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May 11, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-11

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TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1924

Published every morning except MoinAay
uring the Universit year by the 3w in
Control of Student ?ublications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of a rl news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwisel
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
iisbed therein.
Entered at the posta*~ce at Ann Arbor,'
M tichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
*f postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier. $3.3e by snail,
Offices: Ana Arbor Press $uilding, May-
hard 'Street.
Phoes: EditorIaJ l 433 insiiesS, 3a:1.
Telephone 4931


Chairman, Editorial Board:...Norman R. Thal
News Editor ...........Manning Houseworth
Womren's Editor...........He'len S. Ramsay
Sport's Editor.............Joseph Kruger
Telegraph Editor...........Wiliamn Walthour
Music and Drama.......Robert B. Henderson
Night Editors{
Smith H. Cady Leonard.C.,Hall
Thomas V. Koykks W. Calvin Patterson
Irwin Olianssistat rederick H. Shillito

Gertrude Bailey'
Charles Behymer
George Berneike
William Breyer
Philip C. Brooks
Stratton Buck
Car Bttrger
Edgar Carter
Joseph Chamnberlint
Carleton Chantpe
Douglas Doubleday
Eugene H. Gutekunat
jates T. Herald
Russell Hitt
Miles Kimball
Marion Kubik
Hlautiett Levy

Ellis Merry
DIorothy MorehousS
Margaret Parker
Stanford N. Phelps
Archie Robinson
Simon Rosenbaum
Wilton Simpson
Janet Sinclair
Courtland Smith
Stanley Steinko
Louis Tendler
t enry thurnaa
l)av id C. 'oke#
Marion Wells
Cassam A. Wilson
Thomas C. Winter

Telephone 31314
Advertising...........-.-.Joseph J. Finn
Advertising........... . RudalJ h B~oIttelman
Advertising.........::...... . m. L. Mullin
Advertising.. .....Thomas D. Olmsted,.Jr.
Circulation........... ...James R. DePuy
]'ubtic ticon ..:........... Frank R2. Mentz., Jr.
Accounts............. ...Paul W. Arnold

GeorgerH. Annable, Jr.
W. Carl Bauer
John H. Bobrink
tanley S. Coadington
W. . Cox
Marnon A. Daniel
Mary Flinterman
Stan Gilbert
T. Kenneth Hlav4
arold Holmes
Oscar A. Jose

drank Mosher -
F. A. Norquist
Loleta G. Parker
D avid Perrot
Raert Prentiss
Wm. C. Pusch
Nance Solomon
Thomas Sunderland
Winm. J. Weininan
Margaret Smith
Sidney Wilson

( ,

TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1926
Night Editor-SMITH H. GADY, JR.
Each summer almost 500 boys, se-
lected from the poor and needy of De-
troit, Ann Arbor, and nearby towns,;
are given a new chance in life-a
(:hance to spend a few weeks out in
the fir and the szunshine, with good
food and healthy surroundings,
through the Fresh Air camp operated
by the Student Christian association.
The cost amounts ito a dollar a day
for each boy-and there is no invest-
ment which shows such quick and
large returns.
These summer outings are made
possible by a tag day on the campus,
combined with subscriptions obtained
from those who have been associated
in the work and appreciate its great
value. Today the University will be
given an opportunity to aid in supply-
ing the money that will take a few
American youngsters who have been{
handicapped by a winter in the squab-
for of the city's poorer sections out1
in the country and give them a bit of
encouragement-an opportunity to de-{
velop int Teal assets in American
life. Work of this kind cannot be
measured in dollars and cents. -
Of all the drives for funds con-
ducted on the campus, this financing
of the Fresh Air camp is the most
worthy. The small quota desired by
the Student Christian association
sholuld be easily oversubscribed. Each
dollar means another day for another
undernourished boy; the price is1

