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TO HOD INITIAL Illinois Favored
U UTo Win Freshman
SCRI MMAGE TODAY! Dual Track Meet!
Coach "Pitch" Johnson's brilliant
Flair Teams To Play lu Pr actiee squad of Illinois freshman tracksters
Games After Two Weeks Of will meet the Wolverines in a dual
Hard Training " telegraphic meet today and tomorrow,
withthe Illini squad favored to win
LINEUPS ANNOUNCED because of their heavy scoring in the
I all-Conference indoor meet and their
present strength in the short runs and
After two weeks of strenuous train- in the hurdles.
ing, the candidates of the spring Ketz, who won the hammer throw
football squad will hold the first in the recent meet with Minnesota
scrimmage of the year at 4 o'clock with a toss of 130 feet 9 inches, yes-
this afternoon on the practice field terday broke his own mark for the
behind Yost field house. event with a throw of 134 feet 8 in-
The entire squad wasdivided into iches, a distance which could score
four teams in yesterday's practice even in Varsity competition.
session and perfected plays to be used Carlson and Saunderson have been,
in -the game today. Four teams will hurling the discus approximately 125
compete in the scrimmage this after- feet, while Wilson and Carlson areI
noon, the Reds and the Blues each capable of putting the shot almost 40
having two elevens. It is likely thatffeet. Reports from Champaign indi-
the opening lineup will be replaced by cate that the Indians are especially
a second team at the end of the first weak in this event. In the javelin,
half. Ketz should score, as he has been
The rumor that the scrimmage had throwing thesshaft close to 160 feet.
been cancelled on account of the In the sprints and 440 the Illini will'
spring games was denied by Coach' ,undoubtedly pile up their heaviest
Wieman yesterday. Many of the can- total of points. Waterhouse and Hol-
didates will participate in the spring lingsworth have been running the fur-
games ,today, but the remainder of long almost a full second faster than
the squad is large enough to warrant Freese, star Wolverine, and their per-
four teams holding a scrimmage.- ; formances of :22 seconds fiat and :22.2
The opening game: will give the Sucker athletes high
Reds Blues scoring power.
Thayer........RE..........Wiard Perhaps the greatest individual
Hoger ........RT...... Lounsberry strength on Coach Johnson's squad
P4ker .......RG........ Palmeroli rests in Orlovich, holder of the Illi-
Nannery ........C......... Walters nois interscholastic record of :51 sec-
Moffett........LG.. ......Meese onds in the 440. While still in high
Heath .........LT.......Holpuck school, the Joliet quarter miler was
Boden ..........LE........ . Douglas timed in 49 seconds. Last week le
Johnson .......QB.......... Maresh was timed at 50.9 seconds.
Cook ..........LI1.......... Miethe Royer, in the hurdles, will be al-
Wenzel.........,RH............ Rich most a certainty for the Illini in the
Totski ........FB.......... Gimbus highs and lows. The former Oak Park
and Lake Forest star is Cook County
champion and one of the best ath-
ARIPRACTICE letes ever turned out of Chicago high
etschools. For Michigan, finney and
MacDonald will attempt to defeat the
other Indians, Roger and Moller.
By Norman Siegel
Of The Ohio State Lantern
COLUMBUS, May 6.- Ohio State
tracksters have worked out at the
stadium this week with the knowl-
edge that Saturday they will be facing
a cinder squad that is just eight points
better than any Big Ten track team!
4 when they meet Michigan at Ann Ar-
Last Saturday the Wolverines eras-!
ed Iowa, indoor Conference champs
by a 72 1-2 62 1-2 score. With this
fact in mind Coach Castleman is
working hard on the weak links of
the squad in an effort to have a pol-
ished team ready for Michigan.
Weak In Sprints
On comparative results the Wolver-
ines are in a class by themselves in
the rashes and a number of field ev-
ents, and it is in these departmentsI
that the Buckeye artists are working
hardest. Larry Irwin and Roger
Grim are theBuckeye's two best bets
in the dashes.
Ir tedin ran the 220 last Saturday in
21.7, with Grim close behind. In the
century Irwin tore off 10.3. However,
it is hardly possible that State will
gather and points in these two events
with Hester, Kelly, and Leschinsky in
form for the Michigan squad.
In the quarter and half-mile, Tool-
,ey, captain of last season's yearling
squad, Hornstein, Waid, and Bevan
look best.. Bevan ran the quarter in
50 fiat last Saturday against Minneso-
ta, while Tooley ran the half mile in
2 minutes 1.3 seconds.
A strong array of runners are found
in the mile and two mile races. Ken-
nedy is the Conference indoor mile
champ, having won the event in 4.23
4-10 last winter, setting a new Big
Ten mark. He won the two mile run
with ease last week in 9 minutes 56.7
seconds. With Loomis and Swisher
in form, Kennedy may be kept out of
the mile run and saved for the two
mile go. Both of these men have been
stepping fast in the mile and will give
the Wolverine runners trouble.
