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May 07, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-05-07

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Expulsion Of Monks And Nuns Result
Of Attempt To Run Government.
By Education Scheme
Stressing the economic conditions
prevalent in Mexico as a cause of the
present political situation there, Prof.
Andres Osuna of Mexico City spoke on
tle subject' of "Present Phases of
Mexican Affairs" in a University lec-
ture in Newberry hall auditorium yes-
terday afternoon. He dealt with the
rise of a number of the problems
which have been the subject of recent
legislation in Mexico.
Professor Osuna took first, the de-
velopment of the -various tonditions
that were contributing factors to the
passage of the Oil Law. In giving
the historical background for this law,
he said that it dated from the days
when Mexico was a Spanish colony,
and It was the policy of the colonial
government to distribute the land to
settlers for agricultural purposes, but
to keep the mineral rights to itself.
In 1884, with the passage of a new
mining code, he said that the land was
distributed by the Mexican govern-
ment without the reservation of the
claims upon mineral resources, but
th'at this was in the hope of interesting
foreign capital in the development of
Mexico. In 1892 a,,similar nmeasure
was passed, and it was not until later
that the troble with foreign interests
became a serious governmental prob-
lem. The attempt of the Mexican gov-
ernment with the passage of the Oil
Law late in 1925 to gain back its old
sub-soil rights to settled or conces-
sionary lands was Justifiable in the
light of thedmeasures of 1884 and
1892, he stated.
Flays Oil Companies
Professor Osuna gave illustratios
of the diffialty the government faces
In.dealing with the great oil coin-
panies from his own experiences as
governor of the state of Tamaulipas,
In -which the city of Tampico is lo-
cated. He said that there was great
unwillingness olthe part of the oil
corporations to meet the Mexican
taxes, none of which are nearly as
hight as those In the United States.
The hesitation of foreign concerns to
submit cases of justice to Mexican
courts has often presented another
difficulty, in that if a court investga-
tion into land titles were made in the
progress of a suit, the oil companes
wo ld probably lose their holdings.
Explains Religious Troules
Recent religious agitation has been
the result of the oil problem, he stated
further, and the reasons for the ex-
pulsion of monks and nuns from Mex-
ico are their attempts to control the
government through their scheme of
education, a thing contrary to Mexi-
can practice since the disestablishment
of-a state church.
In speaking of the so-called Alien
Land law, Professor Osuna said thatt
it was a probable soluttion to the boun-
dary difficulties which have arisen
from time to time, and that by it, the
government hoped to avert further
diplomatic troubles.
As a summary, he said that Mexico
wants more foreign investments, but
she also wants to see that her people
are protected against exploitation, her
new constitution being designed with
that end in view..

President Clarence Cook Little will
give the principal address at the initi-
ation banquet of Sigma Xi, national
honorary society for the promotion of
research in pure and applied sciences,
to be held next Monday at the Union.
The subject of President Little's
speech has not yet been announced.
Those initiated will include 23 who
were elected to full membership, ten
who were advanced from associate
to full membership and 20 who were
made associate members.
Prof. Edward M. Bragg of the naval
architecture department, president of
the society, will give the address of
welcome to the initiates.



Architects To
Stage Annual
Party Tonigh

Campus Tour VIII Be Feature
Mothers' Program Which
Opens Tomorrow

Of Deann

Day Will Be Faculty Speaker
At Fathers' Day Banquet
Saturday, May 15


Many special features have been ar-
ranged for the tour of the campus
which will be taken by the mothers
tomorrow as part of the Mothers'
week-end plans, according to Robert
J. Brown, '26, chairman of the con-
mittee in charge.
Starting from Hill auditorium at
2:30 o'clock, the mothers will be tak-
en through the auditorium itself, thenc
to the Library, where they will in-
spect the stacks and rare book room.
Angell hall and Alumni Memorial hall,
will next be visited,and then the Wil-
liam L. Clements library, where the
mothers Will be shown the Sir Henry
Clinton collection, which will be ex-
h-ibited for the first time. From there,
the tourists will be taken through
Martha Cook dormitory, the Lawyers'
club and the Union..
Following the tour, a faculty-stu-
dent tea and reception will be given
in the main ballroom of the Union.
All members of the faculty and their .
wives are invited to be present.
Musical numbers will be presented,
by a group of artists from the School
of Music, and -tea and light refresh-
ments will be served.
On Sunday morning, the convoca-
tion will be opened to visiting mothers
and guests. Dr. Willard L. Sperry of
the Harvard divinity school will de-
liver the address.