1926, we look back on ten or a dozen
student productions which were wit-
nessed by practically all the students
who consider themselves intelligent
members of the University com- ELCOME
munity. BETA
What are the causes of such a sud- GAMiA
den development? There are two
factors: first, the action of the Board O can say that this isn't a pro-
of Governors of the Michigan Union, I gressive institution, this University
and second, the growing tendency for of Michigan of ours! The latest addi-
organizations to produce student-di- tion to its equipment is a Balloon, if I
reeted plays, independently and with- u plea. Jst wha educationa
out the aid of faculty direction. . o pesIJs ht dctoa
To become specific, sometime last I advancement this gives us students is
fall the Board of Governors of the still vague, nevertheless, we own a!
Union decided that the Mimes theater balloon, tastily designed in maize and
was a financial burden which, in view blue diamonds around the bag, etc.,
of its limited use, ,was unjustified. etc,.
Hence it was up to those in charge 'The easiest problem which the man-
of Mimes dramatics to either put their agers of the balloon have to face is
theater on a paying basis or ,bid it a getting something to fill it with.!
tearful farewell. Thus the various Enough vapor of that kind, ready
other producing organizations, as heated, may be had on this campus
well as Mimes, were invited to avail free of charge at any time of day or'
themselves of the advantages of a re- night. . Some gentlemen are better
decorated theater. And they did so, producers than others, but we will
to the mutual benefit of every one of not go into detail here. Further in-
the parties concerned, including the formation will gladly be given on
audiences. written application.
But this could never have come * * *
about had it not been for the growing . B. AND G. BOYS OF XID-WEST
feeling on the part of the various hOLD CONVENTION HERE;
members of the dramatic societies that STUDY CAMPU'S
they themselves could and should pro- (Special To ROLLS and London
duce successful plays without faculty Times)
assistance. Previously, all the plays Gathering from all points of the
upon which students worke were un--o
der the general, detailed, and absolute compass, from all over the mid-west,
direction of the faculty man who was 56,000 B. and G. boys, representing
more or less qualified for this' posi- .seieral universities and their crews
tion. Hence there was little real in- of efficient, yea, even proficient, build-
centive for students to achieve any- ing and grounds departments,-any-
thing creative for themselves. way, these boys arrived in town Sun-
This past year, practically all the' day night, and began their convention
productions given on the campus, yesterday.
with certain definite exceptions, were Great preparations have been made
the outcome of student efforts. for the entertainment of the visiting
It is not so much because the delegates. Inspection of the lawns,
ability of the students this year is with special attention to the results
greater than ever before, .the group of the "Please Don't Make Paths On
which was responsible for many of The Campnus" campaign, which has
the plays of the year have worked to. been judged the longest-lived of any
gether for several seasons: at Sarah campaign known to history, will be
Caswell. But it is the fact than an made on the morning of the second
adequate playhouse, drawing much day of the convention,
greater audiences because of its One of the features of the conven-
greater comfort and proximity to the tion will be a visit to Mason hall, Tap-
campus, gives more support both pan hall, and the Economics building.
moral and financial to the work of the where the visitors will be introduced
students. Realizing this, they are to ancient styles of architecture and
willing to spend infinite time and the problems arising out of them for
pains toward setting a high standard the buildings boys. At the same time
of production. the grounds boys will be looking over
Thus far, they have done this ad- the University snow-plow in an effort
mirable, and have been rewarded with -to discover the secret of its success
increasing support. Whether the it°taing'off just enough snow from
present standard and the present sup- the sidewalks so that the remainder
port will continue through coming will freeze into a fine sheet of ice.
seasons depends on so many factors As a thrjl er tnight the delegates
that it is impossible to predict for: the will be taken on a tour of the Medi-
future. That the present standard is cal morgue where they will be treated
of general advantage to the University, to a candlelight view of the corpses.
there can be no doubt; it has supplied A banquet will be held tomorrow
a need which has long been felt on night, at which time an address on
this campus. It has raised another "Buildings I Have Cleaned" will be
field of activity, in the past ignored as given by the local president. Also the
such by the student body, to an excel- editor of the "B. and G. News" will
lence comparable, and perhaps su- give a few remarks on "The Local
perior to, the other fields of activity Journaistic Situation."
on which it has prided itself. Prof. Mucho K. ("Dandy") Lion, of
The credit for such successes as the College of Grass Upkeep, Arizona,
"Great Catherine," "Engaged," and will discuss "Grass As An Aid To
"Why Marry?" does not go to one per- Education." Prof. Lion received the
son or group of persons; it is the re- Pulitzer award for the greatest educa-
sult of the happy combination of tional research work of the year 1895
many forces, a thing which should for his success in making grass grow
I have happened years ago. It is cer- in New York city.
tainly to be hoped that once achieved, A contest in dandelion digging will
it will not be lost.,be .held this afternoon on the campus,
_ _;quality as well as quantity being
MUCIH ADO- judged. Prizes will be given as fol-
If one were to take the views of Mr. lows: first, a silver dust-rag; second,
Sinclair Lewis seriously, as expressed a gold-plated broom; third, a bottle
in his letter of refusal of the annual of liniment.
Pulitzer prize for his novel "Arrow- I -Timo thy HIay.
smith," one would be forced to con- f * * *
elude that a literary oligarchy con- j SKIP ACROSS THE POLE

