:4ATURDAY, MAY 8,' 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE 1TRE! _ _ - ,...., Michigan I Rt UNIVERSITY BALLOON WILL TAKE TEST TRIP' eadly For Initial Flight Tonight i selected as first alternate. The bal- loon will be piloted by R. 1-I. Upson, former instructor at the University, land, at.:present,. chief engineer of the Aircraft Development company of De- S troit. The balloon is housed at the labor- will return by train. Expenses of t he trip, according to Thompson, will reach about $50, of which $26 will be used to pay for repairs which wereI found necessary. The balloon, which according to D ETROIT THEATRES Upson, is in excellent condition, has a cotton, (loped with oil to make it gas capacity of 42,000 cubic feet, a. lifting!poo.A clrsceeof.,azan p)ower of one ton when inflatedl withI blue is carr'iedI thrdughout with one hydrogen, and slightly less 'when in-! diamond of blue followed' by three of IHfated with coal gas. The baig is of rnmaize. Friday May 14 I LAST TIMES TODAY, i, k uTTrIC THSATR NOW SHOWING UT -lU F'inal arrangements for the premier aoy of the+ AirrftDvlomn Bight of the Michigan I, the Universi- company at present. This afternoon ty's balloon, have been completed; and it will be transported to the High- ,t1 rring unfavorable weather condi- ]land Park field where it will be filled t~ions, the trip will take place tonight with coal gas. and tomorrow, according to Milton[ At, sundown the balloon will take Thompson, grad, who is in charge of Toff, fly all Saturday .night, and as the event., much farther as is .possible. If the Those who will make the trip be- weather is favorable, they expect, to sides Thompson, are Vernon B. Qua,, make about 200 miles. After landing. '2(;E, 1..G. Winter, '26F, and 'William, the balloon will be shipped back to Gelman, '26E. Frank Reid, '26E, was Detroit by freight -and the passengers t ., j GARRICK, Nivhts - 23c to $1.50 Mats. s t. -25c-75c B EI '° I A ( THE CARRICK COMYPANY# !With Ann Hlarding-Rollo Peters in "TARNISH' s -Nights 7u t5C : . Bonstefle le at.Tic.'rin.) - ( Woodward at Fliot Tel. Glendale 9792 a+ J h BNTLL O S osNenPresents Wm. Faversham as wuest Star f InUU u'w~ Sh e-o- e _"TeSuw at Sheq , bet Latayle fgete at SC.$2.50o N DlUUIi hts,0c to$2 0%as t .-.: S~~at.at. 5C$.0 SPop.Thurs.Mat. 'oc to $i.50, plus tax, Cad. 87o5 r WALKER WHITESIDIE Owt "" " assisted by Miss Sydney Shields -In n Modern Comedy Romance ., «IThe Arabians'_______ - .: wul A Crook Comique! VIOLA DANA ,.Bostonians Shoes - igs'tG l" . = r. OR "WILD) OATSLANE" in allI#the new creations ,WITRi iOBERT'A(GNEW ANI BIG (CAST ~~~ ARISH ALLNE ILAN PRODIUCT ION $7.0 $.0 -$900ALSO COMVEDY, LO('AV1S, JIOI)E POf)HE AND NEWS X75-7.60 9.0. . -4.. Wah' So SoeSTARTING 108 S. Main St.. Downtown ~ HYHy ' NATION 4 1n~u.rirrlrjr1rr~1 1rrrlrlrlrrrrn~rlrr~lrrrut~rullrruurlrlr~tlruurlrn ., ,,4 7'E$T 6Rf.A ,FSTrPLAY sof Two Continents ex&z dduced one year' at £MPI iiirick The a esNvs.wYo I '' it thkd yl'' ._ v / 12 n~ 74; x{f America's Greatest A ctor! _ ..... V#cQSa .. $ s Mail Now $1.65, $2.20, $2.75 other daes) See, the most 7, thrilI irq struggle the scmett etas ever" presen.ed. Sx'mesi) pitting~ their, skill a~airtst th. ~brute stren th*"o a 50-ton4 nonster o e d "4J 1~C1 hA kST TIMES TODAY 2:00, 3:35, 7:00 and 8:40 Dolores Cosat -Added Features- I I.l it 'E ROCKED THE WITH LAUGHTER e1 -V. .. . s Ic OLLEG lATE I I., . I P ' -.4-4-,.. , '1 3,_ w4, 7 !, - U. by .,,-3 OTHES SHOP COILEDGlATE CLOTHES FOR COLLEGE MEN at a Saving. nd tailored. We cur trousers "the r s Special Musical Score Compiled by Nicholas D. Falcone Conducting 12-Piece Orchestra STARTING TOMVORROW7 Cartoon "FEILIX THE CAT"! LATES3T NEWS ORGAN I I Ae an tolk 1 aw 1 dizzy a . aa Super-Clowns in thej Art of Laughter ALEXANDER CARR GEORGE SIDNEY -, -~t A vi ustHa~ rIL ~avyaut( '0='1 -/CE, both rvl aad aboad rve ,,._- r dM1%L L'AUG~ From the Studios of Ui tedl Artigts College Styles--( suits are all ha: Our are 7best -41 proud to call o1 fitting pants in Ann Arbor." I I fjj){ t . " , ' . . r r.. < ; t OHwhat a ANTONIO MORENO boy she makes in thisRO C colorful, f a s t - RYDAC moving, roman- of "Merry Widow" tic comedy!l Fame 'I' m r~'l~fm kl;rf In I [. 111 I I -I'E 1111'l I