Dean Edmund E. Day of the School
of Business Administration has beei.n
chosen as faculty representation for
the fourth annual Fathers' day ban-
quet which will be held at the Union
Saturday, May 15, it was announced
last night by Paul Starrett, '27A,
chairman of the Fathers' day commit-
tee of the Union.
The program for the banquet is now
complete. Former Congressman 0. J.
Larson, '94L, of Duluth, Minn., has
been engaged as the principal speak-
er, while Dean Henry M. Bates of the
Law school will act as toastmaster.
William L. Diener, '26, president of
the Union, will also speak as student
representative. Entertainment is be-
ing arranged for the occasion.
The first event on the Fathers' day
program will be the Cal night cere-'
monies next Friday night. On Sunday,
most of the' visiting parents are ex-
pected to attend the Hill auditorium{
convocation in the morning.
Harvard Theologiual Seiminary Dean
To Speak Oh "Odur Part In The

I 6-U -WAH lDecorations for-the 1926 annual Ar-
chitt cts' May party which will be held
tonight in Barbour gymnasium have
been completed and put into place.
IiENRY GRINNELL IS CHOSEN TO Ten large panels, depicting deep sea
LEAD SOVUOMORES IN plants and animals, have been painted
ISPRING GAMES and placed around the walls while
a mile of crepe paper is draped from
I these to a large central panel in the
"M" MEN TO REFEREE ceiling. Theatrical gauze has been
- stretched in front of the panels to give
Obstacle Race, Horse And Rider it the apperance of deep water. The
entire ballroom will be lighted by
ContesIt, And Rope Tying 'lamps hidden beneath and behind the'
Event Tomorrow I decorations. The mouth of a large
- whale will form the entrance to this
Henry S. Grinnell, '28, was chosen under sea playground.
Thle gymnasium will be open from
to lead th-e sophomer class against the toc nigh for toe wo
fresmenin te Srin gams tday8 to 9 o'clock tonight .for those, who
fi-eshmen in the Spring gaines today wish to see the decorations. It will
and tomorrow at a pep meeting of be possible for those not attending to
the class yesterday at the Union. Fol- I view the scenes only at that hour for
lowing the election an organization dancing will start at 10 o'clock.
was effected to assure the presence of iez Confrey and his orchestra, en-
a large number of the class at the sunen sh furns he music
annual struggle. sunken ship, will furnish the music.
Iania strule t a y Arrangements have ben made for two
In an announcemeint made by thH seiatacsoaperdin th
Student council, all "M" men and jun-,specialty acts to appear during the
ior honorary society men are asked to evemng.
meet at the Union at 1:30 o'clock to- !
day to receive instructions for of-
ficiating at the events.
Hold Tug-Off-War Today
The traditional event scheduled for#
this afternoon will the tug-of-war
across the Huron river, which will
consist, as in former years, of th-ree
tugs. The first two pulls will be be- j
tween picked teams of 50 men from Tentative Number Of Literary Seniors{
each of the classes, the men being Is 802; Engineers Are Next
numbered consecutively so that no op- With 203 On List

Interest Greater Than La tYear
Opinion Of Councilmeni; Few


:'U1t IV I lfst
With approximately 1,900 registra-
tions on the campus yesterday, the in-
terest in the forthcoming spring elec-
tions appears to be considerably
greater than a year ago, according to
statements made last night by mem-I
bers of -the Student council. The num-i
ber of women that have already reg-
istered is small, however.
Registration -will again be held at
the various booths on the campus to-
day, with-some booths closing at noon
and others at 1:30 o'clock. All stu-
f dents not already registered must do
so today in order to vote in Wednes-
day's elections.
Further nominations for the spring
elections ballot were made yesterday.