trols the writing profession and that It is indeed gratifying to realize
authors are in danger of losing for- that an American flew around the
I ever any literary independence they North Pole before anyone else did.
may possess. ;But for some time now we have been
Mr. Lewis refused the prize recent- trying to determine of just what value
ly on the grounds that the terms of this feat would be to the World in
the award were not conducive to an general.
I independence of ideas on the part of Surely at this stage of civilization
writers. He expressed the fear that,! there can. be no doubt that there is
as the award was made for "the such a place as the North Pole. Mr.
American novel published during the I Peary spent quite a few days there
year which shall best present the and evidently learned all he wanted tc
wholesome atmosphere of American! in that time, since he made no attempt
life and the highest standards of to return to his old haunt. And even
American manners and manhood," the at that, little else can be learned con-
- writers of future generations will cerning that particular spot by flying
write to please the whims of the mem- over it except, perhaps, that it is cold,
{ hers of the board, since the award and has snow about it. Mr. Byrd is
will tend to become more and more a: certainly to be congratulated for ac-
great distinction. Pointing to the complishing this feat, but we doubt
French academy, he said that he fear- that it will settle the IE:nglish Strike,
ed the beginnings of a "supreme court or even warn Europe of impending
and a college of cardinals, so rooted storms.
and so sacred that to challenge them As a feat, it is well worth accomp-
will be to commit blasphemy." I lishing, but what do Wilkins, Els-
Mr. Lewis undoubtedly has the worth, Amundsen, etc., etc., hope tc
highest ideals for the future of the gain, now that it has been done?
writing profession and is sincere in Amundsen, no doubt, wanted to be the
what he says, but he is, in the opinion first to fly over it in a dirigible. When
of many, making a good deal out of they get to making such distinctions,
nothing. Certainly the Pulitzer prize we may soon hope to see Egg and Mc-
is worth striving for and it is gen- namara, the noted six day bicycle
erally known that the terms of the race heroes racing for the first tc
award have been interpreted liberally bicycle across the pole. If this comes
-ar .hs nr,-nc awa,.tart n-r-l t-n . 3 fn nac W inw announce ourselve


