SUNDAY, MAY 9, 192G THE MICHIGAN DAILY a a r. its 4 CHOOSE LANTERN NI1GHT CAPTAI NS Formal Anouncenment Of New Meem bers Will Take Place After Formation Of 11K AIDES TO WEAR WHITE Class captains were elected among the aides selected to direct the line of march in the Lantern night proces- sion Tuesday, May 8, at a recent meet- ing of the group. They are as fol- lows: Senior Elizabeth Parrott, Jun- ior, Margaret McNally, sophomore, Marian Van Tuyl, and freshman, Vir- ginia Reid. The distinctive dress that was se- lected for the aides is white knickers and blouses with colored ties and belts to distinguish between the class- es. As usual the seniors will wear blue, -the juniors yellow, the sopho- mores red, and the freshmen green. The patrons and patronesses will be entertained at the picnic supper by the various sororities and dormitories, and have been named , as follows: President Clarence Cook Little and Mrs. Little, Miss Jean Hamilton, Dr. Margaret Bell, Dr. John Sundwall and Mrs. Sundwall, Mr. Shirley Smith and Mrs. Smith, Mr. Ira Smith and Mrs. Smith, Mr. Robert Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, Dean John R. Effinger and Mrs. Effinger, Dean Joseph A. Bursley and Mrs. Bursley, Dean Henry M. Bates and Mrs. Bates, Dean Hugh C. Cabot and Mrs. Cabot, Dean Allan S. Whitney and Mrs. Whitney, Dean Wil- bur L. Humphreys, Dean Mortimer To Hold Luncheon In Interests 'Of League Campaign All Michigan women in Ann Arbor and all those who are interested in the work for the alumnae on the Wo- men's league campaign, will meet for luncheon at 1 o'clock Tuesday, May 11, at the Lantern shop.. Announcements will be made of the calendar of events of Michigan women and further plans discussed for the finance drive. A re- port will be given of the progress made in the fund since March 1. Re- servations may be made by calling the Lantern shop. E. Cooley and Mrs. Cooley, Dean Ed- mund E. Day and Mrs. Day, Prof. Fielding H. Yost and Mrs. Yost, Prof. John L. Brunmm and Mrs. Brumm, Prof. Emil Lorch and Mrs. Lorch, Prof. Raleigh Nelson and Mrs. Nelson, Prof. B. Louise Patterson, Mr. Robert Frost and Mrs. Frost, Mr. Jesse Lynch Williams and Prof. Ethel McCormick. All women students are expected to join th'e procession and runners will be sent throughout the field to urge, them to do so. The line and direction of march will be practically the same as in former years and will be fully' explained later in The Daily. A new event is going to be intro- duced by the honorary societies this year, that will in a measure supplant the giving of athletic awards. This is the formal announcing of new mem- bers which will probably take place immediately after the formation of the I M. Although heretofore public an- nouncement has been made through The Daily, all decisions will be unan- nounced until this time. LEASUE IINSTALLATION TO BE HELD THURSDAY Officers and committee chairmen of the Women's league will be installed in their respective offices at the an- nual installation banquet which will be held this year at 5:30 o'clock, Thursday, May 13, at Barbour gymna- sium. All organized, houses will at- tend the banquet as is the custom, and a short installation will immediately follow.! League houses, dormitories and so- rorities will be called tomorrow con-! cerning the number of tickets desired, and any who are not included may secure reservations by calling Anne Seeley, '26, 7817. The tickets are 50 cents. Mothers To Hear Girls' Glee Club Following an established tradition the members of the University Girls' 'Glee club will meet at 10:30 o'clock this morning at the Congregational church where they will take part in the Mother's Day program there. The members of the Glee club will wear senior gowns. "Mother o' Mine" and "Lullaby" by Brahms, will be sung. I. - World Secretary To Speak To Y. W. Miss Charlotte Niven, .world secre- tary of the Y. W. C. A., from London 'will be present at the annual meeting of the University Y. W. C. A., which Will be held at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon in Newberry hall. She will speak to the members at the meeting and will be guest of honor at tea fol- lowing it. Miss Niven is spending a few weeks in America visiting sometof the stu- dent and city groups of the associa- tion. She will be in Ann Arbor for only one day and then go on to visit the groups at Detroit. Installation of the new officers and' cabinet members of the organizations will take place at this annual meet- ing. Katharine Wilson, '26, retiring' president will have charge of the meeting. All the members of the as- sociation have been sent a notice of' the meeting and are requested to at-I tend. Members of the Sociology club were3 addressed by Miss Kathleen Allen of the University hospital on "Medical Social Work" at a