Work Of The '1World" )portunity will be given for changing
participants in the event. Each tug LITERARYSCHOOL LEADS
HOLDS LIBERAL VIEWS will last 10 minutes, the decision go- _
Preliminary estimates indicate that
Willard Learoyd Sperry, dean of the PROG FIIOR GAMS TODAY 1.709 seniors will be graduatedsfrom
Harvard Theological seminary, will theuniversity in Juie, it was an-
address the second of the Student G 2:00-Sophomores meet at Wat- ; nounced yesterday at University of-
council's convocations on Sunday, May ernan gymnasium. The greatest number of graduates
n9, it was announced yesterday. A Uion. will come from the literary college,.
telgera.n from Dr. Sperry stated that :3nion.dy where 825 are expected to receive de-
the subject of his talk would be 'Our : 0Mrc f h ecn -ei
Partsn te Wk ofs the onoyrld .' 1g class to the Huron river be- es, the Colleges of Engineering
Part n th Wor of te Wold.'I and Architecture rank second withI
Dr. Sperry is a liberal in the church Igins..203. It is likely that the number
and is widely known as a speakei le 2:440-The freshmen leave. ? graduating this year will be smaller
Is a graduate of Olivet college of 3:30-Tugh-of-war across the than last, when in May, the estimated
Michigan, receiving his A.B. degree in lnron river starts. number of June graduates reached
1903. He was a Rhodes scholar and ?__1785. However, degrees were grant-
left Oxford in 1907 to take his work ed to but 1,681.
for a master's degree at Yale, which ing o the team winning the advantagEI Over last year, the Law school with
he received in 1909. In 1908 he was over their opponents. oa 132 probable graduates, shows an in-
ordained as a Congregational minis- crease of 30; while the increase in the
ter and was the assistant pastor of between the two classes, and will School of Education is from 90, the
'number receivingeedegreesorlastyyear. wto
the First Congregational church, of close the events for today. The i number receiving degrees last year, to
Fall River, Mass. He became pastor narof two of the tire tugs will be 121 this year. In the engineering col-
in 1913 and in 1914 left for a larger a vid an tewardtemes. lege, there is a decrease, the number'
church, the Central Congregation of To avoid any re-arrangements a
Boston the part of either the sophomores orho last year being 22t as compared to
tBorehenshebnkofn.e ie 176 this year. In the architectural
He became a professor of theology the freshmen, the banks of the rivercollege, 27 will receive degrees.
In Harvard Theological seminary in The School of Business Administra.
1917. He has since become the dean will not be chosen until just beforeSchol of Busines fdnthmiist
of tat chol ad isals trste ofthe tug-of-war, according to the rul- tion will grant degrees for the first
of that school and is also trustee ofthtu--wracrdntoter- time this year, there being 10 mem-
Wheaton college, Illinois. ( ing of the Student council. At this ters in the graduating class. But 12
time the two captains will flip a coiinIhr ntegautn ls.Bt1
Julius Niehoff, S. of M., will rendertI nurses will receive degrees as com-
a solo and hymns will be sung by the to determine their positions. It is nrsest4 wil e ee degree as t c
udiceHoadY uky of the bthe elief of the council that this will pared to 44 who were graduated last
audieeliminateacontroversiesys ch the year. This is due to the fact that in
psychologyHdepartment, will give the eliminate controversies such as have er years, nurses who were ex-
'prayer. Visiting mothers are cor- arisen in previous years when accu-s
dially invited by the Studentcouncil sations were made of unfair play. pe shortly torcoplt thei
tlasses Meet Tomorrow Thi ired work, were considered mec-
. be present at the con'vocock which The sophomores will assemble at 9Ibers of the graduating class. This
o'clock tomorrow morning at Water- year only ose k
man gymnasium preparatory to the have actually completed their work.
W hyte Will Give final conflict of te classes. Fresh- 1 The Medical school will graduate
men will meet at the Union at the' 112, the Dent college, 72, it is ex-
Final Address Of I same time and march to South Ferry pected.
Series Here Today ;field at 9:30 o'clock, followed by their
-sH T d y opponents 10 minutes later. The I
games are scheduled to start at 10 iinu rii iii
A s the conclusion of a series of o'clock . tdRte
three lectures, Sir A. Fr ederick Members of the Varsity Reserve lfPE ir iru rn
Whyte will speak om "Nationalism band have beemn selected to play forflr nr IIIILJ

(By Associated 'ress)
1 LONDON, May 6.-Two noted
streets in southeast of London
were in a turmoil of excitement
I tonight owing to strike clashes.
Several persons were injured and
taken to the hospital. New Kent
road and Old Kent road were the
1 centers of the trouble, the originE
I of which is obscure. The two #
I roads run through a poor dis-
* trict and were packed with peo-
I ple during the excitement.
T GLASGOW, May 6.-The east
side of the city of Glasgow was
the scene of prolonged rioting
today in connection with the gen-
eral strike. Several persons E
I were severely injured and many
others were more or less se-
riously injured. Firty six per-
sons were arrested.
Peace Parley Between Franco, Panisif
Delegates And Riffimans Ends;
Will Renew Fighting
(By Associated Press)
OUJDA, French Morocco, May 6.-
The peace conference between the;
Rifflians and the Franco-Spanish dele-
gates broke down today.
The Riffian delegates, who returned
today from consulting Abd-El-Krim,
Riff chief, told the conference they
must maintain their previous attitude.
Thereupon General Simon, chief dele-
gate and chairman of the conference,
declared the negotiations at an end.
French military headquarters have
been established at Jaza and opera-
OUJDA, French Morocco, May
6.-The conference between dele-
gates of France and Spain and
Abd-El-Krim, the Riffian leader,
which was terminated unsuccess-
fully today, was the latest effort
to bring peace to Morocco, which
has been torn by more or less
constant fighting by tribesmen
for 'many years.


