PAEProt n THE MICIGAN DAIL.Y 'THURSDAY. V TT' ARY IT: fEln . ". S' i:i" ItL 1 1 l 1, _ l: ..:V Iull d every morning except Monday1 ng thVinive: sity year by the Board in Conuti ul of Student Publications. MAembers of Western Corerence Editonal Assoeiation. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titledi to the use for republication of all news ispatches credited to it or not otherwis crdited in this paper and the local news pub- Lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, "Iiclhi an,~ as second clagsmatter. Special rate of granted by Third Assistant Post- ~mster General Subscription by carrier, $; by mail, 1; ces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- na Street. Phones: Editprial, 492S; business, 21214. 1, YDITOQRAL STAFF! Welephou. 4928 -A ET MANAGING EDITOR 11 GEORGE W. DAVIS Cbairman, 'Editorial Board... .Norman R. rhal City Editor............Robert S. Mansfield News Editor............ Manning Houseworth Women's Editor........... Helen S. Ramsay Sports Editor............. Joseph Kruger 'Telegraph Editor.......... William Walthour, Mnaic andD rama. .Robert B. Henderson Night Editors Smith H. Cady Leonard C. Hall Willard B. Crosby Thomas V. Koykki Ribert T. DeVore W. Calvin Patterson Assistant City Editors Irwin Olian Frederick H. Shillito Assistants (;rtrade ;. Bailey \Villiam '17T. Barbour ( iuic Behymer am Breyer Piip C. Brooks l,, uckinr am Str (tton Buck 3m II~urer isgar (Carter ,ej h Chamberlain I:y r Cohen C reton ('hampe u e11: Gutektmst 1I Jonglas Doubleday : .1;ry TDunnigant Andrew (Goodmfan 3anImes T. Herald ililes Kimball Marion Kubik Waiter 11. Mack Louis R. Markus I-llis Merry Helen Morrow Margaret Parker Stanford N. Phelps Simon Rosenbaum , Ruth Rosenthal Wilton A. Simpson Janet Sinclair C'ourtland C. Smith Stanley Steinko ILouis Tendler Ifenry Thurnau David C. Vokes Cassazn A. Wilson Thomas C. Winter Marguerite Zilske man of distinguished parts who had graced the executive offices of his state. After sometime on the bench, the old governor stated that although he had had to use his brains all his life, his greatest mental effort was as he weighed the pleadings of the great-I est lawyers of his generation. The Federal judiciary gives to a; man security of tenure, high honor, and the sense that he is performing' a function on which the proper exe- cution of which much depends. How- ever, they are also entitled to freedom from financial worries and a compen- sation adequate to meet the social ob- ligations which their positions pet.. force carry with them . To be effective, they should keep informed of the currents of social and political life. They should know "men, and books, and cities." Their legalism should be as broad as life itself. The table talk of many a din-, ner has been incorporated in a legal decision to its improvement. The menj who administer justice should be able to lead the good life without having to stop to count the pennies. The bill of Representative Graham, himself a great lawyer, should receive the attention of thoughtful people everywhere. It is merely an effort to write into our public law the age-old truth that the laborer is worthy of his hire. CAVE MAN TACTICS Following its acceptance of the World Court with the repeal of the publicity section of the tax law, and in almost unheard of haste, for a body of its type, the present Senate has shown every indication of a full re- I alization of its duties and responsi bilities to the people of the nation its represents. Not that either of these measures was of overwhelming im- port, though the United States en- trance into the Court is surely monu- mental, but because these were two widely different issues, and each naturally became a controversial point. In the past, for the most part,' our senators have been like last-minute thesis writers, unacquainted with the amount of available material, and therefore prone to expand the intro-I ductory matter far beyond its worth; only a strong, determined administra- tion can confine them to essentials soE that the more important questions can! receive due and proper consideration -before the last week of the session There is a strong, determined ad-1 ministration in Washington today, an administration that seldom shows its hand, as such, but which controls the, governmental machinery as complete-, ly and quietly as President Coolidge recently smothered the possibilities of. a bituminous strike. There is an ad-' ministration in Washington today that has as great a constructive program THE GROVE3 We hereby reprint in fullest detail, TON IGHT: The Mimes V'audeville what we .assume to be a feeble satire in the )lilMes theatre at 8:15 o'clock. on this department. It was, of course, * * * run in Gargoyle (the campus humor "BEGGARIAN" The following cast has been select- magazine) and was probably meant asi ed for "Beggarman," Holberg's broadI razz., A5 a smatter of fact it wastrnledyPof0.J burlesque, translated by Prof. 0. J. very encouraging to us. It showed Campbell of the English department,, just how rotten a. piece of humor in which the Mimes are to present in the, NEW AND SECOND HAND Graha-m Book Stores At Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk. .m - d.,..,........,r ----r BUSINESS STAFF Telephooe 21214C BUSINESS MANAGER} BYRON W. PARKER Advertising......... .. oseph J. Finn Advertising..........F..TD Olmsted, Jr. Advertising.............Frank R. Dentz, Jr. Advertising.................Wim.L. Mullin Csirculation................ H. L. Newman Vubication..............Rudolph Bostelinan Accounts...................Paul W. Arnold Assistants Ingr~d M. Alving 11. A. Norquist George 1. Annable, Jr. Loleta G Parker W. Carl Bauer Julius C. Pliskow iohi I. Bobrink Robert Prentiss W. 3. Cox Wmn. C. Pusch a\.a,; A.Tlaniel Franklin J. Rauneg A. Rolland Danmn Joseph Ryan James R. Deuy Margaret Smith xMary Flintermian Mance Solomon A tu'r-[ e. F4nk Thomas Sunderland Stan Gilbert Eugene Weinberg T. Kenneth Haven Wn. J. Weinman R. Nelson Sidney Wilson THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1926 Night Editor--W. C. PATTERSON PAY THE JUDGES the fQrm of a column can be. And we have not, apparently not ,reached the bottom yet. It is an example of what Rolls would be if the Garg. wrote it. hIere it is: "BURNED BISCUITS TWO AND TWO MAKE FOUR] The above statement was made byf the star of "Let Go Lucy" in an In- terview with the editor of Biscuitsj yesterday afternoon. We think it is one of the funniest cracks we have heard in years. Miss Sniffie Snort, who recently en- tered the university, having trans- ferred from Bad Axe City College, is again on the campus. Miss Snort, when interviewed, said: "I simply cannot keep off the campus. I think it is too cute for words." Miss Snort has entered the College of Chiropody, which will go a long way toward put- ting the University on its feet. Miss Snort weighs 1600 pounds f. o. b. any hay scale, central standard time, four-) teen degress centigrade. * .* * Limerick There was a young man from Mil- waukee Who walked from Keokuk to Chicago As he passed through Atlanta He asked his Dutch uncle "It's a hell of a ways to Muskegon." * * * Moe Filch, assistant dean of the college of Veterinary Chemistry, was the object of a newspaper attack yesterday forenoon in front of the Building and Grounds Memorial Tem- ple. Dean Filch, when interviewed, s ; "I was ever so surprised in my life. Of course, there is nothing in the rumour of my resignation. I am here for life." Dean Fitch will write the exclusive story of his life for Biscuits, beginning indefinitely. . * * * Poem I took my girl for a cutter ride, W6 sat together, side by side. I When we came home from our spree I had cold feet and so did she. -Cassopla. S* * * Coach T. Mumbleton Pipp had his ,varsity crew working out with the Seight-oared shell over the State Street course yesterday. He is very eftthu- siastic over prospects. In an inter- view with Biscuits, he said: "As soon as our newly ordered rivers arrive, the crew can settle down to real work. At present we are somewhat cramped 'or space in the Field House, but this, condition can soon be remedied." Coach Pipp recalled that while he was coaching the county champion crew at Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, it, was also a very severe winter. ! * s Mimes theatre Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, February 23, 24 and 25- Nille, goode woman....:Amy Loomis Jeppe of the Hill, her man. Robert Henderson Jacob Shoemaker, an innkeeper ........ ........Kenneth King Baron Nilus, lord of the country .Dale Shafer Secretary to the Baron.James Martin Eric, a lackey.........Richard Lutes A Valet .............. William Bishop A Doctor............ Samuel Bonell The Bailiff.........William Diener Magnus, the village gossip...... William MacVay Villagers, Retainers, and others.. Walker Everett, Henry Lathrop, Forest. Heath, Lester Smith, Hugh Armstrong, Benjamin Boyce, Rob- ert Manchester, Arthur McKinnie and George McKnight. * * * TlE MIMES VAUDEVILLE A review, by Robert Perry. "Oh, mama, why is that girl smok- ing?" "Shh. Not so loud. That isn't a girl that's Dan Warner, and those others are ValDavies and Barre Hill and all the rest of the college boys in the Opera. They've got into the movies." "Oh goody and did they have to go way to Hollywood to do it?" "Don't ask so many questions. See that little fellow that looks like the tin-woodman in the Oz story?" "Oh yes and see the funny way he opens his mouth to talk. Is that his brother that he is sitting beside?" "Why no that's a ventriloquist." "What's that, mama, something