recent meeting of1 the society. A short business meeting1 preceded the program and at this time a nominating committee was appoint- ed to nominate candidates for new of- ficers. KAPPA DELTA LEADS IN WefgoAs A.HONOR POINTS Kappa Delta is leading the inter- house honor roll, according to the points already recorded by the depart- ment of physical education. Their total so far amounts to 277, while Bet- sy Barbour is second on the list, at present, with 299 points, and Alpha Phi third with 220. Kappa Kappa Gamma has 200 points to its credit.' These scores are composed from the points obtained by the houses in the various intramural sports. Kappa Delta won the intramural basketball tournament, while Betsy Barbour gained a large part of its score' through its winning the intramural tournament. Other sports still to be considered by those making out the honor roll, are ones giving individual points. These are rifle, archery, and tennis. Announcement was made of the en- gagement of Blanche Barton, '26, to Jack H. Page, '26L, at the Alpha Chi Omega house. Page is a member of the Delta Tau Delta and Phi Alpha Delta fraternities. EASTON, Pd.... Join 4. S&horpp has completed ift sugar a miiature of Indepeandence hall, Philadelphia Dormitories Hold The following intramural games a scheduled to be played at 4:15 o'clot Joint Lawn Frete :'tomorrow afternoon on Palmer field upper field, diamond one, Delta Gait Betsy Barbour house and Helenma vs. Collegiate Sorosis; diamon Newberry residence will combine in tBe at; diamond fou, Betsy r giving a lawn fete Saturday, May 15. Delta Zeta; diamond five, Pi Beta P Bridge, stunts, and tea will be features vs. Alpha Epsilon Iota; loer flel othe afterno on program le in diam ond one, Delta Delta Delta 1 the evening a dance will he given in Alpha Xi Delta; diamond two, Adel Betsy Barbour house. A similar plan Cheever vs. Kappa Delta. was carried out two years ago. Canton. -- Striking sChinese boa men have drowned some Chineee * violated their orders. The Kappa Phi supper meeting will be held at 6 o'clock Tuesday in Wes-, ley hall, instead of 5:30 o'clock as be- Make your party dis- fore stated. Rehearsal of the cast of the Senior tinctive by using our play will take place at 3:15 o'clock place cards, nut cups Tuesday and Thursday in Newberry, auditorium. and tales. The Freshmen Girls' Glee club will meet at 4 o'clock Wednesday at the APPLIED ARTS School of Music before going to Betsy Barbour house. 2 Mlckels Aread All aides for Lantern night will Th Sho for Uni Gifts meet at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon T on Palmer field. Give Mother a Treat FOR INDIVIDUAL DESIGNING " t "" 'I A SPECIALTY Spring Salads Fresh Vegetables 4 Satisfaction For Every Patron! This is what we always strive to attain. The work which we do, combined with the quick, efficient service which we give, obtains this result. Arcade Barber Shop I/I Consulting Costum e1 218 Nickels Arcade 4882 1 I Bring her here for Sunday Evening Lunch OPEN SUNDAY 3 P. M. Just a Bite or a Full Meal. Hot or Cold Fountain Refreshments. The Arbor Fountain 313 SOUTH STATE II Telephone for Reservations 225 SOUTH THAYER Behind Hill Auditorium Dial 3941 I 4s t , I ' ' 4;' r~ A ,r I I. I I- f r f t) y r Match Your Ankles to ' our Complexion 1 1i I liriI lIllrll till 11111l 1111111111111111111111111 III I lHi I II rll lirrr11 11111 lIIIIlr ., Fascinating New wF k Frocks Here is your chance to buy one or two lovely Printed or Tub Silk, Georgette or Crepe Dresses most reason- _ a I ably. - $16,75 You will find great versatility in this collection. Every smart style feature, favorite fabric and new = color in strikingly distinctive street dresses and after- noon frocks. Also breezy sport models. The favored- - fabrics are Printed Silk, Flat Crepe, Georgette and striped Tub Silk. I- Insist on "Ruby Ring" Full Fashioned Silk Stockings w -I -I w - Ia - ARCADE SHOP and MAIN AT LIBERTY _a w l 11111111111111111 llllll tlln111111111111111111111111 111111111111111 II 11111 III1111ll '- U CRIPPEN'S DELICIOUS MALTED MILKS For the Spring Fever "A store in every shopping centre" CR1 PPEN"S DRUG STOR ES 723 N. University Avenue Also Stores at 217 North Main St. 219 South Main t The latest subtlety in the ensemble idea is the matching of your hose to your complexion-be it of appl-blossom pink, a creamy, rich magnolia or a sunburnt boyish hue. It is not only a dainty conceit, but actually, in some mysterious way which artists, perhaps, can explain, your ankles look slimmer in silk that blends with the tint of your cheeks. Here are exquisite new flash shades from which the strawberry blonde or the nut-brown maid may choose her new complexion hosiery. 6. w __ , the Ex IGHEST PRAISE OF THE HAS BEEN GIVEN EUGENE O'NEILL'S ".s.oGL E NCAIR14 ---m - -m - A lom