overunment Newspaper Advises That
Public I)Isregard Rumors
Of Alarmists
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, May 6-The British gov-
rnment and the Trades Union con-
:ress are still far apart. Neither has
shown signs of giving way in the gen-
ral strike, now entering upon its
ourth day, that has caused the great-
st industrial upheaval - the British
sles has ever experienced.
Premier Baldwin still insists that
he general strike orders must be
vithdrawn before he will enter into
ew negotiations. The labor leaders
eply with an emphatic "no" to such
condition, but declare themselves
eady to go into conference with the
;overnment with a free hand.
House Backs Baldwin
Baldwin has the backing of the
ouse on the measures undertaken
o control the strike situation. A lab-
r amendment seeking to modify a
lause in the government's bill for
he protection of property was de-
eated by a large majority.
Exemplary conduct on the part of
he strikers is again called for by the
nion leaders, and they are obeying
rders in a rather unexpected way,
'or only at two places imi Scotland
ave any serious disorders occurred.
There have been innumerable clashes,
;he hi-caking of windows, the ver-
urning of automobiles, minor attacks
n strike breakers, and similar Inci-
ents, but in an amazing manner the
wo or three million men involved di-
'ectly in the strike are keeping the
At Musselburgh, near Edinburgh,
iumercus passengers were injured in
n attack on a train. Five policemen
nd as many civilians were hurt suf-
iciently to make hospital treatment
necessary. At Glasgow, always a hot-
bed in time of strikes, the police were
-oughly handled, and soie of the riot-
rs were arrested.
"Is Industrial Dispute"
In a message addressed to all work-
ers, the Trades Union council says:
"The council wishes to emphasize
he fact that this is an industrial dis-
pute. It expects every member tak-
ng part to be exemplary in his con-
duct and not to give any opportunity
or police interference. The council
asks pickets especially to avoid ob-
structions and to confine themselves
strictly to their legitimate duties."
The king and queen are spending
most of their time in Buckingham
palace, keeping in close touch with the
situation. Today was "Accession
Day," but under the exceptional cir-
cumstances there was no public cele-
brations of the anniversary.
An abundance of voluntary labor
which is being slowly but surely or-
ganized by the government is greatly
relieving the worst aspects of the
stoppage. Food is plentiful and trans-
port is improving daily, not only in
London, but throughout the country.
London's underground railways and
tubes are reopening with fairly fre-
quent service. More trains are in
service on the main lines, and those
who are engaged at their evmploy-
ment are going back and forth with
less inconvenience than on the first
day of the-strike.
Trade Severely Injured
LONDON, May 6.-The British Ga-
zette, the government's newspaper,
contains in Friday's issue an official
government communique declaring
that trade and industry throughout
the entire country is suffering gre-
vious injuries through the general
"Equally throughout the country,
vital services, food, milk, light, and
power, are being successfully main-
tained by the government and every
obstacle is being progressively sur-
mounted, although, strenuous and

possibly prolonged efforts will be re-
quired from all loyal citizens.
"There is no doubt whatever of the
result," the communique continued,
"no serious disorders have occured;
abundant food transport is availabI
but picketing is interfering with dis-
tribution. The special police are be-
ing increased steadily and protection
of a growing and wider scale will be
afforded daily.
"The Navy has rendered prompt and

j. Registration will take place
j at the same locations on thef
j campus today between the fol-
lowing hours:
j Literary students from 9 until
j 1:30 o'clock.
j Engineering students from 9 j
until 1:30 o'clock.
j Law students from 9 until 12 j
Medical students from 9 until
j 12 o'clock.
j Dental students from 9 until
j 12 o'clock.
The Board in Control of Athletics
named two seniors and two junior
candidates. Two students, instead of
three, will be elected to that board
this year in accordance with the roe-
ommendation made to the athletic
board in the recent Day report, the
junior representative to serve for two
years. Those nominated were: Sen-
iors-George Stanley, '27E, and James
Boyer, '27; juniors -Henry Grinnell,
28, and Norman Gabel, '28. '
Nominations were made last night
for the president of the Student Chri.s-
tian association. The second highest
candidate will receive the vice-presi-
dency.. All nominating petitions must
be filed at Lane hall by tomorrow
noon. The presidential nominees are:
Meriam Herrick, '27, Albert Flindt,
'27E; and George Likert, '27.
The only nominations now to be
made for the completion of the ballot
are those for the presidency of the
Student council, which will be made
tomorrow, and those for student rep-
resentatives on the Board in Control
of Student Publications which will also
be made tomorrow.