like measles?" "Alice, do be still, and watch the funny man with whiskers. His name is Earl Sawyer and he always talks like that." Oh,, mama I like that boy that playsonthei Irom kHtow does he make it go and what is the matter with that man thatstaggers al over the stage? Oh. I'm sleepy too." Suddenly there was quiet in the theatre and the curtain drew back on Frederic Lewis and Andrew Haigh, who closed the first night of the Mimes Vaudeville with a piano duet. "Alice wake up. It's time to go home and you've missed the best part of the show." "I don't care if I did sleep, mama, I dreamed I was in wonderland and I was playing with that little ventriv- velquist fellow's brother. THE PHILAELPHIA SYMPHONY The Philadelphia Symphony orches- tra, under the direction of Leopold Stokowski and with the new Four- Pedal piano, will appear at the Ma- sonic Temple, Detroit, on Saturday, February 27. Recognized as among the greatest orchestras in America and obviously the outstanding attrac- tion of the season, seats for the con- cert have been priced from $3.30 to $1.65 and are on sale at Wahr's book- store. Ann Arbor patrons are re- quested to purchase their tickets here, as a portion of local sales goes to the Women's League building. * * * "YOUNG BLOOD" A review, by Edward Heymann. "Young Blood" is decidedly not a pleasant play-not pleasant for the college student who has but recently passed through the ordeal of final ex- aminations. The story concerns a youth who is expelled from a univer- sity as a result of these very final examinations. He is an athlete, a ten- nis champion, who has never been able to attain even a C average in his marks. There is a tearful scene with father, and both gentlemen lose their tempers in a most disgraceful man- ner. Young Alan, mindful of his parent's attitude, has swallowed a few cocktails for dinner, and through the wiles of a wonderfully effective gold- digger-in the guise of a maid-he al- together forgets his position. The maid discerns her golden opportunity and demands that Alan marry her. The action of the piece is concerned with the clever way in which he is saved by his sweetheart from this quite horrible end. James Forbes has caught the slang of the moment in a surprising degree. The first act is delightful--pleasant chatter, done just right. In the se- ond there is little trace of comedy. There is just a suggestion of melo- drama, with two climaxes-the charm- ing scene between Alan and his sweetheart, and the thoroughly dra- matic situation between father and son. In the third there is a reversion SKILLED REPAIRING ALL MAKES ITOASRb ROLLVO SMUSIC a The only Fountain Pen which holds enough ink for Student Use. It's a Self-Starter and Steady Writer. No other pen like it or equal to it. Made, Sold and Ser- viced right here in Ann Arbor. PENS and INK EXCLUSIVELY 815 State St. _______ QUICK SERVICE GRA HA S r TEX 13S MAKE SL- MAINN'S c.T i , 1 E r-----r I .. )IF q. ..x . --, "A Wiser and better Place to Buy." Watch for Our New Spring Line. hats Clteied and Blocked. FACTORY HAT STORE 617, Packard Street. Phone 7415. (Where 1). U. R. Stops at State St.) -- - - - " OQmQ All popular Brogue models on display at GUY WOOIJFOL & & Co. 336 South State Street Ann Arbor, Mich. Ui -,.._., ) PLEASE DON'T, MAKE PAT H'S ON T HE' CAMPUS, Paths on snow form ice and kill all grass roots'beneath. Please don't make or use such paths. 'fasts anld hferns exlusive our own desfn I__________@WC.'H.1 9212 t &-A~ r = \CaFFORATED P BROADWAY AT 4O "STRitET ' 144 XEST-1.2N STRET M~ik--POLItTAN OP!ERA hOU"Sr MD6. lK IlcKEM,,)Ci< ,3UJ'DING 846ADWY 0'4 "DWAY - XlATWAL R E EE Read The Daily "Classified" Column There has been introduced in the I as any in the last generation, and that4 present session of the sixty-ninth program is being inaugurated with Congress of the United States by the unheard of neatness and dispatch. IHon. George S. Graham, of Philadel- Considering the wild desire on the phia, a bill to increase the salaries of part of its opponents to "get some- the judges of the United States courts. y thing on the administration," especial- Under the provisions of this bill the ly since it is time to be thinking of salary of the Chief Justice of the. campaign issues, and balancing that i United States is increased from $15,- against the achievements of the past 000 to $20,500, the associate justices few years, it is hard to unde'rstan0 from $14,500 to $20,000, the Circuit wherein lies any human possibility of judges from $8,500 to $15,000, and the preventing Calvin Coolidge from roll-, District Court judges from $7,500 to ing onward and upward,-toward $12,500. 