]PACIE TWO PAGE TWO '11W T IFMICH-IGAN DAILYSUDMA9,12 SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1926 0 01111 EXPERHTONYACUUM TUDES*TOLECTUREdl Dar. A. W. Hull, Electrical Engineer, To Be Brought Here May 13 By Sltgma Xi Fraternity, - 14 A Q 11,3 AN?1TT NVNT'Tf)N1% ASK SENIORS TO PAY UMNN UES BY JUNE Seniors, taking out Union life. memberships,' are urged by El- liott Chamberlain, '27t, chairman of the Union life membership committee, to make final pay- mnents before graduation in June. In past years many seniors either neglect their payments en- tirely after they have left the i a 1 t 1 r : .r ''c : ° T" Registration To - Close To;n,orrozlv Final opportuiyfor yB) (,r l fo-IOV the annual all c(inl11 1f ( i, O) 1.v lc] is to be held N ed a ('SB; i!1 1beiv en from 9 unt il 2:;,o u'lo( -t0)AO- .row at a booth in b o t-IhI' campus. 'tint ,,ts ;HvY- ;ciad o. =college -in the ty %xi-[O have not alreadly registei A fil ,,itthBe registration (:Tat1' 111n, stident failng 1to0 1i will not be allo-v;(d t ,' c. oI, (lay on the ballot ''. ,l i jacent coluinhin of The' its final meeting a Wed tii sd ;;anAtlIan - tic City, it was lemV11 d ik -a il lt. Patronize DallyAd e>';.-d. ryi WILLIAM FAVERSHAM ! (B E ';n~t~zier~ii Aitli Slesgreeu id Yon (W GUESTS .STAR THE SQUAW MAN By d"wluirlillton R-oile Faversham's" Favorite Role BOSAES11 ilts N~c to $1.50 F r o m -6 r i y . I 0 Y' I U E S . T H U R S . o r l 1P LH 0 U E5 ac hii Second AWeok Start llg Sunday, May 91 ~'~'ABRIK~ 5 to The Y THE GARRICK COMPANY and Ilisting I he Ne r1 Plyr ANN HARDING ROLLO PETERS V I University or postpone them so At the invitation of the Sigma Xi lnththeners ha i- S a ternity, Dr. A. W. I-ull, of the re- d rae h mon u osd a rch laboratory of the General Elec- 3 ° T x :: r '- ' l'r r' ,F_ ' ; . : t, ' 1 L ".--- PERLMUT TER Go On Forever and Now It's PARTNERS AGAIN /Z 3 h 11 N'm "Pipe Down, Frosh!" "Hlow Comte the Boulevards and Lakes are Deserlcd? Something Must Be Up?" We. will call for your valuables immediately. Just T: r;1 1 '+4r. _J '3 k .y 4{ L 5 4T ln:y i y} ;'r+ rM1t / /f. $ R1 ?h t t r :, \ . " ; , , : ti , kc, ,r ' ... z Hey, Soph! "Just Run Over to the Arc and You'll Find the Gang Laughing Their Heads Off." I.' I 91Q 9OIll ,, 9 Dial 850,7. ESTABLISHED 1904 217 E. LIBERTY ST.: FUR, SHOP . c; f t: ' i r ' s , IMPORTANT DATA Potash & Perlinufltei' llas played nine years on Broad I way. Pan nine years ini the Saturdam Evening Post dine years on tour in the 1Un1 ite States. PRODUCTIONS ; - - _. / :/rI'./. -^ ".: c-.--.. r rrr...rrrrr..rs°.O r cr., . . .rr, r.crr, . n 210,0 I I . ..4- 1 . , .I l t V tl + r RIB "....",ai. i 4 t4 kQY N7k "N" :} 1 % ,r . Uniited Artists -Policy- 1:30.3:1(0 4:45 7:00.8:45, All Seats, 50C C'Ihidren, 125c Five years Ini London. 'three years In Berlin. 'three years ini Russia. In every language. Ini every land. , In thie newspapers. In inagazine54. In hoot: form. On records. Across the radio. Seen any thle world. Heard ley the world.. Millions have laughed millions of laughs d. ay ed >1 !1 tepartners foot with machinery. SE~them step on the gas ..... . S~ee them try to sell a frenzied "Schenckmano Six." .... See them escape a mob.... See them flutter between heaven and earth in an airplane. BIGGEST P. & P. COMEDY EVER! f/ 5. ... , ._ . - - - r 1 F f __..ra .: . .:."..i.:" AR V [ ~ ~pedby FRANCES MARION ..;.. ; F FELLOWS .rom the B~roadway Stage Successby Good coffee always, when an electric 1) O-N 'r ,,o 1W ttr YOUR pe rcolator is used ('Ei' TEST "'S, (YHER AT T ? YOU «.- .. :. M rt A Mf Y ! 0HTA~ith GLAS and iULES WK(,RT GOODMAVUN EXCLUSIVE ARCADE FEATURES. G ) STAGE FEATURE Special values in six and eight cup percolators this month $5.95 to $7.95 The Detroit Edison Al Caincron The Original Blunes Tenor wiithi a Grip Load of Tantalizing 'S'ums-Ai's (kigiv al Inter. priklon~s fr'omi Ihe RII APPLE CLUB Maian VCX-R ecording Artist for Vict or, Colu 'a nd ;iL(incoili. ADDED (ehris e Qomn-tVmlptT NEALBUflNS 'SER~A STEAD~MAN _ - --'onilig- CORINE GRIFFITH 4 j JUNE TOPICS Spiice, WIVt and MICtH. LOCALS About Town P~ICTORIlAL -NEWS ARWbtl -jLlt- 11 11 - ? t, 11 AR,('11DF jmi Y y T 7 7i lVicr7nm nn.7 i Ci-c tn im^ t f