tions will begin as soon as conditions
A communique issued by the Fran-
co-Spanish delegates says that the
Riffians would agree to return only
25 Spanish prisoners and 25 French
prisoners, including sick and ,wound-
ed women and children. In exchange
the Riffians requested the return of,

I -,

50 of their own men.
As a result, the communique says,
General Simon announced the confer-
ence had been broken off at 12:15


and British Rule in India," at 4:15
o'clock today in the Natural Science
auditorium, basing his study on his
recent experience as president of the
legislative assembly -of India. Sirz
Frederick, who is returning to Eng-
land after five years in that position, E
spoke Tuesday and Wednesday o the
political situation in England and the
political awakening of Asia, respec-
An announcement was received at
the President's office yesterday of a
series of four lectures to be given by
Sir Frederlk at the University of 1
Virginia next Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday. The subject ofI
the whole course is "The East Through
Western Eyes," while the individual
titles will b© "The Variety of Asia,"
"Political Change," "India in Tran-1
sition," and "East and West in the
Twentieth Century."
Sir Frederick will return to Ann
Arbor to give the Commencement ad-
dress, June 14.
Sen ate Increases
Judges' Salaries

the games in place of the hurriedly o'clock, the Riffian delegates being
organized class bands which have at- Js sE y assured that all measures would be
I tededtheevets n te pstac-Junior l'os"'lis Are Filled Early To
tended tie evemts in the past, ac- Obtailm Record taken for their safe return to the Riff. '
cording to Gordon Packer, '-28, drum1 -They were to leave today for Ne-
imajor of time Varsity baud. InIi order tha't a conmplete record of 'imours.
Following the meeting of the soph- h spri gativti____thiye r__y_.
omores yesterday assistants to the the sprig activities of this year may-
captain were chosen. Charles A. pe obtained for the 127 'Ensian, ap-
Johnson amid Marion H-odgson were jlpointnments to the junior positions om i IrJIO FTI~ULE
nanmed first lieutenants. Robley E. the staff have been made earlier thanE
George, Gordo uW. acker, Louis M'E usual, Louis Robertson, '27, manag- ; M USS ED 01
GergJohn H. Molenda, Ferry I ing editor for next year, stated yes-t 4 BUS
iolds, Janmes E. Oade, Carl E. This- terday when he announced the fol-
ted, NorJams Gabel, John H. Glover,Ilowing appointments: activities edi-
, rmaJoh . Grrett, tor, Calvin N. Souther, '27; athletic Dr. Peyton Rous of the Rockefeller
Howard E. Rose, John E. Starrett, and editor, Bryan Hunt, '28; fraternity . Institute for Medical Research dis-
Jerome W. Wood, will act as second editor William C. Campbell, '28and cussed "Reaction of the Tissues Uinder
lieutenants. or.iam C.iCammThemas J. d Normal and Pathological Conditions"
organization, editor, Thonmas J. Dou-
gall '28. last night in Natural Science audi-
Mae Keller '27Ed, has beenalp- torium; giving the last lecture of the
C SETOA Epointed wo en's editor with the fol- series sponsored by Alpha Omega Al-
ll lowing assistants: athletic editor, pha, national honorary medical fra-
Edwina B. Hogadone, '28; feature edi-'ternity.
HISTORICALtor, Harriet M. Martin, '28; organiza- While much of the biological chem-
tion editor, Alice E. Kellogg, '28; istry has been concerned with " the
sorority editor, Jean G. Greenshields, study of blood, Dr. Rous has occuped
Two representatives of the history '28himself with a study of living tissues
department will take part in the con- i a sh a and in his lecture he outlined the
vention of the Michigan Pioneer and I g1fic safs ceretimetramdea- various reactions of different tissues
Historical society today at o- tographic staffs are yet to be to the same dyes. He used slides to
land, Michigan, when Prof. Albert pointed. illustrate his results,
Hyma and Prof. L. A. Chase speak on'y Dr. Rous will remain in Ann Arbor
"Dutch Contributions to American Saginaw Students until Sunday as a guest of Prof. A.
Civilization," and "Aims and Methods S. Warthin of the pathological de-#
in Local Historical Work," respective- TO Be-Here M Onday partment of the Medical school. Dr.
I t.en'oc itom'ien1 +A o nnn __ITo -yeic," trhn+ff~ S




WASHINGTON, May 6.--Increased
salaries for all federal judges were


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