Ohio Should Win Hurdles
The Buckeyes should take all three
places in both the hurdle e
Captain Guthrie, Irwin, an
they have as strong an arra
events as can be found in t
ence.. Guthrie is without
Big Ten high hurdle circles
number of marks in this
the Drake relays, after L
high hurdles, he came back
the lows and led the fieli
recent Ohio relays Irwin fin
to him and Captain Werner
with Powers trailing in fou
The high jump wil also p
to State.. Anson has been
6 feet 3 inches all week, an
form can jump over 6 feet
Guthrie is also good fort
mark. Both are entered in
jump and seem to be able to
own. Anson has been jum
to 24 feet all year with "P
Brown and Cramer haveI
ing the burden in the pole
are far from outstanding.
that Brown could do last
to win was 11 feet 6 inches.
Weak In Shot Pu
All of the field events
those already mentioned wil
be lost by State, as no one
the shot put against Minn
Saturday. Gabalac and Zi
been carrying the burden
Buckeyes, but they can't
more than 42 feet.
Patronize Daily Adverti
Hoff To Compete
Or Forfeit
(By Associated Press)I
I NEW YORK, May 6.--Rejecting ali
events. In
id Powers, request from Charlie Hoff that he be;
ay in these permitted to cancell a scheduled ap-
he Confer- pearance at San Francisco this Sat-
a peer in urday, officials of the A. A. U. today jt
holding a wired the Norwegian pole vaulter o
event. At that he must adhere to his schedule j
osing the or have his permit for further compe- I(
strong; in tition in this country cancelled. a
d. A the Hoff, in a telegram sent from Pas- Ig
ished third adena, Calif., today notified the A. A.X
of Illinois, U. headquarters here that he was nott
rth. in his best condition and required furth-a
robably go er rest before resuming competition.s
going over The A. A. U. informed the vaulting
d when in hiking that this was not sufficient rea-S
4 inches. son for his withdrawal from the San
the 6 foot Francisco meet.
the broad "The 'Pacific association acted in I
hold their i good faith in arranging for your ap-)
ping closeIpearance," the message to Hoff said,
hin" close "and 'your failure to compete would
he an injustice to it. The foreignI
relations committee of the A. A. U.1
vault but has voted unanimously to cancell your
The best permit for furthe mrcompetition, if you
Saturday fail to compete at San Francisco."
y Hoff, who has been quoted as say-
ing he planned to carry out the rest
it of his schedule, will not be permitted
outside of to compete at Los Angeles May 15 if
11 probably lhe fails to appear at San Francisco,j
placed in according to word received by the A.
aesota last A. U. from Robert S. Weaver, its Los
egler have Angeles representative.
for the Hoff was slated for other appear-s
do much ances in Chicago and Pittsburgh be-
fore competing at the national A. A.
-- U. championships a Philadelphia in I
sers.-Adv. July.
Michigan will meet Wisconsin today who allowed the Maroons - nine hits
at Madison in the fourth Conference while his teammates collected 13,
contest of the season for both schools three of them for extra bases.
in a game which will determine the Oosterbaan will again play right
occupant of third place in the Con- field in place of Miller while the star
ference' standings. right hander is handling the pitching
Both the Badger and Wolverine burden, and the remainder of-the team
teams have won two games and lost will be the same as faced the Hoosiers
one. Wisconsin lost to Purdue 6 to .here last Monday.
1 the first of the week while the Wol- f Besides the pitcher and catcher the
verines lost to Ohio State 9 to 3. As Wisconsin team will line up as fol-
announced yesterday, Miller and Ed- lows: Tanger, 3b; Donagan, If; Lar-
gar will form the battery for the son, cf; Ellerman, 2b; Burbridge, rf;
Maize and Blue, and Stoll, who has Wieland, ss; Murphy, 1b; and Massey.
two Conference victories to his credit, Ellerman is the heaviest hitter on the
and Barnum will occupy the same po- Cardinal team boasting an average of
sitions for the Cardinals. .333.
Wisconsin defeated' Chicago last
Saturday behind the pitching of Stoll Patronize Daily Advertisers.--Adv.
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Edgar Garbisch, all-American cen-
ter of the Army football teams, donned
a Michigan . football uniform and in-
structed the spring football candidates
in the Army style of line play and
kicking in the practice held at Ferry
field yesterday.
Garbisch, who won great fame as- a
'drop kicker and place kicker while a
member of the Army grid teams, spent
the major part of the afternoon in-
structing Rich and Hughes, two prom-
ising halfback candidates, in the art
of place kicking. The latter displayed
a natural ability at place kicking and
fared well under. the coaching of the
Army star.
The line candidates were given in-
struction in the line plays, both in of.
fense and defense.
Garbisch played on the football
teams at Washington and Jefferson be-
fore entering the West Point academy.
The Army star was given all-American
honors three years in succession, mak-
ing the first -team in 1922 and 1924,
and third team laurels in 1923. In
1993 Walter Camp ranked Jack Blott
of Michigan as the best center in the
country for that season's play.
Garbisch is in business in Battle
Creek, and has been spending the past
few days in town. He accepted an
invitation extended by Coach Wieman
to aid in the football practice stat-
ing that "the sound of th'e old foot-
ball was too inviting to refuse."
BUDAPEST. Hungary has defi-
nitely decided to participate in the Da-
vis cup .championship. The Hungar-
ian team will play Argentina at Bar-
celona, and if not eliminated will play
Spain at Madison.
University of California is condition-
ing a team for four lawn tenm1is play-
ers to compete in the national inter-
collegiate tournament at Haverford,
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