."C'", A SPECIAL
Bldg., Detroit. TA ILORED) SUIT, $;.-.00
::; S. State, ov-er icraft & D~nnn j
Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf.
rhbeses, themes SUIML'ER WXORK
Atly, accurate-; AVe are desirous of obtaining five
edl. Call Mrs. men who have had some sales ex-,
5". perience to represent us in our
Thurs, Sat., tf. Michigan branch offices. One man;
it Aain""Let for Annl Arbor. This is not a real
tie" by Russo Estate, book 'or bond proposition.;
chalebeyla so(I See Mr. Sanborn at Michigan U.
tf.+62-63-64. 1


-d Touring $35.
ouring $50, One
'one 6947.
rooms, good
t.North State
from campus,
at, laundry out-
Can be used as
ring house. See


p~apers, notes, etc., nee
ly and promptly type
Engelhardt. Dial 727j
Tues, T
VICCTOR Record "Say it
Talky About My Sweet
Oriole Orchestra, at S
Son, Music I-ouse.
A N U Q11 VA~f f'nhlan.



thiln Tsillcirv.


D 81g
igthem to
bUy other
DIal 4309


A. M., 10:55 =Ii
:5:25 P. M. 2
ion-8 A. M4.,2
M., 5:30 P. M.
every Sunday
ing busses at2
nt busses at2
,o busses at,2
rant Ads

A. i~attLvZ A., AU&iani u~"""'~ Not how cheap but How Good at a
SprigSutad 1cpOt ! Reasonably Price. The Watch Shop
Style, Fabric, Tailoring Guaranteed i E.1ward A. Clark, 11201 S. University
Dial 6746 or 073E tf. tf.
'NOICEHig grdeclohes cutomIF OU WANT REAL
NOTIE-Hgh gade clohes cusom'cleaninig and pressing service at
tailored, latest styles, perfect fit, reasonable prices
$40 and up. C. T. D)oukas, 13119 S. Dial 7814
University.t tf. !ChIEE11 UP WAHL'S, 328 So. Main
' LOCKS?.3HTI I tf
All kinds of trunk, door keys ! DON'T miss having Victor Record
MlR. KELLER, I "Billy Boy" by Frank Crumit, at- 1023
Phone 7325 1210 W. Huron! Schaeberle and Son Music IHouse. tf.
IRETURN to Tuttles or 425 S. Division, 1924
INOTICE-Hats cleaned, shoes repair-I gold pen initialed J. C. E., given to
ed. Absolutely the 'most satisfac- girl by waitress in Tuttles.. Reward..
C ory work in town. Pay us a visit. , 60-62 1918
{Washinigton Shop. 106 E. Washington
Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf.I An extra pair of pants doubles the l
FOUNTIN PE INKlife of your suit, we match any cloth.
FOUNAIN EN IK M. G. WILD, 109 E. Washington
i Buy your fountain pen ink at Rider's TusIhr, a. f
Pen Shop and you will get REAL ink, Tus!TusSt.-f
fresh ink. Ink that fixes itself in the( NOTICE -
paper and won't fade or entirely dis- JTOE PARKER'S CAFE
appear after it has set when moisture~ Dancing every night during supper
l is applied. Ink substitutes are dang- fromt 6:30 to 8:00
B rous and spoil your pens. Private parties our-specialty.
IRIDER'S PEN SHOP F Tues, Thurs, Sat., tf.
Pen and Ink Specialists 315 S. Stat eToSatMNe
Tu. h, un.tf.FIVE YEAR LEASE
PARTY FAVORS, noise makers, ser- I amt having a
pentines, confetti, crepe hats and FIVE DAY SALE
balloons. Special arrangements for! May 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th
Ifraternities, sororities and clubs. 20 per cent Discount on all Watches
BROW4VN'S BOOKSTORE, 210 S* j A. F. Clarke, 1121 S. University I
IMain. tf tf.
Patronize Dally AdvertS rs.--Adv. Patronize Daily Advertisers.--Adv.I

206 W. Huron St.


CHElVROLET SE9IAN ... .$225.00
DODGE SEDAN.......... 510.00

D~odge Brothers Motor Cars



" h.


" !u "*
'\ \
tj "( \
' '
1 .1 . ':. .'1

Look over my line of samples for
2 pant snit8 nmade to mneasure ,$37.50
T .B. Lyons, 515 E: Williams ti'
llWhen your pen fails to work prop-
I .erly, remember that Rider's Pen Shop
because of its complete equipment
backed by real Pen Makers service, is
the logical place to have it corrected.
Every pen we repair, regardless of
i make, receives the same skillful' at-
tention and all work' is guaranteed.
No waiting to have it sent to' the. ac-
tory or what is worse. chance, of In-
jury from inexperienced workman-
ship. Rider's Pen Shop
Tues., Thur., Sun. tf.
Suits to order, $23.50 and up
Suits cleaned and presed, $1.40
pressed 35c
Delivery service
Phone 3242, 200'E. Huron St.
FOR RENT-Board if desired-one
single and one double room. Dial.
3645. 64-65-66.
FOR RENT-Furnished five room
apartment and garage near 'campus
for summernmonths, $75.00. Phone
f4459. 64-65.
FOR RENT-Furnished apartment for
summer month, private bath, gar-
age. $70 a month~. 214 S. Ingalls.
Phone 22344. 63-64'-65
WANTED-For one year, one or two
room apartment, with kitchenette
and bath. Possession' May 1st. 64.
IWANTED-Girls with selling expert~.
nce to assist from 11 to 1 o'clock
daily. Apply office, second floor,
Mack & Co. tf.
I ANTED-Experienced 'saleswomen
from 11 to 2 daily. Mack and Co.
WANTED-Small furnished house or
apartment by summer faculty mem-
ber for summer session. Must have
two bedrooms. Box 81. Michigan
Daily. 64-65
WANTED-Two or three rooms or
apartment, preferably in private

Sooner or later you are bound to be.
come acquainted with that distinctive
enjoyment known to millions who pre-.
fer Lucky Strikes. You'll learn how 45
minutes of toasting develops the hidden
flavors of the world's finest tobaccos.




WY .a

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