A review, by Robert Henderson.
it is easy not to appreciate the ex-
traordinary pianoforte department
that the UniversitySchool of Music
has in such musicians as Guy Maer,
Mr. Lockwood, Andrew Haigh, Mrs.
Okkelberg and Mrs. Rhead. The
course in Russian music given during K
the last semester and covering almost
the entire literature has been uniqueh
in itself: it shows a faculty that
through recitals and constant study
will not let itself be ground into the
lack-lustre rut of the professor too
weary or too fearful to polish his own
talent with the criticism of audiences.'
And of this group-excepting, of
course, Mr. Maier-none has made
more consistent progress nor has
more successfully linked sheer tech-
nique with a lyric poetic fire than
Mrs. Okkelberg. Her appearances dur-
ing the last two seasons in Hill audi-
torium and with the Matinee Musicale
have shown constant growth, and at
the recital Sunday afternoon her in-
terpretation of the Arensky Trio in D
minor was filled with a confidence and
assurance that quite overshadowed,
even in the accompaniment passages,
the work of the violin and 'cello.
The Trio is a striking composition,
full of color, deep highlights and a
melancholy beauty that is tradition-
ally Slavic. Its movements are in a1
classic mould, but the whole tempo
and character of the performance held
and nearly fascinated an audience
that only occasionally allowed its
thoughts to stray to the same day a
year ago when Mr. Eddie Guest was
singing his bashful decalog to the
glory of mothers and babies' panties
on the back-yard line . . . MIirs. Ok-
kelberg impregnated the piece with a
full sweeping rhythm that caught the
other players, especially Miss Lart-
hard, in its rich and grateful har-
The later half of the program con-
sisted of selections from the Russian
liturgy sung by a special chorus un-
der the direction of Palmer Christian.
The choir contained several unusual
voices, including, I believe, Mrs. Grey
of Ypsilanti, and an Oriental student
in the tenor section. Mr. Christian's
training showed a fine feeling for
contrast and for decisive effects, and
three of the numbers sung without
accompaniment, gave the chorus an
opportunity to introduce into their
interpretation all the primitive, pagan
flavor of the Greek church, the almost
ungodly ecstacy and beauty of the
Russian ritual.
Mr. Christian's opening numbers on
the organ were hardly as fortunate.
There is in his work a certain, recur-
ring impression of muddiness, as
though too many paws were at work-.
due, no doubt, to the sad decay cf his
instrument. The first piece was a
halting performance of the Tschai-
kowsky Marche Slave, and the second
was Borodin's "At the Convent,"
highly conventional with bells and
bass harmonics, tragic prayers, trick
candles . . . oh, my priests-ah, my
The annual award of the Pulitzer
Prize of five thousand dollars for the
finest American play of the year pre-
sented in New York has been granted
to George Kelly's "Craig's Wife," now
playing at the Morosco theatre with!
Crystal Herne in the title-role. George

Kelly is also the author of "The Show-
Off" which notoriously failed to re-
ceive the award two years ago in fa-f
vor of the inferior "Hell-Bent Fer
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YELLOW and OLIVE KHAKI, also Trans
parent and in colors, for ladies, men, boys and girls.

In the year 1923, the dramatic activi-
t ics upon the campus consisted of: a
lasques .production in Hill auditori-
um, entitled "A Thousand Years Ago,"
which was quite elaborate and color-{
ftl, but had little real theater; two orI
three smaller programs of one-act
plays, given in Sarah Caswell Angell
:all, which drew some hundred peo-{
ple each, and consisted of sincere but
dcicdedly amateurish productions,
with home-uiade sets and costumes
amusing home-made audiences; and
the Comedy Club procuction of "Cap-
tain Apflejack," which drew two
Ibcuses t, th e Whitney, but never sold
standing room.. And then, of course,
.here were the t.adlional Opera and
Junor Girls' productions, which were
both of a high calibre that year, but
v' hic nire as iafrm I he noint of this?

- f

The following men were elected to
membership in Mimes at the meeting
held yesterday afternoon in the Michi-
gan Union:
James Vickery, '27
John Starrett, '27
James Murphy, 27
Kenneth King, 28
Samuell Bonell, '27
Dale Shafer, '26
Thomas Denton, '28
William Bishop, '28
Warren Parker, '26
Donald Lyons, '26
Lorain Norton, '28
Richard Woellhaf, '27
Benjamin Boyce, '26
Robert Manchester, '28
Frank Strachan, '27
Frederick Hill, '27
Carl Nelson, '27
Henry Lathrop, '27#
As the winter elections are made
on the basis of talent shown in the
annual Union Opera, the present group I
of students were admitted to member-
ship especially for their ability dis-
--. rd in the dramatie nronactions

Our prices will interest you.

Cenuine U. S. White




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