1929. Nothing is more important in the functioning of our government thanj that the Federal judges should receive CAMPUS OPINION' adequate compensation. The late!, Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- President Roosevelt said, "The judge cants will, however, be regarded as f who does his full duty well stands confidential upon request. higher and renders a better service to the people than any other public A POINT OF VIEW servant." In America, due to the ap- ( To the Editor plication of the doctrine of judicial j I read with interest your editorial review, there may be said to be a cer- ( on "Governmental Efficiency" in the taro hierarchy of the law. At the top Wednesday Daily. Far from Washing- Is the United States' constitution, then ton, perhaps such statements are be- the laws and treaties of the Federal lieved, and no doubt that is what the government, below that the constitu- Democratic representative from Ohio iions of the several states and finally intended. If the departmental bu- the statutes of the forty-eight com- I reaus are filled with loafers, who is it itonwealths. The whole nature of the keeps the loafers in? Since Congress system puts the ultimate responsibil- holds the purse strings, they can ity upon the United States judges, and easily so exercise their authority that particularly the judges of the United honest efficiency must ever give the Slates' Supreme Court. right of way to the "pull" which each1 The judges of this highest court in individual congressman can use for the land receive less than the judges his own personal ends. of either the supreme or superior How did the congressmen get their courts of Pennsylvania. They receive 3 last raise in salary? By a rising vote less than ;he average income of the' or viva voice, not by a registered vote men who graduated from the Harvard that would broadcast the name of Law school twenty years ago. A dis- each member who had the temerity to tinguished member of the New York vote himself an increase-and theI bar who declined appointments to this last time it was a direct challenge, an. court tendered by both Wilson and affront to the recognized economy - Hardiug paid an income tax of $74,000 plan of the President. Their increase on his legal earnings for a single they tacked on as a rider to an appro- twelve-month period. priation bill during the last days of "There is a desire to recruit the the session,-an appropriation bill highest court from the judges of the carefully planned according to the s')-called inferior Federal judiciary budget system, and should it not bet and the highest state courts. The ap- } passed, complications would follow.I pointment of Sanford was both the Thus did they tie up the situation and, evidence of a tendency and a prece- practically force their salary increase dent. Many of the ablest students of through with the worthwhile appro- j our jurisprudence are found in these priation measure.E lower courts. lugg in Massachusetts. And because the congressmen did k ...a pipe and POA. t The most famous "Doesn't he look * * last line: natural!" * From our esteemed fellow journal, and (so it would seem) rival humor-' ist, the Ann Arbor Times News, we read the following in the middle of the front page: STOCK MARKET GROWS UNEASY IN UNION SUIT Well, who wouldn't? this is neither Florida nor summer. * * * ' THREE 'S A CROWD I The moon was gently shining on The rippling, gurgling Amazon And then I knew that I loved you! Because there was no other. II I asked you to my cozy tent And there I tried with every vent To hold your little hand in mine I Because there was no other. III You gave your sweet, soft palm to me And I went wild with boyish glee; Avant, I held you on my knee Because there was no other. We up and married then and there, A handsome, winsome looking pair I thought you had just scrumptous j . hairI Because there was no other. V We've battled since full many a ' or .41 WHEN you've kicked off the pumps and tossed the collar on the table, while the music is still singing in your brain and memories of one dancing deb in particular crowd your thoughts, fill your pipe with Prince Albert and light up. Make it a night of nights. P. A. is so genuinely friendly. It hits your smoke-spot in deep center right off the bat. Doesn't bite your tongue or parch your throat, because the Prince Albert process said "nix on the rough stiff" at the very beginning., Just cool contentment in every perfect puff. Don't put , off till tomorrow what you can smoke today. Get a tidy hed tin of P. A. now., Snap back the hinged lid and release that won- derful fragrance. Tamp a load into the bowl of your jimny-pipe and light up. Now you've got it . . . that taste. Say-isn't that the N P. A. is sold everywhere in tidy red tins, pound and half- pound tin humidors, and pound crystal-glass humidors with sponge moistener top. And always with every bit of bite and parch removed by the' Prince Albert'.lracess. vI goods now?